Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence (10 page)

BOOK: Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence
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Chapter 18 - Attack on Kailion


The Galactic
Confederation’s headquarters was abuzz with activity both inside and out.
Thousands of ships launched from their docks and formed a defensive perimeter
around the colossal station. While it quietly orbited a gas giant a number of
colonies moved closer for protection. All of the member races had their
delegates in an emergency meeting with Lord Kris of the Mylor leading the discussion
in the Great Hall. When the debate on how to defend against the Grey threat
reached a climax the monitors in the room showed a pair of planet killers and a
fleet of five thousand carriers nearby. The Confederation ships advanced on the
enemy with their Lances deployed as the battle commenced outside. As panic set
in Kris banged the gavel to quiet the room.

“I know all of
you are afraid, I am as well,” Kris said. “But now is not the time for this.
Our foes have us besieged on two fronts. We must keep our wits about us or we
will lose everything.”

“Some of us
already have,” Talia, leader of the Viken delegation said.

Both the Shandi
and Reiki delegations agreed with her.

“We can’t
replace that which is lost,” Kris said. “But we can do something to save the
rest. Given the situation I believe it’s time to enact emergency protocol.”

“Exactly what is
our emergency protocol?” Iraka, the leader of the Malcovin delegation asked.

protocol calls for this station to leave the Kailion system,” Kris answered.
“The standard choice would be for us to head for Dega Jul.”

“Can we even
move this station?” Lyra, the head of the Kalaidian delegation asked.

“If needed,
yes,” Kris said.

Outside, the
battle intensified before the lead planet killer fired a massive beam. After
the light faded away over half the defense fleet was wiped out in a single
shot. While fear gripped those in the station the Third Mylor fleet appeared to
aid in the defense. Five thousand sphere shaped ships similar in size to the
Grey carriers engaged the enemy forces. As the battle moved into what looked
like a stalemate the second planet killer moved towards the gas giant. When the
massive ship descended into the atmosphere of the planet the first planet
killer and most of the Grey forces backed away before gravity jumping away. A
moment later a massive explosion rang from the planet as the atmosphere lit up
after the core ignited. The officers inside Confederation headquarters
activated the emergency transport system and gravity jumped the station out of
the Kailion system. A number of ships and colonies followed suit, but more than
half were left behind. As the planet lit up it blew off its atmosphere in a
massive explosion. The wave of destruction flew in all directions as thousands
of ships and dozens of nearby colonies were destroyed.


* *


Valis and Myden
had been working for hours when word came in. The two watched the video footage
of the destruction.

“The first was a
warning,” Valis said.

“Yes, and this is
the shot into our bow,” he said.

“Did you know
they could do this?” she asked.

“The planet
killers were originally created as deep space research vessels,” Myden answered.
“As for their offensive capabilities, no, I didn’t know.”

Valis sighed,
“Over half the Third Mylor fleet was taken out, as well as two thousand
Confederation ships.”

“The other
planet killer is still lurking about,” Myden pointed out. “If I was to guess
where, I suspect the areas between Dega and Kalaidia.”

“Are you sure
they’ll head for Dega first?” Valis asked.

“Yes,” he said.
“All of the survivors from the destroyed worlds have gathered there. It’s a
prime target to take out a good chunk of the Confederation’s population.”

“Are they after
our military or people?” she asked.

“People,” Myden
said. “Unless everything’s automated, ships like ours need people. Destroy the
people and the ships won’t matter. And what we haven’t discussed are the supply
issues ahead for the refugees.”

“Brian was right
on this,” Valis said. “Their strategy isn’t to conquer, but to annihilate.”

“Now that you’ve
come around you know their targets,” Myden said. “They’ll go after population
centers like homeworlds. Then they’ll move to the colony systems until there’s
nothing left.”

“It’s similar
the nuclear holocaust stage most races avoid,” Valis said.

“That’s the
parallel I’d draw as well,” Myden said. “But to keep ourselves alive I think we
should split the planning.”

“How would you
like to do that?” Valis asked.

“I’ll be the
shield and focus on the defense of Dega Jul,” Myden said. “You’ll be the sword
and focus on the planet killer moving about.”

“It’s a deal,
but with one requirement,” Valis said.

“You want to
have the others in on this, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said.
“When we’re planning for dozens of ships it’s manageable alone, but with
thousands things get harder.”

“I’ll defer to
you on this then,” Myden said. “We should call for a meeting tomorrow.”

“A meeting
tomorrow then,” Valis said.

Myden stepped
into a shadow and disappeared. A buzz came from the door.

“Captain, it’s
me,” Zae said.

“Come in,” Valis

Zae stepped in
and saw the holographic table in a mess of numbers and images.

“Who was in here
with you?” Zae asked.

“Myden,” Valis
said. “I’m going to rest for a while, take care of things Zae.”

“I will
captain,” Zae said.


* *


Seles and Mira
relaxed next to each other in the communal bath area on the Freedom. A number
of other Kalaidians were doing the same with quiet conversations filling the
room. Kyli entered and joined them.

“Sorry we
haven’t met for a lesson in a while,” Seles said.

Kyli stepped
into the water and sighed. “It’s alright, given the situation we have little
time for extra things.”

“So how’s
everyone in the mobile suit division doing?” Mira asked.

“We’ve only lost
five since this began,” Kyli said. “I fear many more will be gone by the end.”

“Whenever a
casualty is suffered I feel it,” Seles said. “For those above they’re numbers,
but for me it’s always like losing a friend.”

“Loss is the way
of a soldier,” Kyli said. “I know that, but I feel the same as you Seles. I
think it’s because I’d like to think if I died I wouldn’t just be a number to

“All of us feel
the same way Kyli,” Seles said.

“Everyone wants
to believe their life mattered, even if it was only one person who cared,” Mira

“Moving on to
the next subject,” Kyli started, “What’s going on with the captain?”

“Brian’s always
been distant from others,” Seles said.

“Don’t forget he
talks to himself at night while staring into mirrors,” Mira added.

“You two are
messing with me, aren’t you?” Kyli asked.

unfortunately we’re not,” Seles said.

“Are we the ones
who changed him?” Kyli wondered.

“Time changes
all of us, but more so with Brian,” Seles said.

“The only thing
that’s changed with us is the level of responsibility we have to deal with,”
Mira said.

“That’s what I
think as well,” Kyli said. “But when I talk to Brian, it’s like he’s a Mylor.
There’s a strange aura about him that puts you off.” She looked at the two. “Is
he the same way with you?”

“Yes,” the two
answered in unison.

“But, he’s still
tender and loving like he always was,” Seles said. “That part of him hasn’t
changed over the years.”

“He’s still full
of energy when it comes to creative things,” Mira said. “It’s because he’s
always busy with work he can’t do a lot of it.”

“Kyli, is there
something in particular about him that’s an issue?” Seles asked.

“I haven’t seen
his smile in a long time,” Kyli said.

“It’s still
there,” Mira said.

“I hope you’re
right,” Kyli said.

“Don’t worry,
she is,” Seles said.


* *


Brian paced
around the bridge of the Freedom with the four droids as his company. After a
minute he went back to the plan he was working on and found he couldn’t do

“What’s wrong
captain?” Droid A asked.

“You seem to be
having an issue with this battle plan,” Droid B said.

“We can always
help if you need us to,” Droid C said.

“Though none of
us know if we’ll be of any use,” Droid D pointed out.

Brian laughed
before turning to the four Malcovin looking robots. “I know why Grigon gave you
guys a sense of humor. But to answer your question, I have writer’s block.”

“What’s that?”
Droid B asked.

“It should be
called artist’s block really,” Brian said. “The best way I can describe it is
to have the energy to do something, but the mind won’t allow it. The more I try
the harder it gets to plan.”

“Is it like when
one of us has a memory activity loop?” Droid A asked.

similar,” Brian said. He sat in the captain’s chair and tried to relax. “The
more I try the less I do.”

“Perhaps a break
and food will help,” Droid C offered.

“If only there
was time for that,” Brian said. “I have to have this done in less than two
hours.” He sniffed the air, smelling pizza. “Where’s that coming from?”

The door opened
and caused Brian to stand. Jesela was there with a pizza on a platter. The
sight caused him to smile and laugh.

“You looked like
you were down so I figured this would cheer you up,” she said. “I will warn you
our chef made this, not Seles.”

Brian bowed.
“Right now you’re a goddess granting my wish.”

“I’m not a
goddess,” Jesela said. “But I know you well enough. Now stop being depressed
and putting yourself down. It’s not doing you any good.”

“I’ll keep that
in mind,” he said.

“You owe me
something for the delivery,” Jesela said.

“I’m free
tonight,” Brian said. “But for now let’s eat.”


Chapter 19 - Scouting for a Counteroffensive


After helping as
many Shandi as they could the forces of Heaven’s Light began scouting for the
enemy. Each of the bases went its separate way and the ships from them did
likewise. To scout further the Maidens took their mobile suits with the Mjolnir
and separated into pairs. The Artemis and Mjolnir gravity jumped into a lightly
populated resource system between the Kalaidian and Shandi borders. They were
currently moving through an asteroid field between the third and fourth
planets, both being gas giants. Seles and Meldi had each other on the monitor.

“It’s been
awhile since we did a scouting mission together,” Meldi said.

“Four years,”
Seles said. “How’s everyone doing on the Avoni?”

“They’re the
same as ever,” Meldi said. “Though Myli’s been a bit weird lately.”

Seles laughed.
“How do you define weird?”

Meldi smiled. “I
think she’s attracted to me in more ways than a friend. I don’t know how to
break it to her but I’m not interested in her that way.”

“That’s a
problem if I ever heard one,” Seles said.

“Other than that
everyone’s doing alright,” Meldi said. “What about you and the others?”

“We’ve had our
issues,” Seles said. “I’m sure you understand the increase in responsibility.”

“I do,” Meldi
said. “Even sharing the work load with Myli, Valis loves dumping more on me.”

“She did the
same to me,” Seles said. “Brian does it to me these days.”

“How’s he doing?”
Meldi asked.

“I thought
melancholy was taking him over,” Seles said. “But when I saw him at the meeting
this morning he looked happier than ever. When I asked him about he said the
small things in life can make or break you.”

“Sounds like
they’re making him right now,” Meldi said.

appeared on their scanners.

“Looks like
talking time is over,” Seles said.

“I hate business
when it gets in the way of conversation,” Meldi said.

The Artemis and
Mjolnir flew behind a large asteroid and started scanning the area. In orbit of
the gas giant a planet killer and several thousand carriers were repairing
themselves. The strange thing they found was a structure poking out of the
atmosphere of the gas giant that appeared to be a supply base.

“That’s a handy
way to camouflage your supply lines,” Meldi said.

“It’s obvious
they set that up a while ago,” Seles said.

“What I wonder
is how long ago,” Meldi added.

After their
scans were complete they found the supply base floating in the upper atmosphere
wasn’t shielded like the other Grey vessels.

“Are you
thinking what I’m thinking?” Seles asked.

“Of course,”
Meldi said. “How do you want to approach it?”

“I have some
ideas,” Seles said. “How many nuclear missiles do you have?”

“Valis trusted
me with five more,” Meldi said.

“We’ll use our
Novas to draw the Greys’ attention elsewhere,” Seles said. “I want you to equip
all four of them with one of those missiles.”

Meldi smiled. “I
see what you’re thinking about now.”

The Mjolnir and
Artemis let the four Novaguards attached to them to detach and go to autopilot.
A moment later the Mjolnir’s missile launcher opened up before it manually
attached a missile to each of the smaller crafts. While Meldi was doing that
Seles programmed the four Novas with the ability to launch the missiles and
then set their course. After a half an hour the two were back in their seats
and ready to go.

“Are you sure we
should do this without consulting the others first?” Meldi asked.

“We have the
data needed to plan for the battle,” Seles said. “But more importantly we have
a chance to weaken the enemy significantly before the main battle.”

“I was thinking
the same thing,” Meldi said.

“Let’s go,”
Seles said.

The Artemis and
Mjolnir went full power and flew behind another asteroid for cover. They
quickly pushed the rock in front of them and the four Novaguards while
approaching the Grey fleet. When they got close enough the Mjolnir and Artemis
deployed their reflector plates. The Artemis used its plates for power position
while the Mjolnir went for spread mode. The four Novas took off and flew at the
Grey fleet. As they did so the Grey ships moved to intercept the smaller
crafts. When they got in range to fire the Novas each fired their missiles.
Four flashes of light filled the area as massive explosions destroyed hundreds
of carriers and thousands of smaller attack ships. The Artemis and Mjolnir both
lit up as their pilots’ berserked. While the Grey ships swarmed towards the
Novas the two mobile suits skimmed the top of the atmosphere of the gas giant.
When a number of Grey ships moved to intercept them the Mjolnir aimed and fired
its last missile. The flash of light destroyed dozens of carriers and hundreds
of smaller attack ships. Seles took aim in the Artemis and fired a series of arrow
shots at the supply base. After seven arrows the structure groaned and sank
into the atmosphere of the gas giant, exploding a few moments later. While the
Mjolnir used spread mode to destroy any incoming enemy crafts the Artemis
turned and fired its last three arrows into the edge of the Grey fleet. Both
pilots knew their time was up as they moved together and gravity jumped away.
The Artemis and Mjolnir returned to normal after the pair found an asteroid to
hide inside of.

“That was
insane,” Meldi said.

“Of course it
was,” Seles said.

The two laughed
for a moment while catching their breath.

“Do you think
they’ll yell at us?” Meldi asked.

“We should yell
back if they do,” Seles said. “How long will it be before the others come to
meet with us?”

“Only a few
minutes,” Meldi answered. “I’m going to get something to munch on.”

“I’ll do the
same,” Seles said.


* *


The Minerva,
Gemini, Siren, and Aegis joined the other Artemis and Mjolnir a short while
later. Valis watched the video from the Artemis and Mjolnir with a smile on her
face. After she was done she put the data into the Minerva’s special system to
allow it to do its work. All of the pilots were on each other’s monitors.

“Normally I’d
yell at you two, but not this time,” Valis said.

“Did we guess right?”
Seles asked.

“I just want to
know we didn’t mess up,” Meldi said.

“I like what I
see,” Kivi said. “But I tend to go for it rather than wait.”

Mira and Celi sat
back and relaxed for the moment.

“Since their
supply base is destroyed we should strike as soon as possible,” Valis said.
“Thanks to what you two did our mission should be easier.”

“I’m glad we
didn’t mess up,” Seles said.

“Well, you did
alert them to our presence,” Valis said. “But that shouldn’t matter too much.
The Greys are slow to react and the Minerva agrees with your course of action.”

“I’m glad to
hear it,” Meldi said.

“I am too,”
Seles said.

“Let’s return to
base and rest for the night,” Valis said. “The battle will commence in sixteen


* *


Seles and Mira
landed their mobile suits in the launching bay of the Freedom. Jesela was ready
to start the maintenance work when they got out. She had a strange smirk on her
face while she worked.

“I suspect I
know why you look like that,” Mira said.

“It correlates
with the smile Brian had this morning,” Seles said.

Jesela laughed.
“Sometimes maintenance needs to be done by someone else. Otherwise you miss

“That confirms
our suspicions,” Mira said.

“What magic did
you employ to put him into a better mood?” Seles asked.

“An engineer
never gives up her secrets,” Jesela said.

“Now I’m even
more curious,” Mira said.

“So who chased
who?” Seles asked.

“I chased,”
Jesela said. “Brian’s always been awkward with women, so it takes a bit to get
it through his head. I guess it’s better than the opposite.”

“If he were the
opposite things would get bloody,” Seles said.

“Would it be
bloody for him or for the rest of us?” Mira asked.

Jesela answered. “And don’t worry yourselves; I’m not stepping between you and
him. When he came to me yesterday he looked terribly depressed. I remember that
look from the sojourn. It worked back then so I gave it a shot. But this time I
brought a pizza along.”

“His stomach and
his heart at the same time,” Mira said.

“You’re a fierce
opponent,” Seles said. “So where is he?”

“Meeting with
the others in the command center,” Jesela said.

“If that’s the
case I’m hitting the bath,” Seles said.

“Me too,” Mira
said. “What about you Jesela?”

“I took mine
this morning,” Jesela answered.

“Take care of
them,” Seles said.

After leaving
Jesela they headed for the communal bath.

“I’m kind of
jealous,” Mira admitted.

Seles sighed. “I
know the feeling. But if he’s in a better mood it’s good for us as well.”

“True,” Mira
said. “Whose night is it anyway?”

“Yours,” Seles
said. “Treat him well and no depressing him.”

“You know I’ll
treat him well,” Mira said.

“Of course you
will,” Seles said.


BOOK: Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence
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