Giving It to the Bad Boy (9 page)

BOOK: Giving It to the Bad Boy
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“Sometimes.” To her utter amazement he took her hand and brought it up, looking at each

individual finger.

“Your hands are so tiny.” He ran his fingers along each one of hers. Reese held his hand flat

against hers, his palm pressed to hers. His fingers went well past hers, and the sheer size of his hand was incredible. The act seemed strangely intimate, especially when he started into her eyes again.

Could he hear her increased breathing? It sounded so loud in the theater, but she couldn’t help

it. Every touch and look from him sent a thrill of desire through her. She pulsed between thighs, and her nipples felt hard as her breasts pressed against her shirt.

“This doesn’t feel like something friends do, Reese.” Her words were whispered and strained,

and she knew despite the fact she tried to hide her lust for him, she failed miserably. His nostrils flared slightly, and a heated expression crossed his face. She looked at his lips, ones that she wanted pressed to hers. When he didn’t respond she lifted her eyes to his. Everything else around them faded as Reese lowered his head toward hers. Her heart stopped at the first, gentle brush of his lips against hers. She let her hand drop to her lap, but he took it again and intertwined their fingers together, holding her tightly. With his other hand he cupped the back of her neck and tilted her head, deepening the kiss. At the first swipe of his tongue against her bottom lip Kiera moaned and opened wider for

him. No kiss had ever felt like this before. It was hot and penetrating, and all he did was drag his tongue along hers, tease and tantalize it until she was chasing it back into his mouth and doing the same. His deep, vibrating groan resonated all the way to her core, sending shockwaves throughout her entire frame.

He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “That was … shit, Kiera. It was

everything I thought it would be.” She opened her eyes just as he leaned back.

“Everything you thought it would be?” If she hadn’t been sitting down she would probably be a

puddle on the floor.

He ran his hand over his hair. His scent invaded her senses. It was clean and spicy, like soap

and everything that was Reese.

“Yeah, does that freak you out?” She shook her head because she didn’t think she could have

spoken anyway, and because she was shocked at his words.

Reese Trenton had been thinking about kissing me?
“You’ve thought about kissing me?” Her

words were hushed, not because she was afraid someone might hear, but because she was living in a

dream world right now. The way he looked at her right then, serious, completive, had her holding her breath and waiting for his reply.

“Since I first saw you freshman year, Kiera.” For a heartbeat they stared at each other. Reese

lifted his hand and brushed him thumb along her bottom lip, and Kiera’s mouth parted. With his eyes

locked on what he did with his thumb, brushing it back and forth, he said, “I knew you were too good for me, but that didn’t stop me from wanting you.” He flicked his eyes to hers then brought them back to her mouth, as if he was mesmerized by the sight.

“Why would you think that?”

His smile was sad. “Look at me, Kiera.” Oh she was looking, and she liked what she saw, but

before she could say anything he continued. “I lead a shitty life, as you are very well aware. I’m

toxic, and you’re good and sweet and everything that I shouldn’t want.”

All of this seemed unreal. Here was Reese Trenton, the guy she had secretly desired for the past

four years. She had told herself over and over again that the fact she could never have him and that he was the ideal bad boy were the reasons she lusted after him so hard. But as she looked into his eyes, ones that were so blue they seemed from another world, she knew that wasn’t the case. After talking

to him, getting to know that yes, he may be dangerous and aggressive and everything that personified the male gender, he was also a hero. He had saved her from Josh for no other reason than she was in

danger. He thought she was too good for him, but she didn’t see it that way.

Kiera couldn’t find the words to express all of this to him, so she did the only thing she could

think of. She kissed him. Hands on his shoulders and nails curling into the hard flesh right beneath the cotton of his shirt, Kiera let her lips slide along his and touched her tongue to his. He seemed

surprised by her sudden actions at first, but it only took a millisecond for him to slide his hand behind the back of her neck, pull her more closely to him, and take control of the kiss. The theater faded

away until it was just the two of them. She wanted to be as close to him as possible, so that nothing separated them. There had never been a time when she had felt that need so strongly, not even with the two guys she had dated. To her disappointment he pulled away just as the lights dimmed. His

breathing was just as harsh as hers.

“We have to stop, or I won’t be able to.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “Not that I give a shit

about missing the movie, but I don’t want to do this with you in a public setting.” His words sent heat through her body and had her pulse racing. Images of what they could be doing alone slammed in her

mind, and she felt herself grow wetter between her legs. The movie started, and he took her hand in

his and placed it on his thigh. For the next two hours Kiera stared at the screen, but she didn’t even know what she was watching. Her thoughts were jumbled, and her body felt on the verge of


After the movie Reese took her to a little Italian restaurant, one where they had wine bottles for

candle-holders and opera singing in the background. The hostess, a girl she recognized from school,

eyed them curiously. Kiera didn’t miss the way the girl’s gaze kept going to their conjoined hands. It was strange that in a matter of one week a whole lot could change in her life. The hostess’s name

badge stated she was “Kelly”. She handed each of them a menu once they were seated but made no

move to leave. Kiera looked at Reese, but he was already looking down at his menu.

“Um, thank you.” Kiera dropped her eyes to the girl’s name badge then looked back at her face.

“Kelly.” Kiera smiled, but Kelly didn’t return the gesture. She could practically feel the sneer on

Kelly so graciously gave her.

“Don’t you go to State Montessa?” Kiera knew the girl was being catty. The girl knew damn

well she went to State, but what she really wanted to ask was why a geek like her was hanging out

with a guy like Reese. She might have thought she was tutoring him if not for the fact he insisted on holding her hand. Not that she was complaining. She had seen the hostess enough times at school to

know that, although she didn’t know her personally, she hung out with the popular crowd.

“Are you our waitress?” Reese spoke up before Kiera could respond to her question. Kelly

looked over at him and smiled in the same seductive way Kiera had seen every other girl that came in contact with Reese. The desire in Kelly’s eyes could have left scorch marks. This situation was

growing even more uncomfortable by the moment.

“No.” She batted her eyelashes and ran her tongue over her too red lips. “But if you want a

bottle of wine I know the bartender really well and can get it for you if you want?” Her chest was

thrust out, and her breasts strained against the tight material of her shirt. Was she even wearing a bra?

To Kiera’s pleasure Reese kept his gaze on Kelly’s face. She didn’t need to ask if Reese went to

State, no, because everyone in their town knew who he was. Maybe that was bad, or good, but either

way it was the truth.

“Ugh, I think we’re good. Thanks?” Reese’s brows were drawn low over his eyes, and he

looked at Kelly as if she was a little slow.

“Yeah, well, all right.” She changed the subject quickly. “I saw you at Haden’s party last

weekend.” Kelly cut her eyes toward Kiera, and the expression she got was one of displeasure. Kiera

wondered which rumor she had heard.

“Heard that Josh guy was pretty messed up. I guess he had broken ribs, and they had to realign

his. He got like fifty stitches.” Kelly said it like she was in awe or something. The rumor around their school, especially concerning what went on at parties, was always left open to interpretation. “What did he do to piss y—”

Reese cut her off by saying, “Listen, I’m here with my date and really don’t want to talk about

that shit. Since you’re not our waitress can you please just go get her so we can eat?” He showed no emotion, but his words brooked no argument. Kelly’s face became red, and she huffed out before

turning and leaving. Reese looked at her and smiled. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s not like that was your fault.” Kiera’s mouth grew dry with what she really wanted to ask.

“Your date?” After the hand holding and kissing and everything else Reese had said, Kiera didn’t

know why she was surprised by his admission.

He leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. The table was small, intimate even, so

this put him in even closer proximity to her. “I’d be lying if I said that isn’t what I want this to be, what I
it would be.” He gave her a moment to let those words sink in before he continued. “I thought the way I look at you, touch you,” he dropped his voice to a deep, sexy whisper that sent

tendrils of fire licking across her skin, “and kiss you would let you know that what I feel and do

means more to me than just being friends. I don’t want to pressure you or make you feel

uncomfortable by telling you this, but I honestly did intend to just hang out as friends.” His eyes

dipped to her mouth, and she felt her cheeks heat. “But then we kissed, and I knew being friends just wasn’t enough.”

How was she supposed to even respond to an admission like that? Kiera looked down at her

hands as she nervously twisted her napkin in her lap. Pleasure coursed through her at his words.

“Kiera, look at me.” The way he said those three words had her wanting to do what he said.

The rough timbre of his voice had her automatically responding, and that wasn’t something she could

help. He held her gaze for a suspended moment. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“Why me?” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. He leaned back in

his chair as if he was taken aback by her question.

“Why you?” She nodded. “Why
you is a better question.” Before he could elaborate the

waitress stopped by their table. They placed their orders, and their drinks came shortly after that.

Once they were alone again Kiera wondered if he would divulge more information on the question

she asked.

She admitted she did have low self-esteem. Her social status was less than notable, and had her

questioning the actions of people when they concerned her. He was just so popular, and well, she was not. He could have any girl he wanted, most likely had in fact. So why did he want a too thick one

who was known as a geek at State Montessa?

“I just don’t understand why you would want me when you can have anyone. I mean, I see you

with Andrea…” She didn’t want to finish because a knot of jealousy formed in her gut. It was

completely misplaced, and for the second time today she scolded herself on that. Reese was not hers.

A date didn’t constitute a serious, monogamous relationship. Did he think that she would just be

another one of his many followers? That she would give him what he wanted without a second

thought? His actions toward her said no, but her own self-doubt and wariness inside of her kept the

acid thought planted in her mind. Maybe he saw her thoughts clearly on her expression, or had come

across this situation before, but his next comment was as if he read her mind.

“I’m going to be honest and lay everything out there, Kiera.” He rested one arm over the back of

his chair and straightened his leg out the side. “My home life is shitty, and my parents even more so. I drink too much, have gotten into my fair share of fights, and smoke cigarettes on occasion. I won’t lie and say I haven’t fucked plenty of girls, because I want to be honest with you.” She wasn’t

unaccustomed to foul language, but that wasn’t why she flinched at his words. “I won’t sugarcoat my

life. I don’t have much to offer, just what you see before you.” He leaned forward again. “But despite the rumors you heard, which I won’t deny are probably true for the most part, I do know that I want

you. I know I don’t deserve you, but I want to be honest and tell you where I stand.” He took a deep breath and looked away. A frown marred the area between his eyes, and at that moment he seemed

like a little boy, so vulnerable and lost. He schooled his features before looking back at her.

“Whether you believe this or not, I do want to make something out of my life. I don’t go around

hurting people because I like it.” This whole conversation had turned into something much deeper.

Here he was, baring his very soul to her all for the sake of wanting to date her?

“I just don’t understand, Reese. You never even spoke to me directly until after Haden’s party.

Now you’re telling me all of this.”

He leaned back again and took the same relaxed position. “Would you have even given me the

time of day back then, Kiera?” Whether he actually expected her to answer was neither here nor there because he continued speaking. “If that shit hadn’t gone down at Haden’s, would you have let me take you out, befriend you? I guarantee you would have thought I was just this asshole playing a cruel joke, or even just trying to bang you.” Kiera had to give him credit for not mincing his words. “In fact, I bet initially that is what you thought, even after Haden’s party.” He took her hand in his in a sudden move.

BOOK: Giving It to the Bad Boy
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