Read Give Me More Online

Authors: Kortny Alexander

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Western, #Adult, #Fiction

Give Me More (2 page)

BOOK: Give Me More
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Chapter 2



Spring could feel his eyes engulfing her body. Her body tingled, reacting to him before he had even spoken to her. Her nipples became stiff as boards when he spoke to her for the first time. She didn’t intend to eat him up with her eyes when she had turned around, but she couldn’t help but react to what her body already knew.

He would be hers before she left Las Vegas.

Oh, yeah! She was definitely living in the moment.

The gentle scent of sandalwood caught her attention almost immediately. The young men she dealt with on a daily basis at the college campus didn’t know when to stop when it came to applying cologne. He was not most men.

The man seated near her was the epitome of sex. His presence in a room wouldn’t go unnoticed. Although he’d taken his seat before she had gotten a glance at the total package, she knew he was a big man. Tall, wide shoulders, and a muscular build. One of his hands could easily engulf both of hers. She had to stifle a groan when she looked up at him. She’d caught him in the midst of removing his hat when he spoke to her.

Although it was commonplace to see a man wearing one back in her hometown of Denver, Spring was not a fan of cowboy hats. But she could imagine herself naked, smiling down at him as she rode his cock, and his hat lying beside them. She could not help the slutty thoughts that crept into her mind. His pale sky-blue eyes caused her to think of all sorts of naughty things. They were an odd shade of blue that held her gaze whether she wanted them to or not. It made her think of white, sandy beaches and beautiful clear blue skies.

When she glanced up at his fingers raking through his dark, curly hair, she could almost feel those soft curls gliding through her fingers while she was in the midst of an orgasm. Hopefully a screaming orgasm. Holy hell, he made her hot!

The black dress shirt he wore fit him like a glove. She didn’t get to check out his rear. And, from his seated position, her view was obscured. That was acceptable for now. He had to get up at some point. For now, she was content with sneaking glimpses of his sexy smile and perfect teeth.

Spring could not stop the thoughts that invaded her mind. Her fingers itched to graze his skin and grip his body tight, sweat glistening on their skin as he navigated her through sexual bliss. Oh, dear Lord, she needed to get laid! She wanted to taste him, nibble on the lips that were too sensual and thick to belong to a man.

Spring intended to enjoy herself while in Vegas. What was one night? She would allow all of her inhibitions to fall to the wayside. If she wanted to flirt, she’d flirt. If she wanted to jump a man’s bones tonight, she would go for it. She was an adult and could do whatever she pleased…until her sisters arrived tomorrow. There was no way in hell Spring would tell her sisters that she had actually followed their advice.

* * * *


Bo’s dinner arrived shortly after Spring’s had. He didn’t get a chance to talk to her again. His sister Piper called because his niece, Chloe, had to speak to her favorite uncle before going to bed. As he ate, he laughed as Chloe caught him up on the hectic activities of a kindergartner, and to confirm he was still attending her upcoming ballet recital. She had her mother take a picture of her in her ballerina outfit and sent it to his cell phone.

As he praised Chloe about how pretty she looked, he noticed he had a curious audience of one. Oh, she tried to be slick about it, but Bo noticed how alert she became after she finished eating her dinner. She had begun drawing again. Her pencil stopped moving after he clicked on his earpiece and moved the phone to retrieve the photo Piper had sent of Chloe in her ballerina outfit. He continued chatting with Chloe through his earpiece, but tilted his phone in the woman’s direction, so she could see the picture he so proudly displayed.

The soft gasp from his right side caused Bo to smile. Without saying one word to her or turning in her direction, Bo had let her know she had been busted eavesdropping. She couldn’t turn away from the sweet little girl on his cell phone. Bo watched her out of the corner of his eye as he continued to talk and laugh with Chloe. He didn’t miss the reddened cheeks on the woman next to him. She had been embarrassed for being caught. She was too damn adorable for words.

Bo ended his call, reminding Chloe that ballerinas have to get lots of sleep in order to be their best every morning. The woman had gone back to her meal by the time he had finished his call. After a few moments had passed, Bo decided it wouldn’t hurt to lean in her direction and sneak a peek at what new sketch she had started on.

* * * *


Spring could feel his eyes boring into her when both bartenders walked away to tend to other patrons. It gave her the perfect idea for what she had already started on. A picture formed in her head, and she began to draw. His image was already seared into her memory. He was a stranger, but he didn’t feel that way to her.

It was funny how odd things like that could happen. Once she had an idea in her head, played around with how she wanted to express that idea, she only needed one look. And yet it was an unconscious habit for her to continuously look at her object, if she had one, but this wasn’t the case with the powerful man sitting next to her. There was no need to turn around and steal glances. She could see him clearly in her mind. This one would be completely different from the other sketches she had drawn tonight. She was in a very jovial mood.

One section of the bar was angled to look out onto the floor of the casino. Spring had plenty of subjects to draw. People-watching had always been an enjoyable hobby of hers. The ideas seemed to flow without much thought. Tonight she’d drawn one of an older woman sitting at the poker table with a cigarette in hand, slowly increasing her stack of chips. She had a wicked bluff and drank her dark, amber-colored alcohol with absolute sophistication. She sat with perfect posture and smiled adoringly at the dealer as she whipped the pants off of everyone at the table.

Then, of course, there was the man who worked the roulette wheel. He winked at Spring when he caught her staring. She drew him winking, with a smile on his face, as in invitation for more. Not! There were several more sketches she had drawn, including the two bartenders she had just met. It was always relaxing to sketch. Some of her best work developed this way.

The light scent of sandalwood caught her attention again. Spring closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy the heady scent of him. The scent engulfed her, cloaked her body like a warm embrace.

He was closer, and he was off of the phone. The little girl in the photo was gorgeous. She had pale sky-blue eyes just like he did, but her hair was a curly golden brown. Whoever she was, Spring could tell he clearly adored her. He had a soft spot for children. Always a plus.

He was closer still. She laughed to herself. She could feel his body heat, his breath, even with the single chair separating them. She had begun working on his facial features. Strong bone structure, dimples, thick, dark eyebrows, and sexy sky-blue eyes. Features she couldn’t wait to trace with her fingertips. What would it be like to get to know those firm, suntanned features on a more intimate level?

The more he leaned over towards her, the more the naughty thoughts seemed to flow. She decided to draw the sketch of the nosy man in action. It would definitely get his attention and possibly cool the fire that had begun inside of her.

Placing total concentration on the sketch progressing in front of her, Spring silently refused to acknowledge the extra pair of eyes looking over her shoulders. She knew it was him. Excited that it was him. She
that it was him. He set her body ablaze and hadn’t laid one finger on her. A stranger had managed to make her feel and think things she had never felt and thought before. What did that say about her?

She knew the answer to that question, but damn it sucked to realize it was true. Spring hadn’t been with a man in years. Her imaginary wanton ways had been shelved for way too long. That’s all this was, her body was on the fritz, neglected far past the normal timeframe, and she would allow herself to scratch that damn itch. That’s all it was. An itch.

The strained cough from over her shoulders meant she had gotten his attention. Putting the finishing touches on her sketch, Spring spoke without looking up at him. “I see you recognize yourself in my sketch,” she said with a little too much enthusiasm in her voice.

The deep chuckle couldn’t be restrained. Bo knew he was busted. He couldn’t help but laugh at the sketch the beautiful woman had drawn. It was in pencil, and it was his face peeking over her shoulder. Exactly what he had been doing. It was funny as hell and right on point. The likeness of her sketch of him was uncanny. Dead on. She had talent and a sense of humor.

Bo was amazed at how she had managed to capture every detail about him, down to the small scar above his right eye. It was nestled in his eyebrow. Most never even noticed it, yet she didn’t miss a thing. That was odd considering she didn’t look at him for very long. But, what the hell did he know about artists and their drawing capabilities. Hell, there were several artistic people in his family, and he respected their artistic eye. They saw things on a level he would never comprehend.

“That’s one helluva talent you have there. I would apologize, but my curiosity got the best of me.” Bo moved back as he watched her place her pencil on the bar and turn completely around to face him.

Taking in an eyeful, breathing in his scent once again, Spring didn’t bother stifling her approval this time. “I’m guilty of the same thing. I looked at your cell phone to sneak a peek at the ballerina. She’s beautiful, is she your...”

“Niece. My sweet little niece, Chloe, and thank you for the compliment. She called to remind me of her upcoming recital. Can’t have little miss bossy angry with me. She keeps the entire family on their toes.”

Spring could hear the love and adoration in his voice. His niece was loved and cute as a button. “No, you can’t do that. Anyway, I apologize for the invasion. Y-You made me curious.” What the hell was wrong with her? Stupid, fumbling words followed by the obvious burn of her cheeks. She was blushing!

Spring couldn’t help it. She could barely control the awareness her body had as she spoke with him. He was gorgeous. He reminded her of a clean-cut cowboy playing casual dress-up. No matter how many pieces of clothing he wore, he couldn’t mask the taut muscles that covered his body. Most men with the same pale blue eyes as this man always looked empty and cold. But his did not. If Spring wasn’t mistaken, his eyes damn near twinkled. What was going through his mind? Couldn’t be the same as hers. Could it?

Bo’s body burned as he watched the slow, sexy smile graze her plump lips. Damn! “Oh, beautiful one, I’ve been curious since I walked in the door. But I had to let you enjoy your dinner. You didn’t seem as if you wanted company, and I definitely didn’t want to be a cliché.”

“I wasn’t sure if I wanted company until I saw you.” She could be flirtatious, too.

He had heard his sisters and female cousins complain or joke about the guys that would attempt to pick them up at the bar just because they sat alone. His sister, Sloane, had drilled into her brothers that just because a woman sat alone didn’t mean she couldn’t or didn’t have a man. Maybe she just wanted to be alone. But the woman sitting next to Bo was too tempting to leave alone. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

“I’m still intrigued as to how you knew I was looking over your shoulders.” He felt like a goofy, grinning idiot. He couldn’t remove the smile from his lips if he tried. Hell, who was he kidding? He was happy as a clam to carry on a conversation with her.

Spring could feel the constant burn of her cheeks. She knew she’d been short with him at first. She couldn’t help it. He had made her so nervous that she didn’t know what to say. Unfortunately, she had started off on the wrong foot, she had never openly flirted with a man, but she would make up for the false start. Now her mind was filled with topics, but her needs as well as her body were guiding her instead. She was aroused. Her nipples were hard nubs just waiting for his tongue to salve and relieve them. She could feel her sex preparing itself for a potential invasion. First, she needed to answer his question. Pulling out the chair that separated them, she patted the seat and leaned towards him.

“Move closer,” she whispered as she held his eyes with hers.

It took Bo less than five seconds to jump at the invitation.

“I could feel you near me.” Spring leaned in again once he sat beside her. Whispering as she watched him staring at her mouth. He licked his lips as if her mouth was the tastiest thing in the world. His right leg now touched her left leg, and it was all Spring could do to keep from jumping into his lap. Just having him closer sent her body humming.

His thigh felt thick, hard, and tense as he brushed up against hers. For just a moment, Spring pictured rubbing her legs up and down his thick thighs as he pumped his cock in and out of her. God help her, she was losing it.

Bo cleared his throat as the statement settled into his brain. She was bold. This sexy woman whose skin reminded him of the color of peanut butter could have anyone she wanted, but she was flirting with him, staring at him, eating him up with her eyes. She didn’t know him from Adam. Didn’t want anything from him. She’d paid for her dinner and drink bill without any expectations from him or anyone else in the room. She wanted him…just for himself. That was a first, and he kind of liked it.

The thought of her body’s reaction to feeling him near her doused his body with a need he never knew existed. He would go with the flow. Enjoy a woman in his company without the expectations of notoriety or monetary gain. Until this moment, Bo had not realized that that’s what the women he bedded saw first, his status as a bull-riding champion and what that entailed.

Now he was just lying to himself. Both of his sisters had pointed this out repeatedly. Eventually they gave up. Bo was stubborn. But this woman seemed to be an enigma. This only made Bo want her even more. She was interested in him, flirting with him, and asked no questions.

“How…” The rough, husky sound of his voice surprised Bo. “How could you feel me?”

“Easy question, simple answer.” Spring sat up in her chair, tossed a conspiratorial glance over her shoulder, then looked him directly in the eyes. Those beautiful blues that seemed to glitter with every blink. Her breathing quickened and her body continued to hum as he watched her intently. He turned his body around to face her, knees touching. His body heat slowly swirled and wrapped her in a cocoon of heat-searing lust.

“I could feel you, your breath.” She took her right index finger and let it glide slowly down the left side of her neck, fanning out across her shoulder. “Here.” She closed her eyes momentarily, enjoying the mental replay. His breath had gently kissed her neck, making her body come alive.

Slowly opening her eyes, she watched as the stranger’s eyes began to darken, pupils dilating. She was turning him on just like he had done to her. Spring enjoyed every minute of it. She had never felt this free and open with her femininity before. Sitting next to this man, whose undivided attention she had claimed, made her feel sexy, beautiful, and more confident than she had ever thought possible.

BOOK: Give Me More
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