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Authors: Kane,Samantha,Pearce,Kate

Tags: #Romance

Gift of Desire (14 page)

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Samantha Kane interviews Kate Pearce

1.Why did you originally move from England to the U.S.?


My husband was offered a job in the Bay Area by the computer company he worked for in London and they offered to pay for the relocation, so we said why not?


2. Why did you start writing? When? What?


I always made stuff up and had a very healthy fantasy world as a child that drove my parents nuts. I was also a voracious reader, so I tried to write from quite an early age. It wasn’t until I moved to the USA and discovered the romance section at my local bookstore that I realized ‘what’ I should be writing. I started off writing historical romance, and after a year or three of rejections, I ended up writing something so steamy and erotic that I hid it for a while. But when I did finally share the erotic stuff with a mentor, she loved it. Elloras Cave, who were one of the pioneers of erotic romance, bought it in 2005 and the rest of my career came from there.


3. How has Hawaii affected your writing? Aren’t there a lot of distractions?


I tend to enjoy taking time off more. There’s something about the ocean I find very soothing and relaxing, but I’ve always been very self-motivated so I work hard in order to enjoy the leisure time.


4. If the main characters from this story My Heart’s Desire visited you in Hawaii, what would their reaction be?


I think my hero would love it here and be off exploring everything. My heroine would be more cautious, but I’d love to see her paddling her toes in the sea.


5. What would your theme song for this story be, if you had to pick one?


I’d go with the classic, “And I love her” from the Beatles.


6. Now that you’re writing mysteries, are you still planning to write more historical erotic stories?


Yes, I’m now two people, or is that three? I have a new Kate Pearce series coming out at the end of this year called The Sinners Club, which is loosely connected to the House of Pleasure series, and will have some interchangeable characters. The Catherine Lloyd Kurland St. Mary mystery series is a whole ‘nother kind of writing-more like a jigsaw puzzle. I love the variety of plotting full-on-erotic sex to a simple kiss of the hand. LOL


7. I love your contemporary cowboy stories. The first book I read by you was a cowboy story, Roping the Wind. Are you still writing cowboy books?


Oh my god, I love cowboys. (And I know we share a love of bull riding). I tend to write short erotic stories about cowboys these days because I’m so busy (see Branded).


8. If you could be any character from your books who would it be and why? ( I had to throw a hard question in here.)


I think I’d like to be Madam Helene Delornay who owns the House of Pleasure because she is so strong and has suffered so terribly but she doesn’t let it defeat her. She uses the only skill she has, (sex) to create her own little empire in a time when women had very little power. I just love her.


I’d also quite like to be Peter Howard for a day. :) But mainly because I’d get to be in love with Valentin. :)


9. How many bathrooms are in your new house?


Um, three in the main house and one in the ohana. So we’re down two from the old house.


10. How do you plan to celebrate Christmas in the islands this year? Do you still celebrate English Christmas traditions? Is so what?


I do still try and keep up some of the English Christmas traditions. I buy Christmas crackers and Christmas pudding and make mince pies and brandy butter and trifle. I have ornaments on my tree that have traveled round the world with us. It will be interesting to see what Hawaiians do on Christmas day, as I don’t think most people will want to be stuck inside eating turkey!

About Kate Pearce

Award winning author Kate Pearce was born into a large family of girls in England, and spent much of her childhood living very happily in a dream world. Despite being told that she really needed to “get with the program”, she graduated from the University College of Wales with an honors degree in history.

A move to the USA finally allowed her to fulfill her dreams and sit down and write her first romance novel. Along with being a voracious reader, Kate gets to hang out in Hawaii, and derives a lot of inspiration from the stunning sea views and the slope of the volcano in her back yard. Kate is a member of RWA and is published by NAL Signet Eclipse, Kensington Aphrodisia, Ellora's Cave, Cleis Press, Carina Press and Virgin Black Lace/Cheek.

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Other Works by Kate Pearce

Eden’s Pleasure

Antonia’s Bargain

Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?

Roping the Wind

Planet Mail

Secured Mail

Riding The Line

Simply Sexual

Simply Sinful

Simply Shameless

Simply Wicked

Lords Of Passion

Simply Insatiable

Some Like It Rough

Simply Forbidden

The Ties That Bind

Kiss of the Rose

Blood of the Rose

Raw Desire

Mark of the Rose

Simply Carnal

Simply Scandalous

Educating Elizabeth

Redeeming Jack

Soul Sucker


The Power of Three

Death Bringer

The First Sinners

The Sinners Club

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