Easy Rider: An MC Erotic Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Easy Rider: An MC Erotic Romance
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When they had finally come down, they lay together. His arms were around her and his hands cupped her breasts. Even after his cock had slipped out of her pussy and his cum had started to seep out and coat her thigh, he made no attempt to let go of his hold.


When they finally parted, she was crying again. This time she made no attempt to hide her tears. Jay had brought her to a climax many times without any help from her. She supposed it was because she had been prepared to give herself completely to a lover for the first time in her life. Even if she was prepared to give herself wholeheartedly to him, was he prepared to reciprocate or was he only interested in sex?


“I’ll be leaving before dawn,” he finally answered. “You’ll still be asleep.”


I doubt it, she thought. She must have unknowingly voiced her thoughts aloud because he asked, “Why would you be awake?”


She flushed and tried to move away, but he refused to let her go.


“Tell me,” he demanded.


“I don’t sleep well sometimes...” She stopped.


“If you’re wondering, I’ll miss you, too,” he told her, understanding what she wouldn’t say. He turned her face to him. He realized she had given herself completely to him and wanted him to do the same, but he couldn’t. His life was too complicated for simple solutions. Regardless of how much he wanted her as part of his life, it would be unfair to both of them. He kissed her tenderly. He hoped the tenderness would provide some indication of what he felt.


“I know we are still strangers, but I don’t regret tonight. I hope you don’t, either,” he said.


Without waiting for a reply, he sat up, got off the bed, and pulled her to her feet. When she was standing next to him, he said, “Let’s shower and get dressed, okay? I know we’ve had our dessert,” he chuckled, “but I did actually buy you something. Come on.”


She followed him into the bathroom. After he had set the water temperature, he pulled her in with him and washed her tenderly. She was fascinated by the dragon tattoo that was spread over his chest. The tail flicked dangerously across his back. She traced it with her fingers, as he washed her. She watched his muscles twitch, as he reacted to her touch.


Jay’s cock twitched in response to her caresses, but he resisted the urge to take her again.


“Pass me the soap,” he said instead, as he started to wash her. He wanted to start with her breasts, but knew, if he did, he would not be able to contain himself. He was on the edge, fighting the desire to bend her over and fuck her blind. Washing her feet would be his antidote.


“Turn round,” he told her gruffly.


She turned and waited, as he knelt and started washing her feet. He loved the curves on her, the softness of her skin, and the firmness of her muscles. He stood up and turned her again. She chuckled when she followed his eyes, as they immediately dropped to her breasts.


“Still pleased to see me, I see,” he murmured, smiling.


It was true, her nipples were erect; but, he had little ground to tease her. The state of his cock was no better.


“And you’re not?”


“I’ll always be pleased to see you.”


She smiled, pleased at his words. She reached up to touch his cheek. It seemed to unhinge something inside him and he growled, as he turned her back around. Then, he pushed against her. She felt his hands on her breasts, as he kneaded them and played with her nipples. He had big hands, almost big enough to hold all of her breast; but, his touch was surprisingly tender and erotic. For a moment, she let him play. She liked his hands on her breasts, but she knew how he felt. She wanted him to take her again. She bent forward a little, as she reached back for his cock. Then, she pulled him towards her.


“Fuck!” His exclamation turned her on even more, as he slid inside her. He was unable to control himself any longer.


Ria could imagine what he was thinking. She moaned. He turned her, lifted her, put her legs around his waist, and thrust into her hungrily. He needed to let her know he was ready to see where this thing between them would go. She leaned against the wall and let him take her. She enjoyed the feel of his hard staff, as it rubbed against her sweet spot. When he broke, she was right there with him, wild for him. She was unable to stop the contractions of her pussy around his cock, as they came together.


She whimpered this time, but he roared. It was as though he had not just come in his bed with her under him.


They parted reluctantly. She rested against the wall and waited until he was ready to leave her. His climax had changed him. His lust was forgotten. He fondled her breasts and kissed her lips. He didn’t let her down until his cock slid out of her in a rush of their combined juices.


Finally sated, they showered together, as they played with each other. They kissed. Their touches had become a combination of the sexual and the loving. He left the bathroom first, still totally naked. By the time she reached the kitchen, coffee was ready. Her promised dessert, warm brownies and vanilla ice cream, were on the counter


“Thanks, Jay. I love brownies and ice cream,” she said, as she smiled at him. “You’re spoiling me,” she added.


He laughed and drank his coffee, as he watched her eat the sweet treat daintily.


“I don’t regret this, Jay,” she said, out of the blue. “I just didn’t expect it to be so...intense. Now, I feel...” She stopped again, unable to explain her feelings.


He stood up and putting his mug down. Then, he went to stand behind her.


“Do you feel this, baby?” he asked, as he pressed himself against her spine. He loved the way she gasped at the feel of his hardness against her. “It says I know exactly what you’re feeling.” He dropped a tender kiss on her head. Then, he continued. “What say we leave it like this? There’s something between us and we want to explore it. We can see where it might lead. I have to leave in the morning. We’ll plan to contact each other. Either when you finish the dig or when I finish the job. Then we can decide where to meet again. In the meantime, we can call each other, when we’re not too busy. Deal?”


She nodded her agreement. He raised her head and took her lips again, unable to help himself. The kiss was sweet and warm. When he moved back to finish his coffee, she wondered if she would ever see him or the house again. Despite their plan to contact each other, she worried that when he left in the morning, out of sight would mean out of mind. He’d move on to the next conquest. It would probably be someone like the waitress in the diner.


As they prepared to leave, he came out of the house with a jacket in his hand.


“Here, put this on. The wind makes it feel much cooler than it actually is when you’re on the bike.”


“Is this thing yours?” she asked, once she slipped it on. It was soft and warm. She could smell him on it, but it was also ten sizes too big.


“Yes. Here, let me help you with that.”


He rolled up the sleeves for her before going back to the house and locking the doors. Little was said on the ride back to camp. Both were quiet. Each caught up in their own thoughts. He stopped in the parking area next to the site’s van and killed the engine. Behind him, Ria sat holding on to his waist, reluctant to let go.


“Asleep back there?” he teased, as he grabbed her hand and loosened her grip.


Getting off the bike first, he helped her off and waited patiently while she brushed the dust off her jeans.


“Don’t look so glum,” he said. “Any time you miss me, you’ve got this.” He touched the lapel of his coat and smiled. “You’d better go in.”


She didn’t want to go in. She didn’t want him to go, but she had no choice.


“Kiss me, Jay.” Her request sounded almost desperate.


He leaned forward and captured her trembling lips. He teased them for one last time until she opened for him. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and ran it gently over her tongue and along her teeth before he stepped back. He looked at her directly in the eye and addressed her, “It was great to meet you, Ria Glenn. Until I see you again, take care of yourself.”


He kissed her one last time and pulled her body up against his hard cock. As he had hoped, she responded and pushed against him, almost as a final going away gift. For Ria, it was something more than that. It was a way of burning the feel of his cock into her memory.


“You, too, Jay,” she whispered and watched him walk towards his bike.


She stayed on the spot until the brake lights on his bike were out of sight. Then, she went in. Her hand rose to her lips and feathered the lingering heat Jay left behind. Somehow, she knew it won't be the last time she saw him. It won't be the last time she feels his kiss--hungry and warm. It won't be the last time. She was sure of it.


BOOK: Easy Rider: An MC Erotic Romance
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