Read Destined Magic Online

Authors: Caryn Moya Block

Destined Magic (9 page)

BOOK: Destined Magic
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The door was thrown open
, and Garrett couldn’t help but smile at his two youngest sisters. “You’re finally here,” Chelsea said, holding open the door.

“Hurry and come in, Gabriella. I need to know what flowers you like,” Eileen said, standing behind her.

“Garrett, we are so happy for you. Papa said, you’re the first person in a generation to find your Destined One in the Earth-House.” Chelsea waved them inside before she shut the door behind them. “Well, except for Meadow. But I don’t think Papa counts that one because Brencis is a lycan.”

Hugs were exchanged, and then Eileen
took Gabriella’s hand and led her down the hall. Chelsea hung off Garrett’s arm, smiling up at him.

“I heard about your visit to see Gabriella.” Garrett tweaked her nose.

“Are you mad? We wanted to welcome her to the family.”

“No, I’m not mad.”
Even if it did give Gabriella a chance to escape
. “I’m glad she knew our family wanted her. Thank you for welcoming her. What have you been up to?”

“Planning the ceremony
, of course. The cook is in the kitchen, baking like crazy for the reception afterward. Meadow is helping her. Brencis is here in his wolf form being a nuisance.”

“Why is he staying in his wolf form?”

“Papa is running an experiment. While Brencis is in his wolf form, he is immune to magic like the other lycans. It’s only in his human form that he has an allergic reaction. So when Meadow wanted to come over and help, he came as a wolf. Scared poor Roberts, the butler, almost to death. The cook refused to let him in the kitchen. So he is lying across the door and keeping an eye on Meadow.” Chelsea giggled, and they started down the hall.

“Where is Father?”

“Oh, he’s in his office with Mabel. She arrived a little while ago. They are working on the wording of the ceremony. They want everything to be perfect for you and Gabriella.”

“What can I do to help?” Garrett felt guilty
about not doing something to help out.

“Well, Damek and Josiah are outside setting up tables and chairs for the reception.
I think Seth is out there too.” Chelsea sighed. “He is so cute.”

“I don’t think he would appreciate you calling him cute, Chessy. He is a Guardian now.”

“I know. That makes it even better.” Chelsea sighed again. Garrett shook his head.

, they reached the library and walked in to find every available surface covered with vases of flowers. The room with all the floral bouquets smelled delicious. Gabriella turned to look at him and shrugged.

“What’s all this?” Garrett walked up and put his arm around Gabriella’s waist. He liked that she leaned into him.

“Well, I was wondering what flowers to use for Gabriella’s head wreath,” Eileen replied. “The rest will be put on the tables outside for the reception.”

“They’re all so beautiful.” Gabriella caressed a petal on a white rose.

“I know ...” Chelsea hurried over to the bookcase and picked up a book on the Victorian meanings of flowers. “Let’s see what they mean and pick the best from the flowers we have available.”

“Oh, g
reat idea. Is that okay with you, Gabriella?” Eileen asked.

“Yes, that sounds lovely. Let’s have a look at that book, Chelsea.”
Gabriella motioned the girls over.

The three women
were soon pouring over the pages and looking at the various vases in the room before going back to the book. Garrett chuckled and slipped out the French doors. He’d go see what the men were doing to prepare.

It didn’t take long to find where the men were working. A large tent had been set up on the back lawn. Servants were unloading carts of chairs and three
Guardians and Roberts were setting them up.

Garrett hurried over to help and grabbed a couple of chairs off one of the carts.

“Hey, about time you got here,” Damek said, slapping him on the back before picking up his own stack of chairs.

“Damek thought you might have taken your Destined One home for a little close up time,” Seth reported with a grin.

“Shut up, kid, or we won’t let you in on the money pool.” Josiah ruffled Seth’s hair.

“What money pool?” Garrett asked
, making his way back to the pile of chairs. He took two more and unfolded them, adding to the rows.

, I think the odds are two to one that Gabriella won’t go through with the ceremony. But don’t feel bad. I bet she would,” Seth said, carrying more chairs to the side of the tent.

Now you’ve done it. Next time we don’t tell the lycans, Damek,” Josiah grumbled.

Damek smiled and shrugged. “Just having a little fun, cousin.”

“Fun like that I don’t need.” Garrett chuckled. “Don’t let Father know what you’re up to.”

“Don’t worry
. We won’t,” Josiah said. “Your dad doesn’t get mad. He gets even.”


Chapter Seven


“You look beautiful, my dear.” Venetia adjusted the floral wreath on Gabriella’s head and pinned up the last curl, leaving one draped over her shoulder. “I wish your mother could see you now. She would be so happy and proud you found your Destined One.” They stood in one of the upper bedrooms in Garrett’s father’s house.

Gabriella took one last look in the
full-length mirror at the white satin gown Venetia had brought her, then turned to give the old woman a hug. “I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you so much for being here for me.” They walked over to the velvet-covered bed and sat down.

Venetia was wearing a blue satin dress and her long hair was done up
in a crown of braids.

“My pleasure, dear. A girl needs someone to lean on when getting married. I promised your mother I would be here for you when the time came.
That’s why she asked me to store her wedding gown, so you girls could use it. This ceremony is like a marriage. It will bind you to Garrett.”

“I know Destined Ones are supposed to
be forever. But I know so little about Garrett. Do you think I’m doing the right thing?”

“You know he
’s a good man. What else do you need to know?” Venetia patted her clutched hands. “Destined Ones are just that—destined. To not go through the ceremony would put you on a road to heartache. You have free will, of course. But your life’s path includes this man.”

“I know it’s silly
, but I don’t even know his favorite color.”

, as an earth witch, it’s probably green. But you can ask him, or one of his siblings would be happy to tell you. His youngest sisters are fountains of information.”

Gabriella laughed. “That’s true. They all try so hard to make me feel welcom
e. I haven’t had anyone treat me like that in a long time.” She looked around the sumptuous room and wondered what it would be like to belong to Garrett and his family.

“I know, dear. Now
, you have the opportunity of a new beginning. Grab on tight.” Venetia squeezed her hands.

A quiet knock on the door
made them both turn to look. “Come in,” Venetia called.

When the door opened, Gabriella was surprised to see Garrett’s father

Rodric Amhurst, so nice to see you again, or should I call you Councilman Amhurst?” Venetia stepped forward and kissed the man on each cheek.

“Venetia, Garrett told me you were here with Gabriella, and you can call me anything you like as long as you call me.” He winked at Venetia. “Gabriella, I believe we are ready to begin the ceremony. You look lovely. Garrett is a lucky man.”

“Thank you, Councilman …” Gabriella rose from the bed and stepped forward.

“Oh, that won’
t do for you, my dear. Call me Dad, or my friends call me Rodric.”

l right, Dad er Rodric. Thank you so much for opening your home on such short notice.”

“No problem
. I love my children dearly, and knowing that Garrett has a Destined One is wonderful. I wasn’t very successful in choosing my wives. So the fact that destiny is going to show Garrett the way is a relief. Now, two of my children have found their destined mates.”

“You mean
Meadow and her lycan?”

. Meadow’s magic-house tattoo is colored in like yours will be after tonight.”

“I didn’t know
lycans could be Destined Ones,” Venetia said.

“Brencis has Avery in his bloodline.
Being a lycan with witch blood has caused him some problems. Most lycans are immune to magic, and Brencis is as long as he is in his wolf form. But when he comes in contact with magic in his human form, he reacts like he has an allergy. That’s why tonight he will be in his wolf form. All lycans are telepathic, and his wolf form is completely coherent. Speak to him as if he were human.”

“How very interesting
,” Venetia said. “I’ll have to look into the scrying mirror and see if Meadow and Brencis are part of the fight against this blood cult.”

“Come along, l
adies. Everyone is waiting to begin. I hope you don’t mind my escorting you, Gabriella.” Garrett’s father held open the door.

“Not at all
. Thank you.” Gabriella picked up the train on her dress and walked through the door.

“Venetia, I thought you would like to hold the Tower for Water
during the ceremony,” Garrett’s father said. “I will be holding Earth. Councilman Curtis Brant will hold Fire, and Councilwoman Clara Delaire will hold Air. Several council members were out of reach this evening, including your sister Sevan and Haytham’s uncle, Finley Luften. But tomorrow at the normal council meeting, they will be informed of the new Destined One pair.”

“I would be delighted, such an honor.” Venetia
’s smile lit up her face. Gabriella smiled as well, her heart happy with Venetia’s delight. They continued to follow Garrett’s father down the stairs and around to the side of the house.

Right outside this door, we made the sacred circle in the open area next to the library.” Garrett’s father ushered them outdoors. Gabriella stepped onto the cool grass.

The moon was up and shi
ning on the glade full of people. Gabriella was surprised to see so many. All the Guardians, as well as several Council members, were present. There were also lots of people she didn’t know, but assumed were friends of the family. The one person who she never expected to see again was Aidan Kindle. He stood talking with Curtis Brant and Garrett on the far side of the circle.

“You invited the
Blacksmith?” Gabriella asked Garrett’s father. She was amazed.

look so shocked, Gabriella. I’m not a tyrant. I want to know all the concerns of my people. It so happens that Aidan and Garrett were friends in school. They were both on the same Compass team. Aidan is welcome in my house.”

hen, Garrett looked up. He gave Gabriella a smile that made his eyes sparkle, and she felt answering warmth spread through her. He, too, was dressed in white, wearing a pair of cotton pants and shirt. He wore a head wreath similar to Gabriella’s that she was sure Chelsea and Eileen had made. Like the rest of the guests, he was barefoot.

Once he saw her, Garrett excused himself and started toward her. Mabel intercepted him
, then clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.

“Ladies and g
entleman, if you will please take your places, it is time to begin the ceremony.”

hile everyone looked for a place to stand on the outside circle, Garrett’s father pushed his way through the milling crowd and escorted Gabriella to the center of the space. Garrett took her hand while his father and the other assigned Masters took up the four tower positions. Gabriella smiled when a large gray wolf lay down and put his head on a petite young woman’s foot. This must be Meadow and her lycan.

“You look beautiful,” Garrett whispered to her.

Mabel stood facing east between the circle made of people and the tower positions. Once everyone was settled and quiet, she raised her hands in the air.




“For better or worse, in sunshine or in shadows, in this lifetime and the next, I give you all my tomorrows,” Garrett and Gabriella chanted as Mabel wrapped their clutched wrists with a silver chain. As the chain was locked in place with a heart-shaped padlock, Garrett felt his magic-house tattoo start to prickle and burn. Gabriella gasped as both of their magic-house tattoos filled in with color.

A flash of light burst around them.
Garrett had a strange wrenching feeling and felt his magic draining away. He looked sharply at Gabriella and, from her pale features, figured she felt the same. Then, a new cooler energy came flooding in. Water began to bubble up from the earth around his feet, while green shoots sprang from the ground around Gabriella and flowered. Sounds of awe came from the people in the surrounding circle.

A sense of euphoria rose on
a wave. Blue light surrounded Gabriella, and Garrett smiled as the green light around him merged with hers, turning them both a bright teal color. Then, the light seemed to contract and sink into their skin. Garrett imagined it combining with every cell, every nucleus. His whole body tingled with energy.

“As it is command
ed, so mote it be,” Mabel intoned.




“I hope I find my Destined One,” Chelsea sighed. Gabriella smiled. Her new sisters-in-law were such romantics. The ceremony was over, and everyone had adjourned to the tables and chairs under the tent. Garrett squeezed Gabriella’s hand and pulled out the chair at the small table for two. One of the house staff hurried over with a plate of fruit and cakes.

“The ceremony was so romantic
. And when the flowers grew up around your feet, well, I could feel the earth welcoming you. It was so beautiful, I wanted to cry.” Eileen wrung her hands and sniffled.

“Dad is motioning you over to his table, girls. You better take your seats or you won’t get any food,” Garrett warned. Garrett’s father held a chair for Venetia to sit as the girls hurried over.

“You wanted them gone.”

Garrett winked. “Don’t get me wrong. I love my little sisters. I just wanted a moment alone with my Destined One. I have something for you.” Gabriella felt a moment of panic. She didn’t have
a gift for Garrett.

He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a little black box before handing it to her.

“Garrett, you shouldn’t have. I have nothing to give you in return.” Gabriella opened the box and gasped. Inside sat a diamond and sapphire engagement ring and wedding band.

“Yes, you do
. The answer ‘yes.’ Gabriella Mwynen Ross, will you marry me? I know I should have asked you before the ceremony. But the ring wasn’t delivered in time. Mabel will sign a marriage certificate for us if you will agree to make the ceremony legal.”

“Garrett, you don’t have to do this. The ceremony is binding enough.” Gabriella ran her fingers over the beautiful jewels.

“But I want to. I want the whole world to know you are mine, Gabriella. Not just the witches, but everyone. Say yes. I want to share everything with you.”

l right, Garrett. If you really want to. Yes.”

Garrett grabbed her face in both hands and kissed her soundly. Gabriella heard laugher and whistles coming from the people around them. But she didn’t care. All she cared about was the man whose eyes
had turned a molten purple.

Garrett released her and reached for the box of rings and her left hand.
First, he slid the wedding band on her ring finger and followed it with a kiss. Then he slipped on the engagement ring.

“Much better. I thought the sapphires would match your eyes.”

“The rings are exquisite, Garrett. I love them.” For a moment, the words I love you rested on her tongue, wanting to be said. But she pulled them back. It was still too soon. Maybe someday, she would feel free to share her feelings with him.

“Garrett? I hope I’m not interrupting,” a shy voice said. Gabriella looked up to see
Elise, the Guardian’s healer, an air witch. Garrett stood up, and the woman stepped into his arms. Gabriella didn’t like the easy way they moved together, as if they were more than just friends.
Am I jealous?

’m so happy that you found your Destined One. You deserve all the happiness in the world, both of you,” Elise continued, stepping back from Garrett and smiling at Gabriella. “I hope we will become good friends, Gabriella. Garrett is my oldest and dearest friend. I am sure you will take good care of him.”

Gabriella almost thought the woman was warning her. But
Elise radiated good will and friendliness, so that couldn’t be right.

“Are you ready to go, Elise?” Councilman
Brant stepped up to the table.

Brant has offered to take me home by way of the Coffee House. I feel a mocha frap calling my name.” Elise smiled at the man now standing at her side.

Garrett looked slightly confused. He shook hands with the Councilman and watched as
Brant led Elise away.

“Are you okay?” Gabriella asked when he finally sat back down. What exactly did Garrett feel for that woman?

“Yes, I’m fine. It’s strange that Elise would go off with Brant like that. She is normally shy and reserved. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her do that before.”

“She’s a grown woman. He’s a Councilman. I think she will be perfectly safe.”

“I’m sure you’re right. It took me by surprise.” Garrett turned to look at Gabriella, his gaze heating. “When do you think we can sneak away?”




Garrett couldn’t wait to get Gabriella away from everyone and all to himself. Now that she had agreed to sign the marriage certificate, the Destined One ceremony would not just bind their magic; it would be legally binding. He wanted to make love to her all night.

BOOK: Destined Magic
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