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Authors: Amanda Heath

Fire In Her Eyes (3 page)

BOOK: Fire In Her Eyes
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“Okay, was it just me or was Harley looking at me like I was a piece of meat?” I ask Dean.

We are done getting all of my mom’s crap into the Maxton household. After taking a quick shower, I grabbed us some drinks and we settled down in my new bedroom. I’ve got the bed pushed up against one of the hunter green walls and my dresser is next to the closet door, which is on the opposite side of the bed. The floors are hardwood and my mom laid out a rug to match the walls. I also inherited a white couch to sit on and a new TV. I guess my mom’s way of apologizing for not telling me about Mr. Maxton, or Richard, as he asked me to call him.

“Yeah, she was looking like you would look good naked up against her. I guess she liked your kiss more than you thought she did.” He waggles his eyebrows from his position on the couch.

“Well, I liked it a whole hell of a lot, so I have
idea what that says about me. How can you be so attracted to someone you can
fucking stand?” I ask him seriously.

“The only reason you two fight like you do is because you have the same personality. You both lost one parent at an early age and you close yourselves off from others. You never have with me, but that’s because we get each other. Same with Harley, her girls get her and she doesn’t have to hide behind her walls with them. They would call her out for her shit. You’re both loners to a point. You go out in public with a group of friends and you even engage in activities, but you don’t let anybody see the real you. Neither one of you has been in a serious relationship.” I give him a pointed look. “Marissa doesn’t count because you were only with her for like, what, a month? What did she really know about you? Nothing.” He picks up a baseball from its place on my dresser.

“How in the hell did you get so smart?” I’ve never heard him talk like this. It’s almost scary. Dean has always been a bad boy player type of guy. He
several tattoos and piercings and he can play the guitar with the best of them. He never sleeps with a girl more than once and he never calls them again either.

“I’m majoring in psychology, remember? I enjoy this kind of thing.” He smirks at me, throwing the baseball up into the air and catching it.

“I know you are. It’s just that I haven’t ever heard you use what you have learned before now,” I chuckle as I lay back on my bed.

“I’ll tell you something else. You need to just sleep with her. Y
ou’re going to be obsessing over
your kiss and shit until you get her out of your system. The way she was looking at you earlier, I say it won’t be that hard to get in her pants.” He waggles his eyebrows again.

“I’ve wanted to get in her pants for years. She’s great from afar but, up close? Not so much. I kind of want to tape her mouth closed so I
admire her up close.” I laugh softly to myself.

“Well, just shut her up with your mouth and tongue and you won’t have that problem. Hell, if you’re even good at it, you can get her to stop being a complete bitch for a whole day.” We both laugh out loudly at this. Harley would never “not be a bitch.”

There’s a knock on my door and I yell for the visitor to enter. In walks the devil herself. She steps just inside my doorway and looks at me. She clasps her hand behind her back and I can’t help but to think she is nervous. “Umm…can we talk?” She asks me quietly.

I look over at Dean and he winks at me before getting up off my couch. “I’ll catch you later, dude,” he says to me.

He stops next to Harley, who looks him in the eye “See you around, Dean. Oh, by the way, if you ever say some shit like that to Paige again I will kick your ass. Do you understand me?” She isn’t tall by any means, but she still looks intimidating.

“Tell her to stop trying to play with the big boys when she isn’t ready for one.” He smirks down at her before walking out of the house.

“What was that about?” I ask her.

“None of your business.” She scowls at me. Oh joy, this is working out so well already.

I sit up on my bed and pat the empty space next to me. She eyes it and I think she is going to turn it down but she surprises me and sits down. “So what do you want to talk about?” I ask her.

“I wanted to know why you kissed me. I can’t seem to wrap my head around it.” She places her hand right next to mine and my skin tingles where we are touching.

“I kissed you because I wanted too. I’ve wanted to kiss you since we were five. You just never gave me the chance before,” I pause, shaking my head. “You had me so pissed off that day. I wanted to shake some sense into you. Instead, when I touched you, I had the overwhelming urge to just take what I wanted. You let me and I’m still shocked.”

“I didn’t realize that your thoughts went that deep or that you could even
deep emotions. I’m impressed, Spencer.” She gives me a mocking smile after saying this.

“You know what? I was just nice to you for the second time in my life and that’s all I get? Fuck you, Harley. Get out of my room.” I glare at her before getting off the bed and opening the door to usher her out.

“Oh, did I hurt your feelings? I’m sorry, you itty bitty baby.” She pretends to rub her eyes with her hands like a young child would.

I walk over to her and stand in her personal space. “Yeah, well I wasn’t an itty bitty baby when I had you pressed up against my dick while you moaned,” I whisper into her ear.

She shivers and her hands move up to my chest sending a wild thrill through me. “Yeah, that was pretty itty bitty, too,” she whispers back. Then, she punches me in the balls.

I double over groaning, “Ouch! I can’t believe you fucking did that! You fucking bitch!”

She bends until her lips are level with my ear, “This is what you get for being a total fucking asshole. I heard every word that you and Dean said.” Then she is straightening up and walking out of my door.

Well, there went that idea.


Chapter 4




That is why I shouldn’t listen to any of my friends. They will lead you down a path of destruction. I can’t believe that I was even thinking of sleeping with Spencer. I know he’s a total asshole, but that was a little harsh. I can’t get this feeling of hurt to leave when I recall the sound of his laughter. He has said and done some pretty awful things to me before but I’ve never cared. I guess he’s getting enjoyment out of getting under my skin.

“Honey, do you want some dinner?” My dad startles me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute,” I reply, sitting up on my bed. He nods and heads back to the kitchen.

Ugh, now I have to spend thirty minutes at the dinner table with the king of dirt bags himself. I can’t believe that I’m still so freaking pissed off about earlier. I mean, what did I really
expect from him? Well, I’m going to
make him feel even worse.

I run to my closet and pull out a see-thru camisole top and one of my shortest pair of shorts. My butt cheeks practically hang out of them. I’m pretty sure Spencer is an ass man.

I head into the kitchen after changing. I’m not disappointed when Spencer spits out his drink when I walk into the room. Score: Harley-1, Spencer-0.

“Harley Catherine Maxton, what in the world are you wearing?” My father asks heatedly.

“Ummm….clothes?” He has seen me in worse. I mean, come on!

“I do realize that you are dressed, but do you realize that you look like a…” he trails off.

“Harlot?” Spencer pipes up. Score: Harley-1, Spencer-1.

Mrs. Grady, Polly as she asked me to call her, slaps him in the back of the head. “I think you look fine, dear. It’s abnormally hot. If I looked half as good as you, I’d be wearing the same thing.” She winks at me.

My dad and Spencer scowl at her. Well, Spencer looks like he is going to be sick. I think I’m going to love having Polly around.

I sit down and we all begin eating. Polly made cold turkey subs with seafood salad and potato chips. Spencer inhales all his food in record time. I really hate the male species.

“We are headed on a mini vacation tonight,” my dad says between bites. “I realize y’all are grown, but I just wanted you to know that we won’t be back till Monday at the earliest.”

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“Headed up to the mountains; No one has been up to the cabin in a long time, so Polly and I decided to get away for a while.” He smiles at her, and I smile when she blushes.

“This is pretty gross,” Spencer butts in.

“No, it’s not! It’s really sweet. Don’t you want your momma to have a good time?” I have had about enough of his stupid attitude.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want to hear about their romantic weekend away.” I roll my eyes at him and finish eating my dinner.




For as long as I ca
n remember I have been terrified
of storms. They freak me smooth the heck out. I used to run to my dad’s room when I was little. Hell, I actually did that up until I went off to college. I had a roommate then and I wasn’t so scared.

This is why I find myself sitting in the middle of my bed cradling one of my stuff animals. It’s a cat that my dad got for me for my 6th birthday. It’s dirty and frayed, but it still makes me feel a tiny bit better.

A flash of lighting and the boom of thunder startle a scream out of me. Shit. I hear Spencer running down the hallway where he bursts into my room. “What’s going on?” He asks looking around for something.

“Umm…I’m scared of storms,” I tell him sheepishly.

“So, you screamed because of the thunder?
What are you, like, five?” He rolls his eyes at me before turning to go.

“Wait!” I yell out. “Umm…could you stay with me till it passes?” I ask. I so feel a blush hit my cheeks.

“Really? Are you that scared?” He steps into the room and crosses his arms over his chest.

Another flash of lighting and boom of thunder comes through and I flinch. My lips are clamped shut so I don’t let out another scream.

“Okay…I’ll stay until it passes,” he sighs and lies down on the bed with me.

“What are you doing?” I can feel my eyes bug out of my head.

“Doing what you asked me to do.” His arms are still over his chest and he closes his eyes.

“Do you have to be in my bed for that?” I’m seriously about five seconds away from scratching out his eyes.

“Yes I do. I’m not laying or sitting on the floor.” He opens his eyes to glare at me.

I finally notice that he’s not wearing a shirt. He stretches his arms over his head and the muscles in his torso ripple. My whole body shivers at the sheer strength I feel just by looking at him. “How in the hell do stay in such great shape?”

He gives me a weird look before answering. “I run a lot. There is also a gym in my dorm, so I work out there a lot
. Why?”

“Well, I knew you didn’t play any sports. You just seem so lazy to me, I couldn’t see how you have so many muscles.” Yeah, there goes the blush again. I really need to stop doing that.

“I’m not lazy by any means. Sports are too competitive for me. Plus, I have to keep this amazing bod so I can get laid.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.

I lightly shove him. “Gross.”

“Do you still swim?” He questions.

“Yeah, my school has a huge indoor pool for public use. I’d never give up swimming,” I say with a deep sigh.

I’m looking up at my ceiling, so I jerk when he places his hand on my cheek. He turns me to look at him and I inhale sharply. The look in his eyes would melt an iceberg.

He looks like he is about to say something when I bite my bottom lip. He changes his mind and slams his lips down on mine. My arms go around his neck as he lays across me. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip and I open my mouth to greet him. Our tongues collide and I arch my back when he runs a thumb over my nipple.

He lets up from the kiss and looks down my body. He groans and touches his forehead to mine. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”

“The same thing you are doing to me,” I state breathlessly before I pull his lips back down to mine.




I pull her leg up around my waist so I can grind my hard-on into her soft heat. God, that feels so fucking good. I have no idea where she wants to take this, so I’m trying my hardest not to just take all of her clothes off and screw her senseless.

I can’t reach her ass from this angle, so I flip us over where she is straddling me. My hands go straight to her perfect butt.
It’s not too big and definitely not too small.

Aww that is heaven.

She pulls her head up and asks, “What is you obsession with my ass?” She doesn’t give me time to answer before our mouths are devouring each other once again.

I almost forget she asked me a question when her hips start a slow sensual grind on my lap. “Asses have the most appeal. They sway when you walk, they cushion when you’re fucking, and they have the best grip. And yours baby girl, damn, it’s fucking perfect.” I don’t give her time to answer as I shove my tongue back into her mouth. Though I did notice her skin broke out in goose bumps.

BOOK: Fire In Her Eyes
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