Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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Delta Wolf 3

Blood Lust

When a human psychic saves his life, Constantine Stylianos can't stop thinking about the little man, even when Owen leaves, ignoring the bond that they have together. Deciding he needs a change or he will never have the life he wants, Constantine opts to move to the Delta Pack.

Before he can get there, Constantine receives a call for help. An illegal hunt has been ordered, and someone needs his protection. When he arrives, he discovers that the man that saved Christian is the same man that saved him and both men are his mates.

But someone is out to kill Christian, Owen has emotional demons that prevent him from fully accepting the mating bond between the three of them, and Constantine has to use all of his abilities to save them. If fate chooses mates destined to be together, Constantine can't help but wonder why so many obstacles are thrown in the way of them all being together?

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves
38,716 words


Delta Wolf 3

Stormy Glenn and Joyee Flynn


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


Copyright © 2010 by Stormy Glenn and Joyee Flynn

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-012-4

First E-book Publication: October 2010

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Stormy Glenn and Joyee Flynn

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Blood Lust
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


To all the fantastic fans who kept asking for more…hope you like it! All the support and love has kept me feeling warm and fuzzy.

Hugs to you all!!!


To everyone who has wished to be loved for who they are not for who people want you to be, remember, even Delta wolves can find love and you can to.



Delta Wolf 3


Copyright © 2010

Chapter 1

“You have to drink my blood,” Owen cried out in desperation as he held his wrist to the wounded man’s lips.

“I can’t,” the dying man groaned.

Owen knew the man’s name was
, but he couldn’t tell the man how he knew it. There were just some things he couldn’t share with strangers.

“You have to. If you don’t, you’re going to die.” Owen had seen it in his vision. His vision confused him, but Owen knew
needed to drink from him or he would die. No matter what else his vision told him, Owen couldn’t let that happen.

“Then I’ll die!”


“You don’t understand. I’m not in control of myself. If I bite you, I won’t be able to stop myself from…” The man looked away.

“From what?” The look Owen received from the blond-haired man was meaningful. He blushed, an image of the two of them pressed skin to skin flashing through his head, then continued. “Do what you have to do. You can’t die.”

“If you insist,”
growled and rolled Owen over onto his back so fast that Owen barely had time to breath. Before Owen could blink, the man was ripping off all their clothes.

Owen hurried to help because he was afraid the man was going to die if he didn’t drink some blood soon.
smashed his lips against Owen’s, demanding his submission. Owen gladly gave it, melting into the man’s hard, firm body.

“I’m not prepared,” Owen panted when
grabbed his knees and shoved them to his chest.

“I’m sorry. I’ll try to be as gentle as I can.”

The man grunted as he started to push his hard cock into Owen’s ass. The man must have used his own spit for lube, but there hadn’t been any time to loosen Owen up. He cried out at the burning and the intense bite of pain when
thrust in.

“I’m okay. It just burns,” he said when he realized that the man above him had froze when he cried out. “Keep going. It will fade as you move.”

seemed to take Owen at his word and moved his hips gently but quickly.

“My angel,” he whispered before kissing Owen again.

Owen wrapped his arms around the larger man’s neck and loved the feel of his massive body surrounding Owen. “Drink,” Owen said, submissively tilting his head and baring his neck to
. “You need to drink. It’s okay, I understand.”

“Mine!” Growling loudly,
started to thrust faster. “You’re mine now, no one else’s,” he said before sinking his canines deep into Owen’s throat.

Owen was still confused by the man’s words as he let out a cry at the slight pain, which rapidly turned into overwhelming pleasure. He came so hard that he thought the top of his cock might blow off from the pressure. Wave after wave of his climax hit him, each one directly related to each suck
took of blood from his neck.

What the fuck did I get myself into?
Owen opened his eyes when
stopped drinking, and looked deeply at the larger man’s blue, almost violet eyes staring down at him. As the man cried out his release, Owen was already fading into the black void. Multiple orgasms were just too much for his virgin body to handle.

* * * *

Owen woke in the backseat of a car, a blanket wrapped around his dressed body. He groaned, slowly sitting up. His body ached in several different places, some good, some not so good. He would be feeling the sex from last night for a few days.

Oh god,
! Scrambling out of the backseat of the car, Owen realized he heard voices. He turned to see several people standing a few feet away. Owen only recognized one, Constantine.

“I don’t know, Mother,”
snapped. “I’m telling you I don’t remember what happened last night. I woke up with a naked man who I obviously had sex with. I found my cell phone and called Father. You guys got here and saw what I saw.”

“How can you not remember?” the woman Constantine stood in front of yelled. “How could you have sex with a man? A human man no less. Did he drug you? I bet he did. That’s why you don’t remember. Fucking humans. I should rip that little shit’s throat out.”

“I’d prefer you didn’t,” Owen said. He could see the animosity in the woman’s face when she spun to look at him, and it made his legs shake. He took a couple of steps back, afraid she might actually come through with her threat. “I didn’t drug

“What’s your name?”
asked, approaching him, only stopping when Owen took a step back. He held a hand up like a peace gesture.

“We’re not going to hurt you, human. My mother is just upset. She won’t hurt you. We just need to know what happened last night.”

Owen couldn’t believe
was treating him like a virtual stranger, not after the previous night. His gut ached as if someone just punched him. He wrapped his arms around his waist to try to hold the pain in.

“Yeah, like we can trust a human to tell the truth.”
’s mother scoffed.

Owen’s gaze snapped to the vicious little woman. She had the look of
, the same hair coloring, although her blonde hair was fading and less shining. Still, Owen could see the similarity between her and Constantine, if one looked beyond the slight snarl on her face.

Owen was so upset and hurt that he didn’t even care if they killed him at that point. His heart told him that what he experienced the night before with
was meaningful. His head told him to run for his life.

His anger at the way the woman talked about him as if he were sludge on the bottom of her shoe finally won out. “Would you stop saying ‘human’ like you’d say ‘bug.’ I may be just a small, worthless human, but I saved your son’s life last night.”

That shut everyone up quickly enough. Owen lowered his hand, realizing he was pointing at

“Let’s start with your name, okay?”

“Owen Carell,” he said quietly. “And you’re Constantine

“Okay, Owen,”
answered. “So I told you my name last night.”

“No, you didn’t,” Owen replied. “I just know things. Sometimes I get visions. I had one last night of you lying on the ground dying.”

“Yeah, right.” Another man snickered. “Like you’re psychic or some shit?”

Owen had come across this before, people who refused to believe in what he could do. He walked over to the man and touched his arm, instantly filled with images. “Your name is Alexander. You’re
’s younger brother. You’re married to a woman named
, but she’s not your real mate. You hide the knowledge of who your real mate is. And you keep a collection of romance novels under the bed in a box hidden by awards from high school.”

“How did you…” Alexander paled.

“Look, if I can accept that fact that you’re werewolves,” Owen said. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “You’re going to have to accept that I’m different. I just know things. I don’t know how or why I do. I just do.”

“You know what we are?”
’s mother asked, eyeing him cautiously.

“Yes, it wasn’t that hard to figure out.” Owen shrugged. “You keep calling me human, you all growl a lot. You act a lot like another werewolf I know, Rodrick.”

“That’s why I came here!”
exclaimed like he had just remembered something important. “I came here to find you, Owen. I needed to know what you did for Rodrick, why you helped him.”

“Roderick said he was looking for a friend,” Owen recalled, confused. “He said he had lost touch. I forget the man’s name. Rodrick had something of this friend’s, said he needed to find the man’s mates, that they would know where he was.”

“Was the man named Sebastian?”

“Yes,” Owen said, quickly remembering. He frowned. “This was a few months ago, though. What does this have to do with me?”

“Rodrick isn’t a friend of Sebastian’s.”
sighed, wiping his hand over his face. “He used you to find Sebastian’s mates and kidnap one of them. They tortured him, raped him, and pretty much did every horrible thing they could to the man.”

“I didn’t know,” Owen whispered in horror, feeling his eyes burn with tears. “He said he needed to give something to Sebastian, something important. I just wanted to help.”

“Then why was he paying you?”
looked suspicious.

“People pay me to help them,” Owen answered. He was starting to get defensive. “Either to find someone, or get advice.”

“So you use your abilities to be a con artist?”
’s mother snipped. “Yeah, that’s great. So human.”

“I’m not a con artist,” Owen snapped back. “I don’t just help anyone who pays me. I’ve helped the police find killers and some kidnapped children. I like helping, but I have rent to pay, too. I don’t charge anything outrageous, more like a consultation fee. You don’t know how hard it is to have a regular job. I get images every time someone touches me. I know things about people I don’t want to know.”

“Mother, could you just cool it please?”
snapped. “Okay, I get you didn’t mean to help Rodrick do bad things. I was sent to find out how he knew who Sebastian’s mates were. You answered that. Now, what happened last night?”

“I had a vision you were dying,” Owen explained. He hugged his arms tighter around his waist. “I went out to find you. When I got near the place in my vision, you were fighting with three other guys. They were yelling something about you not being from their pack and on their turf.”

“And you didn’t help him?”
’s mother shouted.

Owen felt like his ears might start bleeding at any moment. The woman was so loud it made Owen’s eyes water, or maybe that was the dust in the air.

“You just let him get beat up?”

“Hi, are you looking at me?” Owen asked shocked. He waved his hand down his lean body. “I’m five-six and one hundred thirty pounds dripping wet. Yeah, I would have been a big help.” Owen decided to ignore her from now on. She wasn’t helping a bit. He turned back to

“Anyway, by the time I got to you, the fight was over and the guys had left you for dead. In the vision, you were drinking from my neck. So I told you to drink. You were a bloody mess, so I figured you needed some.”

“You drank from a human!” the woman shrieked. “Are you bonded to him?”

“I don’t know,”
whispered. His brows drew together. He looked to be trying to remember a lost memory and coming up blank. “What happened after that, Owen?”

BOOK: Glenn, Stormy and Flynn, Joyee - Blood Lust [Delta Wolf 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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