Read Exposing ELE (ELE Series #3) Online

Authors: Courtney Nuckels,Rebecca Gober

Exposing ELE (ELE Series #3) (3 page)

BOOK: Exposing ELE (ELE Series #3)
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I shake my head. “No, I need to find the soldier who knows where they are keeping my parents and Tony.”

“Why?” She looks at me and then shakes her head in understanding. “Look, Willow. They already sent a team to save them. I know they will get them out. You can't go. Not by yourself.”

“How long ago did they leave?” I wonder if I can catch up with them.

“This morning; that’s over four hours ago. You can't catch up with them,” she says as if answering my unasked question.

“Now look whose reading minds,” I tell her. “Actually, I can catch up with them. I'm mighty fast. They’re probably carrying heavy artillery. I won’t be needing near as much as they do. Now, who's the guy I need to see?”

Claire looks down uncomfortably and fidgets with her nails. “I don't think I should say.” CRAP!
THAT'S A SUICIDE MISSION. ALEC WOULD BE PISSED IF I TOLD HER IT WAS THAT JOSH GUY. As if sensing my invasion, she darts her head up and meets my eyes. “How dare you!”

I cringe at her angry glare. “I'm sorry, Claire. I have to help them. I know you don't understand but I can't just sit around and wait to see if the rescue team accomplishes their mission. I have to go.” I feel bad for betraying Claire's trust, but I have no other options right now. I stand up and catch my reflection in the mirror above the bed. My eyes are a dark green. This eye color corresponding to my abilities thing sucks. There's no way to be covert at all.

“Fine! Then I'm coming with you!” She stands up and throws her hands on her hips.

“Absolutely not.” There is no way I'm going to let anything happen to any more of the people I love.

“This isn't up for discussion. I'm coming,” she demands.

I focus on her eyes. “No. You are not coming. You are not going to tell anyone else that I know about Josh. You won't follow me or even remember that we had this conversation. Do you understand?”

Her eyes glaze over a bit as she nods her head. “I understand.”

“Thank you.” I take a deep breath. My heart is hammering out of my chest and bile is rising into my throat. I can't believe I'm doing this to my best friend. I once again feel as if I am left with no other choice. “I love you, Claire. I'm sorry,” I tell her.

Her eyes focus again. “What are you sorry for, sweetie?”

I sigh. “Everything.” She looks even more confused so I add, “I think I’ll wash up before going down to eat. You don't have to wait for me though.”

She hesitates but finally shrugs her shoulders. “Okay. I’ll leave my light with you. This hotel is set up much like the other one. The dining hall is downstairs. I'll see you in a few.”

“Okay.” I pull her into a big hug and hold on firmly. It takes a lot to blink back the tears that invade my eyes. I let her go, she hands me her candle and then leaves the room.

I take a moment to wash my face. The hazel eyes of a girl who's becoming more and more like a stranger, stare back at me. The same hazel eyes that Zack has... I mean had.

I grab a new pair of jeans and a tank top from the dresser and change quickly. Then I head out in search of Josh. The hallways are deserted; probably because everyone is eating. I pass a room on my way to the dining hall and stop quickly. The door is slightly open, but from here, I can tell that it's the weapons room.

I slowly push back the door and my lantern illuminates the small, conference style room. I half expect to see Tony inside waiting for me. The crater in my chest throbs a little more. I'm not sure if it's caused by my worry over Tony and my parents, my betrayal of my best friend's trust or the fact that Alec and I just broke up.

I take a few deep breaths and focus on pushing away these emotions. This is no time to be weak. I look around the room and grab two small pistols, a knife, and some ammo. I stuff everything into a small backpack, and start walking towards the dining hall.

I stop along the way when I see an exit sign. I turn down the short hallway and look around before opening the door. I shiver. The night air outside is crisp and cool. I'm still amazed at how much the government failed in its plan to heat the Earth. I place my backpack outside to the right of the door, and then head back inside.

When I turn from the hallway, I bump into someone and lose my balance. He grabs my arm and steadies me. My heart beats double time as I look up at Alec. “I'm sorry,” I whisper.

“Me too,” he whispers back.

We stare at each other and, for a moment, I think about saying, I'm sorry, I love you, please forgive me. I don't though and it’s awkward. The moment passes when Connor walks up. I turn my attention towards him.

“Hey, Willow! I'm so glad you’re okay.” He pulls me into a Connor-sized bear hug.

“Thanks, Connor.” I smile up at him.

He looks over at Alec and then back at me. The awkwardness is evident. “So, how about that dinner? Chicken and dumplings. Yum!”

“Oh? I'm just heading there,” I tell him.

“You better hurry. They are running low,” Connor says.

“Yeah, after you ate like five servings!” I hadn't heard Claire approach. She playfully jabs at Connor's shoulder.

“I can't help it. I'm a growing boy.” He leans down and gives her a quick kiss.

I look away and end up meeting Alec's gaze. My face heats up and I have to avert my eyes again.

“Well, I better go grab some food before more growing boys get at it,” I try to joke but the smile doesn't come.

Claire gives me a sympathetic grin. “Do you want me to go with you?”

“No, it's fine. I'm just going to go grab a bite and then I may go to bed early. I'm feeling really tired.” Argh! I freaking hate lying.

Alec moves a little and I can't help but look up at him. He's studying me like he doesn't believe me.

I decide this is the best time to make my exit. “Alright, I better go.”

“Goodnight,” Connor and Claire say.

I walk past them, making sure not to look at Alec. I don't get but two steps away before someone grabs my elbow.

He gently jerks me around to face him. “You aren't planning anything stupid, are you?” Alec studies my eyes.

I look down at his hand on my arm and the close proximity to him makes my insides stir. I'm so close that I could easily stand on my tiptoes and pull him into a kiss. I could make everything better. Why am I not doing it? I slowly shake my head. “No,” I answer him.

He stares me down for a few more seconds and then he lets go of my arm; I turn and walk quickly away in the opposite direction.
The butterflies that once fluttered free toss and turn in my stomach in utter confusion.

I’ll be surprised if I still have any friends left after this.
As soon as I get out of their eyesight I double back to look for the man with the intel. Before I round a corner, I hear a couple talking. I stop dead in my tracks, desperately trying not to draw attention. I can’t help but listen to their banter while I wait for the coast to be clear.

“Clarissa, you know that I’ve had a thing for you for a while right?” The man's voice takes on a sultry tone.
I cringe, hoping I’m not about to witness something embarrassing.

“I’ve kinda figured that out only recently,” she says back to him while chewing loudly on a piece of gum.
“I asked my friend if she knew who kept sending the flowers that never had a note attached. She said she was pretty sure she knew who it was but that she wouldn't tell me. I was so mad at her because I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out.”

I roll my eyes, hoping this playful badgering doesn’t take up too much more of my time.
I need to find Josh and get the heck out of dodge! I look up to the ceiling and see a mirror attached to the corner of the wall. No doubt it was put there so that people wouldn’t run into each other when they rounded the sharp turn. I let my mind wander for a second. I bet it would be pretty funny if they put a camera behind it, I think to myself. The things it would see. I guess it wouldn't matter without electricity though. I squelch a small giggle from myself and focus on the two of them around the corner. From what I can tell from here, the guy is standing pretty close to the girl and he is twirling her hair in his fingers. She's blushing and looking at her shoes. Oh brother.

“So,” Clarissa begins again. “I took my friend’s locket and hid it in my room and told her she couldn’t have it back until she spilled the beans on who sent the flowers.”

“Uh-huh,” he says, egging her on.
“And what did she have to say?” Although by now, the answer is completely obvious.

“Well,” she says with a giggle.
“She said many unladylike things about my stealing the locket. Then she finally said: You silly…Josh sent them.”

My mouth drops open, realizing that the Josh I need to talk may very well be standing on the other side of this hallway. How convenient! I quickly formulate a plan on how to interrupt this…whatever you call it, without making a scene.
I back up a few paces and jiggle a door handle. I watch in the mirror as the two of them gain about an extra foot of distance between them. I walk heavy to make sure they know I’m coming around the corner. They stand casually next to each other as if it’s just normal, everyday behavior.

“Oh, hey guys,” I say, breaking the ice.

“Hey,” they say back in unison.

“Josh right?” I ask, even though I already know. He nods his head but the girl looks at me like I’m trying to take her man. Down girl, I think to myself. “One of the soldiers said that he spoke with you at the meeting earlier about the reconnaissance mission, you know, where they’re keeping the other soldiers locked up.” I’m totally shooting in the dark here but hoping I hit a bull’s eye. He doesn’t stop me so I continue. “Sorry, I can’t remember his name…” I leave the sentence hanging while snapping my fingers, hoping he’ll fill in the blank.

“You mean Steve?” he fills in, looking annoyed.

Bingo! “Yes, Steve,” I say with a little too much exuberance. “Steve wanted to see if you could draw up a simple map so he can show it to some of the others about where the location is that the prisoners are being held at.” Yes, I know that this is probably going to end up badly, but I’m hoping that he just wants me out of his hair so he can get back to Clarissa. The fastest way for him to do that is to give me what I want.

He eyes me kind of funny for a moment but slowly pulls a pen out of his shirt pocket. “Steve said that?”

I nod my head in affirmation.
“He told me to tell you that some of the details of the plan were lost to him. He was wondering if you could do this so it’ll jar his memory.” Josh shakes his head.

“Man, that old fart always forgets stuff.
Why Alice put him in charge I’ll never know.”

I give him a small smile.
“Yeah, he did seem a bit off, if you know what I mean,” I say, to try to be more personal.

“Clarissa, do you have a piece of paper or something?”
I know he asked her but I search through my pockets anyway and come up empty.

Lo and behold, she pulls out a business card sized piece of paper from her bra.
Josh turns an unnatural shade of red and carefully takes the paper from her as if it’s the most precious piece of paper in the world.

Ick, I think I just gagged! By the way they exchange shy, yet ogling, glances, I can only assume that the card must be one of the blank ones that he put on the flowers he sent her.

It takes him a few moments to roughly sketch a map of some sort onto the business card. He hands it to me and says, “Here you go.” I can also catch the other thing he didn’t have to say out loud, here’s what you came for, now leave.

I smile and walk past them, thanking them for their time. I round another corner happy to be away from that sick love fest.
I don’t think I could have handled any more of that. The romance was palpable in the air… like you could cut it with a knife. I stick the card in my back pocket, noticing that it doesn’t have any sort of direction or compass on it.

I think I can figure out a way to decipher the map though.
I come back around to the exit sign, silently and stealthily slink out the door, and close it quietly behind me, making sure it latches. I pick up my bag and toss it over my shoulders. I stretch my arms above my head and look around, trying to gather my bearings.

I spot a fire escape ladder hanging from the side of the hotel.
I unlatch it and flinch at the loud squeak it lets out. I hold it in midair, making sure that I’m still undetected. After a few seconds, I let the ladder down the rest of the way and set it quietly on the ground. I grab the metal sides and begin making my way up the numerous series of ladders, to the top of the roof. The wind whips across my face the higher I get up. Instead of the trepidation I thought I would feel at these heights, I feel rejuvenated and energized… like I’m on top of the world.

I reach the top of the ladder and carefully make my way onto the gravel-paved roof.
There’s a few old air conditioners and other machinery here I can’t identify. I watch my step, making sure I don’t trip. It’s a little creepy that there’s no railing, but I guess no one is really supposed to be up here in the first place.

I saunter over to the middle of the roof and set my backpack down.
Scanning the horizon, I take a mental note of any particular landmarks that are around me. I pull out the piece of paper and hold it so the moon’s reflection allows me to see what’s written. Glancing this way and that, I try to match up what’s drawn on the paper with what’s out there. Then I see it, to the east, a small glow dotting the horizon. I’m not sure if it’s where they took Tony and my parents but it’s the only light that’s illuminating the sky… besides the moon and stars that is. I point the piece of paper in that direction and sure enough, it’s an exact match for where I need to go.

BOOK: Exposing ELE (ELE Series #3)
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