Freedom to Ride - Resolution (Raven's MC) (2 page)

BOOK: Freedom to Ride - Resolution (Raven's MC)
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“You’ll thank me for it mate,” Logan called out loudly to Nate.

“Is it something naughty? I hope so,” Nate winked as she raised her eyebrows trying to look severe. He was such a kinky bastard. His smile grew and she couldn’t help grinning at his mischievous expression as he tightened his arms around her.

“Where’s Holly? She was dancing with us not long ago but she was shattered,” Deanna asked, looking around.

“She’s over there, sleeping on Ethan.”

Deanna looked over in the direction Nate pointed and saw her curled up on Ethan’s knee as he talked to his mum sat next to him, Alice tenderly stroking her granddaughter’s hair.

“Thank you for giving me such a fantastic family Nate.”

“My pleasure. Thank you for giving me Holly.” Even though Deanna’s psychotic ex was Holly’s biological father, Nate was her true daddy. He was brilliant with her and they adored and loved each other.

She smiled happily up at him as he leaned down and kissed her gently.

As they pulled away Deanna looked back over at Ethan and she felt a little sad that Ethan didn’t have anyone in his life. He spent so much of his time running the successful security company ‘McKnights’ located in Glasgow city centre, which was also in partnership with the MC. Both the security company and the MC had good working relationships with the local police and ensured nothing illegal took place on either of the premises. Ethan often claimed that he didn’t have time to date.

“Nate, how about we set Ethan up with someone?”

“Who? The only single women around are the ones who turn up at the club parties hoping to catch a biker. None of them are good enough for my brother.”

“I agree. But he deserves someone.”

“He does. Just don’t mention anything to ma. She’ll try to set him up on dates. I shudder to think of the type of women she’d find.” Nate’s comment made Deanna smile, she knew that Alice was very protective and wanted the best for her sons.

As Deanna moved slowly to the music she thought of her own parents. Ethan was part of her family now but she did feel that her own father should have been the one to walk her down the aisle. She was an only child but had been very close to her parents, who’d been madly in love.

She’d grown up in the city of Leeds, in the north of England, but during her childhood she had spent a lot of time visiting Scotland with her mum and dad. Her father went missing when she was a teenager and her mother died not long after, unable to live without him. Deanna had struggled all alone for years unsure what to do with her life.

One night when she was working in a bar she had met Lee Walker, who’d gone on to make her life a complete misery. It was only after she became pregnant, something that Lee had arranged by tampering with their condoms, she began to see Lee for who he truly was.

After Holly was born Deanna became frightened for both her and Holly’s safety so Megan had helped them escape and they’d run to the MC for help. This is where she’d met the wonderful man in her arms and Deanna and Holly had been welcomed into another family. She was very lucky, but she would always remember her loving parents.

Deanna jumped when boisterous laughter broke out close by and she caught sight of Logan smacking one of the younger members, who was obviously a bit worse for wear.

“Fuck off. Of course I’m a true Scotsman. I don’t have to show you my dick to prove it,” Logan shouted in an annoyed voice, making the people near him chuckle. Shortie, another of the younger men, staggered forward.

“Aye I’m sure you are Logan. Here. That’s proof I am too,” Shortie declared as he pulled a camera from under his kilt and showed it to Logan. Logan frowned as he stared at the screen and then slapped the back of Shortie’s head.

“Is that a picture of your dick? Ya dirty wee bastard.” Logan’s outrage had everyone in the room laughing.

It was just another typical drunken night in the MC, even though the kilts made things more interesting.

“Oi, Pres. Let’s see what you’ve got hidden under there. I want to know if everything’s in proportion. You’re such a big fucker,” one of the other inebriated members now joined in.

“You touch my kilt and I’ll knock you out. My wife doesn’t have any complaints. Do you babe?”

“Why do you think I married him,” Deanna replied saucily, causing the men to cheer and Nate grinned proudly.

They were interrupted by the wedding DJ who spoke loudly into a microphone.

“Evening folks. May I have your attention? Can the bride and groom please move into the centre of the dance floor?” The DJ gestured to Nate and Deanna.

She looked up at Nate with a worried expression and saw Nate looking equally confused. There were whistles and yells of encouragement from around the room, especially from Logan, Heather and Megan, and Deanna knew she was doomed.

“What’ve you done?” Deanna hissed at Megan as she passed, but she simply ignored her and brought a chair and placed it on the floor, pushing Deanna to sit in it.

“We’ve had a request from the members. The wife’s garter is to be removed by her new husband, and not by his hands. The first woman to grab it will be the next to marry. We’re doing this instead of throwing the bouquet. Come on ladies, get ready,” the DJ encouraged.

Deanna watched in amazement as the dance floor flooded with women, including her two best friends. She looked up at Nate standing in front of her grinning devilishly and Deanna knew he was loving every minute of this.

Nate knelt on the floor in front of Deanna and slowly lifted up her skirt, loud clapping and whooping erupted. Grinning broadly, he froze when he raised it above her knees and caught sight of her suspenders.

“Damn woman. You’ve been wearing these all day under your dress? We’re leaving as soon I’ve got the bloody thing off,” Nate declared.

Deanna giggled at the heated look Nate gave her as he lifted her skirt higher and she heard him actually growl when he spotted the suspender belt and knickers. His head instantly disappeared under her skirt and she shrieked when she felt his hands slide across her white lacy panties.

“Nate, get out of there. Everyone’s watching,” Deanna whispered as she slapped him on the shoulder, her whole face flushed, and she was thankful that the long skirt hid what Nate was doing.

He jerked back and pulled the skirt from behind his shoulders, his face emerging and all she could do was stare at his fierce expression.

“Oh baby. You’re in so much trouble when I get you alone,” he said darkly as he leaned forward and kissed her hard, ravishing her mouth.

“Erm . . the groom needs to remove the garter so the game can begin,” said the slightly flustered announcer into the microphone as he saw things weren’t going to plan.

Nate huffed at the interruption and pulled away, lifting Deanna’s skirt again. Leaning down he wrapped his teeth around the edge of the leather garter and slowly slid it down her leg, not taking his fiery eyes from hers. She lifted her foot so he could drag it over her white stiletto shoes.

She was shocked when Nate simply flung the garter unceremoniously over his shoulder and swung her up into his arms and marched out of the room. A series of cheers followed them as Deanna waved at the amused faces as they left.


“Fuck,” Nate said hoarsely, his whole body shaking as he thrust into Deanna.

It always felt good being inside her. He’d been horny as hell when he’d seen her underwear and he simply didn’t have time to stop and be polite as they left their wedding reception, especially with the raging hard-on he’d had.  Nate had dragged her into the changing room in the castle and made love to her hard and fast over the dressing table.

Hours later they were now back at their historic hotel, Alice babysitting Holly to give the newly married couple some private time alone.

“I’m going to come . . ,” Deanna gasped breathlessly as he powered into her, the old four poster wooden bed in their bridal suite creaking and banging loudly against the wall. Deanna felt like the whole room was shaking with the force of his thrusts, when she heard a splintering sound and felt something shift under her.

Nate obviously hadn’t noticed or simply didn’t care as he pounded into her, his forehead resting against hers as she stared up into his lust filled eyes, the sound of their laboured breathing filling the room.

“Oh . . . Nate,” she cried as her back bowed from the force of her climax, squeezing him tightly as he thrust again and came hard, groaning loudly.

Deanna ran her hands up and down Nate’s sweating back, his head buried in her curly hair, breathing in her delicious vanilla scent. He pulled back and rested on all fours, gazing down at her flushed face.

“I love you, wife.”

“I love you too, husband. I can’t believe you’re all mine,” she smiled gently up at him.

“Deanna, I’ve been yours from the day we met.”

Happiness shone from her eyes at his words and he kissed her lovingly, but as he shifted his body on hers there was an ominous snapping sound. Deanna just had time to look up at Nate as the middle of the bed gave way, Deanna and Nate crashing to the floor in a tangle of bedding.

“What the hell?” Nate exclaimed as he tried to lift his body off Deanna, not wanting to crush her.

As he managed to pull himself up onto the remainder of the bed, he looked down at Deanna who was giggling uncontrollably on the floor and he burst out laughing.

“I can’t believe we broke the bed,” she cried hysterically as Nate grabbed her round the waist, lifted her up and they climbed off the destroyed bed.

“Well . . . er . . . shite. What do we do now?” Nate said scratching his head, as he looked at the whole middle section of the bed lying on the floor.

He looked over at Deanna and they started laughing again at the ridiculous situation, both standing there completely naked.

“I’d better call Reception and let them know. The lads won’t let me live this down for years . . ,” Nate grumbled after they’d calmed down and Deanna, still giggling, walked into the bathroom to have a shower.




Ethan stood with Logan, unease filling him as he looked at the graffiti some of the members were frantically painting over on the wall of the compound office - the word ‘WHORE’ in large blood red writing.

“Who d’ya think done it?” Logan asked Ethan. For once Ethan didn’t have an answer.

“It’s probably some jilted woman involved with one of the members. You know how the lads are,” Logan suggested.

“Aye, could be,” Ethan replied.

Ethan hoped to hell that it wasn’t anything to do with Deanna. She and Nate both deserved happiness after everything Deanna had been through with her headcase of an ex-boyfriend.  Cameron Neilson, a lead senior investigating officer for Strathclyde Police, had kept Ethan up-to-date on Lee Walker and from all the reports he was deteriorating quickly in prison.

Ethan had a fleeting thought that maybe Lee could have arranged it but he shook his head as it just couldn’t be him, he didn’t have any logical thoughts anymore and was locked far away from the outside world.

“I’ll ask the members. The younger ones are complete dogs when it comes to women. One of them has probably pissed off someone. We stopped the CCTV running after Lee was caught but I’ll set it up to record. We’ll catch them if they try again,” Ethan said.

“Okay, you know best. Should we tell Nate?”

“Nah. He’s on his honeymoon. He’s rung to say they’d arrived safely in Italy and were having a great time. No point worrying him when he can’t do anything about it. We’ll just sort it between us.”

“Aye, nae bother. Right, I’d better get to work. The bikes won’t fix themselves.”

It was only early morning but all the members were already at work opening the busy garage, a large number of gleaming custom bikes lined up inside the compound, the exciting sound of various revving engines coming from within the work bays.

“Alright mate. I’ll hang around and talk to the members. Just ask them to tone things down, will you? There’s the monthly club party this weekend when Nate gets back. I’ll tell him then and we can keep an eye out for any crazy bitches that turn up looking for trouble.”

“How will we tell? Most of the women who turn up to our club parties are crazy bitches,” Logan joked.

They both laughed as Logan slapped Ethan on the back and walked away to his own work bay. Ethan’s gaze returned to the horrible writing, thankfully nearly all covered over, and he couldn’t shake off an inexplicable feeling of dread.


“Welcome home. I’ve missed you all so much, especially my wee Holly. How was the honeymoon?” Alice greeted them as she pulled Holly onto her knee, hugging and kissing her.

Even though it had been Nate and Deanna’s honeymoon they’d decided to take Holly with them as it would be her first time on an airplane and they couldn’t be without her for a whole week.

“Hey Ma. It was great. But it’s good to be home,” Nate said as he smiled down at Deanna.

“Italy was beautiful. Holly had a brilliant time in the gondolas in Venice. But it was so hot. I burned to a crisp and your son made fun of me,” Deanna said.

Nate smiled as he walked up and wrapped his arms around his pouting wife. Her skin was still sunburned. She was the stereotypical red-head who burned in the sun and freckles sprouted up across her body. Deanna had grumbled that it was unfair as she’d watched Nate turn golden brown and looked even more gorgeous with a tan.

BOOK: Freedom to Ride - Resolution (Raven's MC)
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