Half Past the Witching Hour (Paranormal Personnel Saga #3) (5 page)

BOOK: Half Past the Witching Hour (Paranormal Personnel Saga #3)
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‘Training will be intense and it will take up some of your time. It’s better if we can be discreet about this whole idea. I’ve known your grandmother for years and she can be difficult. It will be easier if you don’t share with her that we met.’

I exhaled with relief.

I’d rather do this without Grandma. She always makes me nervous.

The elf in front of me was a total stranger. But I had to take a risk. My grandmother’s case studies were clear. What if I was carrying a dark gene? I read too many papers about dark magic to ignore that possibility.

‘Okay, we have to do this. I love my mother too much, so I have to keep her alive no matter what, but I don’t know what to do. I feel lost.’

‘Delightful,’ he said, smiling. ‘I’ll teach you everything. You’re going to learn how to control it, and how to prevent the darkness taking over your power. Strong intense emotions trigger your energy, so you must stay away from any excitement.’

He shook my hand. His skin was soft and I could feel the wave of energy that passed through my fingers when he touched me.

‘I shall leave now. I’m late,’ he said, checking a small gold pocket watch.

‘Hold on. What if I black out again?’ I said, following him to the door, still thinking about that vision and the fire.

‘Keep away from excitement or strong emotions. We will meet very soon. You had enough blackouts in the past couple of days, so I don’t believe this will happen again before we meet,’ he said. Then he smiled at me and disappeared.

I started massaging my scull, wondering what the hell I was doing. I had to do anything to prevent that fire from happening. Anything in my power to protect my family.

Chapter five

I hate that I have to lie to my friends. Maybe I should tell them.

When I came back to my desk, I pretended that everything was all right and the most bizarre meeting in my entire life had never occurred.

‘So who was that old guy?’ asked my friend, typing something on the screen.

‘He was selling some personalised business cards, but I told him that we weren’t interested,’ I lied, feeling like a coward. Kate didn’t dwell on the stranger and I was glad that I didn’t have to keep making up stories about Tron. She was my best friend, but I couldn’t get her involved with what was going on with me lately. Besides, from what I understood it was safer to keep her away from my problems.

I left work just after six and went straight to the hospital. Quentin was ready to go when I entered his room. He looked better than two days ago, although the healers believed that his usual strength hadn’t returned yet.

He kissed me hard, whispering in my ear, ‘I’m glad that you’re here. I’ve missed you.’

‘Good, I missed you too. How are you feeling?’

‘Fine, no pain or anything. My strength should come back. Besides, I don’t think it’s that important at the moment,’

‘I’m sure it will,’ I agreed, feeling guilty that he was the one who was suffering because of me.

By the time we got to Quentin’s home it was dark and he had to check on Gomez. I agreed to stay for a night just because I was still worried about him. We spent a pleasant evening together, but thoughts about Jennifer’s body and the knife kept coming back, distracting me. Quentin had clear instructions from the doctors. He had to take it easy, so we watched a few films, while Gomez stayed in the kitchen downstairs. He wasn’t particularly happy about those arrangements, but hey, I needed some time alone with my boyfriend.

By the end of the week I settled back to my usual routine. Blackouts and visions about my mother’s death didn’t occur again, but I had to stay alerted, checking if I was in my own bed every morning after I woke up. My energy wasn’t as active as it used to be. Dad was very secretive about Jennifer’s murder. Somehow the press hadn’t sniffed out this story, but I was certain that the news about the murder had reached Nathaniel. After all, he owned the company and he had to be up to date with everything that was going on in London.

I kept checking on my mother every day, freaking out if she didn’t answer her phone. She obviously loved hearing from me, but every time I asked her if she was all right, she kept talking about Quentin, demanding to know why I hadn’t told her that I had a new boyfriend. Apparently Dad mentioned Quentin during their morning rush. Mum loved Nathaniel and she was disappointed when we broke up. She was ready to marry me off to anyone who might be suitable. That was why I kept quiet about Quentin. However, now the secret was out and I had to bring him for dinner sooner or later. Otherwise Mum wouldn’t stop nagging.

I’d been waiting for a phone call from Tron all week silently hoping that he was wrong about my visions. He offered to train me, but he never gave me any specific time. I tried not to get excited about anything, as he advised, but I was also angry that he didn’t contact me in any way.

Quentin had no idea about my blackouts, and he didn’t know about the visit from the old mysterious elf. At the end of the week Quentin invited me to an art exhibition in one of the galleries in town on Friday night. He was supposed to take it easy, but he ignored all the doctor’s orders and went back to work on Thursday. Kate’s boyfriend was showing a few paintings, so I couldn’t say no. Kelsie demanded to get an invite, as she wanted to drink for free. I tried to reach Ella, but her phone went to voicemail. And Nicky was away in Spain. I’d thought that I could gather all my friends in one place, but no luck.

On Saturday night I tried to forget about Jennifer. I put my best dress on and had a drink before Quentin arrived. Tron didn’t say anything about consumption of alcohol. And I was desperate to feel like normal human being.

The girls were already at the gallery when Quentin and I arrived. Kelsie looked amazing, wearing a short cream dress, exposing her gorgeous legs. She’d curled her black hair. Yesterday Kate and I found out that she broke up with her recent boyfriend, a shifter who was involved in transporting stolen cars abroad. Kelsie caught him cheating on her last night. She didn’t seem too upset. As I assumed, she didn’t take her romances too seriously.

The gallery that we’d been invited to had just opened. Kate had been dating Chris, a werewolf, for over a year now. Her parents weren’t thrilled with her choice, but I liked Chris. He was always polite and charming, but Kate's parents would have preferred she go out with a wizard.

Kelsie went straight away to the bar and came back holding two glasses of champagne. I wanted to go around to admire art, but Kelsie insisted on staying close to the bar.

‘I swear to God if this is going to be boring, I’ll be wasted after an hour,’ she muttered, looking around the room.

Kate rolled her eyes. ‘It’s an art exhibition, darling. I don’t know what you expect here tonight.’

‘Kate is right. Art is dull if you aren’t into that sort of thing,’ I muttered. Kelsie frowned, taking a generous gulp of her champagne.

‘Well, last time I remembered, you managed to get yourself sorted with Quentin at a gallery. Guys like him are definitely up my street.’ Kelsie giggled, fluttering her eyelashes at my boyfriend. He smiled, putting his hand around my waist.

‘Don’t worry. I was planning to introduce you to one of my friends. I’m sure you two will get on,’ Quentin said.

‘My God, you are so depressing me,’ Kelsie fumed. ‘Where do you find these men, Julia? Handsome, rich, and offering to hook me up with someone else?’

Kate drank some of her drink and nearly spit it out, laughing so hard. Quentin winked at me. I had to agree with Kelsie. Quentin was the complete opposite of Nathaniel. He wanted to spend time with my friends, he wanted to get to know my family, and always made sure that I was happy.

‘Men? I truly hope she is joking. You aren’t dating anyone else?’ Quentin asked.

I shot Kelsie a stern look, but she was already looking around, probably for some other available men.

‘I’m only dating you. I’m that glad that you want to introduce her to Patrick, but he needs to be warned. Kelsie doesn’t date, she uses men and then throws them away like a used rug,’ I explained. Quentin laughed, bringing me closer.

I had to warn Kelsie to keep her mouth shut about my past. I wasn’t ready to talk to Quentin about my ex. Besides, I had more important things to worry about, like proving to everyone that I was still sane.

The gallery was getting busy. A few humans always slipped through the door, but these evenings were opened mostly for paranormals. Everyone looked incredibly stylish. I could smell magic in the air from the group of elves standing by one of the impressionist paintings. Quentin was scanning the space. I’d noticed that since we came in he had been glancing at the dark painting on the left that was gaining quite a lot of attention from the giants and wizards.

‘He should be here at any minute. I hope Kelsie stays sober until then,’ Quentin muttered, placing a small kiss down below my collarbone. I relaxed automatically, enjoying his attention. ‘I booked a table in the local restaurant. You girls want to join me and Julia later?’

‘Yes, of course,’ Kate said. ‘Chris hasn’t had a decent meal in ages. He has been working so hard to get all his paintings out on time.’

Kelsie was already on her third glass of champagne and smiling at a tall, dark-haired waiter. ‘Yep, I’m in, as long as you are paying, handsome,’ she said.

‘Yes, the meal is on me, and now if you please excuse me, ladies, I just saw a person that I need to speak to urgently. Time is money.’

Then off he went, with the look of determination of his face. Quentin had this superior ambiance around him and I liked that he always considered me in his decision-making process. I didn’t know much about art, but I was learning fast and he was patient with me.

‘So I see that the romance is evolving. Before you know it you’re going to be married.’ Kate chuckled, rolling her finger around her purple hair.

Kelsie nearly dropped her glass. ‘Oh, come on, she won’t marry him. Quentin is too perfect. Guys like him don’t exist. I bet that he’s a serial killer or something like that.’

A shifter in a very expensive suit was eyeing her from across the room, although she hadn’t noticed him yet.

‘We’ve only started dating, and I’m not rushing into anything,’ I said, feeling a little dizzy. All week I had been fighting to feel that intense magic all over me, and now my energy was back. The hair on the back of my neck rose and my fingertips became hypersensitive, drawing waves of electricity. Somehow I felt relief that I was back to normal, but I kept thinking: why now and right during an evening when I tried to relax?

‘Now, you’re making some sense,’ Kelsie whispered. ‘You are using him to get over that gorgeous douche that broke your heart. It’s obvious.’

Kate shot her an angry look, but I didn’t care anymore. Nathaniel was my past and Quentin was my future. Kelsie probably didn’t get it. From what she said about her past she’d never been in love, so she didn’t understand what I went through while Nathaniel was in my life.

‘I think you should stop drinking because you’re not making any sense,’ Kate muttered, pushing Kelsie and me away from the crowd. ‘Have you forgotten about that murder already?’

‘Kate, please. Jennifer was involved with some shabby individuals. It was clear that she pissed off the wrong crowd. There is nothing else to dwell on,’ I pressed, feeling a little overwhelmed with a sudden dose of magic. It was like someone switched on my body to produce and receive waves of heat.

‘How come you are suddenly not interested in this case?’ Kate asked, eyeing me with curiosity. ‘When Rufus went missing you were risking your skin just to find out more.’

‘Jennifer isn’t Rufus.’

‘Don’t change the subject. We want to know what’s been going on with you lately. You had strange panic attacks twice, one during the meeting with Rufus and the other when you saw Jennifer’s body. Come on, Julia, you’ve seen far worse than this and you always kept your shit together.’

Kate was reading me so well and now I had no idea what to say. She was right. I normally handled everything amazingly well and I never before lost it like I had in the factory. For a split second I was considering telling them about the blackouts, the fire, and this mysterious visit from Tron, but then I realised that I had to solve my problem on my own. There was no point getting my friends involved. And Tron had advised me not to discuss it with anyone. Was he really a teacher or just some crazy scam?

‘I’m fine, really. It’s just stress. Anyway, I need the rest room. See you guys later?’

‘As usual, Julia and her secrets. Sooner or later you’ll have to tell us what is going on,’ Kate called after me.

I hate that I have to lie to my friends. Maybe I should tell them.

I vanished into the ladies’ room, keeping my breathing steady. Kate was right. The secret would come out; it was just the matter of time. I didn’t want to think about this now. When I was done with my business I decided to blend into the crowd and admire the art, trying to enjoy myself. Quentin was talking to an older guy in a grey suit, pointing at his beloved painting. I sipped my champagne, looking around, checking out the most expensive pieces. My love life was slowly turning around. I didn’t want to think about the hurdles that I had to face. Everything was getting back to how it used to be.

‘Meredith, have you noticed that sculpture on the north side? Apparently it’s been made by the Ukrainian giant. You know the one that painted the Secret castle?’

The high-pitched voice belonged to a very strong English woman. I smiled to myself because I knew what piece of art she was talking about. Quentin was planning to purchase it right after he got his hands on the other painting. The sculpture was pricey, but he was hoping to make a lot of money on it.

‘No, I told you. I hate Eastern European art. My apartment is set in Asian style. He should have known that it was a waste of time coming here tonight,’ replied another woman. She wasn’t English. She sounded foreign, French maybe, but I couldn’t tell because her accent was difficult to pinpoint.

I finished my champagne, aware of the sudden shift in my energy. Magic was charging through me faster than ever before. Cracks of current appeared on my arms, pinning me down to the right corner of the gallery. I started taking in the pools of air. I had this odd heavy sensation inside me chest: it felt like I swallowed a balloon. The waves of magical energy were passing through my forehead, and a small breeze started ruffling my hair. Something was going on with me, but so far no one else noticed it. We were in a locked up building with no air conditioning, so either someone else must have created the wind or it was simply me.

I turned around in a search of a waiter and more alcohol. I had to get a drink fast, before something exploded.

‘Oh, there are you, darling. I was just telling Kim here that we shouldn’t have come tonight. Our new apartment in Geneva is set in Asian style and—’

I waved to the waiter who was walking toward the woman who was still complaining about this unfortunate trip, when a powerful wave of energy hit me so hard that I thought I was having a heart attack. I clutched my fingers.

‘We just got back to London and we aren’t here hunting for your next treasure. It’s a night out, Meredith,’ said another voice that I recognised straight away.

A cold chill passed through my entire body electrifying all my senses. Then the waiter who was carrying the stack of champagne glasses stopped abruptly. My heart felt like I had a piece of hot wire in my chest. The energy lashed out of me all of the sudden, sending a firestorm through the room. All the glasses exploded and the waiter went down to the floor. Someone screamed, and people started hurrying towards the poor caterer.

Nathaniel La Caz was standing a few meters away from me by the two mermaids that looked like supermodels straight off the catwalk. My heart was pounding somewhere around my throat and my usual crazy and unpredictable magic was back, sweeping me away back into the darkness. I had no idea what to do.

BOOK: Half Past the Witching Hour (Paranormal Personnel Saga #3)
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