Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 1 (Roman Crime Family)

BOOK: Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 1 (Roman Crime Family)
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Fallen Angel: Part 1

A Mafia Romance (Roman Crime Family)

Fallen Angel Series


Alisa Anderson

Cameron Skye

Fallen Angel: Part I

by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye

Copyright © 2014 by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye


This is a work of fiction. While there may be reference to actual places and events, all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in encouraging piracy of copyrighted materials in violation with the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

Big Dreams…


When Jess packed up her belongings and fled her small hometown in Kansas, she never looked back. Free from her family’s dark past she was finally able to pursue her lifelong dream as a professional dancer. She never expected to find herself at his door...or at his club.
Nick was unlike any other man she had ever met. Sexy…Alluring…Predatory. Dangerous. The kind of man with more secrets than even she had. Every instinct warned Jess against knowing him further, but she always did like playing with fire…
Nick Roman took one look at Jess and knew she was trouble from the very start. But something about the defiant twist of her mouth and the wide, haunted eyes of a damaged soul touched him in places he had long ago thought dead. He knew he needed to stay far away from her for his own sanity, but like a moth to a flame he was helpless to resist…
Working at Takers Gentleman's Club was the last place Jess thought she would find herself, but she quickly learned how the game was played.


See what you want, take what you can get…but at what cost?
***Fallen Angel is a dark erotic serial novel released every 4 to 6 weeks, at approximately 8000 to 11000 words each. Due to sexual content, implied and actual scenes of abuse, violence, organized crime, language and frequent illegal drug use, we recommend this to mature audiences, ages 18 and over, who are comfortable with this subject matter.***



Time to face the music. Do or die this time.

She had tried everything at this point. Knocked on every door. Stood in every line. Went to every audition.


Don’t call us. We’ll call you

She was so sick of that shit. If she heard it one more time, she would scream bloody murder.

It had been over six months since she arrived in New York. Her money was close to non-existent. If she didn’t do something soon, she would be completely broke.

Thank God her best friend Allison lived there or she would have been homeless otherwise. 

“What the hell am I doing here?” 

Allison wrapped her arm around Jess’s shoulders. “It’s no different than dancing on a Broadway stage. You’ll make a ton of money, and have the rest of the day for auditions. What’s not to love?”

“Right. And tell me you’re not just trying to make me feel better.” 

“Well…yeah. I am.” Jess punched her arm.

It’s true.”
Allison laughed, yanking her hair.

“Trust me. How long have I been here, Jess? I know we had different plans when we were kids. But plans change. This is how it has to be for now, ok? Just for now. Until that first gig comes through. So come on. Don’t chicken out on me. I told him you’d be here. He’s expecting you.”

They walked through the doors of Takers Gentlemen’s Club, Jess scanned the room to see who was there. The place looked empty, thank god. Her eyes darted around quickly, nervously, taking it all in.

The stage, the tables. The VIP Room. The club definitely looked less seedy from the inside. It wasn’t Broadway, that’s for sure. But it helped.

“I cannot believe I am here right now.” She muttered under her breath.

Allison must have heard her, shooting her a look. Urging her to shut up.

Jess ignored her. “Allie…I need a line. Some kind of rush to make me go through with this. Hook me up?”

“Jesus, Jess. If Nick catches you-”

“Allie, just give me some coke, will you? I need it to calm my nerves.”

She sat on the edge of the stage, dipping her pinky finger in the bag Allison held out. Sniffing, she felt the rush up her nose. Instantly feeling ten feet tall. Like she could fly.

Much better. Her nervousness depleted, but not entirely.

She continued scanning, looking for a reason, any reason at all, to run like hell. And not look back.

That’s when she saw him.

His dark looks gave him a dangerous, yet vulnerable air. Making her want to take him in her arms and hold him...and seek her own protection. He wasn’t exactly what you’d call beautiful. But lord, the man had something about him.

He walked across the club to where they were standing. She took in a deep breath as her chest tightened, literally she could not breathe.

Jesus. Get a fucking grip. 

“Who do we have here?” His voice was deep. Confident. Sexy. Used to being obeyed, without question. 

“This is the girl I told you about, Nick. The one auditioning for the open slot.”

Allison pushed Jess forward. She glared back at her, feeling like she was on display at an auction block.

He looked her up and down. She could swear she saw him lick his lips.

Yep. No reason
at all
to feel that way.

“Where you from, kid?”


“Really. New York, eh?” His tone mocking. 

Jess cleared her throat. “Kansas.”

“Ah. Better.”

“I wasn’t trying to lie. If that’s what you were thinking.”

“I wasn’t aware you were a mind reader.”

“I’m not.”

“Then how do you know what I’m thinking?”

Jess bristled. “I don’t. If you recall, I said,
that’s what you were thinking. Never said that’s what you

Nick eyed her sharply. Jess willed herself to watch her smart mouth, it always managed to get her in trouble. Allison looked like she was turning a shade of green.

“So what’s your name?”

“Why do you care?”

“Jess!” Allison shot her a look she ignored. She was irritated. Tired of feeling so defensive.

“Because I own the fucking place, that’s why.”

“Again, why do you care?” She gave a humorless smile that didn’t meet her eyes. “All that fucking matters is that I get onstage and take my clothes off, right?”

“You got a massive chip on your shoulder. Anyone ever tell you that?”

“Anyone ever tell you that you ask too many questions?”

Nick stared at Jess for a few seconds and finally burst out laughing. She had nerve, that’s for sure. He’d probably killed men for less.

She almost wanted him to spare her the same mercy. Anything would be better than her shitty life.

“Don’t ever do coke on my stage. Cops will be all over my ass.”

Allison looked horrified. “Nick I-”

“Don’t worry about it, Allie.” He stuck out his hand, clasping Jess’ hand into his. “Nick Roman. Welcome to Takers.”

His touch reverberated up her arm. Down her spine.

What the fuck was that?

He grinned at her, and she felt a tingle go through her entire body.

Oh, yeah.

This man was seriously bad news. One she knew she needed to stay away from. She was fully aware of his reputation from Allison. Not only with the ladies, but of being a notorious Mafioso.

She also knew he was very much married. An arranged marriage at that.

Supposedly there was a story there, but it was never discussed. Ever.

Nick swung his leg over a chair, sitting.

“Ok, let’s see what you got. Get on the stage. I’ll cue Mikey when you’re ready. Oh and kid…how do you feel about going topless?” 

Jess hesitated a moment before climbing on the stage. This was the end of the line for her. She was desperate. If she didn’t make this work, it was back to Kansas for her.

Back to her old life. Back to her family. Back to her father. Back to his world.

Becoming the failure he always said she would be.

Not this time.

He would never get the opportunity to touch her again. She was
going back to them. Or him. She was done with that portion of her life.

Not even if said life, depended on it.

Which, in a way, it kind of did.

For her piece own piece of mind. For her sanity. Finding some semblance of happiness. She needed this.

Just once, it would be nice to get a decent night’s sleep.

No nightmares. No terror filled panic attacks. Wondering if tonight was the night her father emptied his gun in her head. No dreaded anticipation of what was to come.

Foul, alcohol-laced breath…sweaty hands…suffocating her…moving all over her body, touching her…violating her…going places no father should ever be…

“Kid? Are you ok?” Nick’s voice startled her.

She looked up sharply, meeting his gaze. It was too late to mask the gnawing fear and haunted, raw, naked ache in her eyes. She knew he could see it all.

What surprised her was his curiously knowing silence. As if he knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling.

And understood.

He was giving her an out. No questions asked. One she was not going to take.

Jess shook herself.

“I will be. But will you, I mean will
be able to touch my boobs?”

If he caught the slip, he didn’t let on.

“And why did you ask me where I was from, if you already knew?”

She was annoyed at both him and herself for the slip. And for the warmth gathering between her legs.

There was an awkward pause before Nick eventually spoke.

“I ask because I can. It’s my club. You got a problem, there’s the door.” Nick arched his brow at her.

She nodded, glancing away.

He continued. “Now then. No touching by others, period. However, there are no rules for me but one. You’ll never have to do anything you aren’t good with. That, I can promise.”

Why the fuck did he promise that? Jess wasn’t about to ask.

“Mikey, Hot Child in City.” Leaning forward he put a cigar in his mouth. “When you’re ready, kid.”

The music started playing. Jess wasn’t really sure what to do at first. Wondering why in the hell he chose such an old fucking song.

How the hell am I going to get through this?

She closed her eyes. Swaying to the music.

She opened them, looking directly at him.

Something took over.

She found herself dancing for him. Seducing him with each hip grind and twirl around the pole. It was as if they were the only ones in the room.

The more she danced, the harder he breathed. He was actually getting a rather large erection and didn’t seem to care if she knew.

He was feeding her.

She got lost in his eyes. Forgetting they were in a club.

His club.



He was intrigued with her the moment he saw her.

Her blond hair shining in the lights. He could see through the white tank top she wore, as it stretched over her exquisite breasts. Her stomach was flat. Even her belly button looked inviting.

Her long legs were gorgeous, going on forever. Firm. Muscular. Dancer’s legs. The tight black shorts she wore outlined every curve of her round, shapely ass.

He swallowed hard. How was it she could be so fucking hot, yet look so angelic and innocent? She couldn’t have been more than nineteen or twenty.

What was it about this girl he felt he needed to protect? She hid a lifetime of pain behind those eyes, much wiser than her years.

He didn’t know much about her but planned on finding out. That was for fucking sure.

Hearing the music stop, he got his emotions in check. Before he made an idiot of himself over some girl.

A child, he barely knew.

“Not half bad. The club is open from seven till three. The slot is two nights a week. I don’t pay my girls but you’ll be well taken care of. Tips are yours, except for the ten percent I take off the top for allowing you to dance on my stage.”

He got up from the chair, walking towards the back. 

“Your stage name is Manhattan. Remember it.” 

He turned, looking at her standing on the stage. 

“See you at six, kid. That is, if you’ll be back.”

Jess climbed off the stage.

“Thanks Mr. Roman.”

“Call me Nick.”

“Of course…Mr. Roman.”

She smiled at him, looking cocky.

Nick laughed softly to himself, shaking his head, then walked to his office. That girl was trouble. 

“Just what the fuck I need.”

He closed his office door, sighing.

BOOK: Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 1 (Roman Crime Family)
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