Read Destiny (The Chosen One Trilogy:Book Three) Online

Authors: Mireille Chester

Tags: #magic creatures shifters parallel worlds romance fantasy epic trilogy series dragons sorceress paranormal

Destiny (The Chosen One Trilogy:Book Three) (14 page)

BOOK: Destiny (The Chosen One Trilogy:Book Three)
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I smiled and ran my hands up his chest,
letting my fingernails run against his skin. He sucked in a

“Well, that’s good.” I leaned forward and
nibbled on his earlobe then bent back down and nipped along his
chest. “Because I can’t see myself ever not needing you

He jerked a little and closed his eyes as I
ran my tongue over his nipples.

“God, Jasper, I love you.”

He groaned and ran his hands up my back where
they tangled in my hair. He pulled me up so that he could kiss me.
Without letting go or breaking the kiss, he managed to flip us over
so that he was lying on top. He reached down and pulled my shirt
out of my pants. His hands sent shivers along my skin and I moaned
as he bent down and kissed along my stomach. He used his nose to
move my shirt out of the way, his kisses tracing a path from one
hip to the other.

He lifted my shirt over my head and moved his
focus to my breast. His tongue ran along their curve and I sucked
in a breath as he ran his teeth over my nipples. His head came up
and he looked at me.

“Don’t you even think of stopping!” I

He grinned. “Oh, I wasn’t.” He reached down
and undid the laces on my pants with one hand. I moaned as he
slipped his hand between my legs and his fingers found me wet and
wanting. His lips worked their way down to my belly again as his
fingers stroked inside of me.

He pulled my pants off and settled himself on
his stomach with my legs hooked over his shoulders. I moaned and
grabbed two handfuls of thick curls as he slipped his tongue inside
of me. I arched with pleasure. Each new flick and kiss got me
closer to my release.

Jasper took his time and soon had me panting.
I could have sworn I felt him smile when I jerked, every nerve in
my body exploding with feeling.

I lay there, trying to catch my breath and
laughed as Jasper rested his chin on my stomach. He grinned at me
and I blushed. He looked up as the rain started to fall on us and
laughed when I tried to get up. He held me down.

“Jasper! It’s starting to pour!” I was
already drenched.

“Don’t move.” He got up and stepped out of
his pants. Rain soaked his curls and ran down his perfect body. He
sat between my legs and pulled me into a sitting position. “I’m not
done showing you how much I need you.” He wrapped my legs around
his waist and lifted me onto his lap. We both caught our breath as
he set me down slowly. Jasper wrapped his arms around me and held
me in place. He bent down to kiss me. I pressed myself against him,
reaching up to run my fingers through his hair. He groaned as I
moved my hips from side to side.

“You have no idea what you do to me,” he
muttered against my neck.

I pushed myself down so that he was deeper in
me still.

“Oh, I have an idea.” I smiled.

The rain was still pouring down. We were
covered in goose bumps from the cold shower. It made the heat we
were emitting that much more shocking to the senses.

Jasper placed his hands under me and lifted
me before setting me back down. He continued this at a steady pace,
making me gasp as he brought me up and moan as he let me down
again. His breathing becoming shorter and faster. I tightened
around him as the heat inside of me reached the point of

“Not yet,” he whispered in my ear. He held me
still for a moment then lay me back down.

“Oh, god, Jasper, please.”

He held himself up on his arms and looked
down at me, his eyes filled with the passion and love I knew were
echoes of my own. He groaned as he lowered himself back down, his
mouth finding mine. This time was a little more demanding, wanting.
His lips were everywhere. His thrusts were anything but gentle.

Jasper moved up onto his knees and pulled my
hips up to meet his, his strong hands holding me in place. Each
thrust sent shock waves through me and my orgasm was world
shattering. As I tensed and jerked against him, Jasper continued to
thrust harder and faster. One great shiver shook his body and he
groaned, leaning back down over me so he could kiss me again.

His kiss was tender, loving. “And that
doesn’t even come close to showing you how much I need you,
Shlova,” he whispered to me.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
“We’d better get dressed before someone comes around.”

He brushed my wet hair out of my face and
looked at the sky. “I don’t think anyone is going to be walking
around.” He smiled. “You look like a very happy drowned rat.”

I snorted. “You look like a very satisfied
drowned sheep.” I pulled a curl straight and watched the water fly
off of it as it bounced back.

He laughed and the movement made him jerk
inside of me. The feeling caused the heat in my belly to flair and
I moaned. I wrapped my legs behind him and pulled him deeper.

“Oh, Hayden.” He pulled back until he was
almost out and pushed back in slowly. By the time he was fully
sheathed in me he was completely hard again. He repeated the slow
thrust. It was the worst and best form of torture.

I dropped my shield and let him feel my
pleasure and need full force. He stopped short, his whole body
quivering over mine. I pulled back a bit and let him recover. He
took a deep breath then laid himself flat against me, a low growl
rumbling deep in his throat.

“You’re going to pay for that,” he whispered
in my ear.

I started to laugh. He grabbed both of my
hands and stretched my arms over my head. He thrust into me as
deeply as he could then pulled completely out before filling me
again. He pushed into the deepest part of me and I groaned. I
arched and wiggled under him, trying to take in as much of him as I
could. I felt the pressure building inside of me.

“Jasper.” His name came out as more of a
moan. Every nerve in my body exploded and I clenched around him. He

He gave two more deep thrusts and I felt him
swell inside of me. He rolled onto his side and pulled me to his

A flash of lightning lit the air and thunder
exploded a fraction of a second after it. Jasper laughed as I
jumped in surprise. He stood and pulled me up.

“We’d better go back. That was close.” I
pulled my wet clothes back on. Jasper followed suit and grabbed our
bag. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

“Don’t ever worry about me loving or needing
you, Shlova.” He kissed me deeply before flashing me a crooked
grin. “I can never get enough of you.”

I laughed and hugged him tightly. “A shlova

He smiled. “A shlova yan jer.”

I grabbed the soaked blanket and we headed
back into the keep.




Chapter Five


“Are you sure?” Damian’s strange grey eyes
looked from me to Rainen. I wasn’t sure if he was asking for
confirmation to his first question which had been ‘it was Traina?’
or to his second which had been ‘are you sure I can’t have a shot
of jeckden instead of tea?’. I nodded to both and handed him his
cup of tea.

“But Traina? My Traina?” He swallowed hard.
Rainen put a hand on his arm.

“I’m sorry, Damian.” Her voice wavered.
Damian stood from the chair he was sitting on and pulled his
sister-in-law into a hug. He was still thin but was finally well
enough to stay awake for the day. We had decided that today was as
good as any to tell him what had happened.

“No, I’m sorry, Rainen. No sister should have
to kill the other, especially not to protect me.”

She wiped a tear from her face and smiled at
him. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I was actually trying
to save Hayden at that exact moment in time.”

“I’m glad you did. She is a lot more
important in the scheme of things than I am.”

Jasper picked that moment to walk into the
dining room. This was the first time he had been in the house since
Damian had woken up two days ago. I knew that despite the fact that
Damian had been helping us the past few years, he still held some
hard feelings toward the man for being behind the order that had
killed his entire family. He took a deep breath.


“Jasper. Good to finally meet you face to
face. Hayden has been telling me of your adventures since we last
met. You’ve done a great job of keeping her alive.”

Jasper relaxed a bit. “Well, we couldn’t have
done it without your help. Your hint at when and where to find
Rainen was especially helpful.”

I smiled and he came to stand beside me.

“Hayden tells me you are thinking of leaving
for Sageden tomorrow morning.”

Jasper nodded. “Rainen will rally the packs
here and by the time she gets to Sageden, we should have ours ready
to go. The blue bird came back yesterday with a message from Melana
that her packs are ready as well. I’ve been thinking of sending her
through the Northern Regions. The dragons can help her navigate.”
He looked at me. “I’ll send Taleessa to be liaison between the two.
I want them to come at Paradin from behind. Braw might be expecting
an attack from this side of the Wedelven River, but he’ll never be
expecting one from the north.”

Rainen was nodding her approval. Great
military minds thought alike, it seemed.

“Hey! You weren’t supposed to start talking
strategy until we got here.” William walked in followed by Matthew,
Emelly, Steven, Harold and Gina. Jasper grinned.

“I was just getting started. I couldn’t very
well finish without your expertise, anyhow.”

“Ok. So, you covered the north, right?”

Jasper nodded.

“We should send someone in from the

I tried to think about where he was talking
about. I frowned. “Those are the mountains.”

He nodded. “Paradin is nestled right against
the mountain. Those things are treacherous. He’ll never think of
anyone coming from there.”

Emelly’s eyes widened. “No one can come from
there! They’ll kill themselves trying to get down!”

“Not if they were flying horses, they
wouldn’t. How many horses like Dodge are coming along?”

“I’m hoping to have about four or five
hundred of the Winged Ones. Of course, not all of them will have
their wings. With wings, we’re looking at about two hundred.”

William was nodding. “We could put men on
them. They could hide behind the first ridge and when the attack
started, they could come out of hiding. There’s no wall on that
side and I doubt there will be too many guards watching.”

“What about the Faelies?”

I looked at Gina, wondering what she was
talking about.

“What’s a Faelie?”

“They’re one of the Free Folk, like the
Wedelves. They live just east of here. They are another of the
beings here that Braw thinks should be fixed. Actually, with the
Faelies, he thinks they have some sort of genetic defect and wants
to breed them out somehow.”

“Why is that? What does he think is wrong
with them?”

Gina smiled and looked at William. “They have

“How far away are they?” I knew that any
little bit of help that we could get that wouldn’t be affected by
Braw’s staff, the better our chances were of winning.

“You were at the river a few days ago?”
Rainen asked me. I nodded.

“Right there. That’s their border. No one
crosses that river. Anyone who crosses is dead, no questions asked.
After some of theirs were taken by the humans they became extremely
antisocial. They are masters at hiding. You didn’t know it, but you
were being watched.”

I blushed as I thought about what they may
have seen on that riverbank. Jasper grinned at me.

“I think it’s time to go back to the river,

I turned to the window to hide my
embarrassment and nodded. “You could have told us,” I said to
Rainen. “What if we had tried crossing the river?”

“I honestly thought that Jasper would

Jasper shook his head. “I thought they were
farther west.”

I got my blush under control and turned back
around. “Alright. Let’s go talk to the Faelies.”

“Do you want us to come?” William asked.

“No. If it’s just me and Jasper we’ll look
less threatening.” I turned to Rainen. “Is there anything I should
know about Faelies before I head over there?”

She shook her head. “They have the odd healer
or sorcerer, but they aren’t magical by nature.”


Jasper took my hand and we headed out the
door towards the gate that would lead us to the river.

“Oh, god! I have never been this embarrassed
in my entire life!” I laughed when we got out of the keep.

He chuckled. “Shlova, it will be best not to
think about it when we’re there.”

“I know, but still!”

We laughed together and made our way to the
river. Once there, we stopped on the riverbank.

“Want to cross first?” teased Jasper.

I stuck my tongue out at him then scanned the
dense trees and shrubs on the other side.

“Hello?” The only answer was the sound of the
breeze moving through the leaves. I sent a soft nudge across the
river and pulled it back quickly. Jasper felt my surprise and tried
to see what had thrown me off guard.

“There’s four of them,” I whispered. “I can
see the pink auras behind the trees.” I took a deep breath and
addressed the hidden beings.

“Umm… hello? My name is Hayden. This is
Jasper.” I looked over at him. He shrugged. “Rainen was telling us
what Braw has tried to do to you. I thought you might like to know
we’re assembling an army to go after him. He needs to be stopped.
He plans to kill all of the shifters using me to project his
staff’s power. We can’t just let him try to wipe out every being he
doesn’t think is normal.” I frowned, not sure what else to tell

“We’re leaving tomorrow to meet up with our
pack in Sageden. Rainen and the Majs will meet us there. Melana and
the Namaels will attack from the north with the dragons. We’ll be
sending the Winged Ones from the west and could use a few more
beings with wings that will be able to fly down the mountain for
the surprise attack.”

BOOK: Destiny (The Chosen One Trilogy:Book Three)
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