Read Destined for the Alpha Online

Authors: Winifred Lacroix

Destined for the Alpha (6 page)

BOOK: Destined for the Alpha
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"I-I-I um," Catherine began to back out of the room, would he hurt her like Ivan? Or like John?

"It's okay, I won't hurt you, don't be scared."

"How did you…how did you know I was thinking that?"

"I can smell your fear little girl." He smelled the air dramatically and winked at her "I can also smell that you are from Peter Votkinsk's clan. You're quite a way from his quarters."

He had glittering green eyes that studied her form carefully and she held her robe around her tighter "I'm lost, but I can't go back there. I don't think they like me very much." the blonde lowered her eyes to the ground, noticing the carpet that had intricate burgundy patterns woven into a navy blue, it looked plush compared to the stone hallways, she stepped on it, it was plush, and it also looked insanely expensive.

"Come sit." He sat down on a beaten velvet couch that looked threadbare in some places. She looked hesitant and he held up a hand to her, perfectly manicured claws on the end of each pale finger "I won't hurt you."

"How can I be sure?" Catherine eyed him shrewdly; everyone in this compound seemed to be dangerous.

"I am not a man to hurt little pups like you…I promise."

She shuffled across the soft carpet and sat down on the couch next to him "I am Philippe D’état, the alpha of the clan that lives in these quarters, temporarily." She could sense some disgust in his voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to come here." Catherine replied getting up, but he grabbed her wrist gently and held her in place

"Don't go quite yet, I can tell you're going to run off somewhere else, and some of the people who live in this building aren't quite so friendly." He warned and turned her wrist over, his claws were close to the blue vein that ran up into her hand. "You're the girl that came here last week?"

"I've been asleep for a long time."

"The Helian pup?"

"I…I am not sure what that means," Catherine looked out the windows; it was a picturesque view of the forest from high up on the mountain. The compound seemed to have been built inside the mountain and the windows were holes on the slope.

"It depends, some Helian wolves can heal faster than others, or heal others, or even take the pain of other wolves in times of distress. It has been said that some can cheat death and control nature."

"I don't think that's me. I don't know what's me."

"It must be before your first changing still," Philippe said knowingly his fingers rubbing gently on the inside of her wrist "You have the fever still too. Does your alpha know that you've left?"

"Yes, I don't think any of them want me anymore. They all were so angry at me, I don't know what I did."

"Peter is not known for keeping him or his clan in line, it does not surprise me that he was in trouble yet again." Philippe opened the book he had been reading again on his lap, letting go of her arm finally "Stay here for awhile, and gather yourself, if your alpha is any good, he'll be on his way. I have my doubts though, Helian, that he is any good."

"Peter is a good man." Catherine said quietly, watching a bird land just outside the window "He's kind."

Philippe chuckled next to her, turning a page "That's the last adjective that I'd think to be applied to Peter Votkinsk"

Catherine didn't respond, she tucked some curly blonde hairs behind her ear and leaned over on the armrest, laying her head on her folded arms. The fire quietly crackled as silence overtook the room, her breathing gradually falling into sync with Philippe’s, the only noise was the casual punctuation of page turns and Catherine found herself becoming sleepy, she eventually closed her eyes and felt content listening to Philippe breathe. She felt a blanket being pulled atop of her after a while and opened her eyes to see him settling back into his book. "You certainly must be a Helian, petit chiot,"

Catherine yawned and settled down deeper into the couch "Why?"

"Just the effect you have on people." He yawned in response to her and turned another page.

It was another ten minutes before she heard footsteps down the long corridor, her heart rate increased, knowing who it was and she felt Philippe rub her leg through the blankets "Shhh shhh, ma petit chiot, all will be well"

She squeezed her eyes shut hoping that somehow that would make her invisible but she felt Peter's presence in the room. "And what brings a mutt like you to a place like this?"

"Catherine." Peter stated, his voice strained, it seemed that Philippe and Peter were not on good terms.

"Ah, the Helian pup, it seems you've driven her right out of your quarters and straight into mine."

Catherine stood up and looked over at the dark man "That's not exactly true. I got lost here."

"And you stayed here." He shot back and smiled at her, his teeth were glaringly white and pointy. He seemed very high maintenance.

"I did, I was afraid of…"

"Of this mutt and his gang of flea ridden compatriots"

"No," Catherine stood up off the couch, but did not have anything to follow that up, she looked over at Peter who looked furious, but he noticed that the small girl had her eyes trained on him and his expression softened.

"Catherine, please come back with me. Ivan…has been dealt with accordingly. It got out of hand, but you must understand, they would have killed me for what I did to get you here safely. It was for you, please understand."

"She is more than welcome to stay here with an alpha who can keep his clan in line," Philippe muttered into his book and she heard Peter growl.

"Please Catherine?" He offered his hand out gently to her, his hand dirty even though he was impeccably dressed in a black velvet suit. He had a five o'clock shadow that was slowly growing past that and dark circles had formed underneath his eyes.

She realized as she held her hands close to her body in fear that Peter would drag her away from Philippe and this little solace she had stumbled upon, that she knew no one else than Peter, the shaggy and gentle werewolf that kept her safe while they were in the woods and held her like she was made of glass.

She extended a hand shakily, looking up at him with unsure eyes; he breathed a sigh of release as he pulled her into a tight hug before grabbing her hand to drag the little blonde out of the room.

"And ma petit chiot you have a good friend down here, if you would like to lounge around with a pure bred dog sometime" he waved them off and Catherine smiled. She had a friend in Philippe, the well-kept werewolf who knew a bit of French.

Peter growled and walked faster down the hallway "Stupid dog." Catherine felt wave after wave of fear on her. Would she have to see Ivan again? Would Gwen still hate her? Did anyone like her?

As she was led into a large bedroom, all her questions stopped and her mind blanked, seeing Ivan sitting near a fire, he looked hurt and immediately she wanted to console him.

"This is your punishment," Peter replied behind her.

"What is it?" Ivan didn't look their way as Catherine tried to back out of the door but she heard it swing shut.

His eyes slid over, obviously irritated and saw her standing as far away from him as possible and trying to move to the corner to hide. A large four poster bed that looked like it could easily hold four people was in the center of the room, furs and pelts from various dead animals were all around the room, the decor was straight out of a hunting lodge and she wondered who's room it was. "Why did you bring her here?" the tone of his voice changed from mad to anxious and suddenly she felt his emotions, anxious, upset, scared, and Catherine wanted to go to him "She shouldn't be here, not after what I did, dammit Peter."

And Catherine felt her body moving towards Ivan before her mind caught up with it, the man she had feared, the one, which stabbed her on a whim. She walked over to where he was sitting in deep thought and in conflict with himself, a beat up leather wingback chair, crawled onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. The emotions she had been feeling from her beta continued to barrage her, and she didn't question how she could feel those, but let them run their course. Ivan froze at the gesture, unsure of how to react to such a display. "I'm so sorry Catherine, I was so scared, without Peter I-" He stopped speaking, in order to gather himself but Catherine did the only thing she could think of to do, and that was listen, and comfort him, and eventually, his arms came around her thin body and hugged her tightly against him. "Catherine."

She heard the bed creak and looked over to see Peter and suddenly she was lifted up into the air and laid out on the bed, her robe loosening and exposing the blanket dress she had made this morning. Peter lay back next to her and Ivan lay down on the other side of her. Catherine felt her face flush being sandwiched between such gorgeous men and instead of looking at either of them trained her eyes on the stone ceiling. Ivan took one clawed finger and turned her face towards him. "We don't deserve such a prize, please forgive me"

An arm came around her waist and pulled her back against a hard body, Peter kissed her on the head, and she could feel his velvet suit against her bare shoulders. "As a true alpha female, she's already forgiven you."

Catherine nodded and felt certain peacefulness in Peter's arms, she placed her small hand on Ivan's face and he closed his eyes at the contact, settling in closer to her. "I understand Ivan, somehow I understand."

His eyes searched hers for acceptance for forgiveness, his hair falling slightly over his face and she smiled at him. "Never again, Cat. I will die before I hurt you again." He reassured her.

Peter inhaled deeply, nestling into her side closer, their bodies melding together, and Ivan nestled in close to the couple, his nose against Catherine's forehead.

"Still feverish?" Ivan asked quietly

She nodded and felt a gentle kiss "We must take good care of you then. No more dramatics."

Peter hummed in agreement and slid his hand up to un-tuck the end of the blanket that held her makeshift dress together and she watched it fall open "Peter?" She asked and felt him open up the blanket, leaving her exposed between the two of them.

"It's time to truly make you the alpha female," the dirty blonde said his smile was charming and he kissed her forehead, and then her nose, and languidly, almost shyly, her lips. It was chaste, and when his mouth left hers she exhaled in surprise. Her whole body was warm and she stared up at Peter, his black eyes weren't black after all, but had flecks of gold and brown close to his iris. How did she not notice before? He leaned down and kissed her again, this time his tongue traced the outline of her lips, causing her to gasp and letting his tongue enter her mouth and entwine with hers. Catherine, slid her hands up around his neck and pulled him closer to her, her body hot from the fire or from him she was not sure. His lips left hers with a noise that was halfway between a gasp and a moan, his hair falling down around his face and shrouding them both with it. She felt his mouth begin to trail hot kisses down her neck, his hands sliding down the curves of her body, his thumbs brushing the sides of the breasts causing her to moan quietly. He reached the apex of her neck and shoulder and nipped gently at her. Catherine squeaked but felt him move to straddle her. "Peter, I'm so hot," she gasped out as he moved closer to the bite marks on her shoulder. The werewolf on top of her hummed in agreement and nipped on her bite-mark causing heat to grow in her core and a low moan to spill from her lips.

He dragged his teeth over the wound again, drawing blood and making Catherine arch her body up into his, feeling the hot liquid slowly trickle down her back. His hands had settled into her hips and she felt him dig his claws into her skin. The pain only seemed to create more pleasure because Catherine turned her head away, embarrassed of her reaction to simple bite marks. She felt her alpha's tongue lick up blood that was welling up from the reopened wounds and gasped, pleasure shooting through her body.

His mouth left her shoulder and trailed downwards, small, chaste kisses until he reached her full breasts, her rosy nipples taut in the cold autumn air that was in the dungeon. She turned her head to see Ivan staring at her, his eyes darkened with desire. She opened her mouth to say something but was rewarded with a forceful kiss, his teeth scratching her lip and giving the kiss a metallic taste. She moaned into Ivan's mouth and felt his hand immediately come up to cradle her face, pulling her closer to him while Peter gently sucked on each nipple. His mouth switching between gentle, languid licks and playful bites, she felt as if she was in sensory overload. Ivan pulled away with a gasp, his lips stained red with blood from hers and she touched a small finger to the new injury, a red smear coming off on her index finger that was eagerly lapped up by Peter.

"Ivan is always too rough with you," he chided, moving his right hand from her hip to between her legs, spreading them gently and running one long clawed finger up her slit. She moaned and closed her eyes. What was this new sensation? "Sometimes it pays to be gentle" Peter's low chuckle vibrated through her body as he moved his thumb up through her wetness to settle on her swollen nub, rubbing it gently and causing a jolt of pleasure. Catherine squeaked, not sure what this new feeling was.

"Trust me," Peter whispered huskily before kissing her once more, licking her blood off of his lips

He began rubbing faster and she felt a tension build up inside of her, she squirmed against the feeling but eventually a strong hand at her waist stilled her and she felt the rubbing stop.

Catherine opened her eyes to see Peter had stepped off the bed to divest himself of the stuffy velvet robes but Ivan seemed to be impatient and rolled her over so that she was on her hands and knees, kissing her gently and stroking her hair. "The first time is a ritual," the beta explained and he groaned when she eagerly kissed him again "and you're making it difficult little pup."

Catherine smiled at the effect she had on such a large and handsome man like Ivan, his silvery blonde hair caught the fire just right angle, she wanted to drown in Ivan's kisses, they were demanding yet patient, passionate and violent.

BOOK: Destined for the Alpha
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