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Authors: Rachel Schurig

Escape In You (31 page)

BOOK: Escape In You
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I correct him. “Boring-ass normal people.”

He smiles and we climb out of the car to head into his new home.





If I had thought I liked the way Zoe looked in my old place, it is nothing like the feeling I get when I see her here. The apartment above the garage had been so cold before I met her, a lonely place for a lonely person. Even after she burst into my life, warming everything she touched, the place held on to some of those old memories of cold and pain. But my new place—my home—has none of that. Her stamp is on every inch of it, from the sheets she helped me pick out to the living-room bookshelf half-filled with her books. She even put throw pillows on my couch, for God’s sake.

I love my Zoe-approved throw pillows. Love the pictures she helped me hang on the walls. Love the way her scent lingers in the air long after she’s gone.

But tonight, she’s not going anywhere. And I love that most of all.

We’re both too tired to cook, so we make do with cold pizza from the fridge and curl up on the couch to watch a movie. Boring-ass normal shit indeed. But with Zoe, none of it feels ordinary. Every minute with her is something bigger, something special.

“I’m really proud of you,” she says, her voice barely audible over the TV.


“Yeah. That scene you drew was amazing. I’m so glad you did it.”

“You’re amazing. Can I do you?”

She hits me. “Okay, I’m declaring a moratorium on the phrase ‘doing it’.”

“You started it!” I protest, but she silences me with a kiss.

“And now I’m finishing it.”

Her eyes gleam at me, and I decide it’s time we make good use of those new sheets. Without a word, I pick her up and carry her into my room.

“Hey,” she cries, slapping my chest. “What are you doing?”

finishing it,” I say, and plop her down on the mattress and stretch out next to her. She starts to say something, but I take her mouth with mine. Her breathing speeds up, and I groan a little. I roll on top of her, loving the feel of her arms around me. She’s so soft under me, her hands clutching my hair like she can’t bear to let me go.

My earlier exhaustion forgotten, I make quick work of her t-shirt and jeans, swearing under my breath at the sight of her black bra and underwear. “You’re so gorgeous,” I say, pulling a strap down her shoulder so I can trail my tongue along her skin. “So gorgeous.”

“I need you,” she says, no fear or hesitation in her voice. It’s the thing I love most about her. I used to tell her all the time that she was a badass, but that really doesn’t begin to cover it. I’ve never known someone so brave, so strong, so fucking amazing in every way.

I tell her these things as I remove her bra, as I kiss my way down her chest to the swell of her breasts. I take a peak into my mouth, feeling like I might just die when I hear her moan. “So gorgeous,” I repeat, slipping my hand down to her heat. This time my mouth is on hers when she moans, swallowing the sound, taking it into me and making it my own. “I love you.”

“Taylor,” she gasps. “You feel so good.”

I raise my head enough to see her face as I slide into her. Her eyes are wide, her mouth parted open, and I can’t help the shudder that courses through me. “Good” doesn’t begin to cover this feeling.

She takes my face between her hands, staring right into my eyes, into my heart. “I love you.”

I hang on to her words as I start to move in her. Our lives are still pretty messed up. We have so far to go, so much to muddle our way through. Sometimes the pain of what we’ve lost almost feels like too much. The world isn’t always the way I drew it in my piece today. Sometimes it’s scary and sad and really fucked up.

But none of that shit can touch us, not really, not when we’re together. This moment, this closeness with her—she’s my escape from the world. As she runs her fingers through my hair, gasping my name, I know she’s close, and I know she feels it too.

I want to watch her fall over the edge, want to see her fall apart in my arms. But the edge is coming for me, too, and it’s so overwhelming I almost can’t take it. So I whisper her name, close my eyes, and, finally, find my escape in her.





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Love New Adult Contemporary Romance?


Don’t miss the next book in the
series, available March 2014!


And check out the first rocker romance book in the all-new
series coming in November 2013.



Interested in reading more from this author?

Her best-selling chick lit series are also available for kindle and in paperback.



Three Girls Series


Come along for the crazy ride as Ginny McKensie and her best friends deal with an unexpected pregnancy in
Three Girls and a Baby


Follow Jen Campbell as she struggles to plan the perfect wedding—and find her very own happily ever after in
Three Girls and a Wedding


Join Annie Duncan as she continues her search for the perfect leading role—and the perfect man to go along with it in the third and final book of the series,
Three Girls and a Leading Man


Reunite with Ginny, Jen, and Annie and catch up with Kiki Barker-Thompson as she attempts to create the perfect fairy tale life in
The Truth About Ever After
Three Girls


An all new
Three Girls
book will be available in January 2014!


Love Story Series


In Search of a Love Story
is the first in the three-book series, in which you meet Emily Donovan, a self-described romance novice, as she searches for her very own love story.


An Unexpected Love Story
, is the second in the Love Story series, where we follow along with Brooke Murray as she attempts to save her parents' inn, find true love, and run a business-all while wearing the perfect pair of heels!


In the final book in the Love Story Series,
An (Almost) Perfect Love Story
, we learn more about Ashley Phillips. She has always believed in love, but does she have what it takes to fight for love when her perfect love story turns out to be not so perfect after all?


Lovestruck Series


When Lizzie Medina settles in London for a year of post-graduate studies, she’s sure she’ll be able to start a whole new life. But falling unexpectedly in love with up-and-coming actor Thomas Harper causes Lizzie to re-think… everything. When Thomas’s career suddenly explodes to superstar levels, Lizzie finds herself forced to navigate the fame game of red carpets, catty co-stars, gossip magazines, and paparazzi in
Lovestruck in London
. When she wished for a new life, she had no idea it would be anything like this!


The second book in the
series will be available December 2013.


Rachel Schurig is the best-selling author of the
Three Girls
series, available now in paperback and ebook. Rachel lives in the metro Detroit area with her dog, Lucy. She loves to watch reality TV, and she reads as many books as she can get her hands on. In her spare time, Rachel decorates cakes.


To find out more about her books, visit Rachel at

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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six



BOOK: Escape In You
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