Read Enticing the Earl Online

Authors: Christie Kelley

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

Enticing the Earl (9 page)

BOOK: Enticing the Earl
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“No, Mia,” he said hoarsely, even though his control was slipping with every caress of her hand. When she finally set him free of his clothing, the velvety touch of her hand on his bare skin almost sent him over the edge. He leaned back against the hard cherry-wood desk.
Mia stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. Her tongue found his and teased him as her hand stroked his cock. Simon was nearly mindless with desire for the wise woman. Soft fingers rounded the top of his shaft, pressing slightly at the top. He couldn’t take much more of this.
“Mia, let me make love to you before it’s too late,” he groaned.
“We can’t do that yet,” she whispered in reply. Instead of kissing him again, she knelt before him and her mouth moved toward his cock.
Simon gripped the desk as her tongue circled the top of him. He was beyond thinking as desire had complete control over him now. She brought him into her warm, moist mouth. His every muscle tensed as he tried to think of something to slow him down. As her mouth slipped him inside and out, nothing was going to stop the climax surging forward.
“Mia, stop before I—”
“No,” she said and slid her mouth down on him again.
He wanted to feel the sensation of her mouth on him longer but he couldn’t stop the most glorious climax he had ever experienced wash over him. “Mia,” he shouted as her mouth suckled him until he was spent. Gasping for air, he could not believe what had just happened in his study.
Slowly, she stood up and pulled his trousers back to his waist. Before she could say a word, he wrapped a hand around her neck and brought her to his mouth. Kissing her, he tasted desire, passion, and him. He had never kissed a woman after that act. Most acted as if they needed to wash their mouths out afterward. Not Mia. She was kissing him back with a passion unlike any woman he’d had before, including his former mistress.
He wanted to give her the same pleasure if she would let him. He turned with her in his arms until she was up against the desk. As he kissed her, he worked the buttons on the back of her dress. She tried to wiggle away from his mouth to tell him something but he wasn’t about to let that happen. Once the buttons were undone, he loosened the ties on her stays only enough to get to her breasts.
Finally able to break away, she said, “What are you doing? You can’t make love already.”
“No, but I can return the favor you just gave me.” He glanced down at her stunned face and smiled deeply.
No man had ever shown her pleasure without intercourse? “Relax and let me show you.”
Mia’s heart was pounding against her chest. What did he plan to do? Perhaps the fact that she didn’t know meant she wasn’t as much of a strumpet as she’d thought.
“Will you let me, Mia?”
Unable to utter one sensible word, she only nodded until his lips found her again and all the passion that she had tried to control before rose to the surface again. She felt him pull at her stays until fresh air crossed her breasts, causing her nipples to grow taut. When his thumbs caressed her nipples, she shivered with desire.
His lips moved down her neck until he reached her breasts. He lifted his head to stare down at them. “So beautiful,” he said before taking one into his mouth.
The effect of his mouth on her breast was like molten fire in her loins. Dampness moistened her folds in preparation for him. She moaned as he lifted his head and moved to the other nipple. While his mouth teased her nipple, his hands skimmed up the length of her thighs, bringing her skirts to her waist. He pushed her back against the desk until she was laying on top with her most intimate parts exposed to his gaze. No man had ever stared at her like he did.
“God, you are so beautiful.” He dipped a hand between her folds. “And so moist.”
He removed his finger and placed it in her mouth. She had never tasted herself and for some reason it only increased the furor of desire flowing through her. He bent his head to her thigh and kissed the length of her leg until he reached the apex of her thighs.
He didn’t mean to...?
Before she could finish that thought, his mouth was on her, suckling her, sending her higher until all she could think of was the sensation of his tongue on her. No man had ever done such a thing to her. And she was so glad Simon was the man to teach her about this part of the intimate act. Every stroke of his tongue on her clitoris brought her higher, closer to her peak.
“Simon,” she moaned.
A thick finger entered her warmth, stroking her in the same rhythm as his tongue. Her muscles tightened as she reached her climax, crying out his name. Instead of stopping, he continued and slid another finger inside her. Her climax washed over her and seemed to continue forever. Just as she thought it was over, another peak even stronger than the first slammed into her. She clenched her inner muscles around his fingers, wishing it was his thick cock filling her.
Trembling from the force of two orgasms, she remained motionless on the desk as he adjusted himself and pushed her skirts back down into a proper position. Well, it might be proper if she wasn’t laying on his desk panting for air.
“Come along, Mia,” he said, holding out his hands to help her up.
Her ribs ached slightly as she rose, causing a grimace on her face.
“Damn, I had completely forgotten about your ribs. Are you all right?”
“Yes, it was just a twinge, nothing more.”
He helped her return to her normal state of dress without a word. He turned her around, retied her stays and buttoned her dress. “I suppose one of us should say something.”
“Such as?”
“I have no idea.”
Chapter 10
imon watched as Mia walked toward the field where they were to throw knives. After several awkward moments in the study, Simon had made a quick excuse and promised to meet her out here at two. He still had no idea what possessed him to act so ungentlemanly with her. Except that he’d wanted her for the past twelve years and had never been able to act on his urges until today.
But based on her reaction afterward, he knew he should have waited until they had decided whether they were to marry or not. She still had not mentioned anything about the possibility of being with child and felt he couldn’t bring that topic of conversation up until after she did.
“Good afternoon, Simon,” she said with a smile as she approached.
She seemed to have recovered her normal disposition. “Good afternoon,” he said with a slight bow.
“Shall we start?” she asked, picking a knife on the table. Without another word, she tossed the knife toward the target.
Or maybe she wasn’t as recovered as he’d thought. Her rush to get through the knife throwing was palpable. “That was a good start,” he commented.
“A good start? The knife bounced off the wood.”
“It takes practice and training.” Simon pinched the knife between his thumb and his index finger. He sighted the target and threw the knife toward the piece of wood he’d set up as a target. The knife imbedded itself into the wood.
“So I am guessing my ability to hit Davies in the shoulder was nothing but luck.”
He laughed. “Probably a good portion of it. But you have good instincts. Your footing was perfect. It’s now just a matter of grip and learning where to stand so you can get at least one rotation.”
She blew out a soft sigh. “Very well.” She picked up the next knife and gripped it tightly in her hand. “Now what?”
Simon picked up another knife and showed her how he held it. Mia replicated his hold and looked over at him. “Aim for the wood, bend your legs slightly. Take your left arm and point it toward your target at chest level. Now make a round, smooth movement with your right hand over your head and release.”
She followed his directions and they both watched as the knife sailed through the air and once again bounced off the wood. “I thought this was supposed to be easier than a pistol?”
“You don’t have to load it,” he said with a laugh. “Take a half step backward.”
She moved back and he handed her another knife.
“Do it again,” he said.
She aimed and released the knife. This time, the knife hit the target and imbedded into the wood. “I did it!” She swung around and hugged him. “Thank you.”
Her body pressed against his in what should have been a completely platonic manner but his damned body reacted like an adolescent. He pushed her away gently. “Excellent. Now we practice because you need to learn how to calculate your standing distance and how to adjust when you can’t.”
“Can I enjoy my moment of triumph just a bit longer?”
“Of course.”
She walked to the target and pulled out her knife with a large grin. “It went in this far,” she said, showing him where the blade had penetrated the wood.
“Are you ready to try again?”
They spent the next hour working on technique. She was a natural thrower and continued to improve as they practiced. Once they finished, they gathered their blades and returned to the house. Another awkward silence enveloped them as they ambled toward the house.
Simon wondered if it was strictly embarrassment causing the stiffness between them. Before they reached the house, he stopped her by the small fountain.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“We need to talk about this morning.” He took her hand and they sat on the edge of the fountain. A little cupid spewed water from his mouth as they sat on the stone edge.
“Simon, there is no need to discuss what happened this morning.” Her cheeks brightened with embarrassment.
“You have acted uncomfortable around me ever since.”
She looked away from him wistfully. “It’s only that I never...”
“Never what?” he asked when she failed to finish her sentence.
“I had never done that with a man.”
Odd. She had acted like she knew exactly what she’d been doing. “Indeed?”
“No man has ever kissed me...” Again her voice trailed off as her cheeks became even redder.
It dawned on him exactly what she’d meant. “Did it bother you that I did that?”
“Bother?” She giggled slightly. “No, it didn’t bother me. But is that something most couples do?”
“Tell me, Mia, did you enjoy it?”
“Yes,” she said in an amazed voice. “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”
“Then why are you embarrassed by it? A couple should do what both enjoy. I certainly enjoyed what you did for me.”
“Oh.” She looked up at him with a little smile.
“But what we did today only made me want you more,” he said softly. “I want to be inside you when I come next time.”
“Oh.” She stared down at her hands. “Shouldn’t we wait until we marry before doing that?”
“I suppose we should.” He glanced over at her. “Are you telling me you have agreed to marry me?”
She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I cannot until I know for certain that I am not with child.”
“I don’t know yet.”
As much as he wanted to press her with the information her mother had given him, he couldn’t betray Mrs. Featherstone’s trust. Plus Mia might be very upset that her mother had talked to him about such a personal matter. “When do you think you will know?”
“I am not completely certain,” she replied in a tight voice.
“Very well.” Simon stood and held out a hand for her.
“I am quite tired. I believe I will take a nap and have a plate in my room tonight.”
“As you wish,” he said stiffly. He escorted her back into the house and then went downstairs to the punching bag.
Mia watched as Simon walked away. She hated lying to him about being tired and dining in her room, but she had to find a way out of the house alone. Once he was out of sight, she headed to the library hoping any servant who might see her would assume she was going to read. She picked out a book and left it open on a chair.
After a quick glance outside, she opened the door to the terrace and walked out. She strode toward Mrs. Perkins’s cottage. With her knife training this afternoon, she was tired but knew she had no choice but to do this today. Once Simon discovered she was with child, he would ask her to return to her mother’s cottage. Then she might never have the chance to help him with his finances.
The trip to Mrs. Perkins’s cottage normally took her only fifteen minutes but she still couldn’t walk at her normal gait. Almost half an hour after she started, the cottage came into view. She peered into the old woman’s cottage and noticed her sleeping in a chair.
Mia grabbed a shovel and started to dig small holes around the back of the house. Sweat dripped down her back as the sun waned in the sky. Unfortunately, she found nothing but some shards of pottery.
She sat down and rested for a while. One thing she still hadn’t figured out was how she would get the money to Simon without his knowing. If he truly wanted to review the books with her, perhaps she could keep two sets of books. The real books with the extra money and then the one she would show him. Slowly, she could put some of that money into the fake books as the crops came in and the rents too. Eventually, he would realize he was in better shape than he had known.
Picking up the shovel, she decided to try once more before heading back to Simon’s house. She stepped on the edge of the shovel to go a little deeper and then pulled it out. A few more pieces of pottery were in the dirt and then a small flash of green sparkled in the hole. She pulled it out and stared at the small emerald. It must have been part of the hilt she’d found last year. It had been missing a few jewels.
While the gem was small, it was still worth some money and it would help Simon out. Quickly, she covered the holes she’d made and placed the shovel against the back of the cottage. She brushed off her hands and put the emerald in her pocket. A slight rustling from the bushes behind the house startled her. She rounded the corner of the house to be out of sight in case an animal wandered out.
Instead, she spied a flash of brown hair. Dear God, Allan was here. On Simon’s property. Panic wouldn’t let her body move for a minute. Staring at the woods, she waited for Allan to approach her. But the only thing that came out of the woods was a deer.
Mia let out a deep breath of relief. It hadn’t been Allan she’d heard. Finally able to move again, she walked quickly back to the house. As she neared the house, she looked for a light on in his study. Not seeing a candle, she made her way toward the library door and turned the handle. She pushed her shoulder against the door but it didn’t budge.
Someone had locked the door!
Now how would she reenter without someone seeing her? She took a deep breath to calm her out-of-control nerves. She tried all three doors that led from the library but they were all locked. There were no other options but to go to the front door.
She walked up to the front door with only one lie that might work. Robert opened the door with a questioning look.
“Miss Featherstone, what are you doing outside?”
“I had been reading in the library when I needed a breath of fresh air. When I returned the doors were locked.”
“I am most sorry, miss. Before Harris retires, he insists all doors and windows on the lower level are locked. I noticed the book on the chair but assumed you had retired for the night.”
“All is well. Perhaps in the future, if you see an open book on the chair you can assume I went out for air. Then I will tell you when I return so you can secure the doors.”
Robert’s face relaxed. “That is an excellent idea. I will let Thomas know too since he is also on evening door duty.”
Mia didn’t like the idea of two servants knowing she went out for “air.” But at this point, she had no choice. Hopefully, if Simon ever discovered she had left he would believe it was for a few minutes.
“Would it be possible to have a bath?” She hated asking the servants to draw a bath for her at ten in the evening but she had to wash the dirt off her.
“Of course, miss. We will bring up the water in a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
She walked to the rose bedchamber and waited for her bath. Her nails were covered with dirt and so was her dress. She would need to get to her mother’s house for her old brown dress. Hopefully that wouldn’t show as much dirt as this pale green did. She brushed off what she could and prayed that the laundress could remove the rest without an explanation needed.
Finally, the tub and water arrived. Anne stayed and helped her undress.
“Your bruises look so much better, miss,” Anne said as she helped to unwrap the binding on Mia’s ribs.
“Thank you.” With the bindings removed, she realized that all the exertions of the day had taken its toll. Her side ached and felt slightly swollen. She had done far too much today and would pay for it tomorrow. Hopefully, her mother would not make an appearance and want to examine her.
Anne left her in peace as she slid into the warm water and sighed. She splayed her hand across her stomach and wondered if it was possible she was with child. She had not felt a moment of sickness yet, although she knew many women didn’t get that for a few weeks and some were never sick. She cupped her breasts and noticed they were a little bigger than normal. But almost every month she noticed that too.
She still had no idea if she were with child. At this point, she was nine days late and she had never been this late before. Perhaps it was better this way. Simon deserved a lady, not a strumpet who had already been with two men. But the idea of Simon marrying another woman made her heart ache. A lone tear fell down her cheek.
The time she’d spent with him had brought her happiness. Assisting him with his books had helped him and she’d enjoyed that more than she expected. And what they had done this morning in the library was more exciting than it had been with either Paul or Allan.
Perhaps there was another way to be with him.
Much to Mia’s chagrin, her mother arrived at eight the next morning. Mia was still in bed but hearing her mother’s voice carrying down the hall, she quickly felt her side and breathed a sigh of relief that the swelling from yesterday had gone down. The door opened after a brief knock and her mother barreled into the room.
“Why are you still abed at this hour?” She placed her bag on the end of the bed. “Are you getting lazy without me to wake you every day at six?”
“I was just a little tired this morning, Mother.” Mia tossed the coverlet off her and rose. “As long as you are here, help me dress.”
“First I want to look at your ribs.” Her mother pulled up Mia’s shift and stared at her ribs before running her fingers over the bones.
Mia swallowed down a gasp of pain as her mother pressed her finger into one area. “Well?”
“You are mending nicely. Your ribs feel much better.” Her mother bound her ribs again and then helped her dress. “Now, the real question is are you with child?”
“I know your cycles, girl. I also talked to Lucy and she said you have not asked for rags while you’ve been here. At this point you must be eight or nine days late. Do you have any symptoms?”
Mia blinked as tears welled her eyes. “No,” she whispered. Other than being overemotional and now ten days late.
“Are you sure? No sickness?”
“Nothing, Mother. I have no problem eating at any time of day.”
“Are your breasts tender?”
Mia shook her head. “No more than usual.” The reality of the situation bubbled to the surface and slammed into her. “Oh God, Mama, what if I am?”
BOOK: Enticing the Earl
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