Read Desert of the Damned Online

Authors: Kathy Kulig

Desert of the Damned (23 page)

BOOK: Desert of the Damned
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Stroking the skin, he appeared to be in deep thought.

What was it about that fur that had gotten Bill and Jake in such an argument? She came over and stood beside him, touching the fur too. The coarse hairs were warm to the touch, probably from absorbing the afternoon sun.

“Did you or Bill shoot this animal?” she asked while she stroked the fur, occasionally grazing Jake’s hand.

He shook his head, then opened his mouth to speak, closed it again. Finally, he said,

“It’s been in the family a long time.”

She had to tell him. “I think Bill is right about the coyote taking life energy from animals and people. I’d like to talk to him about it when he’s well.” Amy held her breath, waiting for Jake to dispute her theory.

“When he’s up to it, you can ask him.”

“I also think Dante’s connected. I feel drained after I’ve…seen him.” She didn’t want to mention their sexual encounters.

He nodded and fisted his hands in the mountain lion fur, hardly giving her a glance. Did he agree? Disagree? Think she was insane?

She groaned. Typical guy, being evasive. “Why won’t you tell me what you think?

Just be straight with me.”

Jake glanced up at her, then down at the mountain lion skin. “I’m not sure what’s real and what’s myth yet. I need more proof.”

She glided both hands over the fur and his hands touched hers as he stroked the animal skin.

Again, she felt he wasn’t telling her everything. How could she get him to trust her?

She spread her fingers and pressed her hands deep into the thick fur. The hairs tickled 124

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her skin. Jake kneaded the pelt, then intertwined his fingers with hers, pulling her hand toward him. She held her breath as a shiver ran through her body. Despite their baffling conversation, desire coiled inside her belly each time he touched her. She ached to touch his chest, his back, his thighs, everything. Explore, stroke, taste… Her hands gripped his tightly. There was no solution and she didn’t want to think about Dante or the coyote anymore.

“You’re withholding something,” she said, smiling.

He shrugged. “I’m open to all possibilities.”

Were they talking about the coyote or each other? Did he want her, or was she pushing?

But she couldn’t forget the coyote walking through walls. Tears of frustration burned her eyes. “He seems to have some kind of control over me. I wondered if he can hypnotize people.”

“Stay away from him and you’ll be fine.” His soft laughter was probably meant to lighten the mood but it only made Amy tenser.

“How can I do that when he’s my boss?”

“Boss?” Jake looked shocked, then nodded in understanding. “Provided Dante and the coyote are one in the same.”

She turned away, pacing in front of the fireplace, glancing up at the sand painting.

A little magic could help her out right now.

“Coyote’s a shapeshifter. What if they are the same?”

He pressed his lips together but didn’t speak.

“Right,” she said with a sarcastic tone. “I’m crazy or imagining it all. Except I’m afraid to go to sleep. I think I can resist him while I’m awake but I don’t know if I have the power to fight him when I’m asleep.” Glancing toward the windows, her stomach lurched.

God, it’s dark.
No, she would not start getting scared of the dark, nor become afraid to go home to her own house. Dreams were just that, dreams. She’d just keep the fireplace poker by her bed.

“Maybe I should go.” As she passed Jake, he hooked an arm around her waist.

“Don’t go.” He dropped his arm when she stopped walking and looked up at him, a multitude of emotions battling inside her.

He didn’t move and continued to hold her gaze. “Stay here,” he whispered.

Again the man of few words had her stumped. “Stay here” for five more minutes, overnight or for eternity? Need to be more specific. “I don’t understand.”

A glint of mischief sparkled in his eyes and his mouth twitched with the slightest smile. Moving closer, Jake kneaded her shoulders, then pulled her against him. “Don’t go home tonight. Stay here with me.”

“You think it’s too—”


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“Don’t think,” he said and then he kissed her and she forgot what she was going to say.

She melted against him, feeling his arms tighten around her as the kiss deepened and he probed her mouth with his tongue. The chemistry between them was strong since they first met but now the attraction was much deeper.

Her body responded to his touch. Chills slid over her skin and made her nipples hard, her pussy moist.

He tasted faintly of the limes and beer they had. As his kisses slid to her jawline and down her neck, Amy shivered and arched her back and felt his aroused cock pressing on her mound.

“Oh God, Jake.” Oh God, she wasn’t going home.

He sucked in a breath. “Ah, Amy, you feel good.” His fingers roamed around her waist then moved up to her breasts, slowly as if giving her a chance to protest. When she didn’t, he cupped her breasts, teased her nipples through the layers of her tank and bra, circling the rigid points protruding beneath the fabric.

“I like that.” Her fingers traveled along the waist of his jeans, attempting to reach lower to determine his state of arousal. At the same time she was just as curious to slide her hands under his shirt and smooth her hands over his firm, muscled chest.

Hooking his fingers around the straps of her tank, he soon appeared frustrated with material from her tank and bra. He yanked up her shirt and pulled it over her head, then unhooked her bra and slid that off, tossing it on the floor. “What do you like?” he asked against her neck.

“You touching my breasts. It feels good.”

“Good to know. What else do you like?”

She met his gaze and saw the heated passion there. Hesitating, she was unsure how to answer, unsure on how bold she should be. Unable to resist the urge to feel his bare skin, she yanked his shirt out of his jeans and slid her hands underneath.

He sucked in a breath. “That feels nice but you’re avoiding my question. What do you like?”

She moistened her lips with her tongue, then swallowed. “Okay. A kiss.”

“You’ve had a few of those already. What else?”

She stiffened. Why all the questions? Not another guy who plays sex games. Her attention focused on the stone fireplace. Maybe it was a mistake coming here. If Dante was a supernatural creature she’d have to fight him herself.

Jake’s hand gently lifted her chin. “You okay?”

“I don’t like playing games.”

He blew out a deep breath and pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to seem that way.” He stroked her hair. “I just want to know what turns you on.” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking embarrassed.


Desert of the Damned

Amy closed the distance between them. She fisted her hands at the hem of his shirt and smiled, locking eyes with him. “I’m being way oversensitive. First of all, I want this off.” He obliged and the shirt dropped to the floor.

“What else?” He gave her a wicked grin.

She drew him closer by the waistband. Without taking her eyes off his, she undid the button and zipper, slipped her hand inside and grasped his steel-hard shaft.

“Oh God, Amy,” he said deep in his throat as his eyelids lowered.

“Yes, you’re so hard,” she whispered against his lips. “Now take off your jeans.”

He groaned. “Okay.” When his jeans and underwear were down to his knees, he realized he still had his cowboy boots on.

“Need to take those off first, cowboy,” she teased.

He chuckled. “I got that.” He kicked off the boots and shoved the jeans to the side.

Taking her in his arms again, he kissed her. While his hands reached under her skirt and squeezed her buttocks, his tongue pushed past her lips, darting and teasing inside her mouth. That delicious melty feeling went through her. Her body trembled, dew gathered between her thighs and her nipples tightened. “Oh, damn.”

His mouth trailed down to her breasts and sucked hard on a sensitive peak. The sensation made her womb clench.

“Forget anything?” He moved to the next nipple.

She gasped. Dismayed, she asked, “Forget what?”

“Anything else you like.”

“Hmmm. Sit down,” she ordered.

Her skirt dropped to the floor. She hadn’t felt him unzip it. The narrowing glance he gave to her panties was a silent message that said “lose those”. Taking them off, she was rewarded by another lustful look.

“Very hot.”

Grasping his arms, she pushed him toward the couch. “Sit.”

“Would you rather go to the bedroom?”

She shook her head. “Don’t want to walk that far. You have protection?”

He nodded. “Yes.” When he sat down, she lowered herself between his legs. First stroking him with her hand, she ran her tongue around the ridge of his cock, then up and down the shaft.

Digging her fingers into his thigh, she opened her mouth wide and took him in until he hit the back of her throat.

Jake shuddered and groaned, his fingers threading through her hair. “Jesus.”

Pleasuring a man like this gave her so much joy. She loved to listen to his ragged breathing, feel his body writhe and tremble as she brought him to the edge of orgasm.

After stroking his cock with her mouth and hand, she took his balls gently in her mouth which made him raise his hips and groan louder. “Yes, Amy.” Hooking his 127

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hands under her shoulders, he pulled her up. “Now this is what I want. You sit.” He switched places but kissed her long and hard first, then moved to her breasts, trailed his tongue over her abdomen, sending shivers along her skin. His mouth reached her pussy and she lifted her hips.

Her fingers combed through his hair as his tongue circled her swollen bud and instantly set her body on fire. She sucked in a breath, let go of his hair and dug her fingers into the cushions of the couch.

“I only have one request,” she said.

“And that is…”

“I don’t want to come like this. I want you inside me first.” Dante always disappeared right after she reached orgasm. Maybe she was paranoid but she wasn’t going to worry about that now.

“Okay.” He slipped a finger inside her and held her clit between his lips as he licked her.

“Oh God, Jake. I’m not going to last long.”

“Just warn me,” he said as the flat of his tongue laved over the most sensitive area and her body was jolted with tiny electric shocks. Bliss, pure gratifying bliss. The pulse deep in her core throbbed and she had to stop. The temptation to let him take her up and over the precipice was maddening. She rocked her hips.

“Jake, come inside now.”

He pulled away from her and her pussy continued to throb. After digging into his jeans and sheathing his cock, he settled her lengthwise on the sofa and eased between her legs.

Excitement flared as he nudged the opening of her channel, then thrust deep to the hilt. Arching her back, she cried out in sheer ecstasy.

“Jesus, you’re dripping wet,” he said between breaths. He pumped harder.

She tried raising her legs to wrap them around his hips but the narrow couch made that movement a struggle. Instead she had to squirm around to obtain the position.

Jake tried balancing his arms on either side of her but again the narrow couch was tricky and he kept slipping off. The length of the couch didn’t accommodate his long legs very well either.

His voice chuckled a bit and he quipped, “Want to try something?”

“Sure.” Oh, she did like the way he said that. Her stomach gave a little twirl.

Slipping out of her, he took her hand and at first she thought he was going to lead her to the bedroom. Instead he positioned her against the curved, cushioned arm of the couch.

He entered her cunt from behind and plunged deep, so deep her knees wobbled and she groaned. “Oh God, oh God.”


Desert of the Damned

Pumping her deep, fast and hard drew out more moisture. She spread her legs for balance and he slid his hand around her hip and found her clit.

Jake rubbed her plump bud with his fingertips, pressing, circling, bringing her to the edge again.

“Come for me now, or let me lick you later,” he whispered as he continued to pump and rub her which finally thrust her over the edge.

Suddenly, she gripped his hand and pressed it against her pussy as she exploded in release.

His other hand gripped her hip as he pounded his cock into her. A groan escaped his lips as shudders racked his body. Her channel continued to clench and grip him tightly, squeezing every drop from him.

He slumped against her back and she felt his heart pounding, his breath gasping.

The scent of sex only made the rapture that much more enticing.

He turned her around and took her into his arms, holding her close and kissing her.

“I think spending the rest of the night in my bedroom would be more comfortable.”

He stroked her hair.

“I think I’ll have very good dreams tonight,” Amy said. She hoped her dreams would be of Jake and not the bizarre ones with Dante.

* * * * *

The glow of the setting sun over the desert slowly became the glow of the digital clock on the nightstand as Amy was drawn out of her dream. What had she been dreaming about? Walking in the desert at sunset? Was anyone with her? She couldn’t focus. Two forty-five.

She sighed with pleasure, knowing she had more time to sleep. But it didn’t look like her alarm clock. Then something stirred beside her and it took her a second to realize—Jake. She was in Jake’s bed. Not accustomed to sleeping with anyone, she wasn’t used to waking up next to a man. In his bed.

She liked it. It had been so long since she slept with a man. Certainly never an overnight thing with Dante. He couldn’t even commit to making love, never mind waking up next to her.

Ending their bizarre arrangement was a smart thing to do. Dante was a strange man. Thank God, she was with someone normal.

She couldn’t stay until morning because Sienna needed to be fed. Amy was about to roll toward Jake and snuggle into him for a few moments before waking him, when she thought she heard the soft pattering of footsteps, like a dog’s footpads. But Jake didn’t have a dog.

BOOK: Desert of the Damned
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