Giving what He Wants (Celine and Rhyland Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Giving what He Wants (Celine and Rhyland Series)
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‘Share your thoughts.’

‘This isn’t me, it isn’t my world,’ she said.

‘Tell me, what is your world who are you?’

‘What do you want to know?’

The waiter arrived with the wine, he showed it to a Rhyland. He nodded and waited while it was opened. The waiter poured a little into Rhyland’s glass. He swirled it
and took a sip and nodded. The waiter poured the wine in both glasses.

‘Take a sip,’ he encouraged.

‘It’s divine.’ She took another sip.

‘So you were saying…about you.’

‘I asked you what you’d like to know?’

‘Everything, where were you born, where’s your mum and dad from?’

She smiled and looked at him to see if there was anything that seemed not genuine but there was nothing. It was all genuine.

‘I was born in Yorkshire, my mum’s from
Ireland my dad’s from Nigeria.’

He nodded.

‘My mother was a primary school teacher and dad was a lecturer. They’re both retired now.’

‘They sound like lovely people.’

‘They are, my mum was a bit strict though. He expected us to do well at school and every Sunday we had to get up for church.’

do you have any brothers? Sisters?’

‘I have an older sister, she’s studying in
Canada at the moment.’

‘A family of brains.’

‘I’d say good old hard work. My dad always said you can achieve anything if you put the work into it. Nothing comes easy.’ She laughed at the last statement.

‘I’ll have to agree with your father. I wasn’t so privileged to have parents like yours.’

‘I’m sure they weren’t that bad.’

‘Oh my dad, he was bad. He would beat my mother back and blue. It was so horrible. One day though
while we were having dinner he flipped. It was something so small. I can’t remember exactly what it was but mum didn’t give him the right answer. You should’ve seen him.’ He took a sip of his wine. Celine noticed how stressed this was making him. ‘I was seventeen at the time. At first he just slapped her, she fell off her chair and he went for her. I shouted for him to stop but he wouldn’t listen. I pulled him off her and he turned on me. It was horrible.’

happened?’ Her heart was racing waiting for the answer.

‘He pulled a knife from the table and stabbed it into my arm as I blocked him away from my chest.’ He pulled up the sleeve to his shirt and showed her the
pale scare she’d never noticed. ‘You can barely see it now. It took me by surprise, I think he was aiming for something more delicate, like my heart or something.’

The waiter came back to ask if they
’d like to order. Celine had no idea and allowed Rhyland to choose a dish for her. It contained fish and other bits she didn’t care to understand. She wanted the waiter to hurry along so she could hear the rest of the story.

‘What happened?’ she started him off again. ‘With your father.’

‘Ah yes…he raised the knife again but this time I knew it was coming so I moved from under him, the knife hit the ground, I pulled the knife from the table and just dug into him.’

‘Oh my god!’

‘It was the worst thing I’ve ever done.’

‘It wasn’t your fault.’

‘That’s what the judge said. It was self defence, he would have killed us both if I hadn’t saved us.’

She nodded and put her hand across the table and gave it a squeeze.

‘Thanks for this,’ he said.

‘For what?

‘For all of it.’

‘Your paying me.’ she tried to joke.

‘No seriously, you have no idea how much
our time together means to me.’

smiled; she didn’t know what to say to that. He was confusing at times it was hard to tell what was real.

‘So what made you choose chemical engineering for a degree?’

‘I loved my physics and chemistry and my dad did kind of steer me towards it.’

‘Are you enjoying it?’

‘Very much.’

‘I wish I could
see you graduate.’

‘You can, if you still want me.’ She laughed half heartedly.

‘Life isn’t that simple is it? It can be rather complicated.’

‘Only if we complicate it.’

‘Wise words from a wise lady.’ He smiled.

The evening was relaxed, with the exception that Rhyland had to excuse himself more than once. There was something a little different about him. He was more open and loving and yet it was as if a light within him was fading out.

‘Everything alright?’ she asked when he got back.

‘Yes everything’s fine. Shall we make tracks?’

She nodded, she would really like to get out of that place.’

Instead of taking the car they walked. It was a pleasant enough evening and the hotel wasn’t too far off. They had a little sit down after a while, heels weren’t the greatest walking shoes.

‘I can call the driver.’

‘No, I like it here, let’s just sit and just be. I’ll be fine. I’ve managed a night in
Leeds with higher shoes than these.’

.’ He didn’t argue.

They sat in comfortable silence and watched the stars. She leaned i
nto his shoulder and he leaned onto her head. In that moment it was just the perfect time. It was perfect.


‘Will you be coming in?’ she asked as they got to her hotel room.

He didn’t answer that, instead he pressed his lips against hers and entered the room, swinging the door shut with his foot.
The kisses were soft and delicate. They were passionate and meaningful. He stopped and just gazed into her eyes and smiled and returned to her lips again.

They drifted to the bed, his hands took down the zip at the back of the dress. It fell to the floor, he stood back as she stepped out of it and stood in only her under garments in front of him. He pursed his lips together, this wasn’t supposed to happen, he wasn’t supposed to feel like this.

He took in deep gasps just watching her, his eyes glazed over and with everything he had he reach out and took her face between his hands and pressed his lips against hers. She was his everything and he never wanted to let go. It wasn’t supposed to be this way but he just couldn’t let go. He took her into his arms and explored her body. He gave of himself like he’d never done before. It wasn’t a deal, this was the real thing, his heart had began to feel and she felt it too.

Celine unbuttoned the top of his shirt and explored his chest and shoulders dropping the shirt to the floor. They were breathing heavily, they were hungry for each other. The one had to have the other no matter
what that took. As quickly as possible he unbuckled the belt to his trousers and let the trousers fall to the floor. Without thought her hands threaded through his boxers and pulled them down. She took his hard on into her hands and squeezed it hard. His hands pulled down her panties and she opened wide for him. He teased the flaps of her pussy with such urgency she was screaming and panting in his mouth.

‘Oh god yes, yes!’

He lifted her and carried her to the bed. His deep blue eyes gazed deep into her dark brown eyes. They just gazed at each other, locked into each other.

…’ The words couldn’t travel past his vocal cords. He knew what he wanted to say but he just couldn’t allow it. He couldn’t

Instead he pressed himself against her again and began to ravish her body with all his might. She weakened and let him ta
ke control. He opened her legs with his one leg and planted himself between her. He was deep within her, they rolled across the bed, at times she was on top of him. He lifted her by the hips and she rubbed herself against his erection. Again they rolled over and once again he was on top of her. He stopped for a moment, his mouth half opened just above her. His eyes searched hers and hers searched his.

‘Hi.’ His lips turned into a smile.

‘Hi, she said breathlessly.

Their bodies were wet and felt taken but it didn’t stop them from continuing to explor
e each other. He kissed down the centre; he travelled over her breasts while keeping his erection in her. They came a couple of times but that didn’t slow them down. Instead it was as if a new energy had entered them and they started all over again. They explored each others bodies like never before, as if it was for the last time. It became so overwhelming for Celine that she began to cry. It wasn’t a loud cry rather a silent cry, it was all too much. His touch, his tenderness, the way he looked at her as he satisfied her most secret place. Their bodies became sensitive, heightened by the sex, by the fire that burned their bodies. Deep breathing was all that was heard between them.

He stopped and slowly let his hand drift down the centre
of her wet stomach. He moved closer and took her breast into his hand and took the nipple into his mouth. She ran her hands through his dark hair as she took in the most amazing sensation of his touch. She’d never felt this way, she’d never made love none stop for so long with anyone.

‘I…I…’ He explored the rest of her body.

‘What is it?’ her voice was just a whisper.

He only smiled, lifted onto his hands and began to give the last bit he had left. She grasped onto his strong shoulders, wrapped her legs around his waist and let go. They both gave into an intense orgasm, gazing into each other’s eyes.

They were both so tired they dropped off to sleep. The next morning when Celine opened her eyes she panicked. Where was she? The curtains weren’t hers. But soon the memory of the night before came flooding back. She turned to her left, he was gone a note lay in his place. Her heart sunk, it was a bitter sweet feeling. She picked up the note taking a few deep breaths before reading it.

My Beautiful Celine

I’ve had an amazing night. I’m sorry I had to dash off, business things to do. I’ve wired £30,000 to your account for such a wonderful night. My driver will be ready to pick you up at 12pm. The plane will leave at 1pm.


Celine threw the note as far as it would go and burst into tears. She howled a painful sound that came from the depth of her stomach. Didn’t he love her? What was all that that had happened last night? Was he pretending because it didn’t feel that way to her? She couldn’t understand it one bit. The whole show, the large amounts of money and the sudden disappearances. She couldn’t take not knowing when he’d be back if he’d ever be back. Was this the last time she’d see him or would he just show up when he needed another screw! All the thoughts came as she cried, as she hit into the pillow as she felt helpless. All the money in the world couldn’t take away the pain and confusion she felt. She hated him and yet she loved him so much! It was ridiculous.

She felt as though her hear
t had been ripped out and stamped on. How would she get through this, could she keep going on this way?

After a really good cry, Celine had to get it together. She had to go home and try and function again. She wished she’d never met him, wished he’d never come into her life. She was so exhausted that it took a long while for her to finish
the shower and getting dressed. By the time she got downstairs to the driver it was twelve fifteen and she didn’t care. The world around her didn’t care much about her so she didn’t care about it.

The driver said nothing, instead he took her bags and opened the door for her to enter. Her shoulders felt heavy, if she’d known that after such a wonderful night she would hit rock bottom
she wouldn’t have let him in. She tried to remind herself that she was being paid for all this but this didn’t make it better or easier. It was time for her to really break away from him before she felt worse than she did, before she felt she had to end it in a different way.

The flight was short and another driver picked her up and took her home. Ava was laid out on the couch when she arrived.

‘Hello stranger.’ She turned as Celine walked in.


‘Oh no what’s the matter?’

Celine burst into tears too weak to even explain what had happened.

‘Oh Celine.’ Ava got up and rushed to her side. ‘Did he hurt you?’

‘Yes, he hurt me. He doesn’t love me!’ Her shoulders shook.

‘He hurt you? I mean physically?’

‘What difference does it make? He still hurt me!’

‘I’m so sorry.’

‘No don’t b
e.’ she sniffed and moved away. ‘It’s all my fault, you tried to warn me and I didn’t listen.’

Ava took a deep breath.

‘I’m so stupid. I’ve fallen for him but all I am to him is a whore. You were right about everything.’

‘No I wasn’t I was just jealous.’

‘You were?’

‘Yes I was. I wanted it to be me. I mean who wouldn’t the guy is hot and fabulously rich. When he picked you over me I was so angry, I said those things because I was jealous.’

‘I didn’t realise.’

BOOK: Giving what He Wants (Celine and Rhyland Series)
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