Read Embrace the Darkness (Darkness Series) Online

Authors: Lilly Gayle

Tags: #Paranormal, #Vampires and Shapeshifters

Embrace the Darkness (Darkness Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Embrace the Darkness (Darkness Series)
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“That’s one benefit of being a vampire. It preserves the body and erases all environmental signs of aging.”

“Uh huh. So, how old do you claim to be?” Not that she wanted to know. Not that she was sure she’d even believe him.

“Over two hundred. And it’s not bullshit.”

Anger fueled her blood. She drained her beer and slammed the empty bottle on the counter. “Reading my mind again?”

“No. Your face. Don’t ever play poker.” His lips quirked in one hell of a smile.

She didn’t know whether to apologize for her outburst or slap the smirk off his handsome face.

Ignoring him, she turned toward the refrigerator and reached inside for another beer. Before she could shut the door, he edged her out of the way and pushed his head inside.

“What are you looking for?”


“Not blood?” Did he really expect her to believe he was a vampire?

He pulled his head from the refrigerator and caught her gaze. “I drink blood because I have too—to survive—cold blood by the way, from a supply we keep at Lifeblood. I drink wine because I can.”

“Cut the bullshit. Tell me why you’re here and then get the hell out of my house.” She narrowed her gaze. “And if I’m not satisfied with your answers, I might still slap handcuffs on your sorry ass and place you under arrest.”

“You could try that,” he said, ducking back into the refrigerator. There was a bottle of Bordeaux on the bottom shelf. He captured his prize and straightened.

“You can’t drink that. It was a gift from my father.” He’d given it to her as a belated birthday present the last time she saw him. Two years ago. At Christmas—a Christmas he didn’t spend with her because he was on a Christmas cruise with his wife and
daughter. Amber had eaten Christmas dinner with Reid and his mother before returning to her empty house to spend the remainder of the holiday alone.

A frown marred Gerard’s face. “He can give you another bottle. Can’t he?”

“I was going to drink it with him.” If they ever made up—if he’d swallow his damn stubborn pride and apologize for choosing his wife and step daughter over her—his own flesh and blood. She sure as hell wasn’t going to Florida to apologize to him—or spend time with
woman and her bubble-headed teen.

She crossed the kitchen and sat at the table without telling him where she kept the glasses or corkscrew. He rummaged through cabinets and drawers until he found what he needed. After pouring a glass of the dark red wine, he sat across from her, eyeing her with suspicion. “Who’s Nicolas?”

Fear zapped her like an electric current. The tingle set her heart and mind racing with disturbing thoughts—nightmarish memories that couldn’t have been real.

She swallowed, a terrible suspicion warring with dread. “How do you know about Nicolas?”

“Today at the office, you thought of him while you were questioning me.”

She stared at his reflection in the kitchen table. Vampires weren’t supposed to have reflections. Then again, mortal men didn’t sip wine after being shot in the chest at point-blank range. “Are you, psychic?”

The corner of his mouth twitched. He didn’t smile. “No. But I do have certain abilities. We all do.”

There’s that “we” again.

Her subconscious had known for years, but acknowledging the truth didn’t make it easier to accept. Vampires were real.

But how many were there? A couple? A couple thousand?

My name is Legion: for we are many.

She forced irrational thoughts aside, refusing to listen to her subconscious mind spouting scripture from the Book of Mark. Armed with logic, she said, “You can’t be a vampire. I see your reflection.”

He shrugged. “It doesn’t come naturally because most vampires believe the legends. But it’s all in the mind, really. We just have to ignore what we believe about our own nature.”

A shiver snaked down her spine. She rubbed the back of her neck, loosening the pins that held her braid in place at the nape. Then she pulled the rubber band free and raked her fingers through her hair, fluffing it around her shoulders. It had been pinned to her scalp so long the roots ached.

Hell, her whole head ached, but it had nothing to do with the rubber band. Her mind was in turmoil, searching for a logical explanation that didn’t include vampires.

She took a long, hard swallow of beer and gently placed the bottle back on the table. Glass clinked against glass. If Vampires existed, they lived in a shadowy unseen world. Their survival hinged on mortals believing they were nothing more than legends.

“Why are you telling me this?” she asked, already suspecting his motives.

“Because we’re both in danger,” Gerard said in a voice filled with compassion.

Amber bared her teeth, giving him her best eat shit smile. “I’m a big girl. And I carry a gun. Remember?”

“How useful was that gun when you shot me?” he said, leaning forward to rest his forearms on the table.

The smile slipped from her face. Shit! If vampires were real, then mortals were at the bottom of the food chain. “If you’re invincible, I guess that puts
in danger.”

“Not from me. Technically, I’m the one in danger.”

“How?” Whether she wanted to openly admit it or not, she was afraid. But knowledge was power, and she needed all the information she could gather.

Gerard shrugged those wide shoulders. “I’m vulnerable during the day. Remember? Stake in the heart and all that. And if the government knew vampires existed, they’d wipe us out. Or release Colonel Timmons from prison and let him complete his project.”

She might not believe in vampires, but she was a cop. And Timmons’ name was in her files. “What project?”

“Timmons was working on a black ops military operation designed to improve a soldier’s endurance in the field. Dr. Steve Weldon was lead scientist on the project. He extracted vampire DNA in a failed attempt to clone vampires. I was his guinea pig.”

Despite Gerard’s irrational claims and the offhand way he spoke, she saw the truth in his eyes. Or at least, the truth as he believed it to be.

Sympathy tugged at her heart. If vampires were real, they healed at an incredible rate. How much pain could they endure without dying? Was that part of Weldon's experiments—to test a vampire’s tolerance? Had Gerard suffered intolerable pain?

She straightened, pretending she hadn’t noticed the hurt in his eyes. Pretending she hadn’t felt it. Vampire or not, Delaroche had information about the case. “Was Tina Gallagher involved in the colonel’s research?”

Tina Gallagher had worked at Baldwin Industries before going to Lifeblood. And Colonel Timmons had been arrested for misappropriation of government funds after an incident at the research facility in Alexandria, Virginia. Whether the incident involved vampires or not didn’t change the facts. Timmons had lost a government contract worth millions.

“Tina was Megan’s lab assistant at Baldwin, and they both worked with Weldon,” Gerard said in a voice laced with sorrow. “They didn’t know about vampires then. They thought Weldon was crazy.”

Weldon probably was crazy—and dangerous. If he blamed Tina for Timmons’ arrest, he could have been the one to slit her throat. At least it was a logical motive—more logical than vampires.

“Do you have proof of Weldon’s involvement in the Lifeblood murders?” She needed evidence—not conjecture based on wild tales of vampire experiments.

Gerard ground his teeth. “There’s no mortal proof—nothing I can share without exposing my kind. But the facts remain. A vampire killed Richard and tried to cover it up by slicing his throat afterward. And Weldon killed Tina.”

Pain flashed across his face, deeper than before. “He threatened her when she left Baldwin, and he’s still experimenting. We destroyed evidence of our existence before the government shut down Baldwin Industries, but Weldon escaped justice. And now, he’s working with a vampire.”

“There was no mention of Weldon communicating threats to Ms. Gallagher in the case file. So, if there’s no mortal proof, what’s your immortal proof?”

Had she really asked such an absurd question?

He averted his gaze. “Because samples of Megan’s vampire vaccine are missing.”

She crossed her arms and glared. “That wasn’t in the report either.”

His sexy snort did nothing to lessen her irritation.

“We want to pass for human. Reporting a stolen vampire vaccine wouldn’t accomplish that goal. And Tina wasn’t the primary target. Megan was.”

“What about Richard? And Axle? How do they fit into your scenario?” Even if he was right on all counts, she couldn’t investigate. Who’d believe her?

Gerard shrugged. “Richard’s death was a reward for Weldon’s rogue vampire friend—or a way to send the cops scurrying in a hundred different directions while Vincent and I sit around with our thumbs up or asses, too afraid to do anything for fear of discovery. But Axle’s disappearance frightens me. I think Weldon took him—maybe to test the vaccine after turning him into a vampire.” He shrugged again before his shoulders sagged on a defeated sigh. “It would explain why he hasn’t surfaced.”

“So would a drug connection.” She told him Reid’s theory. Gerard didn’t buy it.

“Axle had nothing to do with the murders. He’s a victim.”

“Until we find him, we can’t be sure.” As if she was sure of anything. And since when were she and Gerard a team? Reid was her partner—even if she couldn’t share what she’d learned tonight. He’d think she was crazy.

There had to be another angle—a way she could approach the investigation without acknowledging the existence of vampires. A way she could keep Reid in the loop.

Vampires needed an invitation to enter a building. Didn’t they? She’d more or less invited Gerard into her home. Hadn’t she? Or was he just being polite when he’d suggested she invite him inside?

Regardless, someone had let Dr. Weldon and his vampire inside Lifeblood Labs the night Tina and Richard were murdered. It might even have been Axel Travers.

“Who let Weldon and his—accomplice—inside the facility that night?” she asked.

Gerard arched a brow. “The vampire let him in.”

Irritation scraped her nerves. “How did the vampire get in? Can they materialize wherever they want?”

“It can appear that way to mortals because of the speed at which we travel. But we also have the ability to move small, inanimate objects with our minds. So, unlocking a door that requires security access isn’t a problem.”

Tension tightened the muscles in her neck. Her shoulders bunched. “So, how do I know you didn’t kill your employees? You have a security code.”

Gerard met her gaze. And then his straight white teeth changed. His incisors grew, stretching into long, lethal fangs.

She nearly peed her pants.

Pushing to her feet, she knocked over her chair. “What the fu—”

“I didn’t kill her. I loved her. But you can see how easily I could have. I’m a vampire. Even if I didn’t work there, I wouldn’t need a code to get in.” He rose to his feet and came around the table.

She took a staggering step back, her hand automatically going to her holster, drawing her Glock.

“Get out of my house.” She aimed for his forehead. Gerard stood stone still. He didn’t even flinch.

“Are you really going to shoot me? Again?” He crossed his arms.

Could she? Even if it didn’t kill him, could she intentionally inflict pain when he wasn’t posing an immediate threat? Her pulse jumped. “Second time’s the charm.”

“If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done so already—without warning. Just like the vampire who attacked you in Germany.”

She felt the color leach from her face. Her hands shook. Gerard stepped forward and wrapped his hands around hers, gently forcing her to lower the gun. She didn’t resist despite the fact that he’d made no effort to exert his influence over her. When her arm dropped limply to her side, he slipped the gun from her cold fingers and laid the weapon on the table. Amber stood weak and silent, her body shaking.

“I didn’t think it was real,” she whispered. “The doctors convinced me it was post-traumatic stress.”

Gerard led her from the kitchen and into the living room. He circled the coffee table and eased her onto one end of the sectional sofa. Then he sat beside her. She fell limply against the cushions and closed her eyes.

“I’m sorry I invaded your thoughts yesterday, but I had to know what you knew about the murders,” he said.

She kept her eyes squeezed shut, refusing to open them. Maybe this was a nightmare. If she didn’t acknowledge him, the dream would change. Or she’d wake up.

“Imagine my surprise when I discovered your prior exposure to vampires,” he said with a touch of irony.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Weird thoughts had flash through her mind yesterday, fuzzy distorted images from crazy-ass dreams that seemed to overlay actual memories. Looking at crime scene photos and reading autopsy reports of punctured arteries and trocars draining blood had triggered long-forgotten memories—memories best left in the past.

“The images I saw in your head were distorted and random,” Gerard said, reading her damn mind again. Or maybe not. She didn’t feel disoriented like she had before. “But what’s actual memory and what’s nightmare, Amber?”

She raised her lids, challenging him with her eyes. “Why not jump inside my head again and find out?”

“Because I don’t like to do it. C’est mal poli. It’s rude.”

“Then don’t do it. Ever again. Not to me. Understand?”

. I understand.”

Man, that accent got to her. It made her toes curl. So did his smile. And she hated it. She didn’t want to relax her guard or cozy up to Gerard Delaroche. She should treat him like a murder suspect. Or a witness. She shouldn’t get all friendly with him. But the man had such an easy going nature when he put his mind to it—and he was damn easy on the eyes too. What gal wouldn’t be drawn in?

“I’m probably bat-shit crazy to think vampires are real.”

BOOK: Embrace the Darkness (Darkness Series)
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