Formatted Seal Of Honor edit2 (6 page)

BOOK: Formatted Seal Of Honor edit2
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get up there and dance with them. I love to dance.”

“Why don’t you? They usual y do get people from the audience to join in,” Zack said. He bit into

a piece of kiwi and fed her the other piece.

Jordyn licked the juice from her lips. “Look at them and al the other women here and then look

at me. I’m as big as a house.”

“You look gorgeous and sexy as hel to me,” Zack said. He waved his hand over to one of the


“Zack, what are you doing?” She gasped.

“Getting my beautiful wife up to dance. Do you know that Hawaiian culture reveres pregnant

women and fertility?” He kissed her as two dancers came over with friendly smiles. “Go dance, my


The dancers helped her up careful y from the lounge chair and put a white flowered lei around

her neck before escorting her to the stage with them. As people in the audience began clapping, she

watched the dancers careful y and imitated their movements. Soon, with al the other members of the

audience who were chosen to come on stage, she was dancing and enjoying just being up and

moving. The moves actual y loosened the tight muscles of her back and hips. Zack was on his feet

clapping and whistling when they were done and she came over to their lounge seat and was

embraced in his warm arms.

“You were amazing,” he said huskily.

“Your wife is beautiful and this is for her and the new life you are bringing into the world.” The

host came over to them and gave them the conch shel he blew earlier. “So the child wil always know

his or her way home to the island by the sea.”

Jordyn was so moved that she burst into tears. “Thank you,” she managed to say between her

sobs. They watched the rest of the show before strol ing hand in hand to the room that Zack had

surprised her with. When they got into the suite, Zack threw the balcony doors open to the fresh, salty

breeze that ruffled the soft, white lacey curtain. When he turned, Jordyn was standing behind him and

she wrapped her arms around his thick waist and laid her head against his chest.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“What?” he said and lifted her face to his with a finger under her chin.

“Zack Hennessey, I love you. I married you not because I needed your protection; we could’ve

figured something out,” she said, “but because in my heart I could see myself spending the rest of

my life with you. So I love you, Commander.”

He smiled ear to ear. “I’ve been waiting for that, waiting until I could say it without thinking I would

scare you. Damn, baby, I love you more than any man could love a woman.”

He kissed her long and deep and Jordyn relaxed into his kiss until she felt the wetness of desire

pool between her legs. She moaned into his mouth as his tongue slipped between her lips to taste

her deeper.

“I want you,” he said when he lifted his head.

“Dr. Patel said that it’s okay, just no tricks,” she said in a husky, teasing voice.

He lifted her easily into his arms as if she weighed nothing even though she was pregnant and

she felt like a very heavy, fine piece of porcelain in his arms. He was kissing her along her jaw and

neck when he placed her on the bed and leaned over to unbutton the tiny pearl buttons on the front of

her shirt.

“I’m going to make love to you nice and slow like you deserve,” he said as he helped her shrug

out of her top and unhook her bra.

His words alone made her tremble and she gasped when his finger flicked across her

engorged nipple after he took off her bra and let it fal to the floor. Her body had changed, her

breasts were much ful er. Zack groaned as if an ache was relieved when he fil ed his hands with the

smooth chocolate globes. He finished undressing her, placing kisses in different areas. Zack stood

and took off his own clothes until he was very naked and his cock stood erect. Her breath caught as

he turned off the light and the moonlight bathed him. He was magnificent with smooth and defined

muscles. She wondered how she ever became so lucky to be the woman he loved. He came over to

the bed and lay down beside her. For minutes they just stared at each other.

“You’re beautiful,” he said simply and put his hand on her naked bel y. “Thank you for this gift.

You and Marianne have fil ed something in me that was empty for so long.”

“Thank you for being my hero, for showing me that I don’t have to be alone,” she whispered. “I

do love you.”

“We’re going to be parents,” he chuckled. “I never thought I’d get to say those words.”

Jordyn laughed softly. “Say that at three a.m. when she needs a bottle and a diaper change.”

“I’l sign up for that duty right now,” he said firmly.

“Now that’s love,” she teased and rested her hand on his cheek.

Zack kissed her so gently that tears pricked behind her eyes. Jordyn made a soft sound as the

kiss deepened with passion. She clung to his thick biceps as his tongue penetrated her mouth

hungrily and he rose up on his elbows to take more from the kiss. “I cherish you, I cherish you so

much,” Zack repeated the words reverently between kisses. He cupped her sex and she lifted her

hips to the heat of his hand. She felt his finger slip between the lips of her pussy and she shuddered

in his arms.

“I’m dying to be inside you,” he groaned against her breast. “It’s torture.”

“Then do it,” she whispered.

“Not yet, darling. I’ve waited for this too long to rush it like some randy teen,” Zack said in a

voice husky with desire.

He cupped her breasts and licked at each nipple. After sucking the tip of one into his mouth he

made a sound of surprise and looked up at her. “I tasted something.

“I think that’s pre-milk or something. Maybe my body thought it was the baby suckling. The

books said I’l start making it during this time of the pregnancy. It felt real y good,” Jordyn said,


“That is seriously hot,” he said and went back to his task.

Zack’s hot mouth closed over her sensitive nipple and she gasped before crying out. He

moaned in response and his hips moved reflexively. His cock poked at her bel y and she took hold

of it and stroked the head of it which was wet with pre-come. He was primed and ready to take her.

Having his mouth on her body felt so good she felt her pussy clench in want and dampness pooled

between her thighs. He kissed his way down her body and when he got to the apex of her thighs,

Jordyn stopped him.

“I don’t know if you should do that,” she said nervously.

“Honey, you are so not stopping me from tasting you.” Zack chuckled. “Relax and give into it. Let

me show you and give you the pleasure you deserve.”

Jordyn tried not to be tense as he kissed each of her thighs in turn. She stil struggled with how

she might look to him. What if the pregnancy made her unappealing? She felt his lips against her

core and the expert movement of his tongue. She whimpered as he sucked deeply on her clit and

then moaned as he circled the entrance of her core with his tongue. She felt him penetrate her with

one digit and move it slowly in and out of her, building the pleasure.

“Oh, please, Zack, please,” she whimpered.

“What do you want, sweet Jordyn? Tel me,” he said roughly.

“You. I want you,” she whispered.

“You can have me.” Zack moved from between her legs and lay close to her.

He kissed her once more and she felt several of his fingers probe and enter her again. Each

time, he took his fingers deeper and he found that spot that made her cry out.

“Yes, baby, come for me,” his voice was guttural. “Let yourself go.”

He kept his own pace, not changing it, but being gentle yet firm with his touch and her hips rose

to meet the movement of his hand. Jordyn final y crested with a cry and he prolonged it by rubbing

the bal of his palm against her clit. Her breath came in slow pants and he sucked at her nipples

while she came down from her sexual high.

“You come so good,” he said gruffly.

“Please take me,” she said breathlessly.

They turned on their sides until her back was spooned against his hard chest. She felt the tip of

his cock at the entrance of her sex. He took her slowly, his hot breath against the back of her neck.

Zack cupped her breasts, fondling the nipples and massaging the heavy globes as they made love.

“Oh, Zack, I feel like I’m being bathed in heat,” she said and he thrust deeper into her wet sex.

“Baby, I may die right here from al the pleasure you’re making me feel.” He nipped at the soft

skin of her neck. “I’m going to come.”

“Come with me,” she pleaded. She reached behind her and dug her fingers into the hard

muscles of his thighs.

Oh, God, if he can make me feel like this while I’m pregnant
… She lost the thought as he

picked up speed. Zack said her name achingly and she could hear the pleasure in his voice. Jordyn

closed her eyes and let her orgasm wash over her with a soft cry. Zack fol owed with a harsh cry of

her name. They were so connected, she didn’t know how that moment in time with him could get any

more perfect.

“I think that I should cut the Java Hut a check,” he said behind her.

“Why?” Jordyn sighed when Zack kissed her shoulder. She had no problem with him kissing any

part of her body like that for the rest of their lives.

“Because, honey, it was their coffee that brought me to you and this point right now.” He rol ed

out of bed and went to the bathroom and came back and began to clean her up from the remnants

of their love making. “I should pay them for a lifetime of coffee.”

“You’re nuts.” Jordyn laughed. “And I love you for it.”

He got back in bed. “Are you cold? Should I find the pajamas I packed for you?”

She snuggled close. “You’l keep me warm.”

“It would be my pleasure.”

Zack kissed her gently and ran his hands lightly over her shoulders and down her arms until the

constant movement lul ed her to sleep. The last thing she heard was him whisper I love you before

sleep claimed her. It was the best feeling in the world after such an amazing night.

Chapter Five

“I can’t wear a blindfold forever, Zack. What are you up to?” she cal ed from the patio.

“Just a few more minutes,” he cal ed back and then cursed.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine, honey, just don’t peek,” Zack said and cursed again.

They’d arrived home after a blissful trip and romantic night away to packages for the nursery

already piled up on the doorstep. Zack proceeded to move the boxes to his home gym until the

nursery was ready for the furniture. Even paint had been delivered and she watched him while he

painted the room pink and after lunch they put up the rainbow borders and unicorn pictures on the

wal . She tried tel ing him that everything didn’t need to be done that day, but he kept working. Now

he had her with a blindfold outside while he was doing God knows what and probably getting hurt in

the process by the sound of his cursing.

“Okay,” he panted. “You can take the blindfold off.”

She whipped off the mask and looked around into the darkening evening and saw nothing.

“What am I looking at?”

He plugged in a cord he held in his hand to the outside electrical outlet. “Voila!”

Jordyn laughed and clapped her hands as the three palm trees in front of his house lit up with

multicolored Christmas lights. Zack had even managed to hang oversized ornaments somewhat

precariously on the palm fronds.

“So this is why you were cursing up a storm,” she said. “It’s beautiful. I love it.”

“I couldn’t get a snow maker in time, so I did this instead,” Zack said. “I got plenty of scrapes

and scratches up there. Let me tel you, palm trees suck for climbing.”

“And you did it al for me.” Jordyn was moved at the gesture. It meant so much to know he’d do

anything, even climbing a palm tree, to make her happy and to see her smile.

“I’d do that and more for you.” He kissed her nose. “You know that.”

“Then let me help you by fixing those boo-boos.” Jordyn held out her hand. “Help me up so we

can go inside.”

Zack pul ed her out of her seat and into his arms for a lingering kiss before they went inside. He

brought her the peroxide, cotton bal s and nu-skin so she could tend to his wounds. Zack laughed

each time she dabbed him with wound cleaner and blew on it to take away the sting.

“There. Al done, monkey man. No more climbing trees for you.” She pressed a kiss to his lips.

“Hey, I stil hurt in places,” he protested.

Jordyn smiled. “Where?”

“Here.” He pointed to his neck and she could see nothing, but she kissed the spot anyway.

“And here.” He pointed to his chin and she kissed the area.

“Don’t forget here,” Zack said and tapped his lips.

She raised her finger. “Uh, I already did that one.”

“Then do it again,” he said softly.

The tingle of arousal ran through her as she leaned forward to kiss him again. He took over the

kiss and Jordyn had no problem giving herself over to him. He could kiss better than any fantasy she

could ever dream up.

“Zack, you make me want you each and every time you kiss me,” she said on a sigh.

“Then you can have me, baby,” he replied and sucked on the sensitive skin of her neck.

“Can I rip your shirt off?” she asked.

BOOK: Formatted Seal Of Honor edit2
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