Read Finding Us (Finding #2) Online

Authors: Shealy James

Finding Us (Finding #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Finding Us (Finding #2)
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“It isn’t hard to master, baby,” I told her in an attempt to reassure her, but she didn’t seem appeased. In fact she froze with her hand still on me. “What is it?” I asked more gently this time as I ran my hands through her long brown hair.

“There’s just…” she pressed her lips together and looked up at the ceiling.

“What?” I paused, waiting for her to continue some exploring of her own. I was dying while her hand was resting perfectly still on my manhood. She had no idea the kind of torture she could cause just by resting her hand there. My whole body was tense while waiting for her to do something…anything.

“There’s just something I want to...” She paused and scooted out from under me. Apparently she was going to show me instead of tell me.

“Lie on your back.” I immediately did what she requested. I didn’t know where this was going, but if there was something she wanted to do, I wanted to give it to her. There wasn’t much I hadn’t tried with mere strangers, so I wasn’t afraid of what sweet, innocent Maggie wanted. If anything I was glad she was being so brazen.

When I was positioned on my back, she gently pulled my boxers down. She looked up at me and smiled like she had just unwrapped her favorite Christmas present when she saw the prize underneath my boxers. Maggie licked her lips as she stared down at me. I thought, well, I hoped this was leading to...
She sank down and licked her way up my length, and I shivered then felt my body tighten all over. She took me in her mouth,
in her mouth. After the months of going without and the build up of making Maggie come for the first time, I knew I wasn’t going to last.

“Maggie…I’m gonna…I’m gonna come, so if…if you don’ your mouth…”

She kept going. I came moments later, fast and hard. She lifted her head, and licked her lips, which may have been the hottest thing I have ever seen her do. She crawled back up and lay on my chest, “Was that ok?”

I wrapped my arms tightly around her and pulled her lips to mine. “That was more than ok.” I told her. “That was amazing. You’ve never done that?”

She shook her head but kept the proud little smile on her face.

“Good,” I said relieved. “I don’t think I could handle knowing that you have done
with anyone else.”

She laughed. I rubbed my knuckles across her cheek. “You never stop surprising me, you know that?” She smiled shyly into my chest, and I rolled back over on top of her. “Now, can I show you how great it is?”

“Show me how great what is?”

I started kissed my way down her body and gripped the waist of her pants. I pulled her clothes off all at one time, and continued down her body. She seemed to really enjoy what I offered her next considering she came a second time before I worked my way back up her body and began kissing her again. Soon I had to move off of her because I couldn’t contain myself between her legs with both of us naked.

“So this is what I have been missing?”

I looked at her in question, but her eyes were closed as her head rested on my arm.

“Now I know what all the fuss is about,” she said with her eyes closed and a tired but satisfied smile on her lips.

“Oh, baby, that’s just the beginning.” I said and kissed her again.




This morning I woke up naked in my bed with a naked Parker next to me.
Naked! With a boy! In my bed!
I almost giggled out loud when I realized we were both still completely bare. Instead of giggling, dancing, and generally celebrating my very adult behavior from the night before, I covered myself with the covers but smiled thinking about the orgasms he gave me last night. Orgasms…plural. I felt giggly every time I thought about it.

I had been really nervous about doing anything other than kissing with Parker, but I wanted to go for it, hence my skimpy pajamas on one of the coldest nights of the year. Last night felt natural though. I went with the feeling, and I was
glad I did. In fact, I was ecstatic, thrilled, couldn’t wait to do it all over again. Thinking about it gave me butterflies in my stomach and a shiver down my spine. When Parker felt me stir, he wrapped his arms around me tighter and pulled me closer.

With his scratchy morning voice he said, “Mornin’ beautiful.”

“Good morning,” I practically sang like the ridiculous girl I was being.

“How are you?” He asked while kissing my neck.

I smiled at his affection. He was very sweet, which continuously surprised me considering how he had treated girls before. From the start he made it clear I was different for him though. That thought made me smile even wider. “I’m great.”

“Yeah?” He looked up at me with his sexy grin plastered on his face.

What if he wasn’t...umm…satisfied?
Suddenly I was a little worried, so I asked, “How are you?”

“Perfect,” he said then kissed me on my forehead, then my cheeks, then my lips, and then my jaw. When he kissed below my ear, I pressed my body into him and tilted my head to allow him to continue.

“It seems like you enjoyed last night,” he said against my neck as I pressed my naked body against his in an effort to get some kind of friction down there.


“Well, that’s all I wanted.” He started to get out of bed causing the covers to drop low on his body. That little glimpse of his perfect body was enough to get me wishing and hoping all over again.

“Hey.” I grabbed his arm.

“Oh, you want more of this?”

I smiled at his playfulness. He returned my bright smile and crawled back over to me. This time when he started kissing me, his hands wandered, and it wasn’t long before I came again. I didn’t know if all guys knew how to do that, but I felt sure it wasn’t a stretch to say Parker had magic fingers…and a magic tongue, too. I could never get my body to do what he so masterfully was able to accomplish in a matter of minutes. Secretly I had been hoping to experience his masterful sexpertise for years, and now that I had a taste, I was not disappointed. Nope, not disappointed at all.

I knew he had a lot of experience, but I was choosing not to think about that. It made my stomach roll just to think about him and Alexis, his pseudo band mate, getting it on. I have had the displeasure of hearing their bedroom activities with my own ears, and there were just some things you can’t un-hear. I wiped those thoughts from my brain as quickly as possible and got back to focusing on what Parker was doing right then. The thoughts that had been running through my brain were quickly forgotten.

It was a while before we climbed out of bed. I felt weird about him seeing me naked in the daylight. No one had ever seen me completely naked before. He certainly hadn’t really seen me naked in the dark last night, so it was a bit awkward. Parker, on the other hand, was completely comfortable walking around my room without a stitch of clothing. Of course he was comfortable though. He was perfection: toned all over, muscular without being bulky. I had seen him in boxers a million times, but there was something about seeing him like this that made my body ache for him.

He went into my en suite and turned on the shower. I expected him to be in there for a few minutes. I needed the time to process what had happened the night before. Maybe not “process” it, but mentally relive it. I was giddy. Parker and I…we…I still couldn’t believe we were together. I knew I wasn’t dreaming, but how did a girl like me land a guy like Parker Pryce?

Suddenly Parker was filling the doorway of the bathroom. He had his hands above his head holding on the doorframe causing his muscles to flex perfectly. He wasn’t even trying to show me just how perfect his body was, but I couldn’t help but admire the ridges that made his abs or the way his arms flexed when held like that. Again,
how did I land that?

“What are you doing?” I asked when he walked towards me with his eyes directly on me as if I was his prey. The sheet was pulled up to my neck where I was holding it steady waiting for him to throw his boxers on and head to his own room to dress.

are going to take a shower, and
are not going to be shy around me.” He pulled the covers off of me and pulled me to stand up. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me sweetly. “I love you Maggie. You’re beautiful. I want to see you…all of you.” He lifted me off the floor and walked me into the shower. I felt the warm water cover our bodies just before discovering how much fun a shower buddy could be. I quickly forgot all about the modesty that I had been trying so hard to keep only moments ago.

Unfortunately it was Sunday, our study day, and we had law school applications to finish. At least I knew we would be able to continue where we left off later tonight. Living in a house without parents around definitely had its perks.

Before any more fun time with Parker, I needed to find Sarah for some emergency girl talk. After we finished actually showering and getting dressed, Parker headed downstairs to make breakfast. I told him I wanted to check on Sarah since she drank so much the night before at the bar, but he knew I wanted to talk to her about other things. Sarah hadn’t had anymore to drink than normal the night before, and Billy, the drummer in the band and Sarah’s pseudo boyfriend, was with her if anything was actually wrong.

I knocked on her door timidly knowing that Billy was in there too. He and Sarah had been seeing each other for a few months now. It had taken awhile for them to admit to their relationship, but once they did, they became inseparable. They still didn’t call each other boyfriend and girlfriend, but they were together without seeing anyone else.

He was good for her. Even though he was a bald, tattooed rocker and they originally only bonded over their love of wild sex, he had a heart of gold. Billy was more like a teddy bear than a rock star, which I found charming. Unfortunately, I knew what happened between the two of them behind closed doors as well, and it made me nervous to interrupt. They weren’t shy about their nudity like I was. They weren’t shy about anything at all.

Sarah opened the door dressed thankfully, but her hair was a mess and her face was clean of make-up. Even after living with her for four years, it was still a surprise to see her so undone like that. She joined me in the hall with a huge grin on her face. “Hey! I was hoping you were up. I want to hear about last night.”

I waved at her to follow me into my room, and I closed the door behind us. “That’s why I was coming to get you. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to tell Parker, but you were right, she definitely has a problem with me and Parker being together.”

“What did that bitch say to you?” She asked as she pulled her bright blond hair up into a bun on top of her head. Her buns always looked fashionable even when she whipped them up without a mirror. Mine always looked sloppy even when I used a mirror, hair spray, and hairpins. I hated Sarah a little for her perfect hair.

“When she hugged me good-bye she just told me that I’d never be good enough for him and that it won’t last because he’d never go for a spoiled rich bitch like me. According to her they have something that can’t be broken no matter, and I quote, ‘how many vag’s he sticks his dick in.’ When she let me go, she gave me a smug smile and walked away.”

Sarah laughed at Alexis’ crude comment. “She’s disgusting. Just ignore her. Everyone, including the band’s token skank, can see Parker is totally in love with you. There’s no doubt about that.”

“I know.” I smiled and turned pink thinking about last night.

“There you go. Every time she makes some dumb comment, you just think about whatever it is that makes you smile like that. That look on your face says it all.” I covered my face with my hands to hide the giddiness that was running wild through my body making me want to jump on the bed and sing hallelujah at the top of my lungs.

“So,” Sarah continued, “More importantly, you guys do the deed yet?”

“No.” I felt a darker blush creep up my cheeks. “Stop. Please don’t ask me again.”

“By the way you’re blushing, I would say something happened. I hope he’s as good as I imagined.”

“Please don’t imagine Parker in any more of your little fantasies. I have enough drama with Alexis as it is.”

“No need. I have Billy, and he is every bit of what I imagined and more. Whew! He’s good, very good. He does this thing where he puts his finger-”

“Oh God! Please stop.” My hands went back to my fact while I shook my head to rid my brain of the thoughts she just planted.

Parker opened the door right then. “You girls coming down? Billy and I will eat everything if not, but I made pancakes, and I happen to know they’re your favorite.” He winked at me, probably noticing my bright red face.

I stood and walked over to him. “We were just headed downstairs to join you.”

Sarah walked in front of us giving Parker a pat on the chest as she passed him. Parker stopped me and pulled me to him for a quick kiss. “What was that all about?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“With Sarah, you’re probably right. Let’s go eat, pretty girl. We have applications to fill out,” he said as he gave my head a kiss and my rear a little slap.

Chapter 2




That week Parker received a text from Grady, the lead singer of the band, telling him they needed him to play on Thursday. Apparently Nick, the regular guitar player, had the flu and could hardly sit up, so Parker played with them. I think he was secretly thrilled to be able to feel like he was part of the group instead of an extra instrument.

Max and I spent that night hanging out like old times because Becca was finishing yet another project. This was the first time Max and I had hung out alone since Christmas, and I was thankful for the time with him. I don’t think I realized how much I missed him until we were in our old routine joking about anything and everything.

We ate dinner at home and then went to a local coffee shop that served the best molten lava cake in the city. We weren’t there for very long before Max asked, “So, how are things with Parker?” I was honestly surprised it had taken him that long to bring up my new relationship.

I smiled and felt my cheeks turn their signature color of bright red. “Everything’s great. Perfect actually. We already got the messy part out of the way by being friends first, so now we can just enjoy each other.”

“That’s cool,” he smiled then added, “I always knew you two would end up together, but I think it is somehow better it took this long. He’s really changed, you know? Remember how angry he was freshmen year?”

I laughed. “Yeah, I remember, but I don’t remember it only being freshmen year. I think playing the piano again really helped him work through some stuff with his family. I’ve noticed how much closer he is with his brother and dad since they had their moment at his impromptu concert. Now that he has dealt with his mom’s death for the most part and given up the gaggle of girls, I can actually see a future with him.”

“Like marriage and kids and all that?” Max asked surprised.

“One day. I want to get through law school first.”

“That sounds like a good plan. We’re a little young to be planning weddings, don’t you think?”

“Right…like you aren’t planning to propose to Becca,” I told him pointedly.

“The thought has crossed my mind. We need to see where we will be next year before we plan anything though. We could be in different states. She could go to school here, and I could get a job in…California.”


“It’s possible.”

I frowned. “I’m not ok with that. California is too far away.”

He shrugged. “I know, but I have to go where the opportunities are. It won’t be forever though.”

“Hopefully the opportunity will be here.”

“If I get an offer in Georgia, I’d probably take it even if it’s less money. I don’t particularly want to move across the country either. My life’s here.”

I nodded in understanding, but I still felt the sadness creeping in about the future that I was happy about only moments before. “As excited as I am about life after college, I wish nothing had to change. I like having all of us together.” I hadn’t realized how worried I was about what was to come, but now that I had Max alone, all my reservations seem to be forcing their way to my brain. I had to spill my fears before they took over my thoughts. “We’re about to finish school and then what? Everyone leaves? What if Parker and I don’t get into the same law school? What if you really do get a job far away? It isn’t like when we were leaving Savannah, and I couldn’t wait to get away. Now everything is great, and I want things to stay exactly how they are. Life is perfect how it is now, but by next year I won’t even recognize us.”

His messy brown curls flopped around when he nodded his head sympathetically. “I know. I’m a little worried about the future too...particularly about Becca. I know you and I will be friends no matter what, but Becca? That’s less predictable. I mean we’ve been together for over three years, and you would think that would mean something. She’s just so damn independent. She wants to go to grad school at particular schools, not just places where I’m applying for jobs. I’m applying everywhere I can, hoping for an interview. Who knows what will happen?”

We were both silent for a moment before I said, “I wish we could hit pause and enjoy this time forever or at least until we get tired of college.”

“I guess we’ll just have to enjoy it while we can.” His sad smile told me more than his words ever would. After a few silent moments he shook his head and said, “Let’s talk about something else. What’s on the agenda for the weekend?”

“Parker agreed to play with the band again.” I rolled my eyes. I was already tired of the band, and it was all thanks to one member who couldn’t keep her hands away from my boyfriend. I tried to be enthusiastic about seeing Parker play because I did love watching him play. He was so hot when he had a guitar in his hands and was up on that stage. Who was I kidding? He was hot all the time. The problem was I would rather cut off my right arm then be around Alexis. “Nick has the flu, and they’re playing at The Ale House on Saturday.”

Max shrugged not knowing the reason behind why I wasn’t more excited to go to the bar. “Then I guess we are headed to the bar. Becca will be good with that. She likes going to watch Parker’s band.”

“It isn’t Parker’s band,” I reminded him harshly.

He laughed. “If you say so…”

On Saturday we found ourselves up at the bar early to hang out before the band played. Sitting around the table at the bar before the show was nothing out of the ordinary, but Alexis kept watching Parker in a way that was highly inappropriate for someone who knew he had a girlfriend. It was really driving me crazy that night too. I tried to keep Sarah’s advice in mind. Every time I caught her staring, I thought about New Year’s and leaned closer into Parker. I was already sitting on his lap since there weren’t enough seats at the table, so his arms gladly wrapped tighter around me when I shifted on his lap.

Eventually he had to go up for his set leaving me at the table with Sarah, Max, and Becca, but he grabbed my face and pressed his lips roughly to mine before sneaking a good luck penny into my palm. This was something he started freshman year, and we continued it ever since. We passed good luck coins for the words we didn’t necessarily need or want to say out loud. They communicated more than “good luck” though. Sometimes they said, “I’m sorry” or “Forgive me.” This one was to remind me that he loved me. I knew that for certain, but just in case I missed it, he spoke softly in my ear, “Love you, babe. Be good,” after I closed my fingers around the small token.

“Love you, too,” I smiled back at him as I slid the coin into my back pocket.

“No dancing with other guys.” He pointed at me and tried to look very serious, but the hour of drinking made his eyes playful and slightly unfocused. “I don’t want to have to kick someone’s ass.”

I laughed. “No other guys…just Sarah.” That earned me a bright, all white-toothed smile.


“Go play,” I told him.

He gave me one last peck then jumped onto the stage. When I looked up, Alexis looked like she was going to kill me. I was sure her bark was worse than her bite, but she was unpredictable and a little frightening to me. She had always seemed a little off…unstable, maybe.

Even Sarah noticed the death stare Alexis was giving me, but Sarah laughed about it. “Damn. Did you kill her dog?” She asked once everyone was on stage.

“Nope. I just kissed her imaginary boyfriend.” We clinked glasses at my humor. I had to admit I was a little proud of myself for finding something funny in the ridiculous girl drama. Vinny, the owner of the bar, was even better than my wit though. He was providing us with free alcohol tonight since we were with the band. I felt like I was going to need it in order to ignore the evil glares that continued to come my way.
Get over it, honey. He loves ME!

The band played a lot of my favorite songs that night, so we danced and had a great time. Sarah, Becca, and I danced with Max at one point, but he really just stood there and rolled his eyes while we danced around him. I saw him give Parker a pleading look, and Parker just laughed and shook his head. That was better than the fury I saw pouring out of him when someone tried to grind up on me before I could get away. Fortunately Sarah saw the guy grab me and was able to pull me to the table before any real damage was done.

During both of the breaks the band took, Parker came and pulled me into his lap while he drank his beer. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to stake his claim or if he just wanted to be close, but honestly I couldn’t have cared less. Sitting in Parker’s lap in public was always a reminder of how far we had come.

Not everyone was as thrilled about Parker’s affections as I was. Alexis pulled him to the side during the first break, and they talked for a minute before he waved her off and came to sit at the table. I was annoyed with her obvious attempt to get his attention, but Parker didn’t seem to think anything of it.

I hadn’t mentioned anything to Parker about Alexis’s comments because he was obviously happier spending time with me. Telling him would only make me look like the insecure girl he probably already knew I could be. Instead I mentally chided myself for being such a jealous harpy and tried to move on. Unfortunately I sometimes found it difficult to let go of those insecurities when I knew she and Parker used to have a “relationship.” I told myself just to focus on what Parker was doing because he was only paying attention to me.

The second break, he jumped off the front of the stage and grabbed me from the dance floor where Sarah and I were still laughing and messing around after their last song. He had me in his arms before anyone else had even put their instruments down. I showed my appreciation for him right there on the dance floor. Sarah shouted, “Get a room,” which led into catcalls and whistles from other bar patrons.
Thanks Sarah!

Honestly, I didn’t care. I wanted to shout to the whole bar, “Yes girls! He’s mine. Keep your filthy claws away,” but I just wasn’t that kind of girl. Kissing my very sexy boyfriend on the lips after three beers was about as bold as I got.
Oh, if my mother only knew…

We drank a few pitchers of beer throughout the night, so I was feeling really loose and apparently bold by the time we actually left. Alexis gave me our typical fake friends hug, but this time she whispered, “I see you didn’t take me seriously. Don’t worry he’ll get bored with you soon and be right back in my bed. You can have him for just as long as Brandi did.” Brandi was a waitress that Parker briefly had a fling with. It was nothing more than sex between the two of them, like all of Parker’s previous flings, but I couldn’t help but feel the stab of jealousy once more. Getting the post-whoring Parker was not all it was cracked up to be.

However, I guess I had finally had enough this time. I was out of patience for catty girls after years of being picked on in high school and never doing anything about it. Her verbal sparring coupled with my alcohol intake had pushed me too far. I stepped closer to her and spoke right in her face. “Or maybe he’s done with sluts.” I heard her gasp as I turned and walked out the door with Sarah. I was really proud of myself when I didn’t even have the urge to look back to see the look on her face.

Parker was talking to Grady and Billy as Sarah and I headed into the parking lot. Max and Becca had already left, but we had waited until the band was done and the bar shut down. While we waited by the car, I told Sarah what happened. We giggled wildly, and she hollered. “That a girl! I’m so proud.” We tried to give each other a five but we missed on all three tries making us giggle even more. She just hugged me in an overly friendly embrace that made us laugh even more.

“What is going on with you two?” Parker asked with a suspicious smile on his lips as he and Billy strode up to the car.

“Nothing,” I said and attempted to gather myself, which was surprisingly difficult considering I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. I didn’t want him to get involved in the petty girl drama. He still played with the band, and they didn’t need little ol’ me causing any tension.

“She stood up for herself. Our sweet Maggie is no longer a doormat!” Sarah announced excitedly while Billy tried to guide her to the car.

“Really?” Parker looked worried. “What happened?”

“Nothing.” I muttered trying to tell Sarah with my eyes to shut up.

She was either too drunk to notice or purposely ignoring me. “The bitch got crazy, and Maggie told her to shut the fuck up.”

“What?” Parker asked surprised. I could tell he was getting frustrated with Sarah’s hints at a situation and my denial of one.

“That’s not at all what happened. Don’t worry about it. And you,” I pointed to Sarah, “Shut up.” I rolled my eyes to show Parker she was being dramatic. I leaned close to Parker, so I could whisper in his ear. “Everything’s fine. Take me home. I may have had a lot to drink and would like my very sexy boyfriend to take advantage of me.” He looked startled and immediately dropped the conversation in favor of getting me in the car. My distraction worked. By the time we made it home, I was giggling while fumbling as I attempted to get Parker’s pants unbuttoned.

“Babe, let’s get upstairs before you start taking my clothes off.”

“I thought you were adventurous,” I giggled some more.

“Oh, I am, but I’m not having anyone see what I’m going to do to you once you get my pants off.”

BOOK: Finding Us (Finding #2)
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