Read Forbidden Pleasure Online

Authors: Lora Leigh

Tags: #Erotic Literature, #Fiction

Forbidden Pleasure (5 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Pleasure
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"Anyone could see what you're doing."

"Just us here." His broad hand cupped her breast, his thumb stroked over her hard nipple.

"But we're outside."

"All alone. Take your shirt off for me, Kei." He leaned back, staring down at her with stormy eyes, with a hungry gaze.

Keiley stared back at him in surprise. Not that they hadn't had sex outside before. They had. By the pool. In the hot tub. But never like this. In the wide open, where her nakedness could be seen if by chance one of the workhands decided to show up.

"We have a bed." Her laughter was nervous.

The forbidden was always a draw for her. It always had been. It excited her, titillated her, made her feel alive when Mac drew it out of her. Undressing here, in broad daylight, was forbidden. Taking the chance of being seen, watched, as her husband caressed her body, was forbidden. And all the more arousing.

"Who needs a bed?" His head lowered, his gaze holding hers as he let his tongue stroke over her suddenly swollen lips. "Come on, Kei, be brave with me."

There was something different about him. She couldn't put her finger on it, couldn't make sense of it as his hands began to draw her t-shirt up her body.

"Come on, let me touch those pretty nipples with my lips while the sun heats your breasts. Wouldn't you like that, Kei?"

His voice was a velvet rasp. It was goading. Challenging. Primitive. That was the difference. He had never shown this side of himself to her in this way before. As though her invasion earlier into that dark, silent core of him had tempted the monster he had warned her not to awaken.

It exhilarated her.

Keiley pulled back, gripped the hem of her t-shirt, and pulled it slowly over her head before dropping it to the ground.

Mac's response was surprising. For a moment, blank surprise filled his expression; then it darkened once again, turned savagely carnal. His lips appeared fuller, his eyes darker, his cheekbones more pronounced. He looked dominant. Forceful.

"Beautiful." Calloused, heated palms cupped her breasts, lifting them to his lips as his head lowered.

Excitement surged through her like a tidal wave, ripping her from the moorings of self-control and thrusting her forcefully into the shadowed lusts she felt whipping around her.

Mac was always tender with her when he made love to her. But this wasn't lovemaking. It was a possession. She could feel it as his teeth scraped over her nipple.

Then his lips covered it, drawing it into his mouth as he began to suck it with a heated, forceful suction.

Her shorts were loosening as her hands speared into his hair to hold him closer. Mac cupped her breast with one hand and disposed of her shorts with the other, leaving her naked beneath the heat of the sun. Leaving her open to the sudden powerful surge of hunger that tore through her.

She had never been so brave. Had never felt the need and the hunger as she felt them tearing through her now. There was too much pleasure, too much passion. It was whipping through her mind, sinking into her pores, and tearing her loose from the moorings of control that she thought she possessed.

Pleasure was her reward, though. A pleasure that Mac was only now showing her. A pleasure that came from freeing the wildness inside her rather than controlling it.

There was no control here.

She jerked, shuddered, as his head lifted from her nipple only to have his lips cover hers as he lifted her against his chest. The hair-roughened contours rasped over her tender nipples, sending a cry into the kiss as his tongue tempted hers to spar with him.

Lightning. Electricity. Surging, destructive pinpoints of explosions detonated along her nerve endings as her flesh became hypersensitive. As the need suddenly began to grow and nothing he did seemed to be enough.

Keiley knew her husband's hands were rougher than normal as he lifted her against her.

Knew that his kiss would leave her lips swollen long after he finished, but she didn't care.

She needed it. Needed the rough nips, the hard clench of his hands at her rear. She needed this part of him and hadn't even realized it until she felt it. Until he unleashed it on her.

"Are you wet, Kei?" He suddenly tore his lips from hers, moving them over her jaw, her cheek, until he was nipping at her ear. "Are you ready for me?"

Ready? She could feel the juices flowing, dampening her, preparing her for so much more.

"Let's see how wet you are, darlin'."

She expected his fingers to skim between her legs. Expected his fingers to probe into the hidden folds. She didn't expect his lips to begin burning a path down her neck, over her breast, where he paused to lick, to suck, to nip at the hardened peak with a force that had her arching into his arms, her cries filling the summer afternoon as she tightened her thighs to still the ache beginning to burn there.

Sensation was lashing through her. The tug of his lips at her breasts speared to her clit, to her vagina. Spasms were flexing inside her, forcefully reminding her of the pleasure to be had when he took her.

He didn't stay at her breasts long enough. Even as her fingers clenched in his hair to pull him back, he was moving lower, his

tongue skimming over her upper stomach, then her abdomen, as he knelt before her.

"Mac—someone could see us," she panted.

She stared down at him, shaking as he gripped her thighs.

"Part your legs for me, Kei. Now." His tone brooked no refusal. The forceful rasp of hunger in his voice had her whimpering even as her thighs parted.

The eroticism of the moment was searing her. She was suddenly seeing a part of Mac that she had only glimpsed in the past three years. The dark, dominant hungers that he kept carefully banked. And she loved it. Loved it so much that she could feel the sudden flow of her juices spilling from her body.

"Sweet and wet," he growled as his gaze dropped to the curl-shrouded flesh between her thighs. "You know, Kei, if this sweet pussy were waxed, you could feel even the breeze whispering over your clit, caressing your flesh. Wouldn't that feel good?"

He blew across her clit, the sensation of even that small caress drawing her to her toes as she fought for something to hold onto. A way to strengthen her legs.

One hand grasped hold of the fender of the tractor, the other reaching up and gripping the small handhold that opened the casing to the motor.

"Beautiful," he whispered. "I think I'm ready for lunch now, Keiley. But we don't have to go to the house for me to eat it."

Her cry shattered through the barnyard as his hand lifted her leg and his head lowered to the saturated flesh between her thighs.

He consumed her. Lips, thrusting, licking tongue, his suckling mouth. He devoured her over and over again as she clung helplessly to the machinery behind her and angled her hips to give him better access.

It was good. So good. The heat of the sun bearing down on her, the heat of Mac's mouth consuming her. She was lost in the sensations. In the pleasure. Lost in the overriding carnal intensity that began to build inside her.

It didn't make sense. It wasn't as though Mac had never gone down on her before. But the difference was in how he did it. The situation, the location, the hunger he was unleashing on her. Within minutes she could feel the electricity pouring up her spine, the pleasure building in her womb.

His tongue flickered through the wet slit, licked and stroked, moving ever closer to the engorged button of her clit as he hummed his pleasure into the sensitive folds.

She was rising, rushing toward orgasm, and she couldn't fight it. When his tongue licked around her clit she screamed for release. Begged for it. Then his lips covered the tender bud, and his tongue began to flicker, to lick with rapid, destructive strokes until she shattered into fragments of blinding ecstasy.

It was like lash after lash of agonizing pleasure as she strained closer, the ache in her womb only building. The clitoral release was usually enough to sate the desperate need, but this time, it only spurred it. She was dying for more.

"It's not enough," she cried out desperately as he began to rise before her. "Please, Mac. I need more."

"There's always more, Kei," he growled. "How much more do you want, sweetheart?"

"Everything." Her head tossed against the tractor as her hands tightened on the handholds she had found. "Now. Please. Now."

His hands covered hers, drawing them away as he stared back at her remorselessly.

"I can give you everything you need, sweetness. All of it." One big hand covered the back of her head, pressing her lips to his chest. "Take me now, Kei. Show me how bad you need me."

She needed him. Needed him until she could barely breathe for the hunger tearing her apart. Needed him so badly that before she anticipated what she meant to do, her teeth sank into the heavy muscle just below a flat, hard nipple.

Mac jerked in surprise at the feel of Keiley's bite. It was unexpected. It was violently arousing. His cock jerked beneath his jeans, so hard, so engorged that he knew that holding back once her hot little mouth got down there would be next to impossible.

But he would hold back. Control. Controlling himself, controlling this first step he was allowing her into the darkness of his lusts, was too important. One wrong move and she could shy away, unconsciously sensing the predatory hunger lurking just beneath the surface. The hunger that would push and push for more of the sensual, deeply held carnality that he knew his wife possessed.

"Sweet," he groaned, palming her head as her tongue licked over the little mark he was certain she had made. A mark he would carry with pride. "More, sweetness. Give me just a little more."

The bite was harder, centered lower, as a shudder wracked her small frame and her wicked tongue licked at his sweat-dampened chest.

Her hands moved restlessly down his chest to his belt, struggling to loosen it as he tipped his head back and let the sun warm his face.

Keiley was burning his flesh, moving lower, nipping at his skin, licking at it as she loosened his jeans and drew the heavy length of his cock free.

He thought he would explode when she wrapped the fingers of both hands around the engorged shaft. Thought he would spill himself to her fingers in a release that would tear his soul free.

His control was tattered, fraying. Gritting his teeth, he forced back the need to come, his fingers tightening in Keiley's short hair to hold her lips back from the throbbing crest of his cock.

"Mac," she whimpered hungrily.

Damn, he loved her voice like that. Husky and needy, stroking over his senses like dark velvet.

Holding her back, Mac moved her hands to his thighs before gripping the base of his cock with one hand.

"Like this." He needed it like this. Needed to control it, to stroke her hunger for him higher. Just a little bit higher.

Her hands clenched in the jeans material still covering his thighs as his fingers held her head steady for the hard head of his cock pressing against her lips.

She opened instantly, her hot pink tongue swiping over it as her lashes fluttered closed. It was sexy as hell.

"Open your eyes. Watch me while you take my cock, Kei. Don't hide from me." His voice was rough. He knew it was and could do nothing to stop it.

Her lashes drifted open. Her tongue flickered over the tiny slit in his cock, licking at the pre-cum that beaded there as she hummed her pleasure.

"Good girl." He could see the wariness, the hunger rising inside her. "Now, slow and easy."

He pressed inside her heated mouth, feeling her lips enclose him as electric pleasure shot up his spine and sizzled in his brain.

Damn, it was good. So hot. So good. Her mouth suckling at the engorged head of his dick, trying to draw him deeper as her hot little tongue licked and stroked around it.

He drew back, ignoring her little mewls of need before pressing back, pressing deeper, feeling the muscles of his stomach contract violently as pleasure seared through taut sinew and bone. Hell. He wouldn't last long at this rate. Sinking inside her mouth so slow and easy, feeling her take him nearly to her throat, sucking at him, humming little cries vibrating on the flesh.

Her hands pushed his jeans lower with jerky movements, allowing her fingers to slip between his thighs to that tight sac beneath his cock.

"Stop." He pulled back, forcing her to release his cock. "Put your hands on my thighs, Keiley."

Surprise glittered in her hazel eyes.

"Hold on to my thighs, sweetheart."

Her hands returned slowly to his thighs, but her gaze flickered with indecision.

"Sometimes it's best to let sleeping animals lie," he whispered, almost regretting what he knew she was seeing in his face for the first time. "Can you take it, Kei?"

It was a challenge. Challenging was never a good idea, because more often than not she would take the dare and run with it.

Her expression flickered before a smile tugged at her lips.

"Do your worst," she dared him in return.

Sweet heaven, she had no idea what she was daring him to do. Did she think the dare would end here? In this barnyard?

He pressed against silken lips once again, feeling them enclosed around his flesh as he watched. Drawing back, thrusting in, his erection glistening from the moisture in her mouth. He could feel his muscles tightening from the effort to hold back. Felt the sweat running down his back as he fucked her mouth, slid in and out, feeling her tongue tighten on him, feeling her grow wilder as she realized he had no intention of giving her his release in this way.

He wanted her wild. He wanted her flying. So desperate she was tearing at him.

Refusing to obey the simple command to keep her hands on thighs.

And within minutes she was there. The sweet sounds of her suckling mouth were driving him crazy as he felt her trembling fingers snake between his thighs.

He pulled back again, sliding free of her mouth before she followed. His hands tightened in her hair, pulling her back as the other hand caught her wrists and held them tight above her head.

Then he gave her more. Thrusting past her lips until he knew that one more stroke into the liquid heat there would shatter his control.

BOOK: Forbidden Pleasure
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