Forbidden: Ultimate Stepbrother Collection (6 page)

BOOK: Forbidden: Ultimate Stepbrother Collection
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Chapter 12


The storm had traveled on, leaving only a quiet, starlit sky behind. I’d gone to bed early, claiming a headache. I just wasn’t in the mood for dinner or conversation or most of all, seeing Luke.

My legs were sore from the morning’s ride as I stretched them out under my blankets. It had been a whirlwind of a day, a mind-blowing, confusing, hell of a day. Never in a million years would I have expected what’d happened in the barn. At first when Luke had touched me, I had stiffened with shock, not knowing what to expect. He’d been so damn unpredictable, it was impossible to know what he was thinking. But the thing that really confused and shocked the hell out of me was my own reaction. By the time his strong callused palm had brushed over my skin, I’d melted into putty. I’d wanted him to touch me and damn if I didn’t come easily for the man. His confidence, his obvious skill from what was more than likely a great deal of practice, had brought me to climax almost instantly.

I had no idea what to do now. I was horrified at the thought of running into Luke, knowing that I’d submitted so easily to him. He knew me intimately now. But why the hell had he done it? I would have to leave the ranch. It was the only logical solution to get out of this embarrassing predicament. He was John’s son, for fucksake. Yep, as wonderful as it’d been having a family and a secure roof for those few days, I would have to brave it out in the world alone. It was a frightening and depressing thought, but I saw no other way. As if my stay here hadn’t been awkward enough, my weakness today had made this whole thing that much worse.

I reached for the lamp and turned it off. The room fell into darkness. Just as my eyes drifted shut, the bedroom door pushed open.

I sat up and squinted into the light in the hallway. A large figure stood in the open doorway. Luke stepped into the room.

He stared at me with that same cold look I’d seen too often. But even in the dim light I could see that this time there was something different in his expression.

After a long, chilly silence, he spoke. “I’m tired of this sainthood shit.”

Chapter 13


My bedroom door swung shut. Luke stood in the center of the dark room with his fierce green gaze. The set of his broad shoulders and the way his fists were clamped into steel balls at his sides made him look dangerous. I should have been frightened but, somehow, I knew the only thing that I was in danger of with Luke Maverick was losing my heart to him. After the intimate moments in the dank, warm barn where he’d made me cry out in pleasure by just touching me with his strong, capable hands, I shivered now at the prospect of having him take me in his arms again.

Even in the shadows of my bedroom,  I could see the determination in his finely chiseled face as he stepped around to the side of my bed. After my shower, I’d pulled on a long t-shirt, panties and socks before climbing under the plush downy quilts. It was hardly a sexy or enticing fashion statement but then I hadn’t expected the man to push into my room uninvited. He’d spoken sharply as he entered, something about giving up on sainthood or some such thing. It hadn’t made much sense to me, and my stepbrother had hardly been acting saintly around me. Devilish would have been much more accurate. Kind and almost charming one moment, and then, when I least expected it, a cold, harsh Luke would appear, leaving me confused and hurt.

I clutched the blanket beneath my chin but considering he’d had his fingers in my most intimate parts just several hours earlier my attempt at modesty seemed a bit comical. His chest rose and fell with each ragged breath as he stared down at me.

“Just one word, one syllable from those lips and I’ll leave. I’ll go. But I will tell you right now, I haven’t stopped thinking about you for one fucking minute since I met you.”

“I did sort of mess up your shirt with my smoothie,” I said with a faint smile. “And then there was the matter of your suit.”

He stood like a tall, ferocious stone statue over my bed. He was waiting for me to say
. If I’d had one ounce of decency, or common sense, or self-control I would have blurted that one syllable word. I would have told him to get out. But that list of qualities flew out of my head the second Luke stepped into my room, in all his unbelievable glory. He was strong and beautiful and he made my heart race. He was quite simply breathtaking. It was hard to know if in the end it had been my head or my heart or possibly even my pussy that had made me cave but I pushed the covers down. His gaze was hard as flint as I rose up to my knees. Teasingly, I reached down to the bottom of my t-shirt. His Adam’s apple moved up his throat as he watched me lift it up above my thighs. A low groan rolled up from his throat as I lifted the hem above my panties and belly button. For almost a week, I’d endured his rudeness and his unpredictable mood swings. I decided to go slow and make him wait.

He had a different idea.

“All fucking week,” Luke grunted as he leaned down and pushed my hand off my shirt. He grabbed the fabric and swept the shirt, none too gently, up and over my head. Aside from a barely there pair of lavender colored panties and a pair of socks with frogs on them I was completely naked. He straightened and his throat moved again with a hard swallow as his gaze drifted over my naked skin. With the intense way he looked at me, it felt as if he’d reached out and run his fingers over my body. Cool air swirled around the room but heat was coming off his hard body in waves. “I’ve been waiting for this all fucking week.” His deep voice sounded strained. He was holding back. “All damn week.” He reached down, took hold of my arms and dragged me off the bed. My feet landed on the floor. I stood between the bed and his hot, unyielding body. His shirt stretched tight across his chest and shoulders but I sensed that his muscles were drawn tight with tension. It seemed it wouldn’t take much to spring him from his controlled state. That thought and the reality that I was nearly naked in front of him sent a delicious shiver up my spine.

“I need to see you completely naked, Slick. I want to see all of you.”

I lifted my foot and took hold of a sock. He reached for my wrist. I peered up at him. “You don’t actually think I was talking about the socks?” he growled. “Never mind. I’ll do it.” In one swift motion, he had both my wrists in one strong hand. He whipped my hands up above my head. The finger of his free hand hooked the thin rubber band on my panties. It snapped in two with one strong tug. The torn panties fell to the floor.

With my hands above my head, I had no way to cover or protect myself from his gaze or his hand. I should have been scared, or at least concerned about being so vulnerable. But I wasn’t. I was trembling but it wasn’t fear. It was anticipation. Moisture pooled between my thighs and all I could think about was Luke lowering his hard as steel body down between my legs.

He reached down and smoothed his callused fingertips over the skin of my Brazilian waxed pussy. “I like this shaved clean look.”

I felt my cheeks warm with a blush although it seemed like an entirely too late reaction. “In California, it’s almost always bikini season. A girl has to be ready.”

That comment sparked a wicked grin on the man who was holding me naked and captive. With no way for me to stop him, he slid the same fingers between my legs. I sucked in a breath. His grin widened as he discovered the cream between the folds of my pussy.

“And this girl seems to be plenty ready.” He released my wrists and reached back to pull his shirt off. I’d seen his bare chest once in the pool but now, standing within the walls of the bedroom, he looked that much bigger and formidable. “Christ, McKenna, what the hell have you done to me?” He lifted me up into his arms and in seconds, he carried me across the room and pressed me up against the wall. The plaster felt cold compared to the hot, hard body that slammed against me. His fingers tangled in my hair and he pulled my head back. My lips parted instinctively. His mouth came down over mine. His kiss was deep and punishing and yet I never wanted it to stop. My hands fumbled overlong with the fly on his jeans and with one frustrated motion I pushed his pants down off his hips. His mouth devoured mine as I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his cock. My gasp was muffled by his kiss. I pulled my lips from his and stared down at his erection. It was massive and imposing, like the man.

“Holy shit,” I whispered.

I lifted my eyes and met his satisfied grin. “That’s the reaction I was hoping for.” He lowered his face to my breast and took my nipple lightly between his teeth. I arched my back toward his mouth and my nipple hardened against the pressure of his tongue. His hands slid down my back and over my ass. He took my hand from his cock and lifted his mouth to mine. “Your sweet little fingers around my cock are going to end this too soon.” With that he turned me around to face the wall. He lifted my arms and pressed my hands against the cold, smooth plaster. I felt him kneel down behind me.

“Spread those pretty thighs for me, darlin’. I want to see everything.” His erotic commands made my pussy ache with need. All I could think about was his massive cock, slick and hard, impaling me again and again. I scooted my feet apart. He ran his tongue over the cheek of my ass as his hand reached up and around to my pussy. He pushed until my ass stuck out farther. I was completely exposed and delirious with the thought of him knelt behind me looking at me, wide open and wet with desire. His tongue flicked between my butt cheeks and as he dragged it down to my pussy, my fingers grasped for something to hold onto. My legs were weak from it all. As his tongue pressed into my pussy, his hand found my clit. It ached from wanting to be touched, and massaged. As if he knew exactly what I was thinking, his thumb teased and played with the throbbing nub. The room seemed to spin as he pushed his tongue deeper inside of me. His free hand grasped my hip, holding me tight and steady against the delicious invasion. As he teased my clit and found every intimate sweet spot he could with his tongue, my body writhed against it all. I wanted more. I could barely keep myself upright but I wanted him to devour me and touch me all night long.

“Oh fuck, Luke, fuck yeah,” I mewled.

I was close to the edge, ready for the explosion that would soon consume me. He slid his hand down from my hip, but I kept my ass out not wanting to lose any of the attention my pussy was getting. Moisture dripped down my inner thigh and my mind was in a fog, filled with visions of his massive cock finishing this off. My pussy clenching around his impossibly thick erection was almost too much to think about without going right over the edge. I jutted my ass out in invitation, now wanting to give him more exposure to my pussy.

My legs wobbled from fatigue. “Luke, I can barely keep myself up. But don’t stop,” I begged. “Don’t fucking stop.”

His free hand smoothed over my ass and his finger pushed into my anus. I clenched against the invasion at first but he persisted. Seconds later I was jutting my ass out farther taking in his finger while his tongue worked it’s magic on my pussy. That final impaling, that final erotic intrusion. “God, Luke, oh fuck.” My pussy tightened, then shattered into a million glorious pieces as I came. The waves of ecstasy lasted so long my hands stuttered down the smooth wall. I was nearly on my hands and knees by the time he pulled his face from between my legs.

I was lightheaded and trembling as he swept me up into his strong arms. He carried me to the bed and placed me down in the center of the mattress. The blush on my skin hadn’t faded and the cool air of the room brushed over me as I laid back on my pillows.

I watched with some amusement as he struggled with his boots.

“You could leave them on,” I said with a smile.

He dropped the second boot to the floor with a triumphant flourish. He pushed down his pants and boxer briefs. “Can’t get the jeans off over boots.” He glanced pointedly at his erection. “Unless you want me to button them back up.”

“Hell no,” I said a little too abruptly. “Besides,” I said as I sat up and reached for his enormous cock. My fingers curled around him and he groaned in appreciation. “I’d like to see you try and get this back into those jeans.”

My hand stayed wrapped around him while he maneuvered his feet out of the pants.

Just as he’d wanted to touch me earlier in the day, I now had an intense need to touch him.

“It seems to me the score is two to zero.” My thumb rubbed the moist tip, spreading the slippery liquid around the entire head of his massive erection. His fingers tangled in my mass of curls as I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his cock.

For just a brief moment, I allowed myself the pleasure of exploring him. Low guttural sounds rolled up from his chest as my hand cupped around his heavy sac. I parted my lips and took as much as I could into my mouth. He was thick and hard and impossibly long. I held the shaft with my free hand and my mouth teased the tip.

“No,” he grunted almost angrily. And with a slight tug on my hair he pulled my mouth from him. At first I was embarrassed and hurt. I wondered if his mood had darkened again. Maybe he was rethinking this whole damn thing.

He seemed to have sensed my anguish. His fingers went beneath my chin and he lifted my face. His thumb ran across my bottom lip. “Your mouth is too fucking hot. It’ll be over before we even start. And I’m not through with you yet, Slick. I won’t be through until you are screaming out my name.” He peered down at me through heavy lids and long, black lashes. He grabbed a condom package from the pocket of his jeans. I bit my lip in worry as he rolled it on. How on earth would I be able to accommodate him.

His talented mouth and fingers had just brought me to a mind blowing orgasm yet I was wet again. I was ready. I was thrilled and slightly terrified at the prospect of it all. I got up on my hands and knees and made a show of crawling back to the center of the bed.

“Fucking hell, woman, are you trying to make me come before I even get a chance to press between your thighs?”

I looked back over my shoulder, flashed a sweet smile and wiggled my naked ass ever so slightly. He was done being teased. His hand shot out and grabbed my ankle. I landed on my stomach on the bed. He straddled the back of my legs and leaned down over me, lowering his mouth to my ear. “Just a warning, Slick. I’ve never wanted anything this badly in my whole fucking life.”

I shuddered at his words. He lowered his mouth to my ear. “One word, darlin’ and I’ll climb off this bed and leave. It will probably kill me, but I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to.”

I laid there for a second. I had never expected this. I’d been convinced that the man despised me or at the very least found me an irritation. God, how much that had all changed tonight. In fact, everything had been turned upside down with no possible way for it to right itself anymore.

I twisted onto my back. His face was directly over mine. Everything about him thrilled me. I felt the same as him. I couldn’t remember ever wanting something this badly. I curled my hand up around his neck and gazed into his green eyes. “Don’t you dare leave me now, Luke Maverick.” I pulled his mouth down to mine and kissed him. His hands slid beneath my ass as I wrapped my legs around him. He shoved my pussy up higher.

He pushed up on his hands keeping his upper body off of mine. “I want to watch your beautiful, hot pussy swallow me. I want to watch my cock disappear inside of you.” The last words seemed to stick in his throat.

His face dropped, and he gazed down between my legs. As the tip of his cock penetrated me, I reached up and grasped his forearms. With slow deliberate movements he filled me. Just when I was sure he’d gone as deep as possible, he pushed in farther. His face lifted to mine. His eyes looked glassy and unfocused, and his chest heaved with ragged breaths.

“Fuck, baby, it’s not just a beautiful pussy. It’s tight like a perfect fitting glove. I can feel every intimate part of you.”

His words only intensified the feeling. I could barely breathe. Never had I felt anything like it. He was enormous and hard and unyielding.

With his cock securely inside of me, he lowered himself over me. “Are you ready, Slick? Cuz I sure as fuck am.” His warm breath coasted across my kiss swollen lips.

“God yes, please. Before I go mad.”

He started with a gentle kiss and his hips curled against me, driving his massive cock in deeper still. It was slow and easy at first, and every thrust filled me to capacity. My pussy ached from it all, and yet, I lifted my hips to let him know I craved more. The speed increased. He was trying hard to make this last. His movements were controlled and planned.

BOOK: Forbidden: Ultimate Stepbrother Collection
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