Read Forty-Eight Hour Burn Online

Authors: Tonya Ramagos

Forty-Eight Hour Burn (6 page)

BOOK: Forty-Eight Hour Burn
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“Lick your what, darlin’? Your toes? Your ankle? Your shin?”

The idea of his tongue on any of those parts of her made them tingle with electric desire. She would take his mouth on her anywhere she could get it. But he wanted to know where she wanted it most.

“All of that, too, but I meant my pussy. Will you lick my pussy the way you just did that egg?”

“There’s my girl.”

His approval sent a silly sense of giddiness fluttering in her belly. She liked to please him, enjoyed the wild prickles of lust the slow slide of his lips created in her.

“Sit on Randy’s lap and open your legs wide for me.”

Georgia’s heart tripped. He would give her what she asked! She fully expected to be told no. She didn’t waste a second, moving quickly to Randy’s ready lap and parting her legs, exposing her pussy to the elements of the room and Gavin’s intent stare. She shivered as fingers of cool air pricked at the inferno sensitizing the flattened curves of her cunt.

“Are you cold?” Randy’s arms wound around her waist. He hugged her close, blanketing her with the warmth of his solid chest and corded arms.

“Not as cold as I am hot.” His breath stirred her hair, the sound of his husky chuckle one of enjoyment as well as arousal.

“Always have the right answer, don’t you?”

Georgia shrugged and settled more comfortably in his arms. “I certainly try.” No one ever accused her of being a slow learner.

She felt Randy’s cock, semi-hard and resting along the small of her back. How long did it take for a man to recover after an ejaculation? Something else she wanted to learn. She figured Gavin ordered her into the perfect position to find out. After all, Randy held her naked body in his arms, on his lap, and would soon be doing so while another man licked her to oblivion. Surely being witness to such a thing would heighten his arousal in short order.

She watched Gavin, the anticipation of his touch, of his attention to the part of her that yearned for him most building by the second. But when she expected him to sink between her legs and feast on her sopping pussy, he headed for the water faucet instead. Her eyes narrowed as he adjusted the faucets until he achieved the desired water temperature and then began to shower. When his gaze landed on her, his eyes smoldered with a cocky deviousness that made her want to slap him.

He held her gaze as he showered, not looking away even when he reached for the bottle of shampoo or body wash. Despite her aggravation with him, in didn’t take long for her to fall into a state of fascination. She never witnessed a man shower before. The sight flat out did it for her.

Water streamed down Gavin’s naked body in rivulets that danced along his flesh like her fingers longed to do. His muscles flexed enticingly with each move of his arms as he lathered his hair and body and then rinsed the soap away.

He turned his back to her and stepped beneath the stream to rinse his front. Georgia took the opportunity to drink in the view of his stupendously firm, perfect ass. Slowly, she pulled her attention up, spotting the burn scar on his left shoulder blade just before he turned to face her once more.

The sight of the scar splashed a handful of cold water on the raging flame within her. She knew how he got it, remembered the falling beam that struck him across the back during his exit from a burning structure three years ago. It had been the last fire Gavin battled with her father, a fire in which her father would have been trapped and likely burned to death if Gavin hadn’t been there to pull him out.

Georgia didn’t doubt that Gavin saved her father’s life that day. Her father said so, too, many times, before he passed away. Her father also expressed his belief that Gavin would be the perfect man for her if only he would give up his domineering fetishes and leave that damned club. The club, she knew he referred to, was the Service Club.

Would they take her there tonight? Didn’t the men of the Service Club get together most weekends? It seemed she remembered hearing they did. Would Gavin and Randy expect her to perform for the club as she heard some of the members did?

Her father had worried about her reputation first and foremost. He wanted her to have her own choices, her own life second. Being associated with the Service Club painted those women of the town in a not-so-favorable light. Georgia never told her father that her reputation didn’t really mean squat to her as long as she could claim Gavin Scott and Randy Pope as her men.

Randy gave her waist a tight squeeze and spoke against the side of her neck. “You’re thinking too hard.”

“Just counting my blessings at how lucky I am.” She didn’t lie. She did feel like the luckiest woman on the planet today. “Both of you are so beautiful.”

She felt Randy’s lips curve in a smile against her flesh. “That’s supposed to be our line.”

“Gavin already said it twice. Once when your mouth was on my breast, and the second time when my mouth was on your cock.” Remembering both acts reignited the flame deep within her. Not that it managed to lessen much since it began last night at the first sounds of the fire engine turning onto her street. “I’m wondering if this isn’t your idea of more punishment.”

“Are you feeling punished?” Gavin raked his wet hair away from his face and looked at her.

“Very. You’re making me watch you bathe. While I’m enjoying it immensely, you aren’t touching me nor are you allowing me to touch you.” Neither of them had truly touched her since they arrived to pick her up at her house. Randy tasted and felt her breasts in the truck and he held her now in his lap. Gavin hardly made physical contact with her at all. “If this isn’t punishment, then you guys have a warped since of pleasure.”

“It isn’t intentional,” Gavin told her, his tone softer than she ever heard him speak. “The punishment you’re feeling, at least. My not touching you is, yes, but only because I really did need a shower first. My hands were too grimy to put them on your flesh.”

He moved to her and bent down to graze the back of one finger down her cheek. “Don’t ever think I don’t want to touch you. I ache to touch you, Georgia, always have.”

His sweet words and tender touch brought tears to her eyes.

“We got a call just before shift end. I got dirty but didn’t want to take the time when we returned to the station to shower and change. I wanted to get to you as soon as I could. I couldn’t wait another second to be with you.”

A tear slid down Georgia’s cheek. She grabbed his hand before he could take it away and held it tight. “I’m glad you didn’t wait. Will you…” She swallowed, unable to get the words around the lump in her throat. “Will you touch me now, lick me now? I need you, Gavin. I can’t wait another second to be with you, either.”

He nodded, emotion swimming in his eyes. It tore at her heart. Seeing this side of him, a sensitivity he rarely showed her, made her fall even more deeply in love with him. His hands glided down her body as if he intended to memorize her shape as he lowered himself to his knees between her widespread legs. He didn’t stop caressing her until his hands closed around one of her ankles. He lifted her foot to his mouth and licked her big toe.

The moan that escaped her lips sounded watery, but pleasured, even to her own ears. It brought a small smile to his lips as he tattooed a path along her instep and up her ankle with the tip of his tongue.

Though she let her head fall back to rest on Randy’s shoulder, she kept her attention focused on Gavin. Randy’s arm held her tightly and she felt him kiss the top of her head, another tender declaration of the feelings these men held for her that sent more tears sliding down her cheeks.

Gavin sampled his way up the side of her leg, stopped to tickle her knee, and moved on up to gently nip her inner thigh before he pulled back. “Don’t cry, my love. And don’t ever be afraid to ask us for what you want.”

“We may not always give it to you right away,” Randy chimed in, “but we want you to ask without hesitation or fear.”

Georgia nodded, her mind reeling. What if the question she wanted to ask pertained to keeping her life, maintaining control of her life? Could she have both of the men she loved and the life that made her happy as well? She watched as Gavin returned to his mind-numbing perusal of her inner thigh. The man’s mouth gave wicked a new definition. As he neared the place she burned most for his touch, she knew if she gave herself to this man, both these men, they would own her. The question of her sustaining her independence, her own control, would be the one want they would not give her right away. Probably not ever.

Gavin’s breath fanned the moist folds of Georgia’s pussy, and she forgot all about liberation in the wash of sensations that overcame her. Euphoria sizzled through her bloodstream, quickening her breath and drawing a strangled moan from her slightly parted lips. He looked up at her from beneath long lashes, his blue eyes nearly black with desire.

“I could get high on the scent of you.” He licked her, his tongue spreading through the wildfire of syrup that coated her cunt. He growled, a tortured rumble from deep in his chest. “I could get drunk off the taste of you.”

Georgia writhed in Randy’s lap, wiggling her hips to attempt to reach Gavin’s mouth with the blazing flesh of her sex. Randy’s arm squeezed her middle, belting her to him, preventing her from reaching her destination.

Gavin’s hands closed high on her inner thighs. His thumbs stretching to part her sensitive lips as he flicked his wicked tongue over her swollen clit before dipping down to delve inside her channel.

“Gavin. Oh, God.” Georgia’s cry pierced the air. Her hips jerked then tensed when they couldn’t fight against Randy’s continued hold. Need clawed through her like sharp talons digging into the inner walls of her vagina.

He licked her in sweet, voracious swipes of his velvety tongue, and then probed inside her fiery channel to eat her as he might a decadent fruit. His hungered murmurs fueled the inferno scorching her womb, charring a path of delicious sensations through her nervous system.

She'd never known such pleasure. His tongue destroyed her sanity, ripping stolen breaths from her lungs. Randy made the delirium worse with his hands and mouth as he began to nibble the side of her neck, while taking her breasts in his palms to squeeze and tease.

“Are you about to come?” His breath lifted the fine strands of hair on the side of her neck.

Georgia’s head lolled back and forth on his shoulder. Perspiration gathered on her upper lip, between her breasts, lower on her tummy. She burned inside, the orgasm growing claws to bury deep in the tender flesh of her channel as it climbed toward freedom. She didn’t answer him, couldn’t. Gavin tongue fucked her cunt, driving the silken rod as deeply as he could reach in rapid licks and mind-altering swipes. The tightness built in her belly, her inner muscles convulsing around his devilish tongue.

“You weren’t told you could do so.” How could Randy sound so sensible, so unaffected when Gavin tore at her soul through her pussy with each invasion of his plundering mouth?

“Please.” The cry felt wrenched from deep in her belly. She flailed like a fish out of water, her body searching for cool oxygen, anything to chill the fires of damnation Gavin ignited inside her.

“Please, what, sweet thing?” Randy toyed with her. He would make her beg, make her ask.

Georgia felt too far gone to care how needy and desperate she sounded. “Please, can I come? I need to come.”

“You’re so perfect. You learn fast. I knew you would.”

Georgia realized he still didn’t answer her. She tried to hold back the orgasm turning to a blinding pain in her sex. The fire became so intense she couldn’t stand it anymore. Keeping herself from coming proved another kind of torture.

“Please.” The word barely rolled from her lips before Gavin latched onto her clit with his mouth and sucked the orgasm right out of her.

She exploded, losing her breath and her sanity right along with her control. Spasms racked her body, eliciting a scream from her that filled the morning air. She dissolved in a flowing stream of cream and cries that bathed Gavin’s face and convulsed around his tongue. He continued his languid exploration of her pussy, slurping and licking until she felt dry and then hot all over again.

“Easy now.” Gavin’s swollen lips glistened with the moisture from her body. They spread in a slow grin as he drew back and came over her. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“Kill you?” Georgia gasped, her breaths ragged, her muscles still twitching in the aftermath of soul-altering sensations.

He took her hands and pulled her to her feet, drawing her body flush against his. The kiss he gave her tasted of her juices and every drop of emotion she witnessed in his amazing touch. The warmth of his embrace enveloped her, giving her a comfort she never knew. That comfort intensified when she felt Randy mold his body to her back.

Sandwiched between the men she loved, Georgia couldn’t think of anything that spelled paradise more. Her heart swelled fit to bursting, and she needed to tell them, wanted them to know how deeply she cared for them. Before she could find the right words, Gavin released her hands and took a half-step back.

“Let’s get you cleaned up.” He detached the shower head and adjusted the stream, while Randy lathered body wash on a shower sponge.

She experienced a moment of awkwardness as they began to bathe her. It faded quickly as she stood still while their hands roamed her body, cleaning and caressing until she felt aroused and desperate all over again. The fact that Gavin’s cock remained massively hard didn’t help. The man possessed amazing control. She felt Randy’s erection, too. The full, hard length of it brushed against her as he washed her hair, back, and buttocks. She supposed that gave her the answer she sought. It took all of ten minutes tops for this man to recover. That stamina could definitely be put to use.

BOOK: Forty-Eight Hour Burn
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