Read Gauntlet Rite of Ascension Online

Authors: Marcus Abshire

Gauntlet Rite of Ascension (9 page)

BOOK: Gauntlet Rite of Ascension
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I had been afraid of that possibility ever since that fateful night. Afraid that what I had gone through wasn’t some dream and that this newfound gift was a nightmare that could turn on those I loved. Abaddon saw as my fear sweep over me, understanding.

“Come downstairs, we need to talk.” He said.

“Fine, I’ll be down in a minute.” I said, hoping he could help me.

I hurried downstairs; worried that Abaddon would be seen, unsure how my mom would react. I came to the bottom of the stairs and found Abaddon standing in the kitchen talking to my mom. They both stopped and turned to look at me. My mom smiled and motioned me to come closer.

“Come here, we need to talk.” She said.

“Okay.” I said, apprehensively.

I walked over and sat down at the kitchen table. My mom sat next me and held both my hands in hers.

“I know you have many questions. Unfortunately I don’t have many answers. Abaddon does.” She said nodding to him.

“Your father had secrets he kept from me. I accepted this because I loved him and I believed him when he said it would be dangerous for me to know. I am beginning to piece some things together but I am not going to be able to help you. I want you to go with Abaddon.” She said.

“What?” I asked, stunned.

“I want you to go with him. Your father trusted him and so do I. You are going through something I am unable to help with. I love you son. I want what’s best for you.” She said.

I didn’t know what to say. I had planned on leaving for college anyway, but after the recent events I figured all that was far away.

“You want me to go with him? You need me here. I can’t go.” I said.

“Honey, I’m fine. I am stronger than you know. Don’t worry about me. Susan is here. She will stay with me for awhile until she decides what she wants to do. This was what you wanted anyway. It’s ok. I want this.” She said.

Love shone from her face. She was worried about me but deep down she knew this was best. I was petrified of hurting my family and if Abaddon could help me and by extension help protect them, even from myself, then I had to at least try.

“Okay, alright mom. I’ll go.” I said, looking to Abaddon.


“Right now, pack what you can fit into a small suitcase, anything else you may need will be provided. Hurry, we leave in twenty minutes.” He said.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. I had always wanted to go off to college, but not like this. This was surreal. I went to my room and packed some clothes, my toothbrush and deodorant. I put a picture of my family in with the other stuff. Carrying it downstairs I went to my mom and hugged her, fresh tears shone on her face.

“I’ll call you when I get a chance.” I said.

“I know, take care of yourself.”

Abaddon gave us a few minutes then stepped up. “We must be going.”

“Tell Susan I love her.” I said.

“She knows, but I will.” My mom said.

I walked out, following Abaddon. We went to a black car parked out front and I put my bag in the trunk while Abaddon got in the driver’s seat. I sat in the cab next to him.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

He looked at me, his eyes sparkling in the deep night. Without a change in his features whatsoever he said.

“To college.”































Chapter 11





Abaddon drove. I had hundreds of questions but didn’t know where to start. One thing was nagging at me more than the others and I thought it was as good a place to start as any.

“Am I a werewolf?” I asked, cutting right to the chase.

Abaddon looked at me sideways, a twitch on the side of his mouth the only indication of a smile.

“Yes and no. You are Ascended. Werewolves as you know them are what are called Descended. They are ones who were incapable of accepting their natures and thus fell to the Beast.” He answered.

“Ascended? So what would have happened if I had failed?” I asked.

“I think you already know. The Beast said as much I imagine. You would be under its control. You would change on a full moon and be at the Beast’s mercy, unable to stop the Beast and its killing.” He said.

“So by ascending I will not be overcome by the Beast?” I asked.

“Not necessarily, what you have done is the first step.” He paused, gathering his thoughts.

“Many thousands of years ago man was no more than an animal himself.” He began, reminding me of a History teacher, reciting past events. “He lived by instinct and was a formidable predator. Somewhere along the line mankind set aside his more animalistic nature and began to become “civilized”. Sure he was still capable of great atrocity and hostility, but his self awareness led him to deny part of his true nature.”

“Soon after he brought the wolf to his side, he domesticated it and a deep and lasting partnership was formed.”

“There is no doubt that mankind has become one of the greatest of the worlds predators. As he began to take land and clear out many of the apex predators the natural balance of the world was thrown askew. To correct this imperfection a family of man was chosen. By what or whom I don’t know. All I know is that somewhere the first werewolf was born. He underwent the same challenge you did, fighting for his life against the Beast. He prevailed, only after watching the Beast kill his fellow men, thus bringing into being the Ascended. Unbeknownst to him many of his fellow family members had the specific blood in them that allowed the Beast to be unlocked. Some prevailed over the Beast, most did not. The carnage was unbelievable.”

“A certain order was founded after the chaos. A Pack was formed. The Ascended hunted and killed the Descended. They also took in any who were bitten and many taught their own family members the ways of the pack and the Beast, making the ability for one who was bitten to ascend much greater than one such as yourself. One who is alone. Your father was Ascended and Pack leader. He got out and wanted to raise you and your sister apart from the Pack, give you a normal life. I told him he was crazy, but his love for your mother was greater than his fear of the Pack.”

              “Wait, my dad was like me? He was Ascended?” I asked, furiously imagining my father going through this, having the powers of the Beast within him and spending his life as an insurance agent just to make my mother happy.

              “Your father was not just Ascended, he was royalty among the Pack. He was Pack leader and ruled for many decades. He brought us much peace and prosperity. His rule was a time of great joy for the Pack.” Abaddon said looking off into the distance at memories only he could see.

              “Decades? My dad was only forty two. That doesn’t make sense.” I said.

              “The Ascended have very long life spans. Your father was two hundred years old.” Abaddon said, looking at me.

              Two hundred years old? That’s impossible. Sure he was a little odd. I remember he wasn’t like most of the other dads. I just assumed it was because that was his nature. I guess growing up in the eighteen hundreds would give you a different perspective on things. My head was spinning with thoughts about my dad. I never knew, he was a great father, but I really didn’t know him at all.

              “I know it’s a lot to take in at once. I’m sure you will have many questions and there are so many things to teach you. For now you need to realize that you are in danger. Being a Pack leader’s whelp, when you are ready, you will have the ability to challenge the current Pack leader for control. This makes you a threat and for that you are in grave danger. I promised your dad if this was ever to happen, if you were ever bitten I was to train you and prepare you for what lies ahead.” He said.

              I stared at him for a minute then asked.

              “So you have been watching over me all this time?”

              “Yes.” Abaddon said.

              “Then you watched as the Beast killed Sara. You did nothing when it killed the cops.” I said.

              “No, I wasn’t present at that time. I had other pressing matters I was attending to. The change only can occur when someone with the right blood is bitten by another that has undergone the change. Be it one who is Ascended or not. It doesn’t matter. Someone found you and bite you. I believe in hopes of having you succumb to the Beast, thereby justifying your death, by Pack law.” He said.

              “When I came back into town you were at your house and I watched as you accepted the Beast. I was prepared to step in if you attacked your family.” He finished.

              “If you were gone how did you know about the cops and Sara?” I asked.

              “Once I came back into town and realized that you had been bitten I began monitoring local law enforcement transmissions. It wasn’t hard to piece together what happened from their reports of an animal attack.” He answered.

              “You said that my father wanted you to train me, which would only be an option if I Ascended wouldn’t it?” I asked.

              Abaddon nodded once.

              “What if I Descended? What did my father ask you to do then?” I asked.

              Abaddon turned his head and looked at me with grave sincerity.

              “Kill you.” He said with finality. I had no doubt that he would have done it either.

              I had so much to think about. So many things were happening.

              “Your second moon is rising soon. Being as young as you are, the Beast will rise. It is always strongest during a full moon. I wanted to get you away from your family and make sure you don’t hurt anyone.” He said.

              “I have to fight that thing again?” I asked, unsure I could do it a second time.

              “No, you have accepted it. The nature of the Beast is unchanging, however, and until you can manage the full moon you will still be dangerous. Your control is not strong enough yet. It usually takes months for a newly Ascended to be trusted during a full moon.” He said.

              “What do I have to do?” I asked, fear beginning to rise.

              “You need to calm yourself. Focus on who you are and fight the urges that grow within you. The essence of a truly powerful Ascended is the ability to channel the Beast and its wild nature into something you can control. Harness its power. This is where the true strength of the wolf comes from. Soon you will begin to feel the pull of the moon and the call of the hunt. Being in this car will help, but it is up to you.” He said.

              “Okay, I’ll try.” I said.

              “This part of the change is as important as the acceptance. The Beast will not rise to challenge you, but its nature will. You will have urges and desires. Fight them, your will must be strong.” He said.

It reminded me of the lessons my teachers told us, the ones that they felt were important. The cadence and inflection was the same my instructors at school used.

We drove in silence, I was anticipating the full moon and fear was building within me. I had no idea what to expect.

A few hours later the worry about what was to come faded as weariness weighed on me and I nodded off, the lull of the road and quietness of the ride slowly began to drag me to sleep.

              I drifted off to dreams of death and blood.

I was at home sitting on my bed. I sat there looking around, confused about why I was here. My sister walked in and said, “Wake up douchebag.”

              I turned to her, hunger rose in me, hunger for flesh and meat. I leapt on her before I could stop myself; one quick bite later, I eagerly gulped her arterial blood. The warmth and richness of her life’s blood filled me with a golden warmth that brought sweet ecstasy. I lost myself in the feast, taking bite after bite of my sister’s corpse. Eating until my stomach felt as though it would explode.

              My mom walked by and looked in on me feasting on my sister’s body; she walked over and patted my head.

              “My boy was hungry wasn’t he? Honey c’mere and see this, it’s so adorable.” My mom said like she did when I was younger and brought home a good grade from school.

              My dad walked in, his eyes a deep yellow. They were the eyes of the Beast, the eyes I looked through as I watched it devour Sara, desperate horror stabbed me as he smiled, his mouth was full of razor sharp teeth.

              “They grow up so fast, don’t they dear?” He said as he put his arm around my mom.

BOOK: Gauntlet Rite of Ascension
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