Read Family Values Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #bdsm;cowboy;kink;menage and more;second chances;small town;erotic;polyamory;brothers

Family Values (5 page)

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“You think?” she said, her voice rising. “Fucking me didn’t have a thing to do about me. You were just getting one up on your brothers.”

He opened his mouth—to deny it, she had no doubt, but then the sudden anger faded from his eyes, and he bent his head. “You’re right. And after you were gone, I realized that. I wasn’t proud.”

He looked up, and he wore an expression she’d never seen on his face.

His gaze was earnest, his brows drawn together in concern. “You don’t know how many times I got in my truck and pointed it east. I wanted to find you. Apologize. Get down on my knees to ask your forgiveness. Because of me, you were forced from your home. Because of my pride and lack of concern for you. I’ve regretted my actions every single day.”

By the time he ended, his voice was raw with emotion. Her chest tightened and tears began to fill her eyes. “This was my home,” she said, and then hiccupped. And before she could even try to form more words, his arms were around her, bringing her against his chest.

Angelina sobbed and rested against him. She hated that once again she was crying over a MacAfee. She’d prepared to hold him at a distance. To let him tease her into laughter but to never make love with him again. She couldn’t. Not after she’d been with Brand.

“I should go back to Austin,” she said, gripping his shirt. “Before this gets too complicated.”

“It’s not complicated at all, sweetheart. You just have to let go. Let us take care of you.”

“Us?” She sniffed and leaned away, still caught by his arms but trying to make a little space. “You and Brand—neither of you make sense. He said I should trust everything would be okay. Now you’re telling me to just, what? Be in the moment? We had our moment. Look what it got us.”

“Told you it should have been me who brought her up here.”

She twisted to look behind her. Eli stood there, a one-sided smile on his face. When she looked back at Nate, he didn’t seem all that surprised. “What is this?”

“It’s our turn,” Eli said softly.

Her body went rigid. “What do you mean?”

Eli came up behind her and his arms went around her, sliding between her and Nate’s body as he pressed against her. He bent and kissed her cheek. “We’re gonna swim. That’s all. What did you think I meant?”

Her mouth went dry. Sandwiched between the brothers, her mind filled with naughty thoughts. “I didn’t think a thing,” she said, only there was a breathless quality to the lie.

Eli chuckled. “Don’t be scared. We won’t make you take your swimsuit off. We’ll be the only ones skinny-dippin’.”


He smoothed his hands over her belly. Lord, could he feel Nate’s cock against the back of his hand? She began to tremble.

But they both stepped away, giving her room to breathe. Or so she thought, until Nate began unbuttoning her shirt and Eli unbuckled her belt.

She stood still, her breaths so shallow she worried she’d pass out as they stripped off her clothing.

When she stood in only the too-tight scraps of red Lycra, she shivered.

“Eli,” Nate said, his hands lightly cupping her hips. “Our Angel’s all grown up.”

Another set of hands cupped her bottom. “She has,” Eli whispered. He gave her a light squeeze and then let go of her and stepped away.

She closed her eyes as Nate also let go of her and moved. From the sounds of zippers scraping and boots thudding against the ground, they were making good on their promise. Angelina felt her cheeks heat up and her nipples bead, but she didn’t move until she heard splashes.

When she opened her eyes, both men were in the center of the pond.

“Gonna swim?” Nate called out.

She was tempted to run for his horse. But then she’d never know exactly what they had in mind, and she had to admit, she was damn curious. The fact the two men had seemed happy to strip her together gave her a strong clue where they wanted this to go.

But did she have the guts? And what about Brand? Did he know his brothers had planned to seduce her…together?

Was this their solution? If one of them couldn’t win her affections, were they willing to settle for sharing?

Knowing she was entering new territory, she made up her mind to let them play, to hear what they had to say, but her swimsuit was staying firmly in place. Too bad the tight fit was beginning to rub her nipples raw, and the fabric was digging into the crevice of her ass and outlining her pussy. She may as well have been nude as she turned to face them and slowly stepped into the water.

Chapter Five

Eli couldn’t take his gaze away from Angelina as she walked toward them. Was the hypnotic sway of her full hips deliberate? Fuck, he was glad his cock was beneath the water, otherwise she’d see exactly how she affected him. It pulsed between his legs, filling, lengthening. Without thinking, he reached for it and wrapped his hands around his shaft to give himself a stroke.

From a few steps away, Nate chuckled, low and dirty.

When Eli cut him a sideways glare, Nate simply lifted one eyebrow.

When the water came to just beneath her breasts, she halted. “I’m glad the bottom’s not slimy,” she said, wrinkling her nose.

Eli cleared his throat. “We emptied it last year, then let it dry out before filling it again. We’ve kept fresh water in it for swimming since we haven’t needed it for the cattle. Nate and I like to head here in the summer.”

Her gaze darted from his face to beneath the water. But she couldn’t really see anything, so he gave himself another slow slide, liking the blush filling her cheeks and creeping over the tops of her lush breasts.

“Don’t suppose you’ll lose the top?” Nate said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

Angelina laughed, but the sound was a little strained. “Anyone might see. You’re lucky your parts are hidden,” she said, her gaze going directly down Eli’s front.

Nate reached out and gave Eli’s shoulder a shove. “It’s not polite to play with yourself in front of a lady.”

Eli grimaced. “Have to admit, I thought this would be easier.”

“There’s nothing easy about this,” she said softly, but she moved forward until she stood directly in front of him, and then her soft hand found his hand and pushed it away. Her long, slender fingers began to move on his shaft.

Her expression was a little wary, but her dark eyes were gleaming. “I didn’t want you thinking I desire you any less than I do them,” she whispered. “Nate’s been inside me. Brand’s…tasted every inch of me.”

Eli swallowed as she stroked him, her hand moving downward then back up. “Can I touch you…seein’ as I’ve never had the pleasure?”

With her free hand, she lifted one of his and placed it on her breast. “I can’t help it,” she said. “I see your need, and I want to do something about it. Nate asks me to have fun, and all I can do is trail him up to the bedroom. Brand kisses me, and I ask him for an orgasm. I’m going straight to hell.”

Eli fingered the edge of the bra covering her pretty, round tit and then tugged it, pulling it down beneath her breast. The fabric tightened, lifting her soft flesh. And all he could do was stare at the rosy-pink circle with its taut, distended center. “Angel?”

“Eli, yes. Just…”

“No fucking. I heard,” he ground out and reached for her, desperate to hold her closer. His hands shook as he untied her top, flung it away and then quickly rolled down her bottoms. Where that small scrap went, he didn’t care, because he wasted no time hauling her upward.

He centered his cock and rubbed it up and down between her folds, crushed her breast in his hand as he kissed her cheek and then slid toward her mouth, needing to feel her lips, her tongue. When they kissed, he groaned.

She sucked his tongue inside, and he wasn’t sure she knew what a tease that was, because now he could imagine her lips surrounding his cock. He ground harder against her, cupping her bottom with one hand and wrapping an arm around her back as he broke the kiss and forced her backward. Her breasts were beautiful, beckoning, but before he bent over her, Nate moved behind her to support her. His brother drew her arms upward to hook behind his neck while he plumped up her breasts and offered them to Eli.

Eli caught one straining tip and drew hard, loving the way her hips jerked against him and her legs wound tighter.

Held between them both, Angelina’s dark eyes grew glazed and her full mouth formed a pretty pout. As crazy as she made him, he knew there was so much more they could give her. He straightened and waited until her eyes focused.

“Baby, if we move to the bank, we can both pleasure you.”

She shook her head. “Someone might see.”

“No one will see.”

“You don’t know that.”

“But I do. Brand is at the top of the hill. He’s watching out for you.”

Her gaze widened. Her body stiffened. She wriggled against his embrace and let go of Nate’s shoulders.

Nate backed away, and then Eli eased her feet to the bottom of the pond.

She stood shivering, her arms crossed over her chest.

Eli hated seeing the tears well in her eyes. “He’s watching to make sure we’re not disturbed,” he said.

“Why would he do that?” she asked, her voice raw.

Eli’s mouth tightened. “You know why. We’ve talked among us, Angel. Brand told you to trust us. We’re willing to share you, if you’ll take us all.”

Her eyes closed, hiding their expressions. “Is he watching us now?”

Eli glanced up the steep hill. “No. He’s giving us privacy.”

“You all talked. Decided…”

“Yes. Before you returned. For months now. We’ve been tryin’ to figure this out.”

“Do I even get a say?”

She opened her eyes, and his stomach sank at the wild anger he saw as she glared at him, then at Nate.

Nate’s gaze dropped.

Eli raked a hand through his hair. “We all love you. Each one of us was willing to fight for you. Hell, Brand and Nate have already traded blows.”

Her gaze went to Nate, whose hands were fisted on his bare hips.

“Does my mother know?”

“She…kinda reminded us…that things are changin’. There are families formin’ all around Two Mule, like ours. Men findin’ the one woman they can make their own. It’s not…”

“Sinful?” she blurted. “Seriously?”

“You just had my dick sliding up between your ass cheeks, and Eli’s cock rubbin’ your pussy,” Nate said, his eyebrows lowering. “I don’t think you were wonderin’ what Jesus would think.”

“Nate!” Eli gave him a hard glare and turned back to Angelina, whose arms were hugging her body tightly. “Just listen. Please.”

She shook her head, her whole body shaking. “I can’t believe I’ve listened this long. That you’re all willing. That Brand is in on this too.”

Eli tightened his jaw. “It’s the only way to hold this family together.”

“It’s one sure way to destroy it.”

“You’re wrong,” came a deep, rumbling growl.

Eli cursed under his breath as he watched the color drain from Angelina’s face.

Angelina heard Eli curse and added her own silent litany. Brand wasn’t just acting as lookout. He was right behind her. And she was naked with his brothers, who were both sporting hard-ons.

Could things get any worse? Were they all crazy?

Anger flushed through her, and she straightened as she slowly turned. He might as well see exactly how aroused she was. Now he’d know for certain she didn’t belong here. Everything about this little scene was wrong. Would he admit it now?

When she faced him and raised her gaze to meet his, his expression was tense, yes, but she saw no anger. Had she disappointed him again? “I’m sorry, Brand.”

“You haven’t been listenin’, Angel. Not to any of us. We’ve all tried to tell you.”

“That you’re going to share me? That all I have to do is trust you?” She raised her arms at her sides. “And after you have? What then? Have you really thought this through? Can you all share my bed? It’ll be damn crowded. And what if I get pregnant? Whose name will I list on the birth certificate? It’s gonna get complicated. Ugly. And then there will be no coming back.”

“Angelina.” His voice was firm, hard—every bit as much as his rugged stance. “Have I ever lied to you?”

She swallowed and slowly shook her head.

“Then listen to me now. We can make this work. The rest is details. You’ll marry one of us. That has to happen. But we won’t ever make you choose. We’ll decide among ourselves.”

She snorted. “What are you gonna do? Draw straws?”

“We thought about flippin’ a coin,” Nate murmured.

She didn’t dare look back to see if he was smiling. She might have to smack it off his face. “You think you have this all figured out. But I know you. Eli and Nate, they might be able to handle this, but you, Brand. You’re…” Her mouth quivered, and she bit her bottom lip to stop it. “You’re a good man. I can’t see you being a part of anything this…sinful.”

“It’s not sinnin’ if you love us.”

She noted the stubborn tilt of his square jaw but wasn’t reassured. “You say that now.”

“I’ve made up my mind. Took a long time to get to this point. I won’t be changin’ it.”

Angelina read the determination in his direct gaze and straight posture. Her nipples prickled. An unwanted reminder she was naked and aroused and the three men she wanted most were right here. Willing, if she was. “You can stand there and watch your brothers take me?”

“I have before,” he said, his tone even.

She pushed her hair back, aware his gaze dropped to her breasts. “Don’t you think you should test that out? See if it’s so easy before you commit?”

His eyes narrowed. “Go right ahead.” He walked to a boulder and sat, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Forget I’m here.”

If she didn’t know him better, she would have thought he was laughing at her.

She glanced over her shoulder at Nate and Eli. Nate’s expression was stony, but there was a glint of humor in his eyes. Eli’s was more transparent. He still wanted her. Bad.

Shivering despite the heat, she lifted her chin. “You said you’d both pleasure me if we moved to the bank.”

“You wanna do it right under his nose?” Nate asked, an impish smile stretching his mouth.

She gave him a dirty glare.

“Just shut up, bro,” Eli said, wading closer to her. He reached for her hand and then drew her along as he strode out of the water.

Her gaze was drawn to his cock. It was long and thick. And Lord, she wanted to feel it. Her breath hitched. She nearly stumbled because she couldn’t look away, but he caught her and held her steady.

“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered.

“I want to believe you,” she whispered back.

“Let us show you. We can talk later.”

She glanced over at Brand, who sat as still as a stone, and she hoped with all her heart that what they said was true—that they’d come to this agreement. That they could make this work. And suddenly, she
it to work.

More than the pleasure she knew they could give her, she needed their love. Her princes. She’d always thought of them that way. But she still didn’t know what role she fulfilled for them. Could they all see her as a wife…as a mother? Or was she simply…convenient? In time, would they think less of her?

Eli held her still, moved in front of her and knelt. “Hook your knee over my shoulder.”

Nate’s hands gripped her waist to steady her, and she slowly did as Eli commanded. Now she was opened.

His gaze focused on her pussy. “It’s pretty, Angel. I like this…frill,” he said, fingering the edges of her inner lips. “Makes me hungry.”

When he leaned closer, she sucked in a quick breath, bracing for the moment…

His tongue feathered the tender edges. Then he drew them between his lips and sucked.

Her head fell back against Nate’s shoulder.

“That’s it,” Nate murmured beside her ear. “Let him eat you out, baby girl. It’s gonna feel so good.”

“You say the dirtiest things,” she said, hissing the last word when Eli tongued her clit.

“It’s my gift,” he said, rubbing his whiskers against her cheek and lifting her breasts in both hands. “They’re bigger than I remember.” He thumbed the tips. “I’d like to get something to clamp around the tips. Would you like that?”

“I don’t know,” she said, rolling her head on his shoulder because Eli was sucking her little knot. “It’s too much.”

“Not nearly, I promise,” Nate whispered. And then he tweaked her nipples, rolling the tips between his thumbs and forefingers, giving them a pinch that made her jerk. “You like that?”


Eli slid two fingers inside her, and moisture flooded her channel, wetting them. She tried not to make too much noise, to keep from going wild, but then she glanced across at Brand, whose hard gaze darkened and sliced through the sensual fog she fought.

He was watching so intently, sitting so still, barely breathing, and she knew he wanted to wade in and toss the other two away. That if he had his way, he’d be all over her, and for her, knowing his desire was there, and that he had to hold himself back set her free.

She moaned loudly and reached behind her to pull Nate’s hair while she pushed her pussy hard against Eli’s mouth.

“That’s it, baby. That’s it,” Nate whispered in her ear. “Fly for Eli. He’s dyin’ to taste your honey.”

She gave a short, tortured laugh. “You talk too much.”

“I know. But you like it, don’t you, girl?” He stopped pinching her nipples and gave both her breasts a slap.

Angelina gasped from surprise. The claps didn’t sting, but they did make her breasts harder. She rolled her head on his shoulder and tilted back her face so that she could see his.

He bent toward her and stuck out his tongue.

An invitation she took with a smile as she lapped at his tongue, knowing Brand could see everything.

More moisture flooded her passage.

Eli groaned and licked it up, then latched on to her swollen clit as he plunged another finger inside her.

With her pussy full and her clit throbbing, she was nearing the edge. She sucked Nate’s tongue into her mouth and waited for him to close the distance. Their kiss was wet and hot, and she pulled harder on his hair because she was close…so close.

And then Eli scraped her clit with his teeth, and she screamed. Her body jerked and her knee wobbled. Eli held her ass and kept her anchored there as he fucked her with his long fingers. Her orgasm swept over her body and left her limp.

Nate drew back and kissed her cheek. “Told you you’d like coming between us.”

Brand held his body so rigid his stomach ached. He’d never seen anything like it. He wasn’t a man who enjoyed watching porn and had never engaged in a threesome, but watching Angel being pleasured by his brothers was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen.

BOOK: Family Values
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