Read Dirty Little Love Story Online

Authors: Alicia Alpha

Dirty Little Love Story (3 page)

BOOK: Dirty Little Love Story
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I let Rowan lead me out of the restaurant and we’re both quiet until the driver picks us up. We file into the car, once again silent, him sitting on the opposite side and me, in the direction we’re driving in. Rowan rolls up the window separating us from the driver after briskly telling him to take us home, and we both fix our gazes on the tinted windows and the silhouettes of the sleeping city outside.

We’re quite for a long time, contemplating our own thoughts even though there’s so much to say.

Do you know I fucked someone just so I could be with you?
I want to ask.
Do you know how many times I’ve done that in the past few years? Do you even care?

I don’t know what Rowan is thinking, but I let him stare out of the window until the tension between us becomes palpable and I really cannot take it anymore.

“Are you ever opening your mouth again?” I ask tersely.

He looks away from the window, focuses his gaze on his palms for a second, then his eyes are on me, that naughty look I know so well already giving them extra light. “Not unless I get to lick a part of your body,” he says haughtily and his eyes trace my body, clad in a skintight bandage dress in a pastel pink color that clashes perfectly with my red waves.

I snort and don’t give him an answer or retort, but I don’t try to hide the spark burning in my eyes, either. He keeps looking at me with that intolerable smirk though, and finally, I give in.

“You were gone for a while,” I finally give a hesitant retort and he tilts his head, his eyebrows raised in amusement. “With the girl,” I add nervously and grit my teeth together ever so slightly. “Crystal,” I finally add unnecessarily.

I hate saying her name. It burns my tongue.

Rowan moves in his seat just a little, but I notice it. It’s his tell-tale – when he moves just before speaking, I know he’s either lying or hiding something. “Just did what I had to do,” he says softly. “You know what we were risking.”

I nod silently and think over the details. There’s a reason I can’t stand that blonde bimbo.

You see, Rowan and I have this apartment where we … where we can be ourselves. You don’t know how hard it is to hide a relationship, a union that is frowned upon and not only that, people might be
by it. Though I truly don’t know how to connect disgust to the mouthwatering orgasms he’s capable of giving me.

We got the apartment years ago. It’s in a pretty seedy neighborhood, but that’s why it’s perfect. No one’s recognized us so far, and that’s great, because both Rowan and my faces have been plastered across papers and tabloids often enough for people to realize it’s us.

Until we noticed her.

She thought she was being so sneaky, the stupid bitch.


Once, mid-fuck, Rowan told me to be as loud as ever. I obeyed dutifully, like a good little girl. When he came inside me, I was loud and boisterous and he loved it. When we finished and I was lying in his arms, my insides churning with lazy desire and my legs wet from his cum, he whispered in my ear.

“We’re being watched,” he said softly.

I panicked immediately, but before I could push myself off the bed and see what he meant, he pushed me back down and angled his body in a way that shrouded the natural light coming in through the window.

“Don’t look,” he said softly and gave me a kiss on the lips, his taste lingering on my mouth long after he pulled away. He grinned at me devilishly as his hand ventured between my thighs, playing with me, teasing me. “Let’s have a bit of fun, shall we?” he suggested and I found myself too preoccupied with the hotness in my pussy and the unsteady beat of my heart to argue.

And so it happened that soon, we were frequenting the apartment even more often than before. Somehow, the blonde girl in the building on the other side of us got us even more hot and bothered – not that we had an issue with that beforehand, but it really felt good. We were doing something wrong, and we all knew it, but we knew she didn’t recognize us and so wouldn’t tell. It made our situation that much hotter, that much more forbidden and dirty …

And I’m a very dirty girl.

It was all great, until last evening. Last evening, when we were supposed to meet with one of the new lawyers for Rowan’s firm, and I had been dreading the meeting all week, questioning why I even had to be there. Rowan assured me it was important that I show interest in our firm – oh, if only the investors knew how much interest I showed

I didn’t recognize her at first. Didn’t even pay attention to her or her slimy boyfriend until she started asking strange questions and being rude.

I glared at her a few times, and once, my eyes were finally a bit too familiar with that voluminous, thick blonde hair. I scrutinized her and felt myself go paler and paler by the second. It was
. The voyeur girl, sitting right across from me. And based on her knowing smile which she shot my way every so often, she knew who we were very well. And she was too curious for my liking as well.

She followed Rowan out of the restaurant like a puppy, and I took my chance.

I replied sweetly to every comment her boyfriend made, and finally asked him discreetly whether he could help me with my dislodged zipper in the restroom.

He followed without complaint.

When we were safely in the ladies room, which was empty, his hands shook as he zipped me up. He was breathing nervously as I turned around, looking up at him through my thick lashes. And then, he was moaning in seconds as I leaned in closer and stuck my tongue in his mouth.

It was easy. Too easy.

You’d think a little bombshell like this Crystal girl could at least keep a man faithful to her, but no – as soon as my mouth was on him, Jacob’s hands were roaming around my body, gripping my tight ass and exploring my mouth with hot, short breaths.

He was a goner in thirty seconds and I couldn’t help but think what kind of woman that made her. Since he was already pulling down his trousers and searching frantically for my bra strap, I guessed he hadn’t been satisfied in a pretty long time.

Figures. It’s always the prettiest girls who are shit in the sack.


Jacob was a bad fuck.

He didn’t kiss me tenderly, or passionately. His tongue was sloppy, his kisses wet and rushed. He came within five minutes and was so out of breath when he finally released I thought I might have to call an ambulance.

“You’re so hot,” he kept whispering in my ear, panting with desire.

“Fill me up, Jacob,” I moaned in his ear as he pumped inside me and he gave such a satisfied groan I couldn’t help a small smile escaping my lips. What an amateur.

“I’m going to,” he said pathetically as he rushed his thrusts even more, finally gasping as I felt my pussy fill with his wet, warm cum. I feigned some sort of satisfied groan myself as he shuddered, clutching me close to him.

As I surveyed him while I pulled up my panties over my pussy, wet with his cum, I figured it was a real shame. He was a very handsome man – though that might be an exaggeration, especially in comparison to Rowan. He was just a boy.

A boy I’d just taken advantage of, in hopes of having a weapon against his girlfriend. And it also helped that I’d secured my reputation of a skank. Anything, anything, to hide what was truly happening.

In case you haven’t figured it out, I like my secrets nicely swept under the rug.

Blab and I’ll hurt you.

As Jacob and I made our way back to the dining part, I sat down, feeling satisfied – unfortunately not by the sex, but by the fact I had one ace up my sleeve against Crystal.

She and Rowan were already sitting down, but she seemed subdued somehow. She didn’t shoot me any more looks, didn’t blab any stupid questions, and was pretty quiet for the rest of the evening. The same could be said for Jacob, who I quickly realized was in a state of regret over what we’d done, refusing to meet my eye.

Rowan was polite as ever, and pretty much the only one steering the conversation. The rest of the evening was painfully awkward, and I was glad when the dinner was over and we finally got up to leave.

As Rowan and I were waiting for the car, I felt the nervousness take over me. What had I
? I had slept with a complete stranger, fucked him senseless, and even let him take me unprotected. I was on the pill, but there was always a certain level I’d go to – and being fucked without a condom in a restaurant restroom was not one of them.

I felt tears well up in my eyes and turned away so Rowan wouldn’t see them. I could still feel the wetness between my legs, making sure I knew I’d just fucked someone other than my stepfather.

Suddenly, I realized what I had done was completely necessary. I would do anything, anything to keep this secret for the man I loved.

“Are you okay, honey?” Rowan asked as we were getting into the car and I nodded bravely, flashing my straight smile.

“Just perfect,” I said sweetly and plopped down on the plush seat of the car, ignoring the leak of cum happening in my panties.



I’m transported back to the car as my thoughts lead me back to the exact place where I’ve been sitting for the past ten minutes in complete quiet.

“Cat got your tongue?” Rowan asks teasingly and I pull a face at him, annoyed. I don’t even know why I’m angry, but it’s probably got something to do with this little problem I have with jealousy. I personally don’t think it’s a problem per se, but ask anyone else and they’ll go on and on about it.

He leans in closer now, gently running his fingers over my knee, which is clad in stay up stockings. I look up at him, unsure. I want him badly right now. I want him to make sure I’m okay, which is what he’s been doing for the past few years. Want him to kiss me goodnight, and then fuck me for good morning.

Just like a good stepfather does.

I can’t help but lean forward myself, making sure to position myself in the perfect manner to present my C-cups. I was a late bloomer, but finally got my tits when I was 18. I was already thinking about surgery when they came in, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it.

Neither could Rowan, apparently.

He’s staring at my décolletage now through hooded eyes and I slide across the interior of the car until I’m sitting on the same seat as him, facing the opposite direction of where we’re driving.

“Want a taste?” I ask softly and he licks his lips quickly, and then massages his temples. I know him well enough to know he’s trying to get rid of the dirty thoughts he has for me, because he’s done it too often to count.

But I also know him well enough to know he is well and truly a goner – he won’t be able to resist me for much longer.

Knowing that, I take extra pleasure in pulling him by his tie until our lips are almost touching. I moan softly, my breath escaping my lips and warming up his mouth, and he struggles halfheartedly to get away.

This is how it’s always been.

He tries to get away, I pull him back.

He says it’s wrong, I make it right.

Round and round we go, until we’re both dizzy with remorse and desire.

I pull him closer and our lips meet violently and passionately. I bite his bottom lip with barely masked desire and he doesn’t respond straight away. I’m not giving up that easily, though.

With a quick flick of my feet, my high heels are off and I’ve put my legs in his lap, stretching them out so I can feel the hardness of his cock beneath them. He groans once, and before I know it, his hands are in my hair, pulling my head back as I smile triumphantly.

He can never resist me for long enough.

I’m panting now as his mouth glides along my neck, reaching my collarbone and leaving goose bumps in its trail. I breathe more and more heavily when he twines one arm around my neck and the other starts searching between my legs, pulling down my thong greedily.

“You’re already so wet,” he groans deliciously against my ear, but this time, I cannot enjoy the sentence as fully as I want to, because I know some of that wetness is from another man … Hoping Rowan is none the wiser, I preoccupy him with my mouth and my tongue invading his, licking, biting down and teasing him relentlessly.

My thong on the floor of the car, my pussy exposed. In seconds, he’s ripping of my dress as well and I don’t even care that it’s Armani and I paid a small fortune for it – there’s a lot more where that came from, thank you, Mommy.

I’m lying on my back now and he’s unzipping his pants while I writhe in anticipation. I’m so hot for him I’m arching my back, desperate to have him inside of me, filling me up like no one else can.

His pants are off and I’ve managed to rip of his shirt, and he has my bra dangling from one finger as he grins at me mischievously. The bra’s one the floor the next second and he’s guiding his cock inside me with one arm while he twists my nipples with the other.

I yelp when he enters me, feeling so many emotions as once it’s as if the feelings alone are going to fill me up. But no – in seconds, I remember why Jacob was just a greedy little boy and why Rowan is the man of my dreams.

“More,” I groan insatiably as his cock grinds against my pussy, Rowan smiling and teasing me relentlessly.

“You want something?” he asks innocently, placing the tip on my clit and I writhe under him.

“Please, please,” I ask hoarsely and he obeys, ramming inside me so I scream in pleasure.

Thank god for that soundproof window separating us from the driver.

I dig my nails into his back as he takes me quickly, insatiably. He’s not taking his time, not this once. Instead, it’s mere minutes before we’re both at our breaking point.

“I’m going to fill that pussy up now,” he says with a wicked grin and bits my neck while I gasps loudly, feeling my orgasm coming on. “Be a good girl now,” Rowan coaxes me. “Be nice and good and come with me …”

And I do what he says, arching my back as pleasure sweeps over me and makes me lose my head, my mind and my reason.

Because that’s how it’s always been with us.

Round and round we go.

BOOK: Dirty Little Love Story
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