Entangled: Sequel to Awakened (15 page)

BOOK: Entangled: Sequel to Awakened
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“What if I spend the next three months learning the basics of my job? Callie is the only bridesmaid I want and she and daddy can help me get everything ready. Will that give you and Dad enough time to get the arrangements for the guests made?” Aline asked Xavier.

“It should be plenty. I’ll let the manager know to keep tents available for David, Tony and their wives, Callie and Bradley, your parents, my parents and us. We will stay for ten days. I’ll find out how long the others want to stay.”

“What about your sisters?”

“I’m not sure they will be able to make it. Even if they do, there are only six tents at the resort so they will have to go back to the mainland with our other guests.”

“What about your privacy? We don’t want to intrude on your honeymoon.” Linc said.

“The tents are all spaced apart from each other, dad. You won’t even know anyone else is in the area. Why don’t you and daddy stay for ten days and we can all travel back together? It would be wonderful for you both.”

Alistair turned toward Linc. “I love the idea of ten days with absolutely no-one around. Can we manage it darling?”

Linc pulled his lover close and kissed his forehead. “We’ll manage it and I’ll look forward to being totally alone with you, darling.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Xavier and Aline laughed.

“Dad, the only time you will need to dress is when the waiter arrives to serve you dinner. It’s so liberating to be surrounded by nature wearing only what you were born in.”

“Can it be next week?” Linc asked with a serious expression on his face.

They all broke down in laughter.

Linc stood and dragged Alistair up by the hand. He wrapped his arm around his waist. “It’s late and it has been a long day. Time we left you two lovebirds alone.”

Xavier and Aline rose.

After numerous hugs, kisses and handshakes, the two men were shown out.

Xavier pulled Aline into his arms and kissed her until she was forced to push him away to gulp down some air.

He swept her into his arms, strode to the bedroom and set her down on her feet.

In a matter of seconds, they were both naked.

Their hands roamed each other urgently. “I want you, now,” Xavier said breathlessly.

Aline crawled onto the bed.

Xavier followed.

“I’m going to ravage your body until you don’t know which way is up.”

Aline giggled but by the early hours of the morning she was begging for mercy. Her head spun. Every nerve in her body was overly sensitive and Xavier had been proven correct. She had been ravaged to the point where she could no longer think clearly.

She took satisfaction in the fact, Xavier had admitted, she had caused him to feel exactly the same.

Chapter Fifteen

3 Months Later

Xavier waited nervously for his bride. Bradley, as his best man, stood at his side. Callie was Aline’s Maid of Honor. Over the past months the couples had become close. All animosity between Xavier and Bradley, long gone.

A red carpet had been laid out leading from the honeymoon tent to the beach at the edge of the lake. An arbor had been erected and had been threaded with fragrant, blooming, star jasmine.

The Minister waited patiently for the bride’s arrival.

Guests were seated on white chairs decorated with pale lemon bows. They quietly chatted among themselves.

Bradley clapped Xavier on the shoulder. “This is it. Are you willing to give up all those other women?”

Xavier turned to his friend. “Aline is the only woman I have wanted since the first day I met her. I have absolutely no interest in any other.”

“Good, because if you hurt her, your nose will become acquainted with my fist and I guarantee, it won’t be pretty.”

“I give you my word, I will never hurt her.”

Soft music drew the men’s attention to the small walkway which bisected the bushes and led to the beach.

A radiant Callie appeared. She wore a knee length, lemon chiffon dress with spaghetti straps. It clung to her curves perfectly. Her hair was swept up at the sides and pinned with small flowers. She was barefoot and carried a bouquet of white orchids tied with pale lemon ribbon.

“Goddamn she’s gorgeous.” Bradley subtly adjusted himself.

Callie smiled at the men when she reached them and stepped to one side. She turned to watch her best friend approach.

When the music changed to Elvis singing,
I Can’t Help Falling In Love
, Xavier knew his bride was about to appear.

As she stepped clear of the bushes, flanked by her fathers, Xavier’s knees weakened and he shook. The vision approaching him was breathtaking. Her white satin dress was strapless and fitted tightly to her waist. From there it ballooned into a lace creation dotted with small lemon flowers. Her long, glossy dark hair was also swept up at the sides and pinned with lemon and white orchids. She was also barefoot.

When she smiled at Xavier, he felt his heart skip a beat, then it thudded against his rib cage.

Aline trembled with anticipation as her fathers led her along the red carpet to the man she loved with every fiber of her being. He wore dark blue linen pants and a white shirt, open at the neck. Her fathers and Bradley wore the same but to Aline, Xavier looked like a hunk from a magazine. He had protested vigorously about the need for a suit or, at the very least - shoes, on their wedding day. Aline had insisted, she wanted everything casually elegant and she’d had her own way. Xavier had a feeling, his wife would have her own way on a regular basis. He was unable to deny her the few requests she made. Didn’t want to deny her.

Linc and Alistair kissed their daughter before handing her over to Xavier and taking their seats. They clasped hands and swiped at their tears as the Minister welcomed everyone and began.

The ceremony was a blur to Aline as she gazed into Xavier’s loving eyes. How she answered the questions put to her, she had no idea. Her attention spiked when the spiritual man announced, the couple had written their own vows. Xavier gathered Aline’s hands and spoke first.

“Nine months ago I met you on the campus of the University you were attending. Despite my many attempts to avoid colliding with you, your head in a book instead of watching where you were going, you impacted with my chest and were set onto your gorgeous behind. You then proceeded to berate me before storming off. I made up my mind at that moment, you would be mine.

Our oath has had its ups and downs but thankfully, mostly ups. When you agreed to become my wife, you made me happier than any other man on Earth. With you by my side we can achieve anything.”

Tears pricked Aline’s eyes as he continued.

“Today, in front of family and friends, I promise to love you always. I will always be there for you, to fill your days with sunshine, to comfort you and encourage you toward whatever goals you set. I will be your best friend, and will love you, with all my heart, for the rest of my life.”

Xavier kissed Aline’s forehead and handed her a handkerchief to dab at her eyes. She composed herself, locked her eyes on his and began.

“When I encountered you at University, you brought forth an anger in me I had no idea existed. You were the red flag to my bull. You made it worse by making ridiculous statements like,
you will be mine. You will live with me and you will come to my bed.
Never had I encountered such an arrogant, frustrating, pig headed man. Your saving grace – an incredibly sexy ass.”

The Minister and guests laughed.

“Then, when I broke my leg, you showed me your soft, considerate side. Yes, I fell under your spell. Because of you, I laugh instead of crying. You encourage me to dream big, just as my parents always have. I know in my heart, you are my best friend, my faithful partner in life and my one true love.”

Xavier drew her into his arms and kissed her gently.

Everyone present dabbed at their tears.

The Minister cleared his throat which caused the couple to separate. After a few more brief words,
I Do
spoken at the correct time and, rings slipped onto fingers, they were finally pronounced man and wife and told they could kiss.

To clapping and whistling, Xavier swept Aline from her feet and kissed her ravenously. When he placed her down at his side the Minister announced,

“Ladies, Gents. Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Pierce.”

Before the newlywed couple proceeded down the red carpet to where tables of food had been set up, Linc and Alistair smothered their daughter in kisses and shook their son in law’s hand. David and Tony followed suit.


Xavier held his wife close as they danced the bridal waltz. “Are you happy, Mrs. Pierce?”

“Very. It’s like I’m living my dream, Mr. Pierce.”

He lowered his lips over hers and kissed her tenderly. When they separated, she laid her head on his chest. His strong heart beat comforting in her ear.

“How long do we have to stay here before I can drag you to our tent and make slow, tender love to you?”

“Ssshh, someone will hear you.”

“I don’t care. I want you naked and fucking me, now.”

“Xavier! Another hour and I promise you can whisk me away and take advantage of my body.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“Can I have this dance?” Alistair asked. Xavier turned Aline into her daddy’s arms and joined Linc near the drinks table.

“How’s our beautiful girl?” Alistair asked as he twirled her around the dance floor.

“I’m so happy, daddy. I love him so much. He not only calls me his princess, he treats me like one.”

“I’m happy for you, sweetheart. Remember, even though you’re grown up and married, dad and I will always be here for you.”

“I know, daddy.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek.

Her head rested against his chest as they danced. He feathered the top of her head with kisses.

“Can I cut in?” Linc asked.

Alistair kissed his daughter before handing her into Linc’s waiting arms. “You look beautiful, baby girl. Radiantly happy.”

“I am, dad. I guess that’s what love does.”

“Yes, it does. When you find ‘the one’ it brings a love so powerful, like something you never suspected existed.”

“That’s what you and daddy have.”

“Yes it is. We are two halves of one.”

“I always wanted a love like yours. I think I’ve found it in Xavier.”

“I hope so, baby girl. Remember, daddy and I are here for you always.”

“I know, daddy said the same thing.”

“Times up. I’d like my wife back, please.”

Linc kissed her cheek and spun her into Xavier’s arms.

Aline gazed up at her husband. “Do you think Callie and Bradley will be next?”

“I don’t know but I do know they don’t need your help.”

“Spoil sport.”

“Yes, I am. Let them decide on their own in their own time.”

Aline snuggled closer.

“You’re thinking about how to push them.” Xavier kissed the top of her head. “They don’t need your help. They’ll be together for ten days. Alone. Probably naked for most of it. That should help them make some decisions.”

Aline glanced up. “Of course. I love you. You had it all planned.”

Xavier laughed. “No, I don’t have it planned. I offered, they accepted. End of story. Please leave them to work it out. I know you want them to be married and as happy as us but, they need to get to that point on their own. In their own time.”

Aline pouted but conceded Xavier was right.

“Can we please leave now? I don’t know how much longer I can deal with this hard-on.”

“We’ll go and say goodnight to everyone and then, yes, you can make love to your wife.”

Cars waited nearby to ferry guests who were leaving, back to the boats. Other cars waited to ferry their family to their tents.

“The cake,” Tony called out. “You haven’t cut the cake.”

Aline grasped Xavier’s hand and pulled him toward the table where their two tier wedding cake had been placed.

Xavier handed her a silver knife trimmed with a pale lemon bow.

She positioned the knife on the cake. Xavier placed his hand over hers and, to the flashing of cameras, they cut into their cake.

“Okay. Cake is cut. I’m taking my wife to bed. Goodnight all.” Xavier swept her into his arms and, before they could be delayed further, he whisked her off to their tent.


Xavier stripped off Aline’s clothes and removed the flowers from her hair. Aline stood before him naked and he drank her in. “Fuck you’re gorgeous and you’re mine.”

“That works both ways. You’re mine.”

Xavier sat on the bed and pulled her between his legs. “I am indeed, darling.” He sucked one nipple into his mouth as he clutched her ass in his hands and held her against him.

She groaned as her nipple peaked and hardened. Wetness soaked between her legs. She gyrated her hips and dragged her fingers through his hair.

“Xavier, please. I want you.” Her fingers tore at the buttons on his shirt until his chest was laid bare. She tweaked his nipples, eliciting groans of pleasure.

Xavier bit at her nipple. The pain morphed into rapture and tugged at her core.

He removed one hand from behind her and his fingers sank between her folds. As he locked on to the sensitive bundle of nerves, she bucked into him.

She lost interest in his nipples, choosing to hold his head against her aching buds and push against his fingers. Her orgasm crashed over her without warning and she screamed her husband’s name. Her knees weakened. She steadied herself with her hands on his shoulders.

Xavier’s fingers worked her orgasm until it ended. He lifted her limp body and lay her on the bed. He stripped off his clothing and climbed up beside her. His lips captured hers and his tongue bullied its way into her mouth. Her tongue pushed, his pushed back. Hers shoved, his shoved back. His fingers tormented her nipples. Her hand wrapped around his cock and he lost what little control he’d had.

He plunged deep inside her and pumped. “Fuck, Aline. I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

“I’m going to come.” Aline’s nails scraped his back. Her legs circled his ass and together they fell over the edge.

They kissed gently as they descended.

“I love you so much, princess. You are, and always will be, my everything.”

“You’re my everything too, darling. I love you with all my heart.”

“This is going to be one hell of a honeymoon, princess. Ten days of pure, magical, orgasmic bliss.


BOOK: Entangled: Sequel to Awakened
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