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Authors: Kayla Perrin

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #General

Getting Some (8 page)

BOOK: Getting Some
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She holds up the bottle and smiles. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ready to have a good fucking time.”

Samera steps up to the table beside Lishelle, lifting one of the champagne flutes already placed on the table. “Girl, I hear you. Pour me a glass.”

Less than a minute later, we all have our glasses filled.

“Now I know this is corny,” I begin, “but I don’t care. We’re in Vegas, and we’re damn well gonna live by the slogan this city is famous for. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Girls, let’s get our freak on!”



et our freak on?

I stare at my sister in disbelief. Seriously, is this the person I’ve known all my life? As I watch her laugh and chat with her friends, I can’t help noticing that she’s as bubbly as the champagne she’s sipping. And I realize then—really realize—that she
the person I knew growing up. Hell, she’s not even the woman I knew last year. Sexually, she’s grown by leaps and bounds. Finally she seems to have escaped the fire-and-brimstone guilt my mother drummed into her about anything pleasurable in life. And if I have Dom to thank for that, then I am forever grateful.

In fact, I wish I were in a better mood. That way I could laugh airily as I sip my champagne and entertain the idea of what my sister is suggesting.

Because I’m fairly certain that Annelise is suggesting we find some hot men and have a passionate fling.

Normally it’s an idea I’d be hip to. I’d at least be into the idea of serious flirtation. But here I am in Las Vegas in a gorgeous hotel suite, and all I want is to be back at home, curled up on my sofa watching a movie.

The truth is, I’ve been pretty bummed out since I got back from Costa Rica. I don’t even care about looking at other men.

Yeah, I’m still missing Miguel. Which is so unlike me. Every day I’ve been trying to figure out why he’s gotten so completely under my skin.

Maybe I’m missing him simply because Reed fucked up our last days together. Having your ex show up on your vacation and telling you he still loves you can throw a girl for a loop.

A bout of excited laughter pulls me from my thoughts.

“Love it, love it,
love it!
” Lishelle exclaims.

“And I don’t know about you,” Annelise begins, “but I could use a new outfit. Did you know that some lucky women get to go up on stage with those hotties?”

“Wait a second,” I say. “What are you talking about?”

“Tonight,” my sister answers. “Didn’t you hear what I said? I got tickets for the Thunder from Down Under,” she explains, her eyes dancing with excitement. “That all-male revue from Australia.”

“We’re going to see strippers?” I ask for clarification.

“I figured you’d get a kick out of that.” Annelise wiggles her eyebrows at me and squeezes my hand. “We’ll be right up front, and who knows—maybe we’ll be lucky enough to get picked to go on stage.”

“Before I see any men without their clothes on, I need to eat,” Claudia proclaims.

“Let’s see what room service has to offer.” Lishelle glances around, then heads into the large living room. She scoops up a slim, black leather-bound binder from the coffee table before sitting on the beige-colored sofa near the large bay window. “Here’s the menu.”

“I need a cigarette,” I comment.

“I don’t smoke,” Lishelle quickly says.

“Neither do I.” This from Claudia.

Then my sister approaches me, looking a little uncomfortable. “You’re not planning to smoke in here, are you? It’s a nonsmoking room, and none of us smoke. Maybe you could—”

“You want me to go downstairs? I could just open a window.”

“Do you know how bad secondhand smoke is for nonsmokers?”

“All right.” I’m not going to fight with her. As a smoker, I’m used to having to go out of my way in order to get my nicotine fix. “I’ll head downstairs. I’m sure smokers still dominate the casino floor.”

“What about food?” my sister asks.

“Order me whatever you want. Where’s the room key?”

My sister strolls to the dining room table, finds a plastic key card and passes it to me.

Downstairs I head outside. A blast of hot air hits me in the face.

Maybe this isn’t the smartest idea. Smoking a cigarette in one-hundred-degree heat—I may as well light myself on fire.

But I do need a dose of nicotine, and the first drag I inhale is like heaven.

I smoke only half of the cigarette, and am about to ground it out in the ashtray when I notice an attractive beefcake of a guy with sandy-blond hair. He’s with a dark-haired guy about half a foot shorter than he is, both carrying luggage, and I notice him because he slows when he sees me, and his mouth turns upward in a smile.

I turn away.

Normally, I would flirt with a guy like that. But God, I’m just not into it.

I linger as the guys head into the hotel, taking the time to finish off my cigarette. A few minutes later, my craving fully satisfied, I head back up to the suite.

“Yes, French fries,” Lishelle is saying into the phone. “And give me a second.” She covers the receiver’s mouthpiece. “Sam, what do you want? I ordered a burger for you, but if you want something else…”

“Do they have a chicken Caesar salad?”

Lishelle asks the person on the phone, then nods.

“Okay, I’ll have that. And…French fries on the side.”

As Lishelle relays my request, I turn to face Annelise. She smiles brightly at me.

“After we eat, we’re gonna head downstairs to shop. The Venetian’s got a bunch of trendy and upscale stores, like Jimmy Choo. I could use some new shoes. And maybe something tiny and black. Think you can help me pick out something really scandalous?”


“Don’t sound so excited,” Annelise jokes.

I glance over my shoulder. Claudia and Lishelle are talking quietly. I don’t want to be paranoid, but I’m pretty sure there’s disdain in Lishelle’s gaze as she looks my way. I don’t know why my sister invited me along on this trip. I don’t belong in her crowd.

I take Annelise by her upper arm and lead her into the very large bedroom. “What is the sleeping arrangement?”

“We’re going to share this suite,” she explains. “One of us can sleep on the pullout.”

Now that we’re out of view—and out of earshot—of her friends, I ask her, “What’s up with Lishelle and Claudia?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do they even want to be here with me? Because Lishelle keeps giving me dirty looks—”

“Don’t be ridiculous. They just don’t know you. It wouldn’t hurt for you to try and be a little friendly.”

“I have nothing in common with those two. Claudia—she’s some sort of debutante. Doesn’t work but Daddy provides her with a shitload of money to play with. Lishelle—some high-profile anchorwoman.”

“And me—the sister you haven’t seen eye-to-eye with most of your life.” A soft smile forms on Annelise’s lips. “And look at us now. Finally being sisters in God knows how long.”

I smile as well. “This is true.”

Annelise places her hands on my shoulders. “Don’t judge my friends, and they won’t judge you.”

“I hope not.”

“Sammy, I want you to have fun on this trip. Honestly, ever since you got back from Costa Rica, you’ve been sulking. I want to see you smiling again.”

“Thanks. That means a lot.”

“Promise me you’ll try to have fun,” Annelise says.

“Okay. I promise.”


When the food arrives, my chicken salad doesn’t look nearly as appetizing as the burgers that Annelise, Lishelle and Claudia ordered. And it doesn’t smell as good, either. The charbroiled scent entices me enough to ask my sister for a bite of hers, and I swear, it’s the best burger I’ve ever tasted.

We gorge on the food as if we haven’t eaten in days, then head downstairs to the Venetian’s Grand Shops.

We stroll the long corridors with the various shops until we reach a large court. There are people dressed in historic costumes. A woman in a stunning gown, a jester who must be on stilts. There’s an elevated stage area with a man in all white—white clothes, completely white face—who I first mistake for a statue. It’s when I see people snapping pictures and placing money on the stage that I understand it’s a real person.

Annelise links arms with me. “Isn’t this fun? An ancient Venetian court, and all these real waterways with gondola rides, just like in Venice!”

“And look at that ceiling,” Claudia says. “It’s so blue, and those clouds make it look like a real sky.”

“Amazing what people can do,” I comment.

“Ooh, there’s Jimmy Choo!” Annelise releases me to hurry in that direction. “I know I brought a ton of clothes, but I want something ultrasexy. Something that says I’m a free woman, one who’s getting laid regularly.”

“You sure you want that kind of attention?” I ask. “You’ve got Dom waiting back at home for you.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look sexy, does it? For the first time in a long time, I feel really free. Liberated.”

“Watch out, Vegas!” Claudia says, then chuckles.

Half an hour later, my sister has a pair of seriously hot shoes. Black, with a clear heel, and jewels on the straps that cross over the foot and up around the ankle. I picked out a pair of thigh-high boots. Since I’ve generally been frugal with my money after quitting my job, I decided to join in the fun and splurge a little. The great thing about having worked as a stripper is the money I’ve made. As a result, I have a very healthy bank account. It’s money I have no desire to squander, but I don’t feel too guilty about the boots since they were last year’s design and therefore half-price. A little shopping spree once in a while is good for the soul.

We meet Claudia and Lishelle at Max Azaria, on the second floor of the store.

Annelise heads to Claudia. “What do you have?”

Claudia holds up a black dress that could be called conservative—except for the plunging neckline.

“How sexy is this?” Annelise asks. “But if you bounce around too much in this dress, you might just show off more than you bargained for.”

“You like?” Claudia asks.

“Very much so,” my sister tells her. “It’s totally hot.”

I chuckle at those words coming from my sister’s mouth. She sounds like Paris Hilton, and I tell her so.

“Seriously, that
hot,” my sister repeats. “Wait a minute—is that see-through?”

“I’ve got a black bra to wear underneath,” Claudia explains. “I can’t believe I’m going to buy this. I already packed enough clothes for three weeks. Oh, and I found out that Gucci and Fendi are at the Bellagio’s shops. And there’s a mall down the street.”

Lishelle approaches us carrying a gorgeous, barely there black halter. She holds it up to her chest. “I think we can find all we need right here.”

Annelise reaches into her Jimmy Choo bag and lifts the lid off the box to show off her shoes. “I need something to go with these.”

Lishelle whistles. “Fucking gorgeous. Well, I’ll just have to help you shop. And I think this halter will look great on you.”

Annelise stares at the scrap of material on the hanger Lishelle holds up. “That is so…risqué. Normally, I’d never wear anything like that. Except when I was trying to get Charles’s attention, of course. And then, only in the bedroom—”

“Are you gonna try it on?” Lishelle interjects.

“Absolutely.” Annelise snatches the halter from Lishelle. “But I need a skirt to wear it with.”

I wander off while Annelise begins searching for a skirt. There are a lot of gorgeous clothes in this store, but I packed enough clothes. I do stop, however, when I see the bathing suits. I pick up what I guess is
to be a one-piece—considering the top and bottom are attached—but between the breast cups and the bottom are gaping holes in the fabric.

“That’s a bathing suit?” Claudia asks. I turn to see her about a foot away.

I nod. “I’m gonna buy this.”

“I like this one.” Lishelle holds up a dress that’s almost a gray blue. With a V-shaped neck and back, it’s sexy while still being elegant.

Claudia examines the dress. “I don’t know. Too long. You should see what I’m wearing tonight.”

“But the neckline is definitely not conservative. It’s below the knee but flirty. I like it.”

“Try it on,” Annelise tells her. Then she gasps as though she’s found a bucket of gold among the clothes.

“What?” I ask, making my way to her.

Annelise holds up a stunning dress. It’s a mix of reds and oranges and browns in subtle swirls. The dress is soft and delicate, pleated and has beaded detail. The top straps go around the neck like a halter.

“That is gorgeous,” I tell her, and look at the label. It reads: Chili Chai Printed Silk Chiffon. It’s got a killer V-neck, something I wouldn’t expect my sister to wear. Heck, I’ve seen her mostly in baggy clothes. I’m still trying to get used to the liberated woman she’s become.

Now I’m the one who gasps when I spot a dress in a leopard print. I hold it up, and it’s very similar in style to the one Annelise just picked up, except for the fabric and the more conservative neckline.

“You get that one,” I say to Annelise, “and I’ll get this one.”

“You can tell you’re sisters,” Lishelle comments. “You picked out pretty much the same style of dress, only different colors.”

Annelise and I share a smile. Then she says, “I think this one will look better on you. The V-neck will fit your breasts better.”

BOOK: Getting Some
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