Fifty Shades of Victorian Desire (6 page)

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Victorian Desire
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‘You know I'm an orphan,' she began, ‘and that I and my brother Ferdie have lived with our guardian, Uncle Harry, since our parents were lost in the City of Boston steamer, which was never heard of after leaving America, and you know uncle is still quite a young man, a year or two under forty; but, darling Fred, you must promise before I go further with my tale, to forgive every one I may mention, and remember too, dearest, that Uncle Harry is so rich, and besides he handed you my dower, did he not promise you another £20,000 if we lived happily together for five years, say you forgive them all as you have forgiven me?'

How could I do otherwise but promise, besides I have made up my mind to earn that £20,000, and perhaps may get it out of her uncle before the stipulated five years of kindness to Ada.

She continued, ‘It is hardly four years since I went to live at uncle's place in Hertfordshire, you know the fine old hall standing
in a large park; he was away in town, being an MP, but as soon as the session was over came at once to Curlington, and soon won my affections by his great kindness and consideration for our orphaned state.

‘Ferdie used to come into my bedroom, (which was next to his), every night to kiss me before going to bed, and I soon began to notice that his embraces and kisses were getting more impassioned every day. One evening in particular he seemed as if he would never take his departure, so that when I had removed my dress, modesty prevented me continuing to disrobe until he was gone, “Now Ferdie, one more kiss and be off, I want to go to bed!”

‘He was sitting by my side on the edge of the bed, and suddenly clasping me to his bosom, glued his lips to mine is such a warm sucking kiss, that I blushed and tried to get away from him, “Ah, for shame sir! you shan't come into my room again!” I gasped, almost choked by his kissing, as I found one of his daring hands on my thigh under my skirts.

‘“I must, I will, never mind me Ada, I want to see if you are like a picture I have seen; would you like to look at it darling?”

‘He spoke excitedly, and I was too astonished to answer, my skirts were thrown up, and he put his fingers in my little crack, which made me feel so funny, and then forcing my thighs apart, began to kiss me there in such a way, tickling the little button you know of with the tip of his tongue so lasciviously, that I was lost at once, and quite gave myself up to the delicious sensations aroused in me for the first time.

‘“How nice, how lovely! Oh, Ferdie, what shall I do?” I exclaimed, “there's something coming, for heaven's sake leave me alone darling!”

‘But he only redoubled his sucking and tongueing, whilst I squirmed and twisted about in ecstasy till I fairly came in his mouth.

‘“May I sleep with you darling?” he asked, when we had got over the excitement a little, “I will show you a book of pictures belonging to Uncle Harry, and we can practise all the ‘Loves of Venus', as it is called.”

‘“How can I refuse my dear boy,” I replied, “only make haste and undress quietly in your room, so no one can hear us, and bring the book for me to see.”

‘He soon came back, with only his night shirt on, and made me take off mine, which was all I had on, as he wanted to admire
my figure, and see if I had any little fur below yet, or if I was as beautiful as the girls pictured in the book.

‘“What a little love my sister is, don't you think so, Ada?” he said smiling, then proceeded to kiss the firm round globes of my bosom, whilst his hand passed over and moulded every part of my person, making comments as he examined each part, such as, “Delicious bubbles! What a firm little rump, and what a lovely fat little cunny you have, sissy; how nicely it is getting covered with the soft downy hair just beginning to grow!”

‘His touches fired the blood in my veins till I was quite beside myself, and yet without knowing what I wanted, he seemed to take such delight in handling me, that at last I thought it would be best to repay a few of his liberties, so I suddenly pushed him backwards, and noticing how his shirt stuck up over a certain part, just raised it to see the cause.

‘“And pray what do you call this, sir?” I asked, taking the upright shaft in my left hand, as I was kneeling up between his legs, “and what pray do you call this bag with two lumps in it, which hangs below?”

‘“Little simpleton,” he said excitedly, “don't you know what they are? Why, to be sure, one is my cock, and the other my balls or bollocks, as some would call them; they also have other names, such as prick, pego, John Thomas, for a man's cock, which do you like best love?”

‘“And is that what a man puts into a woman to make babies?” I asked.

‘“Look at the book first, then if you are agreeable, Ada darling, we will try some of the designs, so Miss Impudence just cover up those jewels again with my shirt tail, and let us look at my prize.”

‘The book was a small oblong album, in half morocco and gilt edges, lettered outside “The Love of Venus”.

‘The first plate as he opened it, was a representation of Mercury catching Venus and Mars in a net, just as she was in the act of riding a St George and the God of War. It was a luscious scene, you could see her straddling over him with the shaft of love well up her cunny, but the idea was rather spoilt by the look of surprise caused by the sudden envelopment of the lovers in the treacherous net.

‘The second representation was another beautifully soft steel plate, called “La Danza di Bacco e Arianna”. This must have been before Bacchus grew into the bloated young man he is usually
pictured to be. In this one the artist represents a lovely youth with standing pego, dancing with a lovely girl who also shows all her naked charms in front of his standard of love, which is almost close enough to touch her unfledged grotto.

I remember all the plates in the book so well, because we often looked at them afterwards.

‘The third was a swing scene, a lovely naked woman, her eyes almost closed by excessive emotion, clinging to the ropes by her hands, whilst her bottom projects in the most inviting manner towards her sweetheart, (also naked) who stands ready to meet and catch her luscious cunt right upon his standing prick, in fact he is steadying the swing so as to make sure of hitting the mark at every return.

‘There were dozens of fine steel plates in the album, illustrating every possible position in which the passion of love could be enjoyed, but I will only describe one more of them. It represented a pretty girl seated in front of her youth, on a kind of rocking boat, with their toes just touching the floor to give the required motion; his prick is right in her bottom, and she is turning her face round to look at him, as he enjoys the sight of seeing his pego go in and out, at every rise and fall of the boat, a most luscious idea.

‘“Now, Ada, which position do you like best?” my brother asked, as he put the book under the pillow.

“I'm so afraid, dearest, to let you put that great thing into me, but I think the most affectionate and loving picture is where each one is kissing and sucking the other, you kissed me so nicely at first, may I now repay it to your cock, whilst you kiss me again?”

‘He threw off his shirt, and then made me lay over him, so that my bottom was over his face, which he buried between my thighs, and at once commenced sucking my crack in the most exciting manner. How his tongue tickled that delicious sensitive spot you know so well, and then for a change he would draw it all along the crack once or twice, then thrust it right into me, and suck as if his life depended on it. How it fired every drop of blood in my veins, I pressed myself closer and closer to his dear lips as they gave me such exquisite bliss, and seized hold of his cock with both hands, as I brought the ruby head to my lips. Totally inexperienced as I was up to that moment, I instinctively rolled my tongue round the top, and even tickled the little hole from which he makes water, then imitating his motions, I licked all along the shaft, and even sucked his balls, when just as I was
doing so I felt a sudden extra stiffening of the affair, and felt a lot of warm drops fall, or spout upon my neck; if I had had him in my mouth I should have had to swallow it.

‘I knew something delicious had happened to him, as he gave such a deep drawn sigh, then ejaculated, “Darling – love – what pleasure you give me, dear sister.”

‘A sympathetic thrill of delight shot through my frame, and almost directly I inundated his mouth with quite a profusion of my own juice, which he seemed thoroughly to enjoy, for his tongue was so active he could not have missed a single drop.

‘Our room was in darkness, as in the midst of our gamahuching the lamp had gone out, and I fancied as soon as I came to myself a little, that I heard a sigh and a rustling as if someone was moving about.

‘“What's that, Ferdie?” I whispered, “oh, do run into your room and let me bolt the door, or I'm sure uncle, or someone will find you here!”

‘Giving me a kiss, he took the album from under the pillow and slipped out of the room.

‘I followed to bolt the door, and fancied I heard a whispering in the corridor; however, knowing I was now safe, I soon fell asleep after the extraordinary and enervating emotions I had experienced under Ferdie's tuition.

‘During the next morning, whilst my brother was gone fishing, and I was sitting at work, making a smoking cap for our guardian, who should enter but uncle himself, a most unusual thing, and he looked so serious, my guilty conscience at once told me he knew all.

‘Seating himself by my side on an ottoman, “Is my little girl doing that for Uncle Harry?” he asked.

‘“Who else should I make it for, uncle?”

‘“But you might have a sweetheart, Ada!”

‘“For shame, uncle, I don't even know a boy of my own age!” I said with a laugh.

‘“Isn't Ferdie your lover, I caught him slipping out of your bedroom at two o'clock this morning!”

‘My face crimsoned, and I burst into tears, sobbing as if my heart would break, as I sprang up and tried to rush from his sight. He was after me in a moment, and grasping me round the waist, carried me back to the ottoman, and placed me upon his lap, kissing my forehead tenderly at the same time.

‘“Perhaps things are not quite so bad, Ada; Uncle Harry can forgive anything if you love him.”

‘“How kind, how good of you, dear uncle!” I cried, sobbing on his breast, “you know we both love you so dearly!”

‘“Then I will tell my birdie,” he went on, “that I peeped into the room and saw all, in fact the sight made me sigh so, you were startled, and I had to slink away; now all I want is to join in your love gambols, and for you to be as free with me as you are with Ferdie, only think of him taking my little album to show you, but I can show you a lot more beautiful pictures as well as books, if you come to my library. You have read the history of Rome, but never saw an account of the private lives of the Emperors, how some loved their own sons and daughters, whilst Nero had his mother, and Caligula his horse, the latter in fact had a kind of platform in the stable with a pair of low shafts, into which his horse was backed, and so harnessed that he could neither kick or get away, whilst his Imperial master made love to his bottom behind, but that was a dirty fancy, sons and daughters, or better still nephews and neices are more in my way, but you shall see the book for yourself, and can read it, as you know French.”

‘Whilst he was speaking his hand wandered under my clothes, and already got possession of my slightly fledged crack.

‘“What a beautiful little plump thing you have, Ada, how it excited me to see you and Ferdie kissing each other's affairs, I felt quite overcome, and had to frig myself, which made me sigh when I came, that was what you heard, darling!”

‘“What is frigging, uncle?” I asked in my simplicity.

‘“Rubbing my cock up and down with my hand, till I make the seed spurt, will my little love do it for her uncle?” he asked.

‘“Anything to give you pleasure. You love us so I know, shall I put my hand into your trousers and find him?”

‘“Yes darling,” he replied, kissing me ardently, “you couldn't please me better.”

‘I slipped down on my knees, and with trembling hands unbuttoned his trousers; there was a great hard thing under his shirt, and I soon exposed a fine manly weapon about nine inches long and thick in proportion.

‘How proudly it stood, as I measured its length by grasping it one hand over the other, drawing the skin downwards, till the fiery red head was fully exposed, projecting quite two inches beyond what my little hands could hold of its length.

‘My first impulse was to imprint a gentle kiss on its beautiful top, my tongue shot out instinctively to tickle and give him pleasure.

‘He gave a deep, long drawn sigh, as he murmured, “Go on, Ada, my little love, kiss and rub me both at once, you will soon give me most exquisite pleasure! Ah – oh – go on – suck me – rub me quick – take it all in your mouth – don't be afraid, darling! Ah – that's grand – what a love – oh, oh, oh – there!” he ejaculated as I went on, and at last I felt the same sudden spasm shoot along the shaft as I was handling him, and my mouth was flooded with his warm creamy emission, which would have choked me if I had not greedily swallowed it all, yes, and enjoyed it too dearie!'

As Ada was telling me her confession we had settled upon a bank, and just at this point she had my trousers undone, as you may guess my prick was in a fine state. She took it into her little mouth at once, and racked me off deliciously, never stopping for a moment till she had drained the last drop, then looked up in my face with a smile, and said, ‘Dear Fred, you didn't know I was so accomplished, did you? I do enjoy that so, and I know it gives you pleasure. I have often kissed your sister Frederica, and you can tell her I've told you if you like. That was when she came to see us at uncle's, and happened on days when we were left alone by ourselves, only she used to say she liked a man best, and so do I darling love!'

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Victorian Desire
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