Read Gift Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Harmless Shorts

Gift (3 page)

BOOK: Gift
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Kade’s heart jumped into his throat when he saw Shannon walking determinedly in his direction. She wore her hair up to show off her slender neck and the diamond earrings he knew Mal had bought her. God, she was gorgeous. He liked strong women, and that was definitely Shannon. All the feminine strength in that sexy package, he was having a hard time resisting her. Everything in his body, especially one particular body part, told him to go after her. But his brain wouldn’t let him. He couldn’t act on his attraction. Mal was his best friend, and one of the things he’d always believed in was you didn’t fuck around with your buddy’s sister. Since Kade knew he wasn’t cut out to be involved for the long haul, he had to ignore the lust that was circling his gut right now.

Damn, as she neared, he saw she was coming after him for something. What had he done? With Shannon, you never knew what would happen. The woman ran a tight ship at work, and no one, not even her trained-to-kill Navy Seal brother, got away with jack shit with her.

“Hey, Kade,” she said just as the band started up with a slow country song. Even with the music playing, he could hear her accent. “Do you think you could dance a little two-step with me? I know you have to be one of the only guys here who knows how to do it right.”

The way she said it made him think of sex. Who was he fooling? Everything she said made him think of sex. But now, she was smiling, those green eyes sparkling up at him, and he couldn’t think again.


She laughed. The sound of it sunk into his blood and made his pulse do its own two-step. “Dance. You, me. Two-step. You haven’t forgotten how to do it, have you?”

The memory of her teaching him to two-step filtered through his mind. It had felt like purgatory, stuck between heaven and hell. Her body had moved against his, her soft breasts pressed against his chest…he’d almost lost it. The only thing that had saved him was that Mal was on that very same dance floor and probably would have beaten the hell out of him if he had known what Kade was thinking.

“Uh...yeah, I remember.”

She didn’t wait for a yes or no. She just grabbed his hand and dragged him behind her to the dance floor. She stopped then waited for him to step closer. Kade hesitated, trying to get his brain back into the game. Of course, his little brain wanted to do most of the thinking. His cock twitched as he drew her into his arms. They started to dance, and he tried to keep her further away. She slipped closer.

Oh, shit. Just the little brush of her body against his had his cock hardening. He just hoped she didn’t notice.

“I thought you and Mal would be off having a good old time.”

He glanced down at her, wondering about the tone. There was a thread of irritation in it. She was smiling up at him as if there was nothing wrong, but he knew there was something she wasn’t telling him.

“Apparently your brother had a woman picked out already.”

She nodded. “He’s a slut.”

Kade couldn’t help it. He threw back his head and laughed. Shannon had a way of talking about her brothers, especially Mal, that Kade knew was to remind them they were still just her brothers.

“What about you?” she asked.

“I’m not a slut.”

She chuckled. “The jury’s still out on that one.”

“Your brother needs to learn how to be a little more picky.”

Her lips curved up at that comment, and he felt the moisture dry up in his mouth. God, he wanted to kiss that smile off her face—then move down her body, exploring every delicious inch of her. He knew her flesh would be sweet.

“I noticed you’re pretty picky.”

He nodded as he worked her around the dance floor. “I don’t fall for every pretty face that comes along.”

She said nothing. Instead she laid her head on his shoulder. The gesture was so natural it was as if she did it every day. He knew he should tell her not to. His brain said he should do it. But he couldn’t. It was too close to what he wanted, what he yearned for. For five long years he had wanted her, wanted to feel this way with her, her head on his shoulder, her soft, warm body in his arms. He had wanted that for so long, he just couldn’t bring himself to stop her.

It was bad enough he would probably have to take a five-hour cold shower when he got back to the room. Sweat slid down his back, and he had to fight the urge to lean down and brush his lips over her forehead.

He had talked himself into not doing more when she sighed and relaxed even more against him. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, and with every breath he drew in that sultry scent that was so unique to her. His head started to spin. His body started to duel with his mind. His brain was starting to lose when the music ended. The band swung into a fast-paced Hawaiian tune. His body protested when he had to pull back.


Even to his own ears, his voice sounded gruff. She raised her head and blinked as if coming out of some kind of daze. Her breathing hitched, and her breasts rose above the neckline of her dress. His gaze slipped down, he could see her hardened nipples through the delicate red fabric. He curled his fingers into his palms and counted backwards from ten. If he didn’t get away from her soon, he would definitely lose control. There would be nothing to stop him from tearing off her clothes and bending her over a banquet table.

The wind shifted, pulling a few strands of her hair loose from the complicated style.

He cleared his throat. “Well, that was...nice.”

Fuck. How lame could he get? She studied him for a second, her expression serious, thoughtful. Then in the next moment, her lips curved.

“You know where my room is, doncha?”

Lust soared. His body reacted at the direct question. Any doubts he had about her interest in him vaporized. She apparently thought there was no reason to hide her attraction to him anymore.

He nodded, unable to form a word.

“Well, then you know where to find me later.”

For a tough as nails Dom hunting a sadistic serial killer is nothing compared to losing his heart.

A Little Harmless Submission

Harmless 6

Rome Carino is hunting a predator. One who likes to hurt submissives and the most popular BDSM club’s patrons are being targeted. With each fresh kill, he gets more brazen. Rome knows he just needs one little break, but before he can make headway, the FBI shows up. Worse, the uptight, buttoned-down Special Agent Maria Callahan suggests a plan that is dangerous, but worth it because it might just catch the killer. If Rome can keep his mind on the case and off the beautiful FBI agent, he’ll be just fine.

Maria is still trying to step out of her legendary father’s shadow and knows just how to do it. Luring the killer by posing as Rome’s new sub seems like a good idea. That is, until undercover becomes real life and she finds herself tangled up with a man who amazes and scares her at the same time. Her growing attraction to the Honolulu Police Detective is a little too much to handle. Even knowing that, she can’t help falling in love with the tough Dom and losing herself in the games they play in the bedroom.

Rome is overwhelmed by his need for Maria. He has never had a sub respond to him the way she does and no matter what he does, he feels himself slipping off that cliff into love. As their relationship starts to unfold, he realizes that he will do anything to win her heart, to convince her to become his sub for a lifetime. But before he can do anything, the killer turns his attention on Rome and the one thing he holds dear: Maria.

WARNING: The following book contains: A Dom who thinks he can do no wrong, a new sub who is about to teach him he can, palm trees, a trip or two to Rough ‘n Ready, a flirty Aussie Dom with questionable motives, old friends, and a new enemy. Yeah, it might be called Harmless, but you Addicts know it’s anything but.

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“You didn’t have to do that. I understand what’s expected of me.”


She fought back the irritation. “I’ve researched it. I would never suggest this if I didn’t know what I had to do.”

He nodded but still looked skeptical.

“I can play the role. You didn’t have to pull that stunt.”

He studied her for a moment, no expression on his face. Then, he placed his hand on the wall next to her head and leaned closer, as he did in the elevator. Gawd, he smelled good. Earthy and sensual, and all wrapped up in a dominant package of a man. She shouldn’t want to attract him, but everything in her being was telling her to do anything to get him in her bed.

“What stunt are you talking about?”

For a moment, all she could do was look at his mouth as he spoke. His lips were full, sensual, and utterly irresistible.


She shook herself and tried to remember what they had been talking about. Great, now she had to embarrass herself with an explanation. She didn’t want to do this. She understood she wasn’t attractive to men like Rome. That she could live with. Having to admit it to him out loud was more than a little awkward. Talk about humiliating.

“I understand that a woman like me would never attract you—“

“What do you mean by that?”

She glanced up and realized he looked genuinely surprised.

“Nothing. Just understand I can play a role, and I won’t get all sappy on you. I want this guy as much as you do.”

Again he was silent. She hated that, hated the way he looked at her. It was as if he was completely perplexed by her. “Play a role?”

She rolled her eyes and pulled her keycard out, not able to look at him anymore. She was damned tired and ready to collapse. Add this embarrassment to the mix, and she just wanted to crawl under the covers and forget most of the day.

“When we’re out of the public eye, I understand. You don’t have to play the role of my lover behind the scenes. It’ll be easier if we have parameters.”

“Callahan.” His voice was quiet nevertheless commanding.


“Look at me.” The order was soft but definitely not to be ignored. She couldn’t if she’d wanted to. His deep, resonate voice wrapped around her senses and forced her to do his bidding.

When she finally made eye contact, her whole body went hot again. The intense look had her trying to swallow, but she found her mouth dry. He slipped his free hand up to cup her jaw. Without saying a word, he bent his head down and brushed his mouth against hers. She could feel the heat of him through their layers of clothing.

He leaned even closer, and she could feel his erection. There was no mistaking that. Just feeling the hot, long length of him had every hormone in her body jumping to attention, ready to serve. When he pulled back, it took a few moments for her to open her eyes again.

The fire in his eyes was still there. His cheeks were flushed, and she could tell there was a little more than just playacting involved.

“Just so you know. Guys like me can be attracted to women like you.”

Coming January 17th in digital from Melissa Schroeder

The first of a five book paranormal series.

The Cursed Clan: Callum

Will desire be the answer or the ruin of an entire clan?

As Laird, Callum Lennon has always felt he failed to protect his cousins. Callum’s impulsiveness caused him the loss of his family and the experience has scarred not only his body, but also his soul. When Angus finds clues that might help break the curse, Callum begrudgingly allows them to hire Phoebe Chilton to investigate. Callum doesn’t like bringing outsiders into family affairs, especially when he is so attracted to them, but she might be their last hope.

An expert in the field of archeology, Phoebe has always been dwarfed by her parents’ shadow. They have high standards that had her in college by thirteen and earning a second PhD by twenty-two. But her career and her former marriage have left needing something more. She wants to prove her interest in legends, especially Celtic legends, is as important as her parents’ work. When the Lennon family contacts her, she sees the opportunity to win a massive research grant. With a long-time breathing down her back, she jumps at the chance the Lennons offer her, with hopes of using it to win the grant. But uncovering the Lennon family secrets, and her attraction to Callum, could prove more than she can handle.

Forces outside the family are determined to ensure that they not succeed. When an old enemy threatens both the well being of the clan and the fragile new relationship, Callum will have to choose between believing his mind or his heart.

Enjoy this unedited excerpt:

“I protect what is mine. I’ll not allow you to use Angus.”

She moved away from the counter, her body tense with anger. “I have never used another person, especially in that way. You’ve convinced yourself that I decided to somehow use my considerable wiles on your cousin to somehow gain who knows what.”

When she said it like that, he felt juvenile and petty.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lennon. I’ll avoid your cousins from now on.”

Which is what he wanted, but at the same time he felt like the lowest form of scum even if it was the best choice. The diary could hold their secrets, and the less she connected to them, the better. They just needed it translated, and for her to leave. As soon as that happened, he would be free of this affliction, he was sure.

“I’ll do my work and take my meals in my room.”

He heard the hurt in her voice. His need to banish Phoebe was as unexplainable as the need to ease her pain.

She attempted to brush past him, but he stepped in front of her, blocking her one exit. “I didn’t say you needed to avoid my cousins.” It was what he wanted, needed, but here he was contradicting his own thoughts, again.

When she looked at him, there was no humor in her gaze, no studied interest as he’d seen before. Now, all he saw was loneliness and he ached.

“No. I’ll finish my task and leave. I know you must have a very good reason, although I can’t understand what it could be. I will respect your wishes.”

Again, she tried to move past him, but he refused to budge. That same fresh scent of her reached his senses, seducing him. Even as he was reaching for her, his mind was screaming stop. He ignored it, and every other protective instinct. The only thing roaring through his head was to take, to claim.

BOOK: Gift
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