Read Enchanted and Desired Online

Authors: Eva Simone

Enchanted and Desired (2 page)

BOOK: Enchanted and Desired
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I feel Nate’s hand grip my thigh as I let go of his. “You’re a little tease Jess. You and I both know you wouldn’t take us both on.” Nate’s voice drips sex; he’s right; I don’t think I could handle the two of them at once. I’d give it a good old college try though!!!

“And why is that pray tell?” My question is directed at Nate, but before he can answer, I feel Simon’s lips brush my ear.

“Because I wouldn’t fucking share you.” An almighty shudder courses through me at his words.

I am beyond turned on by the two of them caressing me, their scents mingling, teasing me with visions of my wildest fantasies. I need to take back control.

“Anytime, anywhere boys, but just so you know, I don’t revisit my conquests. One time pleasure is all you’ll get from me. I get bored easily, and I doubt you two could hold my attention for a second round anyway.” I extricate myself from their testosterone sandwich and head to the bar to get us a round of drinks, and to catch my breath. When I get back they are laughing and joking, our earlier, charged moment forgotten.

The conversation becomes more light-hearted and I get to know them a little better; they are so different from each other, but are obviously great friends. From what I can glean from their stories, Nate is practically part of Simon’s family. As relaxed as our chat has become, I can still feel an uneasy pull towards Simon; feeling his gaze raking over me as we speak.

The three of us have a great time, and eventually, Lily and Brandon reappear, holding hands - I give her an approving wink. The girl needs some serious male attention. Brandon is definitely the possessive type, it’s written all over him, but I reckon that he could be just what she needs.

I really hit it off with Nate. He’s a funny guy when he’s not so broody and intense. I’m not a massive fan of the intense male, but I could make an exception for one night. He really is so yummy to look at, and I can almost see the sex dripping off him. I bet he is
in bed. I rest my hand on his thigh, leaning in to hear what he’s saying over the music and lively conversation going on around us. Oh wow…he is so toned; I was too turned on earlier to fully appreciate it. Normally I would have him halfway out the door by now, but there is something holding me back, and I don’t want to admit it, but it’s the brown eyes burrowing into the back of my head right now.

I casually turn my head to confirm my suspicions and sure enough, his eyes are ablaze, darting between my eyes and my hand on Nate’s thigh. I can’t help myself. “You look a little jealous Simon. Do you want me to put my hands on
thighs?” I see something completely different simmering in his gaze now.

“Jess, I want your hands, every-fucking-where. How about you quit the games? We both know you’re not going home with Nate tonight.” Holy shit.

“And why is that? Am I not his type?” A whisper of a smirk hints at the corners of his luscious lips.

“You’re every red-blooded man’s type sweetheart…and you know it.” He leans in, his lips grazing my ear as he speaks. “You’re not going home with Nate, because you’re coming home with me. It’s
name you’ll be screaming tonight baby, begging me to give it to you, again…and again…and again.” Every muscle in my body clenches at his words.

His lips feel incredible against my ear, sweeping down to brush my neck with feather-light kisses; his breath hot on my skin. I close my eyes, losing myself to the sensation. “Let’s get out of here. I’m going to take you dancing.”

All I can do is let out a moan of pleasure as he continues to caress my neck, his fingers gently moving my hair to allow him unfettered access. “I’ll take that sexy little noise as a yes. Go and tell your friend that we’re leaving…Now.” I’m usually the aggressor when it comes to hooking up, but I have to say, I’m loving how the tables have turned tonight – but only for tonight.

Lily is getting ready to leave with Brandon when I find her, so it’s not a big deal for me to leave with Simon. He assures her that he’ll make sure I get home safely…he just didn’t say which home. She pulls me aside and gives me the usual spiel about safe sex, which I find amusing considering she’s a virgin.

“I’ll be fine. We’re going dancing – don’t wait up! Love you bestie.” She gives me a swift hug and releases me, heading off hand in hand with Brandon.

When I turn my attention back to Simon, he is deep in conversation with Nate. “You coming with us or not?” I thought I was just going out with Simon. Nate is coming too? This could be interesting. I ponder that delicious mental image for a moment before the reality of the situation is explained.

“Fine. I’ll call Alexis and get her to meet us there.” That makes more sense, although he didn’t seem like he had a girlfriend this evening when he was shamelessly flirting with me – naughty boy!



When we arrive at a very slick little club called Viper, we bypass the queue and head straight for the VIP lounge. A pretty little blonde is standing at the bar, and by the look on Nate’s face, she must be Alexis. He walks ahead to greet her, and as soon he makes contact with a gentle brush of her arm, something passes between them, an unspoken agreement. With her head bowed, her eyes cast to the floor; I can see that she senses his proximity. She can identify his touch in a club of thousands. He leans down and whispers something in her ear; her demeanor changing in an instant. She transforms into a loving girlfriend in front of my eyes, as if she’s slipping into the role assigned to her by Nate. It’s strange, but really freaking hot.

“Alexis, this is Jess. Jess, this is my friend Alexis.” I shake her hand and exchange pleasantries while Simon orders drinks at the bar. When he hands me a French Martini and drapes his arm over my shoulder, I can feel myself relax, the tension I didn’t realize was there, draining from my body as I undergo my own transformation. This man affects me in ways that unsettle me, in ways that I haven’t allowed myself to feel in a long time. A comforting calm flows over me as I regain my equilibrium, and I become the huntress, not the hunted.

I finish my drink in one long gulp, setting my glass on the bar and taking Simon’s hand in mine. I ignore the fire that burns my hand from this simple connection. He leaves his bottle of Peroni on the nearest surface and follows me to the dance floor. I find a spot amongst the sea of writhing bodies and turn to face him; Rihanna’s Only Girl blaring through the speakers as we begin to move.

In a club full of people, a crowd of hot sweaty bodies, all I can see, all I can smell, all I can feel is Simon. We sway in time to the music; his hands snaking around my waist to pull me flush against his rock hard, toned body. As I writhe in his grasp, my chest rubbing against him, my nipples pucker and harden at our deliciously sexual dance. Every nerve ending in my body is alive with the buzz of a million fireflies. His strong, gorgeous face is the only one I see; his amazing smell intoxicating my senses; all I want in this moment is to lose myself completely, to give myself over to this overwhelming attraction.

He caresses his warm, firm hands up my back, over the exposed skin on my shoulders and up into my hair, holding me firmly in place as his lips find mine in a heart-stopping…mind-altering…orgasmic kiss. His lips are full and soft, firm and tender, rough and oh so skilled. He doesn’t seek my permission – he takes what he wants from me and I am helpless to refuse him.

Our tongues twist and tangle in a fierce exploration; Simon’s hands fisting in my hair, pulling me tighter, pulling me closer, forcing me to accept him deeper as he fucks my mouth with his tantalizingly talented tongue. I slide my hands up his taught back, his muscles rippling under my fingertips as I make my way up and into his enticing short black hair that complements his stunning dark eyes perfectly. I tug it, taking my fill, losing myself in his kiss.

I pull back, panting, struggling to draw breath; struggling to calm my rapid heartbeat as I shut down the raging storm of emotion welling inside me, focusing on the ache between my legs.

“Take me to your place Simon…I need you to fuck me…hard.” I can see the effect I have on him, and it makes me feel powerful and sexy. I grab him by the crotch, rubbing my palm up and down his impressive length, hard as steel and ready for me. I hold his gaze as I tease him…daring him to take me.

Without a word, he wrenches my hand from his cock, circling his hand around my wrist and pulls me through the crowd. He makes his way over to where Nate and Alexis are dancing. He has her pinned against his hot ripped body, holding her wrists behind her back in one strong hand, the other roaming her body, circling his hips to the music – her excitement obvious on her face. I can practically smell her arousal she is so turned on. Nate is oblivious to everyone around him, focusing all of his attention on her, giving her exactly what she wants, what she needs from him.

Simon interrupts their heated exchange with a hand on Nate’s shoulder and a quick word in his ear. With a nod of acknowledgement and a panty-melting smile in my direction, Nate turns his attention back to his date and Simon drags me towards the exit, his breath labored, his warm hand in mine jolting waves of electricity through my body.

The anticipation of how explosive our tryst will be is a tangible entity; a mist surrounding us, enveloping us and closing us off from everything and everyone around us as we quickly take a cab to his apartment. I have never wanted someone this badly….ever.




Holy Fuck she’s hot. Sitting in the cab on the way to my apartment I can feel the sexual tension between us building, and crackling, ready to rage out of control as soon as I get her inside and all to myself. From the moment I laid eyes on her tonight, I knew…I fucking knew that I would be bringing her here and fucking her seven ways ‘till Sunday. She is without a doubt the hottest woman I have ever seen, and just my type – tall, slender, toned; legs that go on for miles and will look fucking amazing wrapped around my head.

Her hair is beautiful, long and black, and right down her back; perfect for me to hold on to as I ride her from behind. Her eyes are like oceans of the clearest blue waters, calming to look into and filled with hidden depths that I could get lost in.

I don’t know what bills I throw at the driver as we exit the cab, and I don’t even care. I just need to get this girl inside…and get
of her. Every move she makes is a turn on – and the dress she’s wearing…fuck me. It’s strapless, with a sort of a puffy skirt that is
short on her. If I was to slide my hand two inches up from the hem I’d be in the Promised Land, and it’s sexy as hell.

She doesn’t make small talk as we travel up in the elevator to my apartment; she takes charge of the situation and starts telling me exactly what she’s going to do to me, and I’m rock-fucking-solid by the time we reach my floor.

“I’m going to make you feel…so…damn…good…Simon. I’ll have you shouting my name as I suck you off; you’ll be begging to go down on me, and praying for sweet release by the time I let you fuck me – hard, fast, and just the way I want it.” Holy Shit. I’ve had my fair share of assertive women; but Jess…she’s in a league of her own.

She is beyond sexy as she talks dirty to me, pinning me with her gaze, biting on her succulent, pouty bottom lip. I’m guessing this is her power play, and most men will gladly acquiesce to whatever she asks of them because they
she’s going to be worth it. I on the other hand, plan to show her exactly who has the power in this exchange. She’ll be screaming my name and begging me to give her a repeat performance when I’m done with her.

BOOK: Enchanted and Desired
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