Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)
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I took a long,
slow drag off of my cigarette and stared out, as if oblivious to the scenery,
into the street as the cars passed by. Jordan and I stood in comfortable
silence for a moment before he said, "That new girl...what's her
Really? We're gonna play Who's on
first? C'mon Jordon, you can do better than that.


I cleared my
throat, not making eye contact with him, and took another drag before I said
dryly, "Why?" When I turned to look at him, he had a wounded
expression on his face and simply shrugged. I could tell from the jump he had
the hots for Piss Pants, but I wasn't gonna pass notes back and forth between
the happy couple. He could man the fuck up and ask her what her name is if he's
interested in her. I'm here to do my job, not be his fucking wingman.

Chapter Three




The DJ is tight
tonight and killin' it. The crowd is loving it and the drinks are flowing,
which is great, but the three of us are running on fumes. I'm working the bar
almost entirely on my own, while Jordan's running drinks, and what's her face
is actually selling the shit out of shots. Good for her...she'll live to see
another day. If she survives band night, she may just make it here a few weeks.
That's about our turnover rate. Quick, easy money; then they're gone.


Jordan had his
hands full taking pitchers to tables, picking up empty glasses, and getting
orders. I was filling orders at the bar one after another, and Jordan's last
tray full of drinks had been sitting at the end of the bar for at least ten
minutes, now. Miss Priss just so happened to walk behind me for some funky
syringe shots we had made up, when I grabbed her by the arm before she could
make off. She turned abruptly, as she began to quake, with the look of a scared
child on her face. I scoffed, "I ain't gonna bite ya, kitten."
Sneering, I added, "Unless you're into that sorta thing." Her eyes
widened in what I swear was fear. Sheer and utter panic. I was instantly
aroused...what the fuck was it about this chick? I shifted myself,
inconspicuously, and continued with my reason for stopping her in the first
place. I shouted over the music, "I need you to run these drinks."


She looked at
the tray, and back to me, as if I had grown a second head. "Wh...where? I didn't say anything about that. That's not my job," she


I pulled her in
close, so close I could smell the peppermint on her breath, and said through
gritted teeth, "First of all, you'll do
I say you'll do. And second of all, as far as what your
is around here...refer to my previous statement,
got it Princess?" I shoved her towards the tray, as she looked at me in
astonishment. I knew she had no clue what to do, so I gave her the bare bones
instructions, as if she were a toddler. Pointing to the tray and volleying my
eyes back and forth between her and it, I said slowly, "You take these
order tickets match them up with the drinks...the table numbers are
written on top..." I sighed. "You know what, fuck it, I'll do it
myself," I huffed out, grabbing the tray, and pushing past her, leaving
her to listen to the patrons at the bar scream orders at her. I giggled to






By the time we
called last call, as the last of the patrons exited one by one, and we closed
the doors up for the night, I was exhausted, completely spent, and apparently,
still had to count out my money and separate my earnings and tips.
. With my legs burning from the ache of being
unused to the physical activity, I dragged myself to the end of the bar, untied
my apron, and emptied my bills onto the top of the bar to begin counting out
the night's cash. It was after two in the morning, and the bar top was sticky,
the floor was a mess, and the place was trashed. Yet, Kellan and Jordan went
straight to work, clearing tables of used and dirty glasses and ashtrays, which
reminded me that I now smelled like sweat
smoke, something I guess I would have to get used to. They wasted no time
wiping down seats, tables, and barstools, and flipping them onto the tabletops.
I watched them work at a furious pace while I straightened my balled up bills,
readying them for me to count out.


Kellan caught
me staring, walked over to the mop bucket, and motioned to it with his hand. I
looked at him bewildered as he said, "C'mon, Princess, the floor ain't
gonna mop itself."


As my eyes
widened, I replied, "But...I thought...that's not my..." Kellan
tilted his head, clenched his jaw, and gave me a stern look of warning,
reminding me of what he'd said earlier. I snapped my mouth shut and nodded
curtly, standing up on my feet, as my wretched shoes bit into my already
blistered toes and heels. Trying not to limp or wince, I gingerly made my way
over to the mop bucket, and looked at the foreign contraption, then back to


"Is there
a problem," he preened, with a devilish grin on his face that I wanted to
slap off. I shook my head back and forth, as if I'd used an industrial mop all
my life. "You've never used one of these, have you?" he prodded, the
bemused grin still gracing his deliciously handsome face. The fact that he
could read me like a book, both pissed me off and turned me to liquid fire at
the same time. I shrugged, not wanting to full on admit that he'd caught me
with my hand in the cookie jar. He lowered his head, covering his smile with
his fingers, and tried to stifle a laugh.


Annoyed, I
huffed out, "What's so funny? Why is it such a big deal? It's not like
people are born knowing how to run one of these things!"


He literally
bent over and couldn't hide his laughter any longer before saying, "
one of these things? You don't
it, sweetheart; it's not jet fueled, for
Christ's sake." He looked over his shoulder, shouting, "Hey,
Jord...where's the extension cord for the mop?" Jordan gave him a
perplexed look as Kellan continued to giggle, pretending to wipe tears from his
eyes. As his laughter died down, he began to walk away and shouted over his
shoulder, "Don't hurt yourself, honey!"






I caught up to
Jordan in the back, cleaning off tables in the poolroom. "Katie, or
Ashley, or whatever the fuck her name is...Jesus, what a complete ditz,


Hailey," he said, pinning me with a quick stare before returning his gaze
to his task. "And I think she did a pretty damn good job, considering
there was only the three of us and we had a packed house," he defended
her. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to start to have a 'thing' for her. I
don't blame him, if she wasn't so damn prissy, I would probably jump on that
train faster than lightning. Jordan has a way of smooth talking the ladies with
his good ole boy charm.


Sadly, it's not
an act; he's the most decent guy I know, and knows how to treat a lady right. I
couldn't give a shit whether they like me or not. If they want me to take 'em
home and fuck 'em, fine by me, but my ass is gone when the deed is done. I
don't give out my number, I don't care about what their name is, or their sign,
or their hopes and dreams, and I sure as fuck don't stick around and cuddle.
Like it or leave it, it's who I am, and I don't have a problem getting pussy,
so I don't plan on changing any time soon.


Jordan was
giving me the cold shoulder as we cleaned up, consistently taking notice of
and her clean up efforts. I felt sorry for
the sad sap, it was slowing us down, and I wanted to get out of here before the
sun came up. "Jesus, man, do you want me to go check on her and make sure
she's not breaking a nail, or some shit?" I asked derisively.


He looked at me
with a scowl and replied, "Would it hurt you?" I threw the rag down
on the table and turned on my heel, making my way out to check on Her Majesty.


Well...she had
gotten about a quarter of what Jordan and I could have done in the same amount
of time. But I'd give her a little lee way, it being her first night and all. I
snuck up behind her, quiet as a mouse and smacked her hard on her pert, round
ass, belting out, "Move this pretty thing any slower and the customers
will be coming back in before..."


She jumped
about a foot in the air, squealed, and shouted, "Shit, Kellan! Why would
you do that?" with wide eyes.


I furrowed my
brows, and began to play with my tongue ring, out of nervous habit. Not only
had I scared the living shit out of her, I was now embarrassed as fuck. I
thought it would be a funny joke; ya know, lighten the mood. I should've known
she'd have a stick up her ass, no matter how perfect it looked in her tight
jeans. Again, my mind was wandering into territory I needed to keep tamped
down. The fact that she was drop dead gorgeous didn't override the fact that
she had a shitty attitude. "I...I was just joking around, ya know. I
didn't mean to..." I stammered. I hardened my stare. I wasn't about to
apologize to a bitchy little wench with a poor work ethic. I threw my hands up
in the air, and abruptly turned to walk away, saying over my shoulder,
"You know what, forget you, sweetheart. I don't need the headache. Good
luck making it through another day."


The next thing
I know, I had a small hand wrapped around my wrist, tugging me backwards. I
stilled, not knowing whether to snatch my hand away, or turn and face her. I
decided to stay impassive and do neither, simply standing where I stood, as she
came around to face me, her eyes sympathetic. "Kellan, I'm sorry...I was
just taken off guard, that's all," she said softly, her eyes shining as
her lips curled into a small smile. Lips I wanted to claim as my own and
devour. The sheen on them was glistening, as if begging me like a siren to take
them. It took all of my willpower to take my eyes from the soft pink lips I so
desperately wanted to lick and suck. Goddamn, this woman was getting into my
head, and not the head of my cock, either. Although, I have to admit, my dick
was twitching with each word her pretty little mouth was letting out.
Please don't sigh...please don't sigh...I swear to fuck,
if you sigh, I'm gonna come in my pants. Jesus! I'm thirteen again.
began to lightly sway our hands back and forth before sighing, and saying,
"I don't want to fight, Kellan. I want us to..."


coughed loudly into my fist and let go of her hand, walking away from her as
fast as I could, as I shouted over my shoulder, "No problem, Hailey!
Um...we'll talk tomorrow. Just go home, ok." I bolted out the back door,
as sweat gathered onto my skin, and pulled in a few deep breaths, as I lit up a
What in the shit was THAT? Un-fucking-believable. I'm gonna die.
That's it. This is how I'm gonna die. All the blood's gonna rush to my dick one
day, I'm gonna stroke out, and die. My tombstone is gonna read:


Kellan Haines


Lived by his dick, died by his dick.






What the heck was that?
I shook off Kellan's
Jekyll and Hyde routine he'd just pulled and set the mop in the mop bin, as
he'd just instructed me I could take off. I counted my tips out, left the bar's
share in an envelope next to register, and walked into the back to say
goodnight to the men. Rounding the office door, I found Jordan in the office
and said, "Hey Jordan! Kellan said I get out of here, sooo..."


He gave me a
strange look; almost distant and angry at the same time, before saying,
"He shouldn't have made you stay in the first place."


Feeling a
little caught in the middle of two friends, I shrugged off his statement, and
replied, "I didn't mind. I know you guys were short staffed tonight, and I
got a taste of what goes on around here after hours," I added with a
playful grin, hoping to cheer him up. It must have worked because his eyes and
face softened as he nodded. "So I'll see ya tomorrow?" I chirped.


He grinned
wide, and said, "
be here.
on the other hand, might change your mind when
you wake up and find out how badly your feet hurt tomorrow." He chuckled
along with me, and raised his hand as I walked out of the office door.


Walking out
into the hallway, I heard the heavy backdoor slam shut, and locked eyes with
Kellan. We stood staring at each other, each of us immobile for a few moments,
before his intense gaze began to travel over my body and I felt it flush as
heat rose in my lower belly. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he
swallowed and clenched his jaw. We were several feet apart, and all I wanted to
do was run to him.


His beautiful
lips were beckoning me to run my tongue across them. I was losing ground being
near to Kellan, and losing it fast. I wasn't here to fall for some punk. I was
here to make much needed money for my mom and me, so she could live
comfortably, and I could go back to school to finish my degree. This was a
means to an end, not a situation where I wanted to get involved with a
coworker. Talk about the proverbial picking up a guy at the bar. Kellan was bad
news, and I'd had enough bad news lately to last me a lifetime. I furrowed my
brow, as if to telekinetically apologize, and sharply turned, walking quickly
towards the front door to make a fast escape. If I knew what was good for me,
I'd stay away from Kellan Haines altogether.

Chapter Four




I awoke the
next morning, and just as Jordan had predicted, I was now questioning whether
or not I was cut out for this job, as my legs ached and throbbed, and my feet
were swollen and blistered. I hadn't gotten home until almost four a.m. and I
looked at my bedside clock, noting it was nearly nine in the morning. I didn't
usually sleep past seven, but even at this late hour, I was feeling exhausted.
I knew Mom was probably waiting on breakfast to take her medicine, so I rushed
to freshen up, and get in gear to go make her some eggs. We would have to find
a way to make this work for the both of us.


I took just
five minutes to clean last night's make up off of my face, brush my teeth, and
run my finger's through my bed head before jetting down the steps, only to find
Mom sitting on the couch with toast and fruit on a plate in front of herself.
She had a large glass of iced tea perched on the coffee table next to her, and
her morning pills were lined up, waiting to be taken. I stood before her, my
mouth slightly agape, trying to form words, as she looked at me, nonplussed,
before she said, "What? You think I can't peel a damn orange?" and
shook her head back and forth.


I stammered,
"I...I didn't say anything, Mom. It's just, I usually get your breakfast,


She cut me off
suddenly. "Do I look like I need a


I was
completely taken aback. All this time, I thought I was helping my mom, getting
her things for her, rounding up her medications and reminding her to take them
before it was time. Making her meals, and even cutting up her steak, and such.
When I look back upon the time I started doing things like those, Mom had
become more and more agitated. I thought maybe she was in depression, or pain.
Maybe she was just pissed at being treating like a child. I can see where a
capable adult would be. "No, Mom, you look absolutely qualified to handle
peeling an orange," I squeaked out. She shot me the stink eye. "Mom,
are you upset with me because I've been babying you?" She simply shrugged.
I took it as a 'yes'. "Mom, why didn't you just say so? You've never been
one to hold your tongue, you know," I ribbed.


She wiped her
hands and mouth with her napkin and set her plate down, before leaning back
against the couch, and taking in a deep breath. Her breathing had become more
labored as of late. "Hailey Marie Dawson, you're my kid, and I love ya.
I'll love ya till the Lord sees fit to take me home." Tears gathered in my
eyes. She only ever used my full name to either yell at me as a child, or as an
endearment. She continued, "But child, I'm a grown woman. I have my good
days, and my bad." She gave me a pointed stare, and I nodded my
understanding. "Now, if I need you, I'll let you know; otherwise, for my
sanity, child,
quit hoverin' over me.
You're always interrupting my shows, asking me how I'm feeling. How do you
think I feel? I feel like crapola! But life goes on, Hailey. What do ya want me
to do? Go to a nursing home and take up crocheting and bingo? Sweet Jesus, take
me now! 'Cause that's not gonna happen. If I'm gonna go, it's gonna be right
here in this house,
rules, under
my it?" she announced emphatically.


I nodded and
said, "Yes, Mom, I hear you. And I won't go against your wishes, I
promise." I kissed her on the cheek and hugged her around her shoulders,
as she brought her hand to my arm, briefly, before shooing me away. I giggled
and swiped the tears from under my eyes before saying, "Oh, Mom, I just
want you to be happy." I let out a small laugh, and our conversation was


My stomach
growled at the sight of Mom's breakfast, and she shot me a mischievous look. I
usually ate long before this time of day, and would have already gotten a
two-mile run in. I was going to have to get used to the change in schedule. I
technically wasn't needed at the bar until around seven p.m. so I basically had
the day to myself. I wasn't used to not being at the university by at least
nine a.m. for an early class, so I was lost, and a bit out of sorts, feeling as
if my world was going to be droll during the day, now that I didn't have to
ward over Mom in my down time.
What to do? What to


Just as I was
lost in thought, my phone chirped with a text message. It was a number I didn't
recognize, but read:


Hey,'s Jordan. Sorry to be so forward, it's
just...well I couldn't get you out of my mind. It's just...well, you're
beautiful, and... Sorry. Shit...I said that already, didn't I? Can I take you
out to lunch? I promise no funny stuff, I just want to get to know you.


I smiled and
inwardly laughed at his awkward candor. I programed his name into my phone
before I texted back:


You're caught me up before noon. What are YOU
doing up so early?


I'm used to long hours and little sleep. You'll get used to
it too.


Not likely, I think it was a surge of energy. Lol.


So, are you gonna take me up on my offer, or sleep away
your day?


Well, since I have nothing better to do, I guess a girl has
to eat :)


Thanks for the vote of confidence...


Just kidding...I'd love to. When and where?


How's Pearl's at 12:30...I have some errands to run. Best
fish and chips in town!


Don't I know it! Sounds great. I'll see you there. :)


Looking forward to it, beautiful. ;)


Wow! Obviously,
Jordan was interested in me, and he seems like a nice guy, and handsome to
boot. He looked like a cowboy out of a romance book. When he called me
'beautiful', it was all could do not to think of his tall frame, lean muscles,
and that sandy blond hair I wanted to tug at as I ran my fingers through it. My
fantasies were getting the best of me. These two men, both delectably
mouthwatering in their own ways, were going to drive me slowly insane, one wet
pair of panties at a time.






"Where are
you going, baby?" the statuesque blond bombshell I'd texted at four a.m.
pouted, as I shamelessly got up and dressed after our luscious ménage a trois.
The red head was passed out cold. I sent a playful look her way, and chuckled
to myself, as I pulled my jeans over my bare ass, shaking my head at my proud
display before me. I'd worn her out; but now I had to deal with Blondie.


"You know
the deal, sweets. No sleep overs."


"But can't
you just stay for breakfast?" she pled. "I'll make coffee," she
piped up, sitting up on her heels, her bare breasts bouncing up and down as she
sat up on the large king sized bed with crumpled sheets, and the comforter
hanging halfway onto the floor. I had half a notion to take her again, but I
needed to get at least a couple hours of shut eye before I had to open the bar.
It was already eight thirty, and I had to be back at the bar before noon. Fuck!
If Tanya and Candy...I swear on my life that's her name...didn't give such good
head, I'd have left two hours ago. But Jesus, who can turn down an offer like
that? Certainly not me. If anyone else can, fuck, 'em...I'm not a saint, and
don't claim to be one. Watching two chicks get it on...yeah, that's fucking
heaven, man.


I replied brusquely. "Gotta be at work in a few hours. And besides,"
I flashed her a wry smile, "you two little devils wore me out." She lowered
her head and gave me her own seductive glare. Hopping into my shoes, as I made
my way to the door, my shirt thrown over my shoulder, I made a fast getaway.
She was my late night go to when I didn't have time to pick up a girl at the
bar, and always ready and willing. It just so happened she was already dining
when I got there. I was a lucky bastard, and knew it.






I showered in
plenty of time to meet Jordan, putting on a cute green flowered sundress, and
tan wedge heels. My feet were hating me for the shoe choice, but Jordan was much taller than I was, and I didn't want to look like a dwarf standing next to
him, even though we'd be sitting most of the time. I dried my hair partially,
and braided it to the side, adding a small amount of makeup to my otherwise
Plain Jane face. A swipe of lip gloss, and I was out the door with my


I drove the few
miles to Pearl's and pulled into the small parking lot, only to find Jordan had
already beat me to the restaurant, and was waiting in the lot, leaning up
against a silver truck I assumed was his. I smiled to myself at the thought of
him perhaps being excited enough to wait for me outside. As I pulled into a
spot only a few from his own, he jogged to my car and beat me to opening my own
Wow. I thought chivalry was dead.
emerald green eyes were gleaming as he gave me a thousand watt smile and said,
"Hey, beautiful, I was wondering when you were going to get here."


The way he
called me 'beautiful' made me truly feel that way about myself, and he had
me melting. I shook myself out of my reverie, and looked at the time on my
phone, noting I was seven minutes early, then peered up to him in confusion,
saying, "I thought we settled on 12:30. Did we get our wires crossed?"


He chuckled,
his deep baritone grumble emanating from his throat making him that much more
sexy. He quirked his lips into a grin, and said, "I'm just messin' with
ya. I've only been here for a few minutes. I wanted to uh..." He rubbed
the back of his neck, the same as he had the night before. I took it as a sign
of anxiety, being that I'm...or rather
, a
psychology major. I tend to pick on up signs like these. He broke back into my
thoughts, continuing, "...ya know...escort you in, like a proper
gentleman." My jaw almost hit the floor. Were there even 'proper
gentlemen' still in existence? I thought the breed had become extinct.


I decided to
have a little a fun of my own, and mess with him, as he'd done with me. "A
proper gentleman, huh?" He nodded proudly. "I don't know too many
that wear t-shirts and ball caps to take a
girl out on a date," I quipped. His face reddened and he stood rooted to
his spot, as if I'd just slapped him across the face. I paled at the thought
that I'd just embarrassed him, which was in no way my intention. "Jordan,
I didn't mean...I don't care what you wear," I tried to recover. "I
was only kid..."


"You said
this was a date," he said solemnly, as if he were in a dazed state.
"You said, just said I was taking you out on a date. Is that
what you consider this?" he questioned.


"Well, I...I guess so, Jordan. I mean,
we're having lunch. I don't think we'll be having fine dining together at three
in the afternoon, and our schedules are kinda crazy, so...I guess lunch will
have to constitute a date for us, right?"


He slowly
nodded his head, and said, "I guess that's one way of thinking about it. I
never thought of that way," he
chuckled again.


I gave him a
spry grin, not believing his story for a minute. "Oh, now you're just
yanking my chain. I've no illusions you didn't intend this to be a date, and
you'll never convince me otherwise," I said, jutting my chin, and crossing
my arms like a child.


He put two
fingers in the air and said, "Scout's honor! I was gonna ask you out
if...ya know...things went..."


I giggled, and
decided to let him off the hook, tipping the brim of his hat, and saying,
"Just messin' with ya, Jordan," as I added a wink.

BOOK: Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)
5.91Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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