Read Freak Show Online

Authors: J Richards

Freak Show (9 page)

BOOK: Freak Show
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              A soft yellow glow turns on from the end of the room and a man is standing with his back to me. He is wearing dark blue fitted jeans and a black muscle tank top. He is shaped like Chaos with the same soft blonde hair but my body sends me signals of fear instead of need. I clear my throat and step a bit closer.

              “Chaos?” I ask softly and Sir appears from the corner of the room.

              “Feel better now that you’re clean Kitten?” Sir’s voice is tinted with something it wasn’t before, but I can’t distinguish what it may be.

              “I do, thank you.” I look from him to Chaos. I hope it’s just the situation making me feel weird and I wish he would turn around so I can jump into his arms.

              “Good, good. Give me your wrists please.” Sir asks but I know I don’t have an option. I offer him my wrists and he locks them into metal handcuffs. Not the comfortable kind you see in sex shops, and lips them tightly until they pinch my skin.

              “Ow, why do I need to wear this?” I snap but he ignores me.

              “That dress looks lovely on you.” He smiles and pats me on the shoulder. “Enjoy.” He whispers as he walks past me and opens the door, this time shutting it silently behind him.

              “Chaos?” I repeat and he turns around.

              “Not quite, Darling.”



              A stunned scream breaks from my throat. It isn’t Chaos and instantly I know it’s Din. They look so similar, still there are a few small differences. His eyes are blue instead of a rich honey brown and his jaw is freshly shaven. He tucks his hands into his jean pockets and stalks towards me. I try to back up but somehow a cuff is locked around my right ankle and it keeps me chained to the floor. I fall backwards on to my butt and still tug at my foot trying to escape farther. The cuff bites into my soft skin and causes a burning as I pull.

              “It’s no use, so just stop.” Din’s voice is like gravel being ground up for cement. It’s hard and heavy. “It’s good to see you again, Serenity. This lifetime looks good on you.”

              “I can’t help you change!” I yell.

              “Oh, I know that. I’ve killed you so many ways trying to find the switch. There isn’t a way left for you to die that we haven’t already played out together.” My heart aches as he speaks and again visions assault me. This time instead of seeing Chaos’ gentle hands or pleasing tongue, I see Din.

              His strong hands at my throat as he looks in my eyes, squeezing the life from my body. I see him through a puddle of water, my last breath bubbles out above me as I drown with his stern face gazing down at me. Next, I watch as he cuts me. Over and over with a dull knife until my last drop of blood seeps from my fresh wounds. He kills me again and again and with each vision comes the pain. My lungs seize and my throat burns. I gasp for air until he snaps his fingers and the room reappears. The visions fade but I’m still looking up at him and dull pain skitters over my skin the way arousal did when I met Chaos for the first time in this life.

              “Why?” I plead through a choking sob.

              “At first, I really was looking for a way to switch. I missed my wolf, Serenity, you can’t imagine what it’s like. The beast is always there, clawing just under my skin. Aching to be freed, but I can’t find a way to let him out.” He extends a hand to help me up and I grasp it. No matter what happens next I’m stuck here so I might as well stand up for myself at least. Once I’m standing again he begins to walk a slow circle around me.

              “When I realized Chaos was telling the truth and I needed to find my own Spiritbond to switch, I only snatched you from him for the pleasure of seeing him suffer each time. Do you know in one lifetime you actually loved me?” Din is standing at my back now and runs his fingers down the back of my neck and then lower to follow my vertebrae.

              “No,” I breathe. “I wouldn’t.”

              “Oh yes.” He moves in close. So close his breath tickles across my neck. “You shattered his heart in a whole new way that lifetime. I found you first and you came to my arms willingly. I’ll admit it was one of the best times of my life. You brought me so much light.” His hands rub down my arms and he continues. “I live in so much darkness.”

              “I’m not your light, Din.” I turn my head to find him resting his chin on my shoulder. “I’m sorry I can’t be that for you, but I’m just not.”

              “Do you think some of us are unlovable, Serenity?” He asks coldly. “Do you think that certain people are doomed to this earth without a bond?” His voice begins to rise and soon he is yelling right in my ear. “I’ve lived for so long and each year I only grow darker. Where is my light?”

              “Please Din, stop. Let me go, I can’t help you.”

              “I don’t want your help.” He spits and comes around my body to face me. “I want my brother to be as dark as me. I want us to once again be an unstoppable pack, capable of taking over the entire park and running it for ourselves.”

              “You don’t have to stay dark, Din. Be kind, let me go and talk to Chaos.” I hold my cuffs wrist up and he looks down at them. “He still loves you. Let his love be your light.”

              “Ha.” Din gives a fake laugh and touches two fingers to my jaw. “You’re so naive.” I shrug and move my face from his touch.

              “I think you have us confused.” I push back at him. “I may not remember all my lifetimes, but I know what I say is truth. Your heart isn’t as black as you think it to be.”

              The sound of breaking wood startles both Din and I. I jump forward and he protectively wraps me in his arms. We both look toward the door where a giant foot has just mashed through the middle of it. Wood splitters fly into the room followed by a storming Chaos. He takes one look at me in Din’s arm and lets out a growl that shakes the building.

              “If you’ve hurt her.” He barks as he comes forward. I wiggle out of Din’s arms and hold up my hands.

              “He hasn’t!” I shout.

              “I’ll kill him anyway.” Chaos uses his hands to push me aside and charges for Din. Din swells with the challenge and charges as well. They clash together like thunder and both are pushing for the upper ground. They hold each other like MMA fighters looking for the alpha position.

              “Please, stop!” I scream but no one is listening to me. They are punching each other. One massive fist landing in the others ribs and another fist flying into a jaw. Sounds of flesh being pounded and heavy breathing fill the room parted only by my screams.

              “Oh, cheese and rice!” a familiar voice shouts from the doorway and I turn to look at my friend. Anne’s purple wig is standing up all over the place, looking like she’s been through hell and back. At the sound of her voice Din’s head perks up and his hands drop to his sides.

              Chaos doesn’t stop when his opponent slows. He batters Din with his fists, but Din has stopped fighting back. Winded but still on his feet, Din gets swayed side to side by the force of Chaos’ blows.

              After a few more punches, Chaos seems to realize he is fighting a zombie and steps back with his fists still raised in case it’s a ploy. “Are you giving up and welcoming your death brother?” Chaos puffs.

              “My bond.” Din whispers and takes a small step forward.

              “Serenity isn’t your bond!” Chaos bellows but Din shakes his head. His eyes haven’t left Anne since she stepped into the room.

              My head moves like I’m at a tennis match between Anne and Din. Anne’s cheeks are flushed and she is breathing heavily. She smiles and walks past me. She lightly places her hand on Chaos’ tense shoulder as she moves past him as well. Her touch has Chaos lower his balled up fists and he watches in as much confusion as I do.

              Din’s face is one of shock and awe as he looks upon my friend. “Din,” She murmurs gently and he closes his eyes. Like he has waited a millennium to hear his name from her lips. He falls to his knees before her and drops his forehead to her lower belly.

              Anne runs her fingers through his short hair and the air in the room shivers. A howl rips through Din’s chest and his body bends forward. With the next blink of my eye a dirty blonde wolf stands in front of Anne with his snout in her stomach. She laughs and looks back at me.

              “He’s mine.” She giggles and Chaos looks at me with understanding.

              “Did you know?” He asks clearly muddled by the turn of events.

              “How could I?” I shrug and watch as Anne gets to her knees and ruffles the wolf’s fur. She covers his muzzle in kisses and I swear I can almost hear him purring. Low whining cries that sound like pleased sounds fill the room and Chaos wraps me in a tight hug.

              “She was with you this time. You’ve brought him his Spiritbond.” I look up to find tears running down Chaos’ face. I lift my handcuffed hands to wipe the tears from his face.

              “I had no idea.” I smile up at my lover and hero. “If I had, I would have just handed her ass over years ago. You know, he wants to be a single pack again. Maybe now the two of you can come to a compromise?” I suggest lightly.

              “I had no idea.” Din’s voice is so low I have to lean closer to hear him, peeking around Chaos I find him on his knees as a human again. Anne is cuddled in his arms with her head now between his pecs. “If I’d had any idea what this felt like I wouldn’t have,” His voice breaks as he looks up as his brother. “I would give you the world if it would make up for my actions. If I could take back everything I’ve done. I’m so sorry Chaos.” Din’s apology is the most real thing I’ve heard since entering this crazy park.

“I can’t say I’d not have done the same things if our roles had been reversed because I don’t know what it would feel like to be trapped and angry like you were. It won’t be easy for me to trust you, but forgiveness doesn’t cost a thing. To heal my soul and our pack, I forgive you.” Chaos brushes some of my hair back behind my ear and hugs me close as he looks down at his brother and Anne.

I kiss Chaos’ cheek and think of the strength it takes to forgive someone so quickly. My hands find his heart and I lay my palm over its strong beat. “You are more than I could ask for.” I don’t know why I tell him this, I just know he needs to hear it.

“You are all I’ve ever asked for.” He returns and places his hand over mine. For a long moment we just look into each other’s eyes and all my lifetimes with him flash before my mind’s eye. Smoke clogs my lungs and fear has me immobilized until he lifts up a block of unburned wood to expose my hiding place and I fling myself into his arms. Images of us laughing together and playing games in the forest like carefree children.

Other pictures enter my head, in different time periods we are wearing different clothes and the scenery changes, but the one thing that always remains constant is our love and easy laughter. In my head I see him as a wolf. Large and glorious, but always by my side as my protector and my friend. Bonded to me through spirit and love.

“Let’s get these off of you.” Chaos’s voice brings me back and I look down for what he’s talking about. He’s holding up the chain between my handcuffs and I nod.

“Yes, please.” He leaves my side to fetch a key hanging on the wall by the door.

“I have to admit,” He looks at me with a sparkle in his eyes. “They do look beautiful on you. I may keep them for later.” He slips the key into the lock on one cuff and it pops open quickly. He opens the other cuff and the set clatters to the floor.

“I think I’ve had enough of them for this lifetime.” I try to joke, but it falls flat. Chaos gets to his knees and touches my ankle gently.

“I believe I can make you beg for them.” His voice teases my exposed thigh as his words brush across the slit in my dress. He slides the same key into the cuff on my ankle and removes it from my leg. His hands cover where the metal has been and he massages the red skin.

And just like that, all my fears from today are rubbed away by his gently probing fingers and arousal takes its place. While massaging my ankle, he kisses just above my knee and then a little higher and one more a bit higher than that.

“Chaos,” I whisper breathlessly and he chuckles.

“I suppose you are right. My need to claim you has only grown, my sweet Serenity. I need you now.”

I glance over at Anne and Din. I think I see her hand snaking down his stomach in search of what I imagine is an erection that is calling her name. If their first meeting is anything like the power charge of need that I feel with Chaos, I can’t blame her one bit. Din notices me watching them and pins me with his serious gaze.

“Thank you, Serenity. Thank you.” He murmurs over and over with his hands in Anne’s wig and her hands still hunting for his cock.  He wrinkles his nose when the false hair shifts on her head and pulls the fake purple hair from her skull to find her real, shorter, purple hair. “The light of my life is purple?” He jokes and the four of us laugh together.








BOOK: Freak Show
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