Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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Chapter Nine


Riley checked the messages on his phone as he waited for his contact to arrive at the café. The board member was at least fifteen minutes late and Riley didn’t know if he was actually coming. When he tried to call the man, his phone was switched off. Damn it. Something was going on within his gang. They weren’t telling him everything about this deal, and he couldn’t figure out why they would be so cagey.


He’d done many such deals, but he was never kept out of the loop before. He’d asked to be called to the next board meeting, but, instead, he was told to meet one of their members in this café.


Riley checked his watch again. If the man didn’t turn up soon, he would leave. Much to his relief, Charlie Brown sauntered in. He was wearing dark, blue jeans and a white collared shirt. Charlie was one of the oldest members of the gang and a very respected member. After Mark, if there were something going on, he knew about it. Riley wondered how much information he could pump out of the fellow in this meeting. The more he knew, the safer he would be.


“Hi, Charlie, thanks for seeing me at such short notice.”


“Riley, our man. How are you doing?”


“Not so well, Charlie. Xavier hasn’t returned any of my calls and I’m not sure where this deal is headed. I asked the board to advance me some money to make the initial payments, but they haven’t done so, and now I am wondering if they are still serious about this deal.”


Charlie scratched his cheek and then beckoned the waiter. “A cappuccino for me. What will you have?”


“A Coke,” said Riley. For some reason, the fact that Charlie refused to meet his gaze made him edgy. Something was going on in the gang, and he was being deliberately kept away from some news. Had they decided to go with another property? If so, why didn’t they tell him? Didn’t they have enough funds to buy it? Or, perhaps, they were playing with Xavier and letting him think they weren’t so interested so he would reduce the price.


They both waited for the waiter to depart. Charlie drummed his fingers on the table. “The deal will go through, and we are very interested in that property. In fact, you can see that we’re pinning our hopes on it.”


Riley had always found the man a bit slick, but right now, Charlie looked downright sleazy. He wasn’t telling Riley the entire truth and, of course, he did that at the behest of the other board members. What were they planning? “What does that mean?”


“Just that you can relax. You did your job.”


“I haven’t done anything.”


The waiter brought their orders and, once more, they waited for him to leave. “You found the place. It’s perfect for what we had in mind. The owners are ready to get rid of it quickly, and that’s just great.”


“It’s also in a great location. Our distribution costs will come down,” Riley added. Didn’t they care about that? That was the most important quality of the property as far as he was concerned, but, obviously, Charlie wasn’t as thrilled. That was strange. What other value could the property hold for them?


“Yes that, too.” Charlie drank his cappuccino. “Look, Riley. You need to back off a little. Let me assure you that we are on top of this deal. It will go through, so you don’t need to worry.”


The deal would go through? That was news to Riley. If so, he needed to inform Tania. They had promised to tell each other everything if any of them got some news, but this wasn’t anything that he could explain to her. She would want to know details, and he didn’t have those. If he simply told her that they were buying the property, she would want to know the price and other stuff, and if he failed to provide that information, she would think that he was lying.


He didn’t like Charlie’s attitude or the way he was withholding information. Something told him the gang was doing something that wasn’t quite kosher, but, for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what it was. He decided to be upfront with Charlie. If they were doing an illegal activity, he didn’t want to be a part of it. That wasn’t the reason he joined the gang. He loved to ride, and he liked to spend time with like-minded people, but if they were doing something unsavory, he wanted to be miles away. “Are you guys doing some underhand deal with Xavier?”


Charlie laughed. “No, my boy. Where the hell did you get an idea like that? Of course not. Xavier will get his money, as will the owners of that place. It’s a sweet deal for all of us.”


That wasn’t the correct answer. Just because the deal was sweet didn’t mean that it was legit. Riley wasn’t convinced, but it was obvious that he wouldn’t get any answers out of Charlie. The man was a veteran at keeping secrets and he wouldn’t open up easily. Maybe he could find Raymond. He was the finance head, and the most conservative out of them all. Riley didn’t like the man that much because he had a ruthless streak a mile wide, but he would have his fingers on the pulse of things, and if he played his cards right, he might get some information out of him.


Rather than question Charlie some more, he decided to step away from this for now. He wouldn’t leave this alone, but he was done for the time being. He changed the topic and started talking about something else. Charlie looked relieved. After their meeting came to an end, Charlie left and Riley headed for Tania’s home. He had to decide how much he needed to tell her. She wouldn’t be pleased if the deal was closed without her knowledge. But since he didn’t have anything concrete, he was in a real dilemma.


When he entered her house, she was already back from work. “Hi.” He dropped his keys in the blue bowl she kept on the beautiful sideboard next to the main door. It was such a simple, familiar gesture but he was taken aback by how right it felt. This was home, not because he liked the place but because she was here. His heart pounded as he strode to meet her. For some reason, she looked disturbed. “What’s wrong?”


“Oh, nothing, just work.” She ran a hand through her hair and lifted her chin so that he could kiss her on the lips. So easy. So right. “How was your day?”


The normalcy of their conversation scared him. It was so domestic, a word that he never would have used to describe his relationship with anyone. “Not so good, I am afraid,” he admitted. “Having some trouble with the people I work with.”


“Anything on the warehouse deal?” she asked in an anxious voice.


He hesitated. “I haven’t heard anything new,” he said. It was the truth – for now, at least. Although Riley was fairly confident that Charlie didn’t tell him everything, he was also quite sure that he wouldn’t get to the bottom of this mystery so quickly. If he told her something, he would have to give more information which he didn’t have. He wasn’t hiding anything, and yet he wasn’t telling everything. His internal code of ethics made him uneasy at this omission.


Tania didn’t suspect anything. She was a sharp woman, but, perhaps, she trusted him far too much. That thought made him feel all the more guilty.


“Neither have I,” she said. “Xavier is still not picking up my calls. My boss is…fairly upset, and it’s…” She heaved a sigh. “Never mind that. Work should be left in the office, not brought home…that’s what my father always used to say. So what do you want to eat?”


He was still too preoccupied by the thoughts that plagued him. Riley followed her as she sauntered into the kitchen and opened the fridge. When she bent to peek at the contents on the shelves, the sight of her firm, perfect hips in the tight skirt made his heart quiver in his chest.


She turned around and caught
look in his eyes. Her smile lit up the kitchen. “I can see what you have in mind.”


Despite the misgivings in his heart, he wasn’t dead. When she strode forward, gripped the collar of his shirt and hauled him forward, he went willingly. Her lips, soft and pliable, felt as smooth and wonderful as always. Forgetting his worries for the moment, he allowed his mind to follow instinct. His arms banded around her waist and drew her forward. Her soft curves fit against his hard chest and he lost himself in the glory of her beauty.


The kiss was hot, fiery, and sensuous. With a desperation that always marked their sexual encounter, he explored her mouth. Every nook and cranny was familiar, but he still enjoyed revisiting. His hands roamed over her back and, finally, he carried her off to the bedroom.


The need was a burning desire in his gut now. He simply had to have her. His blood roiled as he put her down on the bed. He opened the buttons of his shirt while she looked on. Although he wanted to savor his time, Riley found that he was too impatient, especially when she decided to speed up things by removing her own clothes. Her dress was tossed on the floor with her panties and bra. The sight of her creamy, smooth skin put him in frenzy. He got out of his clothes and joined her on the bed.


Images flashed through his mind: their limbs entwined with each other, his cock, hard and long pushing deep into her soft curves, and her pussy opening for. Once more, he claimed her lips and, this time, the kiss was even hotter, scorching. Her hands clutched his shoulders and she pressed herself against him as if she weren’t willing to wait anymore.


Nibbling his way down her throat, he captured her nipple. She buckled under him. When she lay on the bed and dug her nails in his skin, he was spurred to do more. His tongue teased and flicked the bud until was swollen and vibrating with raw need. He took his time, moving from one nipple to another, making her giddy with passion. He swept his tongue over her breasts, and she writhed under him, breathless with desire. When he was satisfied that she was agonizing with need, he moved down to her belly button. She wanted him, but he spent some time running his tongue over and into the depression until she pleaded.


“Please, Riley,” she begged. Her nails raked down his back but he loved it. “Please.”


With a smile, he slithered down her body until he reached her pussy, which was already hot with desire. He could smell her arousal. His nostrils flared as he caught the musky odor. His tongue swiped over her lips and she vibrated. Holding her legs apart, he made her open for him. Bending his head, he paid attention to her clit and pussy while she moaned and groaned. He thrust his tongue inside and when the waves of orgasm undulated inside her, he lapped up her wetness.


His cock was hard and ached with need. He could imagine putting it inside her and pounding away until they were both exhausted and drained. He could visualize the way she would squirm under him as he cleaved inside – but, still, he gave her a few moments to recover. When she stopped shuddering, he slipped up her body and put his cock inside her mouth. Her lips opened to accept him and he felt his penis throb deep in her throat. He moved in and out, delirious with need. Her tongue twisted around his cock, sucked and fondled until he thought that he might come inside her mouth – but, still, he held back. He wanted her to remember this moment forever. She inhaled deeply as if she was sucking in the scent of him deep into her own body. Waves of pleasure coursed through his veins and made him mad.


He tethered on the edge of insanity. Riley pulled out. Pushing apart her legs with his knee, he positioned himself. His cock, slick and wet, rubbed against her pussy. She was ready. He could feel it. With a slow speed that was bound to drive them both mad, he pushed the tip of it into her. Her muscles clenched and unclenched as she lifted her hips. He speared into her until his balls brushed against her anus. Now, they were joined hip to hip and toe to toe.


His cock vibrated in her depths, and he moved out. She cried out but he thrust back inside quickly. In and out, he pounded into her with enough force to make her squirm. Her hands tightened over his shoulders as she held him hard. Her skin burnt hot. She was on fire, and so was he. His pelvic bone ground into hers and, every time he thrust inside her, she squealed as if she was on the verge of death.


Although he set a demanding pace, she matched him thrust for thrust. This woman was more than match for him. She was his perfect soul mate, his equal in every way. Without her, he would be lost. Was this love? If yes, he was lost.


Spurred by the knowledge that flitted at the corner of his mind, he drove her hard. In and out, he moved at a breakneck speed. He could feel that she spiraled higher and higher and, yet, he kept driving her forward. Finally, she crashed with a loud scream. The orgasm swept through her and she shuddered. He allowed himself the release that had been building deep inside him. Riley exploded inside her.


It felt good. It felt right. This was love, surely it was. And there wasn’t a damn thing that he could do about it.

BOOK: Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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