Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (7 page)

BOOK: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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A devious smile hinted on Cade’s lips. “Whether or not you were seen isn’t what you should be worried about.” He tipped his chin, his gaze sliding past her to Grant. “It’s what he’s going to do to you for what you just did without permission that should concern you.”

Justice slowly turned her head and found Grant watching her, his eyes glinting with wicked intent she couldn’t define. “I didn’t want you to feel left out.”

“That was very thoughtful of you.” Grant sipped his tea, watching her over the rim of the glass. “But you didn’t do it just to please me, did you?”

Justice’s gaze fell guiltily to his hand as he slowly set down the glass. “No.”

“You took pleasure for yourself without my permission.”

Though he worded it as a statement rather than a question, Justice nodded. She lifted her gaze to his and narrowed her eyes. Why did she suddenly feel like a kindergartener being reprimanded by her teacher?

Because they
teaching you, dumb shit.

She had apparently broken a rule, and if the devilish swirls in Grant’s eyes served as any indication, she was about to find out what happened when she took matters, or in this case his cock, into her own hands.

“You enjoyed it, didn’t you?” A self-conscious trickle of fear moved through her system, causing her question to sound snappier than she intended.

“Immensely. I don’t want to know where you learned how to suck a dick like that or how you managed to find my pleasure spot so quickly, but that’s not the point. We’re in charge. We say when those vixen lips get to taste, when those satiny hands get to touch. I hope you did enjoy it because you earned yourself a punishment.”

A double-edged sword sharpened by equal parts wicked anticipation and dark fear sliced from her breasts to her pussy to her ass. She knew he could pick one or all to torment as her punishment. Her nipples throbbed at the myriad of ways he could pleasure and tease them at the same time. Her clit pulsed and juices leaked from between her feminine lips at the remembered feel of his hand so close to her pussy the way it had been in the truck. That touch had driven her senses mad with need, coaxing the naughty demon inside her to break out of its cage. Her butt cheeks clenched, a phantom sting igniting in her ass at the desire to be bared and spanked until she came.

“You’re being a bit unreasonable, don’t you think?” She had expected Cade to be difficult, had expected to find a softer pair of hands when it came to Grant. She had thought he would be her ally in handling Cade, in taming the control he exuded from every pore. Instead, Grant was proving himself to be as equally hardheaded, domineering, and callous as his partner. Damn, if it didn’t turn her on more to realize that. She didn’t stand a chance at holding her own with either of these men. Still, that wouldn’t stop her from putting up a fight. “You’re expecting me to follow laws that I’m unaware of and sentencing me without regard to my ignorance.”

“There’s only one law, and I laid it out plainly for you in the truck.” Cade hooked a finger beneath her chin and turned her head, forcing her to meet his gaze. The steeliness in his stare coupled with dark arousal sent her system on a whirlwind of confused exhilaration. “You belong to us. We control the pleasure you take and the pleasure you get. Defying that earns you punishment.”


* * * *


Grant had the perfect punishment in mind. He waited until Cade shut off the engine after pulling into Justice’s driveway and slid out the passenger door. Turning to Justice, he gripped her hips as he helped her out of the truck, pulled her close, and held her for a heartbeat before slowly lowering her to her feet. He forced himself to get a tight grip on his control as her sultry body slid down his. Yeah, he knew exactly what to do. Trouble came in also knowing it would torture him as much, if not more, than it would her.

She tipped her head back, gazing up at him through eyes full of apprehension and acute desire. Though she felt relaxed enough in his embrace, he sensed her fighting hard to maintain that composure, to not allow him to see or feel the tremors moving through her.


She swallowed, licked her lips, and angled her head. “Of you walking me to my door? Of course not. It’s the proper thing for a gentleman to do after he takes a woman on a date.”

“I’m not stopping outside that door, and there’s nothing proper about what I plan to do to you once I step through it.”

She nodded, an almost imperceptible movement of her head. “You guys are really done, aren’t you?”

“With waiting to claim what belongs to us? We’ve told you more than once tonight that we are.” She seemed to be accepting it, too, far easier than he had expected.

“You’ve taken the choice out of my hands.”

“I’ll give it back to you right now if you want it. Say the words, Justice. Tell us to go and we’ll walk.”

“And you won’t be back.”

“No, we won’t be back.” The thought of never holding her again, of going on with his life without her in it tore at his heart. Could he do it? Could Cade? He glanced at Cade, saw the other man round the front of the truck and stop at the front passenger side fender. It had been a long time since he and Cade had gone to blows over anything, but his friend would kick his ass tonight for giving her any choice at all if she took him up on it.

Then again, Cade wouldn’t get the chance because he would be kicking his own ass two ways from Sunday for the rest of his life.

“You’ll walk anyway.” Her whispered statement drew Grant’s attention back, the sheer conviction behind her words rendering him momentarily speechless. “And when you do you won’t be back.”

She eased back, flattening her hands on his chest as she gently pulled herself from his embrace. Grant let her go, half wanting to stop her, wanting to demand to know why she felt that way while the other half of him believed he already knew.

He watched her take her handbag from Cade. She dug inside, pulled out her keys, and walked to the front door. Exchanging a wordless glance with Cade, he followed her, determined now more than ever to prove to her she was wrong.

She flicked on the foyer light and stepped inside, leaving the door open. Cade motioned him through first with a flick of his head and Grant took the lead. This moment belonged to him. He and Cade hadn’t needed to discuss it for that to be clear between them. The punishment she was due fell to him to administer.

Cade shut the door behind them and Justice turned, her head bowed and gaze on the floor. She had tossed her purse and keys on the small foyer table upon entering the house and stood with her fists balled at her sides.

“The subservient stance is nice, but it’s not what I want right now.” Grant closed the distance between them, stopping close enough to touch her, close enough to feel the heat and nervousness radiating out of her. “Look at me, baby.”

She lifted her head, her gaze immediately locking with his.

Grant skimmed the backs of his fingers down the side of her face and her eyes drifted closed. “Keep your eyes open. Every time I look at you I want to see you looking back me or at Cade. Do you understand?”

She nodded slowly as she opened her eyes. “I understand.”

Her surrender should have had him wanting to dance circles around her. It was what he had been waiting for, what he had wanted for so very long. Yet, it still wasn’t complete. The statement she had made outside before leaving him standing at the truck told him she might be surrendering her body, but turmoil still ruled her mind and her heart.

“You didn’t say the words.” He let his hand fall from her face to her shoulder and tenderly down her arm. “Now you have to believe we will always come back.”

She didn’t respond to that, but continued to obey by holding his gaze. It was enough for him to see his words had done little to ensure her faith.

“How much of what you did at the restaurant excited you?” He gathered the hem of her blouse in his hands and dragged it up her body, catching Cade move closer out of the corner of his eye. He knew Cade wouldn’t interrupt, wouldn’t get involved this time, but he wouldn’t miss the chance to watch either.

Justice raised her arms and let out a quivering breath as he pulled her blouse over her head and tossed it to the floor. “All of it.”

“Did the idea of someone knowing what you were doing turn you on?” Grant trailed his fingertip down her shoulders to the swell of her breasts, lifted to tantalize his view by a black lace bra. “Despite Cade’s and my assurances that no one would see, no one would know, did it get you hot and wet to think they might?”

He skimmed his fingers along the band of her bra, reaching with one hand behind her to release the clasp with a finger snap. His attention fell to her breasts as he uncovered them, his mouth going dry with the need to taste. When she didn’t answer him, he pulled his gaze back to hers. “Did it?”


Grant moved his hands to her waist, again reaching behind her with one hand, this time to slide down the zipper of her skirt. “Austin and Tyler were in the restaurant tonight. You know them, don’t you? Did you know they’re club members, too?”

She shuddered though he couldn’t be sure if it was his mention of the other two men or the feel of her skirt falling down her hips to land in a pool of material around her feet that caused the reaction. If he were to venture a guess, he would put his bank account on the first.

“I didn’t know for certain.”

“They saw and they knew.” He wasn’t entirely sure that was true, but he suspected it was. He knew they had seen him and Cade with Justice, had seen them cast intriguing looks at their booth while she sat between them and during the minutes she had been under the table.

Justice swallowed hard, but said nothing. She didn’t have to. The fear-laced desire swirling in her eyes said enough.

“I thought about calling them to the table, inviting one or both to take a peek beneath.” Grant let his attention fall down her body, getting his first view of a fully naked Justice McCall. She was absolutely stunning. His palms tingled to be filled with her full breasts, to feel her large, hardened nipples pressing against his flesh.

“They probably wouldn’t have been satisfied with just a peek. They would’ve wanted to touch.”

Her flat belly jumped at that, and he knew he had hit on her darkest desire and most debilitating fear.

“I can’t say I would have blamed them. I’m fighting hard not to touch right now.” He lowered his gaze further, locking his focus on her pussy. Her lips were bare, pink, and slickened with her arousal.

“Then stop fighting it.”

Grant smiled at the plea in her softly spoken words. “I had intended to before you disobeyed us.” He lifted his gaze once more and made his expression stern. “Now what I wanted will have to wait. Your punishment comes first.”

“Don’t you think you’ve punished me enough?” Her gaze slid to Cade, including him in the question. “All the promises, taking me to your bedroom, showing me the things you have there, and never once touching me…didn’t you do all of that to penalize me for not bending when you wanted me to?”

“All of that was to prepare you for what would happen when we did order you to bend for us.” Grant stepped back, half tempted to issue that order now. He would spank her for sucking him off beneath the table at the restaurant without permission. Forget that it felt so fucking good, that her wicked lips, siren mouth, and satiny tongue had worked his cock better than anyone who had ever given him a blow job. He hadn’t told her she could. Part of belonging to him and Cade meant she followed their rules, submitted to their commands, and in return they would show her a life of love and pleasures beyond her imagination.

Grant took her hand and led her into the living room, turning on the overhead light as he passed the switch on the wall. He stopped at the end of the sofa, pleased to discover she didn’t have end tables standing in his way. He turned to her and released her hand.

“Bend over the arm of the couch.”

Her gaze flicked to the couch then back to him. “What are you going to do?”

Grant crossed his arms and steeled his expression. “Does it matter? I gave you an order.”

She hesitated, anxiety slamming into the yearning on her angelic face. “Do I get a safe word?”

“Do you want one?” He didn’t tell her she wouldn’t need it. He could sense exactly what she wanted, what she hungered to experience, and didn’t doubt for an instant he would know if he pushed her too far. It pleased him when she took several heartbeats to think about her response.


Her answer pleased him even more. She trusted him, trusted Cade. He could see that in her eyes, sense it in her submission. She didn’t yet believe they would stick around when things got really down and dirty, but they would earn that faith in time.

“Then bend over the arm of the couch.”

She moved to the sofa, her steps slightly shaky as she turned and bumped her lower thighs on the sofa arm. Slowly, she bent forward, catching herself with her flattened hands on the cushion and looking back at him over her shoulder.

“All the way,” he told her, moving in behind her. “Rest your body on the couch.”

She lowered her upper body, turning her head to face the back of the couch as she obviously struggled to make herself relax.

BOOK: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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