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Authors: Strange Attractions

Emma Holly (42 page)

BOOK: Emma Holly
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She stared at him unspeaking, then pressed her lips to his with her palms framing either side of his jaw. It was the kiss of a woman with love in her heart. Delicate. Tender. Even a little awed. What it wasn't was a kiss that gave him a clear answer.

"You've decorated really nice in here," she said when she drew back, "but you need some plants. Saw palmettos, I think, and maybe orchids. A few of those Taipei Golds would punch your look right up. I could install them for you. My thumbs have always been green, and now that I've taken some botany classes, I'm actually pretty impressive."

For a moment, her response confused him. What did orchids have to do with getting married? Then the possible implication registered. If her nesting instincts had been engaged… Oddly enough, considering how calmly he'd stepped onto this balcony, now his heart was galloping.

"Does this urge to landscape my apartment signify a 'yes'?"

Charity smiled and drew one finger down the center of his mouth. "It signifies a promise to think about it, and a thank you, and possibly a great big 'wow.' "

"You're not going to tell me I'd have to give up B.G.?"

Her grin held an unmistakable hint of Cheshire cat.

"Oh, no," she assured him, her hand trailing down his torso to his waiting cock. The moment she touched it, it began to swell. "You see, I'm hoping to keep B.G., too."

the living room, out of their sight, B.G. chuckled silently around a slice of cold pizza. What an interesting development. He could have everything he wanted without a twinge of guilt: his friend happy, himself
, not to mention the added benefit that Charity would have all the support and guidance she needed to achieve her full potential. He wondered if she was serious about botany. An admirable field of study. Why, plants were nearly as fascinating as particles!

Even with his I.Q., B.G. couldn't have imagined a more agreeable ending.

As he watched his friends' caresses turn purposeful, he counted his blessings that he wasn't the only one who knew how to dream.

Emma Holly
lives in Minnesota where the winters are long and people will use any excuse to warm up.

According to Emma, humanity's best inventions are hot showers, the printing press, coffee, chocolate, and bicycle shorts for men. She can be reached at [email protected] or P.O. Box 2591, Minneapolis, MN 55402-0591.

BOOK: Emma Holly
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