Finn's Shot (Eden's Odyssey Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Finn's Shot (Eden's Odyssey Book 1)
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My cheeks heat with
embarrassment a little as I respond, “I don’t think anyone has ever said
something like that to me.” Most men acknowledge the sex, but don’t notice the
underneath that. God, that makes sending him on his way that
much harder, but I know his type. Straight-laced and slightly closed off. If he
got a hint of my life outside of the art world, he’d freak out and run or just
assume the absolute worst. I can’t imagine having to deal with the aftermath of
letting a man like Finn into my heart and having to clean up the damage when he
realizes I’m not what he wants or who he thought I was.

Unable to meet his gaze, I
turn my head and lock mine on a picture of the ocean I painted last year on the
adjacent wall and share, “Look, we had a good time the other night. I won’t lie
and say that I’m not still attracted to you, but there are things you don’t know
about me and that’s not going to change. So, I don’t see the point of going any

“Why can’t you just tell me
and let me decide for myself if they’re things I can live with?”   

He doesn’t understand, and I
could shock him by blurting it out, but I don’t want to witness his
disappointment or horror first hand. I give an exasperated sigh and say, “It
doesn’t work like that. Been there, done that before and I ended up hurt worse
than I thought possible.”

I pull my feet from his hands
and place them on the floor. My elbows rest on my knees as my hands cup my
face. I don’t know what else to say.

“Okay, I get that you aren’t
going to tell me. Can I at least take you out sometime? It’s not like I’m around
a lot anyway. During the season I’m either out of town for road games or in
town but at the rink. It’s rare I have one day off much less two in a row. We
don’t have to be anything serious, but I really enjoy your company, and I’d
like to take you out.” His eyes plead with me to say yes.

My heart starts a war with my mind. I
guess going out on an occasional date with him wouldn’t hurt. I just need to
make sure things stay that way. Deep down, I chastise myself. It’s a bad
decision keeping him around for occasional dates. He’s the kind of man who
doesn’t do occasional and the one who will probably tempt me to want more than
occasional. I’m so screwed, but I can’t seem to cut him off completely.

“Okay, I guess we can go out
from time to time. Just don’t expect much,” I warn.

“I’m not trying to move in
and marry you, Darcy. I just want to take you out…” He scoots closer, his eyes
simmering with lust. “Treat you to a nice meal or take you somewhere fun, and
maybe if I’m lucky, get you between the sheets again.”

A boyish grin stretches
across his face as he places his pointer finger under my chin and lifts until
we have eye contact. I take a deep breath and swallow hard.

“Okay, I’m down with that.” I
don’t get a chance to say another word. He’s on me in a hot and needy kind of
way. His lips fuse to mine, and his hands grow possessive as he lifts me in his
arms and stands. I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss my way up his neck to
the tender spot just below his ear. The soft curling hair along his collar
tickles my nose as I lick him.  

Moments later, he tosses me
on the bed, unbuttons his shirt, and removes the cuff links and tosses them to
my dresser. Haphazardly, his shirt is flung across the room. Then with his
strong grip on my ankles, I’m yanked to the edge of the bed and his warm hands
reach under my dress to locate the top of my tiny bikini panties. He hooks his big
fingers around the elastic and he scoots them gently down and off, leaving my thigh-high
nylons in place. It’s obvious the moment he spies the lace border of my thigh
high stockings, because he groans so deep it vibrates through both of us. He settles
my legs over his shoulders and lowers his face to my dripping sex. I remember
what his mouth is capable of, and I’m beside myself with excitement at what’s
about to come.  

One lone finger glides from
the top of my slit to the bottom, the calloused digit eliciting a moan of
anticipation from me. Both his arms wrap around my upper thighs, and his
fingers separate the folds, leaving me exposed and preparing me for his soft
lips. Several licks from the bottom to the top this time. Each time, he uses
the same amount of pressure. Then his lips lock on my clit and sucks softly, just
enough to make me squirm, but not enough to completely set me off. He changes
tempo, licking my sex with quick, short strokes, changing up the pressure with
each swipe and making me beg for more.

 “Harder, Finn. Harder,
I need more. More!”

His chuckle vibrates through
my center and adds another level of ecstasy to the act. Removing one hand from
around my thigh, he inserts a beefy finger inside and removes it to swipe my
juices over my clit. This time, he adds another finger as he slides back in and
pumps them in and out with increasing force. My knuckles are white as I grip
the comforter and attempt to keep my claws out of his skin. When my muscles
quiver, he curls his fingers at just the right angle to set me off. I squirm as
my body dangles at the edge of complete ecstasy. My sex clamps down around him
when he sucks harder on my clit, working it with perfect precision with his
tongue, and I come, screaming like a wild banshee.  

As I lay limp and lifeless,
trying to figure out how to breathe again, he lowers my legs to the edge of the
bed. Then he rises to his full height and drops his suit pants and wrestles the
dress off of me. His eyes flare with passionate hunger as they take in my
mostly naked form and the tension in his shoulders tells me he’s got a tight
reign on his control.

“God, you’re sexy,” he
murmurs as he leans toward me.

Propped up on my elbows in
nothing but the royal blue bra and nude thigh highs, I’m now stretched out with
my legs crossed at the ankles waiting for him. He reaches around and pulls out all
of the bobby pins allowing my hair to fall loose around my neck in crazy

I crabwalk to the middle of
the bed, making room for him to join me. Reaching out, he runs his hands from
my foot up my right thigh and back down again, rolling the silky material down
my leg to remove it. He then repeats the process on the other leg. Crawling
over me, he braces himself with his weight on his elbows and traces my lips
with his tongue.

Greedy, I reach up behind his
neck and tug him closer to me. His shoulder and back muscles quiver with
restraint. Our lips smash together, and I taste the tang of my sex on him. Our
tongues touch lightly and retreat. His hard cock is still covered by his boxer
briefs but the heat is radiating through to my leg. My mind is again assaulted
with memories of the last time we had sex, sending a rush of moisture between
my legs. I wish I could have him forever. Wish I could bring him fully into my
life to experience all of it with me and be my partner. My heart and my body
both yearn for this, especially when he plays my body perfectly like a finely
tuned instrument. Knowing exactly how to pluck and pull, to stroke and finger.
It’s almost impossible to find those qualities in a sexual partner.

The room is dark except for
the moonlight shining in through the open curtains. His body lowers over mine,
but he’s careful to keep the majority of his weight off me. He continues to
kiss me, consume me like he can’t get enough. His lips are gentle, his speed
unhurried as his tender lips and tongue travel across my jaw, down the column
of my throat and over the swell of my heaving breasts.

His tongue snakes out and
twirls around my right nipple before he nibbles the pebbled tip. My hips buck,
and I release the building whimper. His lips spread into a satisfied smile
against my skin before he repeats the motion. Shifting to the other breast, he
tortures me further. The swirl of his tongue is so sensual and arousing that goose
bumps rise all over my body. The slight nip of his teeth is borderline painful
but also sweet erotic pleasure. The feeling is so good, so intense I don’t want
it to end. I lace my fingers into his hair and hold his head to me. He sucks harder
this time and I squirm against his muscled body.

His hand glides up the side
of my thigh, and he hikes it up around his hip, as he nestles his shaft against
my still sensitive clit. His mouth moves back over mine, and he captures my
lips in a heated kiss as he rocks against me.

“Inside me, Finn. Now,
please,” I beg shamelessly.

He snatches a condom off the
side table and rips the foil packet. I didn’t even realize he’d tossed one over
there. I remove it from his fingers and roll it over his shaft, fumbling with
clumsy fingers from a mix of lust and overheated excitement. He sucks in a deep
breath and slides his tongue across his bottom lip. His cobalt eyes sizzle with
excitement while his muscles remain coiled tight with need. He falls to his
back and yanks me by my hips until I straddle him. I impale myself on his staff
and cry out as he fills me. His hands move straight to my breasts, grasping at
the beaded peaks. I rise and fall, rocking on him in a controlled motion, hitting
my most sensitive spot on the down stroke. Our mingled moans and groans fill
the air and stir the passion as we go. Running my fingernails from his
collarbone to his belly, I tell him, “You have the body of a Greek God.”

His eyes close and his teeth
clench as his hips push against mine. He jackknifes into a sitting position and
we’re now almost face to face, despite the height difference. I curl my legs
around his hips and in lotus formation we move together. As he reopens his
eyes, ours lock and the intimacy of our position washes over me. Tender touches
from his hands and lips build this thing between us bigger, even without words.
Our close proximity heightens my awareness of his pounding heartbeat, his warm breath,
his sweat-slicked skin, while the determined expression on his face melts me
into a sexually charged puddle of goo.

I love this position. My sensitive
breasts scrape against the coarse hair of his chest and my clit receives
constant stimulation as we move. I’ve never felt closer to another human being
than I do in this moment with him. What we’re sharing in the moment is more
than physical intimacy, it’s like a meeting of souls. I’m surprised by the
emotional connection I feel to a virtual stranger and it scares the shit out of
me. Obviously sensing the sudden shift in my mood, Finn stops moving and grips
the sides of my head with firm but gentle hands while he plunders my mouth with
his tongue in a mind-bending kiss. Tingles run down my spine and out to my

Moment of fear is forgotten.
He rolls me to my back, securing my hands above my head. Our fingers lace
together, and he begins pounding into me. The slapping of our skin is a
stimulating sound as he dominates me in this position. He drags another orgasm
out of me with a wicked tilt of his hips, and I shriek as my pleasure peaks.

He spreads his knees farther
apart and continues to slam into me until the final jerk of his hips when I
feel the condom fill completely. He lets out a tired breath, releases our hands
and collapses onto me. It seems like I would feel crushed and freak out, having
wicked claustrophobia, but instead I feel safe and sated and comfortable.

Finn rolls to his back,
taking me with him. He glides soft lips against my forehead and tucks me into
his side. After that, I don’t remember a thing until I wake up to the sunlight
streaming bright into my room through the open blinds. The smell of sex and
Finn’s cologne lingers in the air and a smile crosses my lips. As I sit up I
notice a note on the pillow next to me.


I had to head home to pack. We
leave this afternoon for a week-long road trip. I want to take you out the
night I get back. Please text me so we can arrange it. I had an amazing night.
Hope you slept as good as I did.


Five: Finn


It’s been almost a week since
the night of her show and I’m dying to see her. I felt this way about Cami the
first few times I went out with her, but the idea of her ex-boyfriend reappearing
in her life suddenly made me edgy so I broke up with her. Cami was over a year
ago, and I haven’t dated since. Hooked up a few times, yes. Dated, no.

Darcy’s somewhat of a
mystery, but I don’t feel like I’m waiting for something bad to happen with her.
She’s said several times there are things about her I don’t and won’t know that
would end things for us, but I can’t imagine what they would be. She’s not
dating anyone else, and she’s not married. She’s not secretly a dude so I can’t
understand what could be so bad. I texted her this morning asking to see her
tonight. She responded yes, so I told her to pack a bag and we’ll stay at my
place after dinner and the movie.  

When I pull up to her
apartment complex, I notice she’s already waiting for me on the sidewalk with a
loud pink, green, and purple swirly-pattern duffle bag. It shouldn’t surprise
me she’d carry something that eye-catching. Color does seem to be her thing;
it’s just kind of funny how bright it is. I jump out and jog around to open the
door for her, taking her duffle and tossing it behind my seat. After a quick
peck on her lips I pull away from the curb and head for the restaurant.

The night is turning into a
good one, and we spend a good portion of dinner guessing movie lines. It seems
she has a love of stupid comedies and classic 1980’s films. We have a lot of
laughs, and I get better insight into her complex personality as she reveals so
many things about herself. It doesn’t take long to realize she doesn’t care
much for politics, but seems to follow them anyways. When I asked her why this
is she responds, “Politics lead to wars and fighting, something I don’t like,
but as a business owner I at least need to know what’s going on in the world.”
Supporting the Special Olympics and the local Humane Society are at the top of
her humanitarian efforts. Let’s just say I’ve never had a date quite like it or
met a woman quite like her.

In the car on the way back to
my place she decides she’s tired of waiting to get her hands on me and starts
it off by stroking the upper inside of my thighs, never quite touching what I
want her to touch. Not even skin on skin, her teasing causes my erection to
grow, pushing painfully behind the confines of my zipper. When she hears me
groan, a wicked giggle escapes her lips, and I turn narrowed eyes on her.

“What are you doing?” I growl
at her.

“Just having a little fun. Is
that okay?” She tries to act coy.

Like I’d say no anytime she
wanted to touch my dick.

“Of course. Just wondered.”

That must be all she needs to
proceed because, she clicks out of her seat belt and is undoing my pants before
I can even blink. My throbbing cock is removed from the confines of my pants with
cool hands before she dips her head to my lap. 

“What the fuck? I’m going to
wreck, Darcy!”

A girlish giggle is the only
response she gives until the warmth of her mouth engulfs the throbbing head of
my cock.
She pauses to swirl with her tongue all the way down and
back up finishing with the crown every time it’s obvious I’m getting close to blowing.
It’s pure torture. As I park the truck at my apartment building, I’m thinking
she will finish me off, but instead she sits up and wipes her mouth while smiling
at me like the freakin’ cat who ate the damn canary.

“Ready to go? I want to see
your place,” she chirps. 

Taking my sex-brain from zero
to sixty in mere seconds was tough, but going sixty to zero in that same amount
of time might just be the end of me. She opens the door and hops out as I attempt
to stuff my swollen dick back into my jeans. It’s not comfortable, and I decide
there will be retribution at some point for that little teasing session. When
we enter my apartment, she stops and looks around as her eyebrows pull low in

“What’s wrong?” I question,
worried she’s changed her mind and wants to leave.

“It’s nice, but it has no
color. Like zero. Just black and white. Not even brown. How do you live like
this?” Her concern is genuine, and I almost laugh at her. It’s a serious issue
for her that there is no color here.

I smirk at her. “Why do you
think I want to keep you around?”

“Ha, ha, ha. You’re
hilarious. I’m serious, why?” She’s having a difficult time understanding how
someone can live without the entire rainbow in their home.

“Um… because I’m a guy, and
we don’t think of that kind of stuff. Black is masculine and white just helps
to break up the darkness of it all without being girly.”

“How big is this place?” she
questions with wide eyes that seem to scan everything.

I set my keys down. “It’s a
little over two thousand square feet with three bedrooms, three baths. I know
it’s a little big for a single guy, but my dad recommended I buy something that
would be a good investment. So I did.” I lead her further into the open floor
plan living room, dining room and kitchen area. I left one lamp on near the
door but the floor-to-ceiling windows with a view of the city let the moonlight
filter in so it’s not as dark as you’d expect. The windows are what sold me on
this place to begin with.  I have a grey couch, a black end table with a
short, stout chrome lamp base, topped with a grey lampshade next to a black
recliner. At the other end of the couch is a chrome standing lamp with a grey
lamp shade, and a black and glass coffee table. A man-sized TV hangs on the opposite
wall of the living room area directly in front of my couch. A sleek modern
glass dining set sits in the portion sectioned off for such and my kitchen is
just a kitchen. Of course it has black counter tops and chrome state of the art
appliances, but I’m not all that excited about cooking so it doesn’t matter to

“Come on, let me show you my
room. We can put your stuff down, then come back and get a drink.” Her
expression is about the same as it was in the living room since the color
scheme is more of the same. What she hasn’t quite noticed yet is the picture
hanging above my dresser. I can’t wait for her to see it. It was delivered and
hung while I was away this last time. The only color in the whole place comes
from her hand and she hasn’t seen it yet.

I drop her bag on the bed and
kick off my shoes toward the closet, then head back to the kitchen. She follows
suit. On her way out of my room, she still doesn’t see the picture. I’m not
saying a word. I’ll wait for her to discover it herself. I pour two glasses of
wine and take one to her. She’s standing at the windows I love so much looking
out at the city. I had reflective windows installed so I didn’t have to worry
about people seeing in because the view is too beautiful to mar with curtains
or blinds, and I like privacy.  

She keeps one of her arms
wrapped around her own waist while she accepts the wine with the other. She
takes a sip drawing my attention to the natural pout of her full lips and then
further down the smooth column of her throat. I feel my dick stiffen in response
so I take a big gulp of my wine and set my glass down. As I wrap my body around
hers from behind, I feel her relax into me immediately. I swipe her soft, curly
locks out of the way and run my nose from her shoulder to her ear, taking my
time. Relishing the subtle smell of jasmine on her skin.

“You are so sexy it hurts to
look at you sometimes,” I confess in a low voice.

A soft moan escapes her lips
as I continue my slow assault on her senses. I nibble on her ear and glide soft
kisses back down the line of her graceful neck. Her body shudders, so I move my
hands under her top and over her bra, finding her peaked nipples ready and begging
for my attention. I flick my fingers across them several times before she
finally arches back against me, rubbing that delectable ass against me like a
cat. I take the glass from her hands and set it on the end table next to mine. The
more she rubs against me, the more turned on I get, the more I feel my control
waning. I twist her body and push the front of her thighs against the arm of
the chesterfield. Then I slide my hand up to the middle of her back and apply
enough pressure so that she bends all the way over the arm. Her ass is in the
air, face turned toward the room, cheek to the cushion, and she’s looking like
one of my favorite fantasies with her red lips parted, panting softly in
anticipation. Flipping her skirt up over her hips, I take note of the barely-there
strip of thong wedged between the perfect globes of her ass as I run my palms
over the soft skin. She pushes back against my greedy paws and gives an
impatient wiggle, so I hook my fingers in the sides of her satin thong and yank,
shredding the tiny fabric. A gasp flies from her lips.

“What are you doing, Finn?” I
think she means to sound mad but it comes out breathy and sexy as hell.

“I’m about to take you from
behind. That little scrap of material was in my way.”

Before she can respond to my
statement, I smack her luscious backside with my right hand. A perfect pink handprint
appears. She cries out and wiggles it at me again. I reach into my pocket,
remove a condom from my wallet and place it between my teeth. I smack the other
cheek, evening out the color before I drop my jeans and boxers to my knees.
Making sure she’s ready, because I already know I won’t go easy on her, I slip
my fingers into her cleft and smear the already dripping juices over her
engorged clit and along the edges of her pussy. It’s hot as fuck that she’s
this turned on.

I tear the wrapper open and
roll it on. She whimpers as I rub the crown of my prick against the soaked area.
I thrust hard to seat myself as deep inside her as I can, and she cries out. I
pause, still buried deep inside her, to pull the polo over my head and send it
flying. Then I lean forward, reach around her waist and pull her body to line up
against mine.

I tug the blouse over her
head and toss it, too. Then I unhook her bra and drop it to the cushions in
front of her. She’s clenching my cock with her tight inner muscles over and
over the whole time I’m stripping us. I wrap my arms around her and lean her
forward a little for maximum penetration. Then I anchor her with my hands to
her hips and thrust hard, forcing her forward with my movement. A startled yelp
from her breaks the silence.

“Did I hurt you?” I allow the
concern to reflect in my voice.

Her hair flows over her
shoulders and down her back as she shakes are head, no. Holding her tighter, I resume
as I thrust again and again like a rutting beast as I pound into her. This
position makes me feel like a caveman taking what I want, so I continue until
I’m lost in the sensation. Lost in the smell of her hair. Lost in the way her
body looks as she takes my cock. Lost in the sensual sounds of our mating. Just
lost in her.

Taking her like this brings
out a possessive side to me I didn’t realize existed. The thought of any other
man getting this from her makes me crazy with jealousy. I can’t hold back the
emotion anymore when I growl, “You can fight me all you want, but you’re mine.
I’ll kill any other man who put his hands on you. Do. You. Hear. Me? You’re. Mine.”
I punctuate each word with a powerful thrust.

There’s no answer from her so
I push her body down over the arm and unleash the pent up feeling of propriety
as I pound into her, almost breaking the furniture, hoping to break her. The
air is filled with what I hope are cries of her pleasure filling the room. As
rough as I’m being, it’s possible I’m hurting her, but I can’t make myself
stop. I want her to remember tomorrow when she’s no longer with me who owns her
pussy. Who her man is. It’s me. If she won’t say it, at least she’ll remember
that I claimed her like no other man can.

“Who is your man, Darcy?” I

“I need to come, Finn. Please
let me come!”

“Not ’till you say it out
loud. Who is your man?” I pause, the sweat running down my neck and chest.

Wearing only her skirt, she uses
the break in action to twist and scramble away, her breasts bouncing with the
effort to escape. She doesn’t realize I’ve gone all caveman on her, ready to
chase if she really plans to run. I stalk her ’till her back hits the window with
a small thud. When I get to her, I cage her with my arms and bend to suck the rosy
peak of her breast into my mouth, scraping with my teeth as she grips my hair.
I move to the other one and repeat the process. Then I reach under her skirt to
find that she’s still dripping for me, so I hook my hand under her knee and
lift her leg.

She jumps up and wraps those
sexy legs around my waist and impales herself on my cock. I grip her hands and
push them above her head, holding them there. She’s pinned to the wall, breasts
jutted out, muscles quivering beneath me, and she’s so fucking beautiful. Then
I pump my hips, driving into her, never breaking eye contact.

With every thrust she cries,
“Finn. Finn. Finn”

“Say it. You know what I need
to hear.” I snarl at her.

She shakes her head.

“Say it, and I’ll let you

She shakes her head again, so
I stop thrusting and hold still. My cock is like a skewer, holding her against
the enormous window.

BOOK: Finn's Shot (Eden's Odyssey Book 1)
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