Read Demon's Kiss Online

Authors: V. J. Devereaux

Tags: #Erotica, #General Fiction

Demon's Kiss (13 page)

BOOK: Demon's Kiss
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As he and his people disappeared into the darkness a deep
boom echoed through the room behind him like the crack of doom. A door closing.

Heavy bolts shot home audibly, even above the cacophony of

Gabriel snapped her head around at the sound even as alarm
shot through her.

Why would you need a door that heavy? Templeton hadn’t used
it before when he had taken Asmodeus in and out.

He would have been prepared in case of escape, or rescue, or
something going wrong. He wouldn’t, couldn’t, risk letting a pissed-off demon
loose—letting Asmodeus loose—in an open room.

She looked around her in stunned horror.

It was a blast door.

Fear, brilliant and white hot, shot through her.

Nor was she the only one, Baker’s men shouted in dismay and
outrage. There was an edge of panic in their voices, a cry of betrayal.

There was no place to run, no escape.

Gabriel looked up at Asmodeus and the Daemonae and her heart
and her breath caught at the beauty of him, of them.

For them there was still a chance.

She shouted, “Get out, Asmodeus, Ashtoreth, all of you, get


All Asmodeus could see was Gabriel, standing below him at
the edge of the darkness, her blue eyes brilliant, the lights turning her hair
to shining silver as she looked up at him. Shadows moved in her eyes—sorrow and

There was fear in her voice.

A matching fear shot through Asmodeus as he caught an image
of the cause of her alarm through the bond between them.

He wasn’t leaving without her, he wasn’t losing her. Not
now. Not after he had finally found her.

There was a risk, but what choice had they?

In desperation he stooped, folded his wings and dove.

Time was running out, he sensed it.

There was a monstrous sound all around them even as
Asmodeus’ arms closed around her, around his Gabriel, swooped her up…and
triggered the shift.

That sound was huge, enveloping.

Suddenly they were elsewhere—on the sere, barren landscape
of the other plane as a burst of sound and dust erupted around them.

Asmodeus looked first at Gabriel in his arms, held close,
her eyes closed. Then she took a breath and his heart started beating again.
Her eyes opened, met his in wonder as he touched her cheek and she looked
around them in astonishment.

He did much the same, but instead counting heads before
meeting Ashtoreth’s eyes with relief.

They were safe. Alive. Free.

All of them.

Chapter Nine


Gabriel’s silver hair fell over her sparkling blue eyes
fetchingly. Against the stark gray stone of his chambers on the ethereal plane,
her skin and hair were so light she was like a flash of moonlight in a land
that had no moon, as she had been in that moment he had first seen her.

She darted around the other end of his bed, laughing at him
as he stalked her.

It was an effort for Asmodeus not to smile.

She was beautiful, her eyes sparkling. Her firm, lush
breasts beneath the thin, diaphanous gown shifted tantalizingly as she moved.
Even from here he could smell his true mate’s scent, her arousal ripe in the
air. He was still angry at her in a way, but it was fading in the face of his
need for her.

He had come far too close to losing her. She had very nearly
died for him and his brothers, nearly given her life for them, and saved
them—for the moment—from the Damocles’ sword of the
Book of Demons

That brief moment, watching bullets fly around her as
Ashtoreth and Ba’al shifted him to the other plane, had nearly destroyed him.
He thought he had lost her. His grief had almost torn him apart. It had taken
Ashtoreth and several of their brothers to keep him from trying to go back
after her, as impossible as that would have been with the iron still on him.

If it had not been for the iron and his weakness from
centuries without true sustenance, Templeton would not have taken him.

Those few minutes while they cut it off him had been the
longest in his long life. The thought of losing her when he had just found her
seemed too cruel, nearly too much to bear, the act of an unkind god or gods.

So, she had to be “punished” for not warning him sooner, for
frightening him so badly.

And he was going to enjoy every moment of it.


Gabriel’s breath caught as Asmodeus stalked across the room,
his beautifully sculpted face intent, wings spread to prevent her getting past
him, and rampant, his cock rigid, twitching in anticipation. He was absolutely
beautiful, simply gorgeous. She licked her lips and then bit her lower one.
Just the sight of him had her body tightening in anticipation. Her breasts
seemed to swell. They ached and her nipples hardened in anticipation of his
mouth on them. Her pussy wanted his cock inside her in the worst way.

Her distraction was her undoing.

In a swift lunge across the bed, Asmodeus caught her by the
arm and then shifted direction to roll back on his shoulders, wings tucked, to
tug her across the bed and then into his lap so her belly was across his knees.

“Asmodeus,” she said reasonably, wriggling, and fought
laughter as his strong hands held her firmly in place. “You can’t spank me for
doing my job, for getting you out of there.”

“Can,” he said, amused, “and will. You could have told me
what you planned, warned me a little sooner.”

With a gasp, she felt his tail flutter at her pussy.

“Asmodeus,” she breathed, her belly tightening as heat
pooled in her core, anticipation making her wet. “If you’ll remember, I was a
little distracted.”

“Next time,” he said, with a sharp crack of his palm across
her smooth, white ass, “you will find a way to tell me.”

She gasped as the sharp pain of it burst through her and yet
it was also somehow erotic to be spanked like this.

His tail fluttered at the entrance to her pussy even as it

“Asmodeus,” she protested, torn between desire, pain and

His hand came down crisply, across the other cheek. “Promise

“Asmodeus,” she said, as his tail wriggled its way inside

She moaned lightly with the pleasure of it.

His hand caressed her burning ass, slid to touch her
dampness where his tail thrust.


The scent of her arousal was maddening. Asmodeus’ cock was
hard as a rock, aching for her tightness. He wanted to fuck her all night,
again and again, until she couldn’t talk, until she couldn’t walk, until she
couldn’t stand.

Until she couldn’t leave him. As she must.

“Tell me,” he demanded, deliberately pressing his dampened
finger against the tight rosette of her ass.

She groaned, softly, but pressed her lips together

With another crack, he brought his hand down on her again,
hard, as his tail fluttered inside her. His rigid cock twitched against her
mound with each smack.

Asmodeus slid a finger inside the closed rosebud of her ass,
worked it gently but firmly past the taut muscles there. There were so many
things he wanted to do to her, so many ways he wanted to take her.

Sprawled across his lap, Gabriel quivered lightly at the
invasion and a small moan escaped her.

“I promise,” she said, her voice husky with arousal.

He wanted her desperately.

Then he did the math in his head and went still.

He had to tell her, it was only right, but he needed her and
his hunger for her burned, ravaged through him.

It did not matter to him—he was bound to her already, heart
and soul. He was hers.

She had saved him in more than one way, and his brothers as
well. Not only had she rid of them
Book of Demons
, she had given them
hope. That debt could never be repaid or erased.

For Gabriel though…

He knew her mind, knew her heart and soul as well as his own
and still a part of him feared. She could still choose another if she so
desired. She was free. If the bond wasn’t forged finally and completely between
them, she would be free to love another. One of her own kind. However much it
pained him to think it.

He drew her up on her knees to straddle him on the side of
the bed. His cock brushed lightly against her wet pussy. Pulling her hips tight
against him, he shifted his a little to torment them both and looked at her.


The look in Asmodeus’ eyes caught at Gabriel’s heart. He was
suddenly so serious. Within them the golden sparks roiled. Her throat
tightened, sensing…something.

He brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, gently
tucked it behind her ear.


“My angel,” he said, “if I feed from you today it will seal
the bond between us. Forever. Make you my consort in truth.”

That ruby gaze locked on her. Her breath caught, she looked
at him in something like anticipation.

“Able to bear my children. We are very fertile, we

Gabriel went very still.

Hesitantly, watching her intently, he went on. “Our genes,
as your people say, hold true. A daughter born of our union will be as you but
she will have magic, yours and mine. If you do this, you will bring magic back
into your world such as has not been seen in centuries.”

Gabriel looked at him.

Framing his beautiful face in her hands, she kissed him,
cutting off his next words even as she threaded her fingers through his silky
dark hair to trace the curve of a pointed ear as she wiggled in his lap. The
motion brushed her pussy across the broad head of his cock.

He shuddered, sending a thrill through her.

But still.

She considered it, considered everything she had seen over
the years, everything she had seen since she met him and smiled.

“I think my world could use a little more magic, Asmodeus, a
little more wonder. I think I’ll chance it.”

Asmodeus took a breath.

“Our sons,” he said, “will be like me.”

Looking into his beautifully sculpted face, into his
glowing, long-lashed ruby eyes, Gabriel shifted her weight a little and sighed
as the head of his shaft pierced her, ran between her folds.

He groaned. Color moved beneath his skin like the shadows of

“Will they be as beautiful as you?” she asked.


Asmodeus smiled. Relief washed through him at the look in her

“Do you find me beautiful, my angel?”

“From the first moment I saw you,” she said, her eyes warm
as she cupped his face, “I love you, Asmodeus.”

In wonder, he looked at her, touched her face lightly. “And
I you, my Gabriel.”

She smiled radiantly.

Asmodeus wanted her, all of her, nearly desperately. His
cock twitched, yearning for her, and he felt her pussy lips flex around him.

Her smile broadened. Giving him a challenging look, she
lifted her chin and deliberately cupped her hands beneath her beautiful breasts
and offered them to him.

With a laugh, she said, “Feast on me, Asmodeus. Take me,
Demon of Lust. I’m yours.”

With a smile, laughing in return, he did.

Wrapping his hand in the thick waves of her gorgeous silver
hair, he yanked her head back and held it immobile so he could devour her sweet
mouth, crush it beneath his as her body yearned toward him. With his free hand
he ravaged her full breasts, squeezed them, pinched and tugged on the nipples
as he held her helpless, as she writhed and squirmed against him. He loved the
taste of her, loved how her mouth longed for his, opened to him.

Hot and hard, he attacked her throat next, sucked and nipped
at the long slender column of it, before he buried his mouth in the curve of
her throat and shoulder.

The urge to feed was there but he had time now, there was

“I love you as well,” he repeated fiercely, his mouth avid
on her, hungry to devour every inch of her sweet body. He would mark all of it
with his mouth and teeth, claim her as his for once and all. “And I am yours.”

Soon she would be his, utterly his. But not too soon, he
would pleasure her and drive her mad with that pleasure first.

He turned, spilled her across his bed so he could easily
devour one ripe breast. Scraping his teeth over her nipple, he tugged on it
until she moaned and then he suckled on it, hard. Her essence exploded into his
mouth. He fed on her with glorious abandon, devouring first one breast then the
other as her pleasure, shared through their bond, rushed through him.

Burying his mouth against her firm stomach, he bit, nibbled
and licked his way over her belly. Her body quivered as soft cries escaped her,
her hands clutched in his hair until his mouth closed over her clit to suckle
hard, driving her up, hard and fast, to hold her there, trembling at the peak.

As Asmodeus watched, her hands fell away limply and his
Gabriel surrendered to him. Completely. Her body bucked, trembled, her hips
pumped, need poured from her with every touch of his tongue, each flutter of
his tail. More than anything, he loved watching this, watching the pleasure she
took from him, the pleasure he gave her.

His hunger for her raged but her ecstasy was marvelous to

“Asmodeus,” she whispered, in entreaty. “Please, Asmodeus.”

Lifting his mouth from her, he looked down at her,
enraptured by his touch, her mouth swollen from his hard kisses but curved in a
little smile, her lovely blue eyes blind with passion.

“Tell me what you want,” he demanded, as his tail drove up
inside her.

She moaned, arched.

“You, my lord Daemon,” she whispered. “Just you, Asmodeus.”

Asmodeus’ eyes closed briefly as he struggled for control.
“Never your lord, my lady, but ever your obedient servant.”

“And I yours, Asmodeus,” Gabriel said. “Fill me, Asmodeus.”

In one motion, he pulled his tail out of her pussy and drove
it hard and deep up her ass. Her hands clenched at the coverlet at the sudden
invasion, as his tail fucked her hard, driving another cry out of her.

BOOK: Demon's Kiss
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