Read Double the Price (SeXlection #2) Online

Authors: Flynn Eire

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Double the Price (SeXlection #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Double the Price (SeXlection #2)
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liked kissing I guessed. When I needed air, I ripped my lips off his and kissed up his neck before pressing my lips to his ear. “You have to always be honest with me, right?”

“Yes, Neil. I cannot lie to my master. It’s part of imprinting.”

“You sucked a lot of cock last night, my fine ocelot.” He flinched as if worried I was judging him but I wasn’t. “Any of them better than mine?”

“No,” he breathed, grabbing my head and nibbling on my ear. “No one tastes or fucks me, touches me better or kisses better than my master. I would do
for your attention, Neil.”

Okay, it might be shallow to admit I smiled at that, but seriously—what man

“Show me,” I challenged as I pulled out my fingers before rolling us over. I yanked off my sleep pants and used the extra slick on my cock. Cecil licked his lips as he stared at it but then glanced back to my face in question. “Show me what my fine ocelot likes so I will always know how to make him happy after he pleases me as you did last night. You were perfect last night, Cecil. It was good for business and it fucking turned me on. Show me what you want from me in return.”

His mouth fell open as he nodded before he slid his leg over me and lowered himself onto my cock, which I held up for him. Then as he slowly slid down it, he moved my hand onto his dick. I took the hint and teased it. He mewled loudly as he started riding me, moving his hands to my chest and bending in some way that I could still stroke his dick and he could lean up to kiss me.

But he was still shorter than me. Again, I took the hint and quickly propped myself up on some pillows. He smiled widely at me and licked my lips, slowly, tracing them his tongue. Then he kissed me gently, tenderly as his body moved as if we had all the time in the world to be together, drawing out the pleasure. His body moved sinfully, not like I thought a human could and I didn’t think I’d ever simply laid there before and experienced sex, but that time I did, simply teasing his dick and kissing him as my only participation.

And I

It was
. We went on for maybe ten minutes just like that. Then twenty. My alarm went off and sadness filled Cecil’s eyes. “You have to go.” I leaned over and hit my clock.

“Not yet,” I murmured as I came back and kissed him. “We’ve covered my morning workout I’d say. We have about twenty minutes more before I have to get in the shower. I do have a big meeting.”

He nodded but worried his lip before leaning down and pressing his lips against my ear.

“I would need at least all week to show you what I want from you in return, what I like that you do to me best. Will you pound into me from behind again after dinner, Neil? I loved feeling your body over me, so deep in me like that. I look around your apartment and see all the glass of this tall building we’re at the top of and wonder if we could leave marks just my size on all of them because you’ve pressed me up against them and fucked me mercilessly until we’re both satisfied.”

“Yes, I’ll fuck you after dinner,” I hissed in his ear as I stroked him faster, and my other hand moved up to his ass, pulling him closer to me. Cecil took the hint, or that had been his goal—of that I wasn’t sure—but he started moving faster.

“Can we always shower like we did last night?” he begged, groaning deeply. “I will suck you while you bathe and then you can blow on me, finger fuck me while I shower and bring me off quickly?”

“I see that and I’ll want this ass some more.”

“That would be
a shame,” he purred, tightening his muscles around my cock. Two could play at that game. I braced my feet and started thrusting up into him. Cecil’s eyes went wide as he grabbed my shoulders, and I dropped his cock as I used his ass for leverage. He screamed my name as he rode me, understanding when I gestured to his dick what I wanted and hurrying to please himself while I watched.

He came first and that pushed me over the edge as well. I moaned deeply as I filled his perfect body with everything I could give him. When we were spent, Cecil slumped against me, and I glanced at the clock, eighteen of our twenty minutes were up.

I kissed his hair and rubbed his back. “We need to keep showers like last night to special occasions like after parties or I will never get to work or be too distracted. But I
very much
welcome your pre-alarm massages anytime you want, my fine ocelot.”

“A wonderful compromise from a fair master,” he purred, licking a spot under my ear. I shivered and cursed to myself that I couldn’t just take the day off and spend it with him.

But that was what someone did for a
not an employee who was really a slave. Cecil was blurring the lines in my head of the roles people played in my life and I didn’t like that. It confused me and could cause chaos in my organized, very successful life. And that worried me.

worried me.

I’d watched my grandfather and father struggle all their lives to put food on the table and provide for their families and I had always promised myself that my life wouldn’t turn out that way. I would be different. So when all my hard work in school had paid off and I’d received scholarships to my choice of colleges, doors opening for me everywhere, I’d jumped at the chance. I made connections that had lasted me well past graduation, accepting internships anywhere worth having and taking over my first company at twenty-five.

“What do you actually do, Neil?” Cecil had asked me before our third poker night as we discussed our first dinner party in two weeks.

“It’s a type of arbitrage technically,” I hedged, not sure his learning covered that. “I have my hands in a few different pies, but really I’m a fixer. A client of mine wanted materials that could be found in Russia for the cost and quality he wanted. But that’s not an easy deal to make. I approached the company and they agreed to the terms but there were other issues to overcome so that’s where Anatoliy came in. You helped me get him on board and the deal was made.

“I was paid a consultant fee basically for bringing the two parties together and making the deal happen, but
and legally, the company sold it to me, and my client bought it from me with an extra premium I kept. That way if someone backs out or there is a problem neither of them loses anything and saves face. You see in the news all the time that this one had a deal go bad or fingers being pointed that a company screwed them over.”

“So if they go through you, that can’t happen because you’re like the outside mediator who handles all the logistics of the sales so no one party can be to blame and you’re Switzerland so they don’t want to hurt you?” he surmised, trying to put it in a way he might understand better.

I nodded along with his explanation, floored at it. I’d had interns who didn’t grasp the concept so quickly. “Yes, exactly. Very good.”

“And that’s why a lot of what you do is trust built. They need to know you’ll not only protect them in all deals but trust you enough that they can come to you with anything they want no matter how problematic it might be.”


He nibbled his lower lip and glanced at the list. “Okay, that helps me. I can work the seating chart better if I know how to play businesses off each other. Your telecommunications person would probably be wasted seated next to the antiquities, but would be great by the import/exporter. Maybe talking at dinner they could think up some other ideas of deals for you to make.”

“You’re catching on,” I praised. Cecil smiled at me shyly, and I crooked my finger at him. He set down the clipboard and slid off his chair before hurrying around the table to me. I dragged him onto my lap and ran my fingers down the crease of his ass. “Are you ready for tonight, my fine ocelot?” I eyed him over, loving the slave garment for ocelots he was wearing.

God, that had been a day when he’d showed me the
of them and tabbed the page of the exact one he’d worn. I’d bypassed that and flipped through it and asked him what he’d wanted. I’ll never forget the way Cecil’s eyes had lit up, and the next thing, he was on my lap purring as we picked out colors and styles for him.

Tonight’s garb was hues and tones of his eyes, solid colors, where others were more progressions on one strip of silk. I liked all of them I’d seen on him so far if I was being honest.

“I am, master,” he whispered, ducking his head, remembering to act my slave since we were having guests soon. My dick twitched under his ass and I heard his breath catch. “Master, I think maybe I should not only call you Neil when we are alone. There are other times it’s fun to call you master.”

I cleared my throat, shocked at how my body had reacted as well. “Maybe that’s not such a bad idea.” I kissed him deeply, knowing how much that settled his nerves before we had guests, ignoring the caterers flurrying about. “Be perfect as you have been tonight, Cecil. And if you want me dying to be inside you later, make sure I have a good view of what you do with them.”

“Yes, master,” he panted, his eyes glazing over. “I love the way your green eyes light up as you watch them take me. I will think of you all night, knowing the foreplay I have with them will make our fun that much better.” Then something caught his eye over my shoulder, and he hissed, his teeth extending. “I said I would bite your balls off if you put the shrimp next to anything else. People have shellfish allergies, you fucktard. I swear if your food wasn’t such top quality, we’d have picked someone else.”

He jumped off my lap and hurried to go chew out whatever unlucky soul messed with his plans for my poker night. I smiled and watched him shake his finger at the man, not able to do more than that being a slave. It hurt my heart just thinking of it. The world we lived in was so unfair. If Cecil had been born human, he would have the best of everything, suitors lined down Park Avenue to sweep him off his feet. Instead I bought him from a brothel to entertain my guests.

Sometimes I wondered how bad my place in Hell would be for having had a part in that? Fuck it being legal or not, it wasn’t moral. He did like having sex and he did like having it when it pleased me, of that he assured me more than once. But how he came in my service and his lack of basic rights was wrong.

No law or anyone could tell me otherwise.

Cecil was charming, gorgeous, seductive, and captivating in a way that I knew two of the straight men who came to play cards and drink a little too much would end up sampling
after watching him with one of my female guests. Not that Cecil was into women but he still could please them discreetly. It wasn’t that I was sexist, but to be honest, if a guy was fucking a woman at poker night,
was the entertainment and what people talked about, not the slave.

No power player female I invited would put themselves in that position. But that didn’t mean a few didn’t enjoy Cecil on their lap since he was light, or doing something enjoyable to them under the table. A few times I gave permission for him to escort someone to the bathroom for some private play to make new friends.

Though I hated that because I did prefer to watch.

Right after poker night, Cecil had suggested I interview a few extra entertainers for the night. I had simply blinked at him a moment, wondering how he was implying I
them… As I had him?

“It wouldn’t be an additional cost,” he blurted at breakfast. “The brothel coordinator will try it but then will cave and do it for free if you push because it’s a great intimate setting to maybe sell more slaves besides the buy balls as your friends call them. You’re having twenty people. There should be more than me here to purr and lavish attention on them.”

“It’s a smart idea,” I agreed, nodding before sipping my coffee. “I will see it done.” He looked relieved that I liked the idea and I couldn’t help my smile behind my mug. He was becoming more bold in his suggestions, and while I didn’t want him to start trying to rearrange everything or take anything over, so far, everything he’d added or proposed had turned out great.

He truly was the best investment I’d ever made. Proven once more when the brothel coordinator, Bob, sent me the list and resumes for people he was bringing to the apartment a week later to interview, and Cecil was pacing when I got home. I didn’t even bother trying to dance around or lead him into telling him. I set down my suitcase and pulled him in my arms, kissing him deeply until I felt him melt and relax.

“Tell me,” I ordered as I pulled away.

“He sent you a shit list,” he mumbled. “These are bottom of the barrel that the brothel is desperate to get rid of. I know most of these people. One is such a klutz he’ll break something within the first ten minutes. Even the best of this list will embarrass you within twenty minutes of dinner.”

I nodded and moved my hand to his cock, rewarding him in his eyes but really I just loved how his eyes crossed when I touched him. “What do you suggest?”

“You call and tell him a meeting ran late and you sent for me to meet you at the office and we’re coming to the brothel to see his full supply of slaves,” he mewled as I picked up speed. “That way he can’t hide anyone because he’s required by law to divulge all available slaves to any buyers that step foot into the brothel. I know them. I can help you quickly weed out anyone who won’t fit the party.”

BOOK: Double the Price (SeXlection #2)
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