Read Evince Me Online

Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #wattpad evince me notice me bebechinadoll watty awards tristan lise monhegan moonlight werewolf

Evince Me (3 page)

BOOK: Evince Me
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'Where's the rest of the
I asked trailing behind Tristan. My tongue was
hanging out my mouth as I ran trying to catch up with him. The
trees were whizzing past us we picked up speed. At least I can say
he's not one of those boyfriend's who lets me win at things, I've
never beat him in anything.


I loved that about Tristan, he doesn't give me
any special treatment by allowing me to beat him in something
unfairly. If I get a win I want to know that I did it fair and
square, not a pity win. Tristan believed in order to enjoy a win,
one needs to have earned it and I whole-heartedly agreed.


'Rico and Alonso had to go
back for an important phone call that came through and Juan and
Carlos got hungry.'
Tristan answered his pace slowing
down drastically. This action should've warned me to slow down, but
of course I sped up.


What? These punks left? About how long ago and
did they ever plan on letting their little sister know so I could
stop wandering around like a moron searching for them?

'How nice of 'em to tell me.'
I grumbled,
pushing my front legs forward in an attempt to gain some momentum
to be able to tackle Tristan to the ground with force. Just as I
launched myself into the air to tackle Tristan, he came to a flat
out stop.

'Ha, ha, got you now. Told you
you're a dead wolf!'
I rubbed in victoriously as I
watched Tristan standing there, staring towards the woods up ahead.
His muzzle was turned upwards sniffing the air. Tristan's ears
perked up and his back straightened out as he listened for
something intently. What's he listening for?


'Lise baby, NO,
' Tristan's distressed voice echoed over and over
again in my head as if on repeat.
isn't Manzanares territory anymore!'
Why did he sound
so worried? What does he mean it's not their territory?


Surprisingly, while watching Tristan I never
realized I miscalculated my jump and ended up soaring over his
enormous body. My small one went tumbling on the dirt and into a
nearby tree knocking the wind out of me as I let out an


Within seconds I heard a series of growls erupt
in the air as five large wolves came stalking out from behind the
trees. In a flash Tristan was by my side picking me up by the
scruff on the back of my neck and carrying my like a pup back to
the area he initially stopped at.


Dropping me gently on the ground, Tristan licked
at my nose before asking
. 'You ok, stay still and don't move
His eyes roamed over my entire length checking for any
injuries. I was perfectly fine, maybe just dirty and a little sore
with my run in with the tree, but otherwise fine.


Satisfied with his inspection, Tristan stood to
block me from the scary wolves standing on the other side of this
imaginary line. 'I'm ok.' I responded cowering slightly behind him.
These wolves looked a bit deranged, almost rabid like as they stood
their ground and snarled at us with saliva dripping from their
teeth as they foamed at the mouths.


A muscular figure dressed in only a low slung
pair of basketball shorts appeared from beyond the trees. He looked
a bit older since the last time I saw him and a bit more rugged.
Yes girls, he's still handsome for those of you who are asking.


"My, my it's been a long time since I've seen
the two of you." Marco announced as he stood there with his arms
across his chest. The smug look on his face was sinister as he
called off his mutts, which caused them to stop growling at us.
"Tristan...Mi Princesa." He directed with a head nod to each of us.
"I apologize for the behavior of my pack."


A deep rumble escaped Tristan's lips as Marco's
eyes stared at me in a lot longer than they should have. "I'm sure
you're well aware of territorial lines being an Alpha and all." He
directed towards Tristan with a raised brow.


"Seeing how it's the first occurrence, I'll
allow you to slide this time. I can assure you the next time it
happens..." Marco said cockily with an air of authority to him. You
could feel his power drifting off him in waves as the five wolves
stood flanked at his sides. "The Princesa becomes my property and
you, well you'll be dealt with accordingly, because I don't like to

This caused Tristan to let out a knee trembling
snarl as he barked angrily in Marco's direction. In the matter of a
second Tristan was standing naked in front of me without a care in
the world as he stood pointing at Marco in a threatening


As this all transpired I was busy trying to
focus on listening to the exchange going on between the two, but at
the same time I was mind-linking Alonso and Rico my S.O.S distress
call. I was terrified Tristan would lose his temper and end up
having to take on six wolves on his own.


"Let this be the first and last warning I'm ever
giving you..." Tristan seethed angrily, he was literally shaking
with rage. "If I see you even looking at my mate ever again, I'll
be the new Alpha of your pack of mangy mutts. You hear me, you
prick, I’ll murder you!"


"Guess we'll just have to finish off that little
challenge we started three years ago then won't we." Marco stated
calmly tilting his head to the side. "And this time without any
interruptions, winner gets the Princess."


What the hell am I some sort of prized
possession? Marco is so lucky I have no damn clothes to change into
after I shift, because I'd be standing there in front of them
giving him an earful. Guess he hasn't learned his lesson yet!


"Over my dead body, you're ever taking my mate."
Tristan spat out in disgust as he turned to glance at me over his
shoulder. I'm guessing to make sure I was still ok and in one
piece. I was standing there mentally preparing myself for a fight,
in case it came down to it.


"Gladly." Was the only remark Marco could utter
before being interrupted by the sound of Rico's voice. Marco's
chocolate brown eyes focused on the group that seemed to be fast


"Back off Marco, I think you're walking a fine
line here." Rico threatened as he walked up in shorts and a singlet
standing next to Tristan. Alonso, Juan, Carlos, and Luke joined us
in wolf form.


"I'm not a member of your pack so you can't tell
me what to do, Alpha Perez." Marco remarked defiantly, "But I can
assure you all, this is far from over." On that note Marco turned
on his heels and shifted and in the blink of an eye the six of them
were gone.

Chapter 3: Mondo


"Are you sure you don't want to borrow this in
black?" Anya asked twirling around in a full circle, reminding me a
little of a ballerina. A ballerina in an extremely short and tight
body hugging dress. She looked absolutely stunning in a red
taffeta, body-con tube dress in her favorite color. The hemline
coming to a stop a lot shorter than mid thigh, it could possibly be
mistaken as a second skin.


She's been trying to get me to wear the black
version of her dress, but I adamantly refused. I wanted to be
comfortable tonight and have fun. I didn't want to worry about
spending the entire night tugging at the bottom of my dress in fear
of it riding up and exposing my cheeks.


"I'm positive, thanks for the offer." I answered
putting the finishing touches on my eyeliner. I was dressed much
more conservatively in a deep purple sparkly halter top that
dropped extremely low in the front, but was held together by a
golden chain, a pair of black capri tights, and a pair of gold high
heeled sandals.


My brothers insisted we all go to Mondo, a hot
nightclub in Madrid. It's been two weeks since that incident with
Marco. Ever since that day, we haven't seen a trace nor have we
heard anything from Marco or about him. Tristan forbade me from
going anywhere in woods by myself. Who could blame him? I don't
plan on going into the woods alone anyway.


That whole run in was enough to scare the living
crap out of me. All those open ended threats from Marco potentially
kidnapping me, if I were to trespass onto his land were enough to
make anyone in the right mind not want to step foot into unknown

Making our way downstairs we could hear the guys
in the kitchen, most likely getting some food in their system.
Wolves, they're constantly hungry. Hmm, wonder if any of those
competitive eaters are wolves? You know the ones they show on TV
eating Buffalo wings or hot dogs. Wouldn't that be considered


A few whistles were heard when we entered
the kitchen, bunch of animals! We were greeted by a lot of at least
twenty guys standing around wolfing down sandwiches. There were a
handful of girls from the Manzanares pack too. Everyone was dressed
to kill and I couldn't help but think,
'Damn we all look good!'


Max, Gabe, Sam, Jordan, Troy, Andre, Axel, and
Jett flew out to visit this weekend, arriving about an hour ago so
my brothers decided we should all go have some fun. Max, Jordan,
and Jett brought along their mates Kalista, Brianna, and Sofia.
Aww, yea I thought the same thing when I found out they mated.
Walking around with Anya, we said our hellos to the gang.


A plate appeared in front of me, complete with a
sandwich and chips. I looked up to find the smiling face of Rico.
"Eat up, you don't eat, you don't go." He ordered bossily, damn


"Thanks." I grumbled at him and took the plate
going to stand next to Alonso who was talking to Tristan.


As I put my plate down on the counter, I picked
at a chip popping it into my mouth and was pleasantly surprised
when I was pushed against the counter by the warmth of Tristan's
muscular body wrapping his arms around me.


"You look amazing." His warm breath tickled the
side of my face as he leaned down and rubbed his nose against my
cheek. It caused instant tingles to shoot down to my toes. I turned
around in his arms and stared up into those ashen gray eyes, losing
my breath in the process.


Tristan was wearing a simple black v-neck
T-shirt that outlined every muscle and a pair of dark jeans with
some dressy black boots. Simple, but I knew I'd need to have a
watchful eye over him. I'm a jealous fool even though I don't
really show it.


It's as though all time stopped and I was lost
in the swirling depths of silver otherwise known as his eyes.
Tristan bent his knees slightly, wrapping his arms around my back.
I let out a loud screech due to shock when he lifted me up quickly
placing me on the counter.


Producing my plate, Tristan smirked before
saying "Eat up so we can leave." Such a damn tease, he always
manages to get me. Knowing perfectly well the effects he wreaks on
my body and mind. Thankfully, being the proactive mother that she
is, mom took me to the doctors for birth control the minute she
found out about Tristan and I 'did it.'


No thanks to Anya and her big mouth. We were in
my room chatting the weekend after returning home from Spain and
she was being entirely too loud. Mom just so happened to be walking
by and overheard everything. Hopefully in the future when we're
settled we'll have lots of pups, but for right now I want to enjoy
my time with Tristan.


"Ready?" Tristan asked coming to stand in
between my legs, interrupting my thoughts. I miss my parents, back
at home and am grateful to be returning to Port Clyde when the
summer's over. Nodding my head in agreement, I looked down to find
my plate surprisingly empty as Tristan helped me get down off the


The adrenaline was pumping through all of veins
as we pulled up to the Mondo. You could hear the music from all the
surrounding clubs trickling down the cobblestone lined streets. We
chose to go to Mondo, because its owner is a member of the
Manzanares Pack, so that means free drinks.


Making our way inside I've never seen anything
like this in my life. Even though the place was enormous it was
still jammed packed. Anywhere and everywhere you turned, you were
faced with a drop dead gorgeous person. Boy, Mondo could make the
most stunning person feel down right self-conscious about her

Tristan gripped a hold of my hand tightly as he
led the way towards the bar following closely behind Rico. I felt
like the President the way they had me and Anya surrounded with
Tristan and Luke at our front, Axel on my left side, Troy on the
right and Alonso in the back. What were they afraid of?


After downing a few drinks, everyone began to
loosen up. We weren't as high strung as we were before the owner
came over and reassured Tristan and my brothers that he had top of
the line security guarding the door. Guess they feared Marco
showing himself and starting some trouble?


It wasn’t that the guys couldn’t handle Marco
and his wolves if they showed up, but really? Who wants to fight in
a club full of people on a night when we're supposed to be having
fun, ugh, nobody. Especially not dressed the way we are.


Being pulled out to the dance floor by a
screaming Anya, I glanced over my shoulder at Tristan who gave me a
wink. He was hanging back with Rico and Alonso being 'mature' and
discussing things. "Ehh, stop your drooling and C'mon." Anya
shouted at me. "Time to let loose!"


Scream by Usher was blasting through the
speaker, it's Anya's favorite song at the moment. We were dancing
in one big group when someone handed me a drink, which I assumed
came from one of the guys in the Manzanares Pack.

BOOK: Evince Me
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