Read Erected (Erector Set, Book One) Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Erotica

Erected (Erector Set, Book One) (14 page)

BOOK: Erected (Erector Set, Book One)
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Carolyn laughed. “Now I don’t know whether to root for you or not.”

“Five minutes,” Alex repeated. “Then we’re done. Okay?”

Ness sighed. She might as well do it or he’d probably hang around and pester her secretary all day. “Okay. Come into my office.” When they were inside she closed the door, looked at her watch and said, “The clock is running.”

Speaking rapidly, Alex explained about the new client, the sudden change of plans, the trouble with Josh’s flight.

“This really wasn’t deliberate, Ness. And I have to take most of the blame for it.”

For the first time since Josh’s no-show this morning Ness was forced to admit that her history had made her ultrasensitive to the situation and created her knee jerk reaction. But she still couldn’t help wanting Josh to squirm a little.

She dropped into her desk chair. “When does he get back?”

“Late tomorrow night. I told him to wait until the next day but he’s hell-bent on getting back here.” He chuckled. “Can’t imagine why, with a hellcat waiting to scratch his eyes out.”

“Okay, okay.” Her lips curved in a tiny smile. “Tell him let’s try for breakfast again the morning after he gets in. Eight o’clock. Same place.”

“Whew!” Alex blew out a breath. “Thanks. I’d hate to be the one telling him he was still in the doghouse.”

Ness cocked her head. “I’m curious. I get the feeling you and Tyler don’t much care for me, so why would you agree to do this?”

He had the good grace to look slightly embarrassed. “I know he told you about Jiliane.”

She nodded. “I gather he was very much in love with her.”

“Ass over teakettle. When she turned out to be…what she was it nearly destroyed him. Remember, we didn’t have much when we started out and then suddenly we were rolling in it. We became targets for every female over the age of sixteen. He thought Jiliane was different. Believed it.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Tyler was the one who nursed him through the bender and I guess the memory of it has always stuck.”

“But you don’t feel quite as strongly. Why not?”

“Because I’m willing to look beneath the surface and see who’s there. And because I could tell the first time I met you that you were a different breed. So if you’re what Josh wants I’m happy to do what I can to help things along.”

“Thank you.”

“Besides.” His eyes held a wealth of compassion. “Josh mentioned that you have issues of your own that just made this whole thing that much worse.” He pulled one hand out of his pocket and held it up. “And before you get uptight he didn’t give me any details. Just wanted me to know why this was so important.”

After Alex left, Ness asked Carolyn to put the flowers in water and leave the candy in the reception area. She ordered in a sandwich for lunch and tried to concentrate on the latest revisions to the marketing plan. After that she had the policies and procedures manual. More than enough to keep her occupied for the next two days. Yet even as she tried to focus on what she was doing her mind kept drifting to Josh. She had a feeling when he came back he was going to push for a deeper commitment. Was she ready for that? Ready to trust him that much?

She leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes and massaged her temples.

If he can do that for me, can I do any less for him?

The question plagued her all that day and the next. By the time she climbed into bed the next night—early so she’d have time in the morning to primp for breakfast—she hoped she’d come to the right decision.

* * * * *


Vanessa wasn’t sure if the noise was in her dream or really happening. She just knew it was annoying the hell out of her. She pulled two pillows over her head and tried to re-immerse herself in the dream but it just wasn’t happening. Finally she realized someone was pounding on her door and ringing the bell. Opening one eye she squinted at the readout on her bedside clock. Four. In the morning.

What the hell?

“This better be a damn emergency,” she muttered, pulling her robe on over her sleep shirt and shuffling to the door. “Okay, okay,” she shouted. “I’m coming.”

She peered through the spyhole in the door and her knees went weak.



Her hands trembled as she undid the locks. The moment she opened the door he nearly fell into her little foyer. He dropped his overnighter and his briefcase with his laptop on the floor and swept her into his arms.

“I couldn’t wait.” His voice was hoarse from fatigue. “I look like hell and probably smell worse but I had to see you.”

He kissed her with such a force of passion that she could barely stand. When he slid his lips to the side she ran her fingers through his hair and rubbed her face against the stubble on his jaw. He felt so damn good, his hard, warm body against hers. His arms banded around her.

And he’d come here first.
Before he’d even gone home. After four intense days on the road she was his first thought. How could she argue with that? No guy who wanted to dump her would be doing this. Would he?

No, idiot. He wouldn’t.

He held her slightly away from him and frowned. “Whatever’s going through that head of yours, get rid of it right now.”

She smiled. “All I’m thinking about is how glad I am to see you. And that I’ll never forget my cell phone again.”

Josh pressed kisses all over her face. “I knew exactly what you’d be thinking and I was going nuts.” He brushed her hair back from her face. “I need a shower bad. But then I’m going to show you exactly how I feel, Ness.” His faced was completely serious. “Let’s get this out of the way first. I don’t think you’re after my money, and I’ll never ever walk out on you. Ever. I want us to be together always.” Another light kiss. “I love you, Vanessa Bowen.”

“I love you, Josh McCann. You rock my world. And I’ve got a shower just waiting for you.”

He hugged her tightly to his body as she led him out of the foyer and into their life together.

About the Author


I always wonder what readers really want to know when I write one of these things. Getting to this point in my career has been an interesting journey. I’ve managed rock and roll bands and organized concerts. Been the only female on the sports staff of a university newspaper. Immersed myself in Nashville peddling a country singer. Lived in five different states. Married two very interesting but totally different men.

I think I must have lived in Texas in another life, because the minute I set foot on Texas soil I knew I was home. Living in Texas Hill Country gives me inspiration for more stories than I’ll probably ever be able to tell, what with all the sexy cowboys who surround me and the gorgeous scenery that provides a great setting.

Each day is a new adventure for me, as my characters come to life on the pages of my current work in progress. I’m absolutely compulsive about it when I’m writing and thank all the gods and goddesses that I have such a terrific husband who encourages my writing and puts up with my obsession. As a multi-published author, I love to hear from my readers. Their input keeps my mind fresh and always hunting for new ideas.


Desiree welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her
author bio page




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Also by
Desiree Holt


1-800-DOM-help: Delight Me

Cougar Challenge: Hot to Trot

Cupid’s Shaft

Dancing With Danger

Diamond Lady

Double Entry


Driven by Hunger

Eagle’s Run

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy I

Hard Lovin’

Mistletoe Magic: Elven Magic
with Regina Carlysle & Cindy Spencer Pape

Mistletoe Magic: Touch of Magic

Emerald Green

Escape the Night

Hot Moon Rising

Hot, Wicked and Wild

I Dare You

Journey to the Pearl

Just Say Yes

Kidnapping the Groom
with Allie Standifer

Letting Go

Line of Sight

Nemesis 1: Until the Dawn
with Cerise DeLand

Nemesis 2: Until Midnight
with Cerise DeLand

Nemesis 3: Until Twilight
with Cerise DeLand

Night Seekers 1: Lust Unleashed

Night Seekers 2: Lust by Moonlight

Night Seekers 3: Lust Undone

Night Heat

Once Burned

Once Upon a Wedding

Phoenix Agency 1: Jungle Inferno

Phoenix Agency 2: Extrasensory

Phoenix Agency 3: Delicious Danger

Phoenix Agency 4: F-Stop

Riding Out the Storm

Rodeo Heat

Seductive Illusion
with Allie Standifer

Skin Deep 1: Bedroom Eyes

Something Wicked This Way Comes


Teaching Molly

Trouble in Cowboy Boots

Turn up the Heat 1: Scorched
with Allie Standifer

Turn up the Heat 2: Scalded
with Allie Standifer

Turn up the Heat 3: Singed
with Allie Standifer

Turn up the Heat 4: Steamed
with Allie Standifer

Wedding Belles: Something Blue
with Cerise DeLand & Allie Standifer

Wedding Belles: Something Borrowed

Where Danger Hides


Print books by Desiree Holt


Age and Experience

Candy Caresses

Cougar Challenge: Tease the Cougar

Demanding Diamonds

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy I

Erotic Emerald

Mistletoe Magic

Naughty Nuptials

Night Heat

Once Burned

Rodeo Heat

Tease the Cougar

Turn Up the Heat

Sequins, Saddles and Spurs

Wedding Belles

BOOK: Erected (Erector Set, Book One)
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