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Authors: Randy Alcorn

Tags: #Christian, #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Suspense, #Fiction, #Religious, #Mystery Fiction, #African American, #Christian Fiction, #Oregon, #African American journalists

Dominion (9 page)

BOOK: Dominion
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In time though, he determined not to attribute it to racism, but to the seniority pecking order. Other young inexperienced journalists, white guys, also got the nonglamorous jobs. That came with the territory. Seniority should count for something, and when he had it he would want the best assignments and be glad there were younger guys to cover the dog races. After all, he reminded himself, he wanted to be treated like those other guys, no worse and no better.
Meanwhile, he always carried the burden of having to prove himself. While this burden drove some men to resignation, he’d managed to turn the burden into an edge by letting it drive him to excellence.
Excellence? He shot back to reality. There would be no excellence today unless he started writing. He pulled back his desk drawer and removed one of four large three-by-five card holders. He flipped through them and found the section labeled “Green Bay” and a subsection with a group of a few dozen cards labeled “Women in Locker Room.”
Two of his best columns last football season had come out of his unforgettable visit to Green Bay. He’d gone back to legendary Lambeau Field. The names of Vince Lombardi, Willie Davis, Ray Nitschke, Bart Starr, and Jim Taylor were among those encircling the stadium. He visited the Packer Hall of Fame. He loved the place.
The sixty thousand plus fans generated an indescribable noise. They were knowledgeable about the game, not like the stupid fans in some cities who booed when coaches didn’t go for it on fourth and two in the second quarter. But what really struck Clarence was their unique relationship with the fans. The way their wide receivers would jump into the crowd after scoring a touchdown. The way the fans would carefully catch them and congratulate them and hug them, then lower them back down to the field. He’d written a column contrasting the Packer fans to the thousands of ice-ball-throwing fans in New York who had pelted coaches and players on the field. In Green Bay they announced that any fans throwing ice would go to jail and their season tickets would be confiscated. Jail was the less serious threat. Losing your season tickets in Green Bay was worse than having your house burned down.
Among the many subjects of his interviews in Green Bay had been the controversy surrounding women reporters in the men’s locker room. Clarence hadn’t been able to squeeze in this column last year, but now its time had come. On Sunday another NFL coach had gotten in trouble for not allowing a female reporter into the locker room immediately after the game.
Clarence typed a tentative title: Women Reporters in the Locker Room. He’d change it to something snappy later on. As the first words came out, he experienced the rush.
An hour later Clarence pressed the word count button: 829. He’d have to cut twenty-nine words, and maybe another fifty to make room for names and specific quotes that would personalize it and give it authority. He’d get on the phone right now and go down the list of athletes and wives he’d interviewed before. Hopefully some of them would be available. If not, he’d use their old quotes.
Clarence thought of all the people, including the publisher and three or four reporters, who would hate this column. The thought energized him.
Now it was strategy time. Hugh, the sports editor, was sure to cut “jack-booted feminists” and make a half dozen other changes to placate irate readers. So Clarence began inserting other offensive phrases he had no intention of including. This way Hugh, like any editor with rifle butted against his shoulder, could shoot at these targets on the fringes of the herd while the main pack managed to get away. Hugh could say, “You think
offensive, you should have seen it before I whittled it down.”
Clarence took quiet pride in positioning himself so that what survived editing would be as close as possible to what he wanted in the first place.
After half an hour of phone calls, additions, deletions, and revisions, he pushed the “send” button to route the column to Hugh, who he saw at his desk drinking a Dr. Pepper. He would watch his editor’s facial expressions as he read it.
Okay, Hugh, don’t let it snort out your nose.
He looked over at Laurie, his main sports columnist competition. She was a veteran with a great knowledge of sports, but she was a flaming liberal. It was amazing how much of your agenda you could hijack even into a simple sports column.
You’re going to be livid, Laurie.
He smiled. Like a sidelined quarter horse able to run against the competition once more, for the first time in a week Clarence felt really good, on an emotional high. If only it could last.
Clarence entered the Justice Center pretending not to be nervous. He walked directly to the elevators on his right, as if he belonged there. He got a nod of recognition from one uniformed officer and cold stares from two others. As usual, he was glad to be wearing a suit. There were probably at least a hundred other black men in this building. Eighty percent of them, however, were behind bars.
He stepped in the elevator, which gave him only five options despite the building’s sixteen floors. Floors two and three were courtrooms, four to eleven were jail floors, both accessible only from the other side of the building and only by authorized personnel. Twelfth floor, his first option, was ID, Intelligence, Juvenile, and Narcotics. Thirteenth floor housed Internal Investigations, the DA’s office and a hodgepodge of smaller departments. Fourteenth, the button he pushed, was the detective floor. Above it were the Chief of Police’s office and the media room. He’d been to the media room only three times, all in the last few years. His first fifteen years on the sports beat never brought him into contact with the police. The last three years, with player scandals ranging from drunk driving to girlfriend beating, had changed that.
The elevator stopped at the twelfth floor. A young woman in a sharp business suit stepped on. She forced a smile because she knew she should, Clarence thought. But he felt her uneasiness. She looked educated. Maybe she told herself she shouldn’t feel what she was feeling. But she felt it nonetheless, he was certain.
I’m only going up a few more floors, lady. No time to mug or rape you.
The acid of his cynicism burned deep. This woman had learned society’s lessons well, he supposed. Black men are ruthless crooks and killers. If you had to share space with them on an elevator, put one finger on your mace spray.
Nearly everyone wore plain clothes on the detective floor, so Clarence didn’t stand out, except his tailored suit was sharper than the shop-worn standard here. Unlike the other floors, which allowed free access to hallways, detective division had only one place the general public could go—the reception desk, with a thick bulletproof window and no door that opened from the outside.
“I have an appointment with Detective Chandler,” Clarence told the receptionist. Five minutes later Ollie Chandler came through the lone door on the far end of the floor, licking his fingers. This was Clarence’s first daylight view of him. He sized him up. Ollie’s stomach and chest were battling to occupy the same space. Clearly, his stomach was winning. Clarence’s impression was of a man in no danger of being mistaken for a regular on
“Come on in, Mr. Abernathy.” The raspy basement voice seemed even lower than Clarence remembered from outside Dani’s. “Just finishing up a steak sub in chili sauce. From the vending machine. It’s not Tony Roma’s, but when you’re stuck in the office it works. Hungry?”
Not anymore.
Clarence shook his head.
Ollie escorted him to his desk in an open area. It was reminiscent of the
, but much smaller and less segmented, with greater separation between desks and therefore a little more privacy.
“Hang on just a second,” Ollie said, stealing a chair from an unoccupied desk and rolling it to Clarence. “Got to make a quick phone call.”
Clarence looked beyond the desks, out the huge windows. He soaked in the breathtaking panoramic view of the city. It all seemed so tranquil from up here. So ordered and peaceful, the stately buildings testifying to man’s ability to create beauty, the bustling shops and offices his ability to produce wealth. Ironic, since this grand view came from Homicide.
Jake said he felt more secure visiting Ollie than anywhere in the city. So why did Clarence feel so insecure here? Why did he feel as if he were standing there naked and every detective who walked by stared at him?
Ollie put down the phone, then walked eight feet and peeked into a window. “Let’s meet in the lieutenant’s office,” Ollie said to Clarence. “It’s empty. Give us a little privacy.”
They sat down, Ollie behind the desk, Clarence on the other side. He studied Ollie’s light-skinned Scandinavian features and blotchy cherry-tinted neck.
A red neck. How appropriate.
“Jake Woods told me you might be calling. So what’s on your mind, Mr. Abernathy?”
“My sister’s death is on my mind. It’s been over a week. I want to know who did it. And why.”
“You and me both, friend.”
I’m not your friend. Don’t patronize me.
“Jake said you told him once if a case isn’t solved in the first two or three days, chances are it won’t be.”
“Hey, guess I trained Jake pretty good,” Ollie lightened up. “But actually, it’s thirty-six hours. Even the third day is marginal, and by the time you hit seventy-two hours, good luck. Most of your physical evidence is gone and people’s memories deteriorate. That’s if you’re lucky enough to find witnesses. For the most part, we weren’t.”
“What about Mrs. Burns?”
“She’s our one witness, but darkness and failing eyesight are the problems. She heard the shots—so did most of the neighbors. They all said it was like a series of explosions, had its own quick cadence, loud and long. Automatic weapon, obviously. But most of our potential witnesses were frozen in bed. Can’t blame them. You hear forty rounds ripping a house to shreds and you don’t want to stick your head out as a target. By the time they looked, the car was gone. From the first shot to the screeching tires was maybe less than ten seconds. Barely time to wake up and get to a window.”
“But Hattie Burns saw something, right?”
Ollie nodded, looking down at his report. “Her head was on her pillow, just a couple feet from the window, which was open. Just had a screen over it. As soon as she sat up, she could see straight over to your sister’s porch. Couldn’t make out much but a shadowy figure holding a rifle. The noise level was incredible. Everybody’s used to hearing gunfire, but this was another ball game. One of the neighbors described it as ‘ear splitting.’”
“So, what else did she see?” Clarence had talked with Hattie too. But he wanted to test what the detective told him.
“Well, she saw a car. Of course, with a big assault rifle they’re not going to be on foot. Neighbors heard the squeal when it peeled out, so the driver was pretty excited.”
“What kind of car?”
Ollie shrugged. “Mrs. Burns doesn’t know for sure what kind, how big, anything. We’ve showed her all kinds of pictures. Midsize or large. She thinks four-door sedan but can’t swear to it. Maybe a light color, but not white. A couple of streetlights were out. That didn’t help.”
“They’ve been out for months,” Clarence said. “If it was anywhere else, they’d have been replaced weeks ago.”
Ollie hesitated. “Maybe you’re right. I don’t know. Anyway, artificial lights can really mess you up when it comes to colors.”
BOOK: Dominion
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