Read Enrolling Little Etta Online

Authors: Alta Hensley,Allison West

Enrolling Little Etta (6 page)

BOOK: Enrolling Little Etta
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"Etta." Papa's voice held a warning note and he swatted her bottom hard. "Stop that!"

The sting of his swat was far more painful than any of Nanny Mae's combined. Papa placed the thermometer at her puckered entrance once more and pushed it back in, holding it in place this time. For something so slim, its presence was quite obvious.

Etta whimpered, trying not to fight him, and was relieved when he removed the thermometer and handed it to Doctor Colt. The doctor glanced at the glass tube. "It is slightly elevated but that is to be expected with her being so nervous. We should check it again tomorrow to make sure it is nothing else."

Tomorrow? Etta had hoped this was a one-time occurrence. She did not want to visit the doctor again, ever. She moved to sit up, but the doctor gently held her shoulder.

"Not yet," he said.

She relaxed onto the table, unsure what was to come next. She tried not to focus on the fact that her bare bum was on full display to the two men.

She looked over her shoulder and saw the doctor moisten his finger with some ointment before gliding it into her bottom, pushing past her pink pucker as he slid his single digit inside. She let out a small squeal at the invasion. Never before—until today—had she had anything, much less a finger, in her back entrance!

"You should begin training this evening, but you will need to go slow. She is quite tight."

Training? What could he possibly be talking about? Dr. Colt pumped his finger in and out a few times and made small circular motions inside, painfully stretching her tiny hole.

"Oh, sir! Please make him stop!"

Papa patted her bottom lightly. "Be a good girl, Etta. Your examination will end soon." His hand spread her cheeks further as it seemed to give him a better view. "Doctor, is it possible for her to take two of your fingers? Please try."

Etta squealed when the doctor complied with Papa's request and attempted to add another. The stretching was too much, and she cried out even louder than before.

"Please, sir! Please. I cannot!"

The doctor paused, but Etta could see from the corner of her eye that Papa had nodded for him to continue—which he did. The second finger was added to the first, and Etta thought she could not endure another moment.

"It is too much! Please remove your fingers," she pleaded as she wiggled her bottom, trying to break free from the intrusion. "It will tear me in half!"

"Shh…" Papa soothed. "Your body will adapt. We have to get your bottom hole ready."

"Ready?" She tried to move off the table, but Papa held her down firmly as Doctor Colt left his two fingers implanted deep within her back channel.

"That is it, child," the doctor praised. "Your bottom is opening for me nicely. If you look closely, Mr. Hartley, you will see how her tiny hole is allowing my fingers to enter, rather than just me pushing them in." His fingers went in deeper, and Etta moaned. "Mr. Hartley, if you would be so kind to reach down and feel her cunny. See if any signs of arousal have occurred, would you?"

Papa did as was asked, and lowered his hand and placed a fingertip to her pussy, which Etta already knew was wet. Her body was clearly betraying her, and she could do nothing more but groan in humiliation as Philip swiped his finger along her folds, collecting her juices.

He removed his hand, brought it to his nose and inhaled. "Yes, Doctor Colt, I believe she is quite aroused."

Heat washed over Etta to the point where she almost felt faint. Doctor Colt began to move his two fingers in and out of her bottom, and Etta couldn't help but moan with a mix of pleasure and pain.

Etta felt restless and was confused that she felt disappointment rather than relief when the doctor removed his fingers and washed his hands. Could the worst of it be over? Maybe the exam was done?

"Roll over, Etta." She awkwardly rolled onto her back, feeling two sets of eyes staring at her as she did so.

Papa stepped closer, taking her hand, showing her that he was not going anywhere.

The doctor gently guided her gown down, getting an eyeful of her breasts as his fingers moved over the mounds and gently pinched a nipple, watching it harden under his touch. "She has a good reaction. Very healthy," the doctor said. "Would you like to try?"

Without hesitation, Papa's hands caressed her breasts, sending a tingle of warmth down between her thighs. Her breathing deepened, each breath slower as she grew more aroused from his touch. His fingers moved down to her stomach, grazing over soft skin before the gown was slipped back over her shoulders.

"I need you to scoot to the bottom of the table," Doctor Colt said.

Etta inched forward, her rear feeling as though she'd fall off at any moment. She kept her legs clamped shut.

"I would like to examine her," Papa said.

"I think it is a good idea for Papa to help. Perhaps you could get her to relax," the doctor said. "It will make it far less painful."

"Look at me," Papa said, his voice stern, his eyes on Etta the entire time. "What do you call me?"

"Papa," she said, knowing the name he preferred to be called.

"Tell me what you want, child."

She wanted to be done with the exam and the room, but another part of her throbbed to be touched. He had grazed her quim and caressed her breasts, paying attention to her like the adult she was, and she craved more from him.

"I want to please you, Papa."

It was exactly what he needed to hear.

"Good," he said. His eyes crinkled with warmth and a smile met his lips. "I need you to relax and do as I say. All right?"

Etta nodded vigorously. Anything to make the exam end.

"Spread your legs wide, Etta." He guided her thighs apart, getting a nice look at her quim, which was now bare, soft, and silky.

She closed her eyes, feeling his touch as he drew a finger between her folds, separating them.

"She is already very wet," the doctor said.

Etta knew that glistening juices spilled from her cunny as her papa barely touched her. Did he know that he was doing this to her?

"Touch her clit. We want to see if you get the desired reaction," Doctor Colt said.

Papa drew his thumb up to her bead, gently circling the hood as it swelled, showing itself to him. "How does that feel?" he asked.

"Really good," she breathed, knowing she needed to be honest. The room felt as though the heat had risen significantly as he pulled his finger from her clit and then stroked her labia, guiding his digits to her entrance.

"Tell me if it hurts," Papa said, sliding a single finger inside her pussy.

She shifted slightly, not from being uncomfortable, but from the desire to feel more, she needed more inside her. No one had ever touched her the way he was doing right now.

"It does not, Papa." She knew he liked to be called that, and she was trying to please him as he did the same for her.

"Good, child. I want you to relax," he said, and guided his finger out, coated in juices before he dipped two fingers inside her virginal cunny. "How is that?"

She squirmed from the fullness. "Nice," she moaned, her eyes staring deep into his. Did he know what he was doing to her? He made her feel as though her world were on fire. He stroked her insides, thrust his fingers in and out as his thumb grazed her clit.

Etta shuddered on the table, wetness seeping between her thighs as her insides clenched down, grasping onto his digits. Her toes curled and heart slammed against her chest as he brought her over the edge toward oblivion.

Gradually his movements slowed before pulling his fingers from her quim. "She is still intact," he said.

Etta closed her eyes, not caring what they were talking about. Her cheeks were red, the room still hot, and her body was covered in a soft pink flush.

"I suggest you get her dressed and put her to bed. She could do with a nap after the day she has had," the doctor said.

Etta did not take naps, but she also did not see the point in arguing. The doctor left the room while Papa helped her put her bloomers on first, his fingers sliding up her legs until he reached her hips. He took a deep breath, backing up as he reached for her dress.

"Lift your arms," he said, guiding the gown back down her body, trapping her breasts and squishing them tight with the material. "We shall leave your shoes and stockings off. Nanny Mae can help you back into those after your nap."

Taking her hand, he led her out of the examining room and down the hall for the nursery.

"Did I pass?" Etta asked.

"What's that, child?"

"Did I pass the exam?" she asked again.

Papa laughed softly, kissing the side of her head. "Indeed, my little Etta, indeed."

He walked her into her room and helped her to the bed. The curtains were shut and the bed turned down, ready for her to climb right in. Etta had not been afforded the luxury of napping since she was a child. With reserve, she climbed between the covers and let her papa cover her up.

"Close your eyes," he said, rubbing her back in a soft soothing motion.

The gesture felt warm and familiar, odd, considering no one had tended to her in years. She had so many questions still, and yet his touch and the exhausting day she had had lulled her toward sleep.

Papa bent down, kissing the top of her head. "Night, child." He quietly slipped from the nursery, closing the door behind him.






Chapter X


Philip's cock twitched in his trousers. He had sworn he would wait to touch her until she submitted entirely to him. The same rules he applied to the other papas of the school, he was applying to himself. Except he had broken his rule in helping with the doctor's examination and helping Nanny Mae shave Etta's cunny.

He had not been able to stop himself from doing either, and when Doctor Colt had offered him the chance and opportunity to help, he found himself unable to say no. He did not want to, and by the looks of it, Etta had been glad of it as well. It had eased her mind, or so he thought, helping her relax for the internal exam.

He shifted as he walked down the hall, trying to make himself more comfortable. It did not seem possible. He wanted to take her into his bed and find them both with sated passion, but it would have to wait. She needed to be ready in every way possible, both physically and mentally. He had never seen anyone take to it that quickly, and though she had impressed him with her eagerness to please him by calling him Papa, he also did not want to push things too quickly and scare her away. He needed to tread carefully.

Wandering down the hall, he went to find Nanny Mae. Poking his head into each nursery, he spotted her with another little one.

She sat with Gracie, reading her a story while she sucked on a bottle. Gracie's blonde hair reminded him at first glance of Etta, but he knew it was not her. Gracie was smaller in size and though they were about the same age, she looked much younger.

Nanny Mae helped the child to her feet and tucked her into bed, letting her finish the last drops of the secret formula before pulling it from her lips. "Sweet dreams," she said to Gracie as she quietly closed the bedroom door, joining Philip in the hall. "What can I do for you, Headmaster Philip?"

"How was Etta after she and Leda played together?" Philip asked.

Nanny Mae sighed. "Little Etta was upset, but she would not tell me specifically what happened."

Nanny Vivian tore around the corner of the room, her cheeks flushed. She was visibly out of breath.

Philip's stomach flopped. "What is wrong?" he asked Nanny Vivian.

The young woman looked as though at any moment she might cry. "I lost Leda. I turned my back when I was making the bed for her nap, and she stole out of the room. I cannot find her anywhere!"

The headmaster exhaled a heavy sigh. He should have known that Vivian would not be ready for the responsibilities of being a nanny. She needed to be firm yet gentle when necessary. "We will find her. She could not have gone far." There were more than a dozen rooms, and each held a closet to be searched. He needed to keep Papa Francis from discovering Leda had vanished. Not only would it look bad for the chateau, it would prove that Philip did not have the girls under his control.

Leda needed a good lesson in discipline as soon as they found her, and he would be the perfect one to teach her how to behave as a young girl should.

"We will split up. As soon as you find her, bring Leda to my office."

Philip headed down the hall to make sure the door between the littles and his finishing school was, in fact, still locked. His fingers felt over the jamb, finding it left slightly ajar. "Christ," he cursed under his breath. Perhaps it was just a mere coincidence that the door had been left open and unattended.

He walked from the littles' hall to the highly esteemed finishing school that he was known for being the headmaster of. The doors were shut and he walked past each room, glancing through the clear panes to observe the young women behind their desks.

Though he did not see Leda, he heard a scurrying of footsteps across the marble floor. "Leda," he said, calling to her. "Come to me now and your punishment will not be nearly as harsh as it will if I have to find you myself." He was giving her a chance to receive only the paddle, not the cane as well.

Leda ran past Philip, her fists pounding on the doors of the classrooms as she screamed at the top of her lungs. "He keeps us prisoner as littles for their enjoyment!" She darted from one door to the next, blatantly out of control, until she turned the handle and stepped into one of the classrooms, where the girls were carrying trays of tea and biscuits to a dining table situated in the center of the room.

"We are not for your amusement!" Leda's voice echoed in the small space of the classroom.

"That is enough!" his voice boomed, growing irritated with her display for attention.

She skirted away from Philip, avoiding the girls with trays of food and drinks, but failed to see the teacher coming up behind her. The woman gripped the ruler in her hand and lifted Leda's skirt, smacking her bottom in front of the other pupils.

Leda's eyes widened and she twisted away, trying to break free as Philip stalked into the room and lifted Leda, carrying her over his shoulder.

"Put me down this instant!" She kicked and her arms flailed, trying to beat him as he walked toward the door.

"Ladies!" The teacher clapped her hands, gathering the young girls' attention. "I apologize for the interruption, but it is back to work. Unless you would like to be the next girl with a ruler to her backside?"

Philip forcefully carried Leda through the halls of the finishing school, back toward the door separating the two facets of the chateau. The moment he stepped into the littles' hall, he dropped her hard onto the floor.

She winced, groaning, undoubtedly in pain. That would be nothing compared to the lashing she would get to her bottom.

"Get up, now!" His words echoed through the long hall. He did not dare try and quiet himself.

Nursery doors opened, including Etta's as she stuck her head out, her eyes heavy and filled with sleep. She must have been curious as to what all the fuss was about.

"Go back to bed, girls," Philip said. He leaned down and pulled Leda to her feet, grabbing her by the arm as he swatted her bottom the entire walk back to his office.

Both Nanny Mae and Nanny Vivian breathed a heavy sigh, most likely relieved to see the young woman returned.

Philip shoved Leda into his office and slammed the door shut behind him. He wanted it known how angry he was at her for disobeying the rules. She had been at Ashby long enough to know that sneaking out was prohibited.

"I do not want to be here anymore," Leda said, circling the chair, trying to keep away from the headmaster.

"That is not your choice. You are betrothed to Francis, and he has paid handsomely for your attendance at this institution."

"This place is unbelievable!" Leda shouted at Philip. "Requiring women to dress up as girls. It is insidious." She snarled at her headmaster, showing no signs of remorse for her behavior.

"It is submission, child. You have proven time and time again that you fit right in as a child at Ashby. Perhaps you could learn from the other pupils, like little Gracie, who recognizes authority and submits to her papa. She will be leaving with him next summer, once she completes her committed time with us."

"You cannot make me stay here." Leda headed for the window. From the second story, the windows may have opened, but there were no trees to grasp, no easy way down. Philip had considered every angle when he'd designed the chateau. The first floor housed the cooks, maids, and nannies' sleeping quarters.

"Your guardian signed you over to our care, little Leda."

"Stop calling me that! I am not little!" she shouted at him.

"Perhaps I should bring in your papa. Explain to Francis about your recent behavior and outburst. We could let him determine your fate at Ashby."

Leda shifted on her feet.

"Or you could bare your behind and bend over with your bottom in the air, and accept your punishment like a good little."

Philip was not letting her leave without some level of discipline. Her insubordination needed to be quashed. Whether he provided it, or Francis, she would learn her lesson for causing such an atrocious scene throughout the chateau.

Without a word, Leda bared her little bottom and bent over, touching her ankles. Her dress fell forward, giving Philip a nice glimpse of her crimson backside. It seemed he was not the first one to discipline her this afternoon.

He hated having to resort to the cane, but when girls such as Leda found it impossible to listen, he felt there was no other option. Opening his desk drawer, he removed the long thin stick. With a flick of his wrist, he swatted Leda's bottom, leaving a welt instantly on her bruised rear.

She winced and jumped at the impact. What would teach the girl to behave? Did she need more positive attention from her Papa Francis? Perhaps Philip needed to sit down with the two of them and conduct a meeting to determine what the right course of action would be.

His thoughts returned to Leda's sore backside as he caned her rear again, lower, over her bottom cheeks, near the tops of her legs.

She yelped as the cane landed on her swollen buttocks.

"How many more?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Until I decide we are done and you thank me for your punishment."

"Thank you?" Leda let go of her ankles and moved to stand up and turn around, when the cane smacked across the tops of her buttocks and she swiftly dropped back to position. "I am sorry."

Philip did not believe her words. He landed another blow to her arse, this one square in the middle of her cheeks. The welt formed as quickly as the cane made contact. "Do not clench," he said, trying to help. "You know it makes the sting last longer."

Whining, she hung her head and started crying.

He hated listening to the tears of the naughty girls, especially when he was not sure which ones were real, and which were an excuse to evade the remainder of their punishment. He would not let her trick him into getting any less swats than she deserved. A firm hand was needed to be a headmaster, and although he didn't always take joy in issuing discipline, it was part of his job, and one that he did not take lightly.

"I am sorry!" she wailed, tears dripping down her face, along with snot.

It was anything but pleasant. Philip gave her three more blows to her bottom before he guided her back up to stand.

She reached down for her bloomers, pulling them back up. "I am sorry I was a naughty girl." Leda wiped the tears away.

"And?" He waited for her to finish, tapping the cane against his palm.

"Thank you for my punishment."

"You're welcome, child." He pointed to a high-backed, wooden chair facing a corner. "Go sit in the corner on that chair, and think about what you did while I find your papa."

Her eyes widened in fear. Was it sitting on her sore bottom that concerned her, or seeing Francis? Which was worse?

He slipped from the office, locking her inside as he headed down the hall to find her papa.





BOOK: Enrolling Little Etta
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