Read Harmony Online

Authors: Sonya Bria

Harmony (5 page)

BOOK: Harmony
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       “I guess that explains why I’ve aged and you haven’t.” I smiled, trying to make light of the morbid confession that he’d just shared. Ian laughed and his eyes softened. I relaxed a bit too and sighed inwardly. Well, this was complicated. I liked the honey-amber eyes the best. I suddenly wanted to touch him, needed to touch him and make sure I wasn’t still dreaming. I reached over and laid my hand on his. He tensed. I wasn’t surprised this time to feel the electric current that sparked between us. It was more of a comfortable buzzing. I abruptly pulled back; what was I doing? Blushing I said, “I’m sorry. Just checking to see if I’m crazy yet.”

       “Believe me,” Ian began, “I’ve been hoping you weren’t.”

       “Weren’t what? Certifiable?” I teased.

       “You are too much.” He leaned forward and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. All sorts of sensations popped up. I felt butterflies; I wanted him. Okay, wow that came out of left field. I bit my lip. Crap, he probably heard my thoughts.

       Ian’s eyes darkened. “Since we seem to be confessing a lot tonight, I should probably tell you that the feeling is mutual.”

       The saliva in my throat thickened as I gulped. I was out of my league. I wasn’t what you called a serious dater. Heavens, I’d never even had a boyfriend! Despite my lack of experience, I wasn’t alarmed with what Ian had said. Okay, the whole vampire thing would take some getting use too, but it didn’t seem insurmountable. Did it? Oh brother, who was I kidding? He was a vampire! One of the undead. Yet, I felt a mixture of conflicting emotions. I finally was beginning to understand the whole “destiny” speech, and why we were so comfortable with each other. We were soul mates.

       It should scare you,
he said in my mind.

I quickly changed the subject. “What happens now?” I asked out loud.


       Ian relaxed his muscles, more than happy to change the subject. It was difficult to be so near her. He’d forgotten. Her blood sang to him. It had since she was young, but he was sworn to protect her. Damn, this human feeling of desire was overwhelming and clouding his sense of propriety.
She is so accepting,
Ian thought. Always had been. If only she remembered fully, then she would know not to trust him. Ian’s thoughts trailed off. He wasn’t alone with his memories.

What am I supposed to remember?
Sophie projected to his mind.

       He’d have to be more careful in what he let her see. She was learning too quickly, and truth be told, Ian wasn’t ready to give her up just yet.


       “I should take you home,” Ian said.

       I glanced at my watch—ten o’clock. Reluctantly, I agreed. He tossed bills on the table, and we slowly walked to his car. I wasn’t at all surprised to see his choice of transportation—a black BMW Coupe; it fit him like everything else. “Nice ride.” I trailed my hand across the hood, “an M5 series?”

       “Actually, the M3 series,” Ian said with veiled eyes, “it’s a needed distraction.”

       “I need a distraction like this too,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

       Our ride back to Jefferson was a blur, not only because Ian was a maniac on the road, but because I was completely overwhelmed. I wasn’t sure what this all meant. What were we to each other, if anything? Where was this all headed? I knew that I had missed him. It was like a part of me was finally waking up, and I was excited to discover myself all over again.

       We pulled up to Gram’s house in record time. I was so reluctant to get out and have the night end. I turned to him and said, “I don’t want to go. I still have so many questions. Please come up, just to talk.” My mind pleaded for him to stay. I reached out for his hand.


       Ian wrestled with his emotions. It was a bad idea, he really shouldn’t stay, but his feelings overpowered any sort of logic. He looked at their clasped hands and could almost feel the warmth on his cold skin. It was too tempting, but he’d made a breakthrough with Sophie. As much as he hated to admit, he wasn’t ready to part her company either.

       Ian sighed and said, “I’ll meet you upstairs.”











I couldn’t believe that it had only been a week since Ian and I had “officially” met. I was enjoying every moment of it. It still seemed surreal at times, but I felt so alive; I was acutely aware of my five senses now and had a greater appreciation for everything around me. Something akin to a deeper connection to the world surrounding me. Nature was a rare gift, one I’d taken for granted in the past. To me, everything was now perfect.

       “Sophie.” Emily tapped me from behind.

       “Hmm?” was about all I could muster, as I was still deep in thought.

       “What’s with you? It isn’t like you to daydream in class.”

       “I’m just a bit preoccupied, that’s all,” I lied.

       Emily shook her head, obviously not buying it, but left it at that. The clock read one-thirty. One more hour and I’d be with Ian. Just thinking about it gave me goose bumps! Okay, I needed to concentrate on this Calc test. Repeating my senior year due to Calculus was not an option. I rushed through the test problems; Ian was a great tutor. I don’t think there was a subject that he didn’t have mastered. It was amazing—he was like my very own Google.

       The bell rang. I quickly gathered up my books and stuffed them into my backpack. I walked with Emily back to our lockers.

        “What’s with you today?” Em asked.

       “I’m just excited for the weekend. Ian is picking me up,” I said. 

       Emily voiced her concern, “I should have known. You are seriously obsessed with this guy, Soph. It’s only been like a week.”  I knew she meant well. “What do you really know about him?” Em quizzed. “Max is worried about you. You’re doing things that aren’t like you.”

       “What do you mean?” I asked a bit defensive.

       “Oh, how about blowing off the dance committee,” Emily began, “I mean we’re seniors this year! We were going to make this the dance to remember!”

       “Okay, so I missed a few meetings Em,” I said, “but that doesn’t mean I’m not excited about the dance and graduating. This whole thing with Ian just sort of happened. I don’t know what to say.”

       I hated lying to Emily and Max; they were the closest thing to family I had besides Grams. “Em, really, I know what I’m doing. Have I ever done anything that I didn’t want too?” I questioned.

       “No, I guess not.” Em gave in. “Just be careful. I guess I’m really just jealous,” she said, leaning against her locker. “When’s Max going to make a move…he is so frustrating!”

       I hugged Emily. “Max is just a little slower than the average guy. He’ll come around, just you wait and see.” I felt a cool sensation and tingling as we reached the school’s front doors. “Ian’s here. I’ll call you on Sunday, okay?”

       “How do you do that?” Em asked. “It’s like your suddenly psychic or something.”

       I laughed. “You could say that.” I scanned the parking lot, not seeing him, but I knew he was near. I could feel it; my whole body shook with excitement for this weekend.

Over here,
Ian said.

       I projected back,
Where? Oh, of course you have a bike.
I smiled as I ran down the steps as fast as I could without drawing too much attention to myself. Oh, what did I care? I really didn’t care anymore what anyone thought, just as long as I was with Ian. He was becoming the center of my existence. Graduation couldn’t come soon enough.

       “Hey you,” I said as I approached his bike.

       “Hey yourself,” Ian said, handing me a helmet. “Put this on.”

       “Are you going to tell me where we are going?”

       Ian laughed. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”

I could actually see the twinkle in his eyes.
Very funny, Ian.
I loved telepathy.

Hold on tight.

We were off. Once we cleared the school parking lot and pedestrian zone, Ian began driving at an insanely fast speed. He started laughing as I gripped him tighter around the waist. The last thing I wanted to do was fall off and ruin our weekend. “Is this safe?” I screamed into the wind.

       Ian just laughed. “Just relax, trust me. I do this all the time.”

       I closed my eyes and felt a whirlwind forming around our bodies. I was totally aware of the surrounding scenery as we wound our way up the mountain pass. It was all clear in Ian’s mind. I soaked it in as I read his thoughts in pictures. It was thrilling to connect and experience this moment together, with our thoughts and minds united. I could see why he loved it. It wasn’t recklessness on his part; he was totally in control. His vampire reflexes were more sharp and honed than mine. I could feel when his body shifted in anticipation for the next curve of the road, and hear the oncoming cars miles before we approached. I melted into his body, giving in to the rush of the wind. I couldn’t get close enough. I think I sighed and Ian tensed.

What’s wrong?
 I asked telepathically. He didn’t respond. Obviously, I’d done something. I was learning that it was better to leave him be when he was brooding. After what seemed like mere minutes, Ian slowed enough to turn so we wouldn’t careen into the trees. The forest foliage became denser, darker as we worked our way further up the road. The different hues of green blended into one swirl of vibrant color for me, and I knew this was a place not meant to be found by the casual passerby. I’d never had made it on my own. Before I knew it, we were stopped. I really didn’t want this moment to end. I felt at peace.

       “Sophie we’re here.”

       I slowly opened my eyes as Ian turned the motor off. His house. I didn’t know what to expect, but it seemed familiar. “This is so beautiful, Ian!” I said, sliding off the back of his bike. I twirled around, exhilarated from our ride.

       Ian couldn’t help smiling. “Come on, let’s put your things inside,” Ian said, opening the door.

       “Okay, grumpy.” I smiled, walking ahead of him through the door. He was always the gentleman; a dead giveaway that he heralded from a different generation. I immediately knew where I was—the rooms from my dreams! It didn’t feel strange or awkward being here, but comfortable. It was like coming home after a long time away. My eyes were drawn to his chair and the walls of books. “I don’t know why you love that chair.” Ian mused, shaking his head. I laughed. “Look at all these books! Have you read them all? I could spend forever here reading…” I stopped. Ian was distant again. “Of course you’ve read them all. Sorry.”

       “Don’t apologize,” Ian said, coming up behind me and resting his chin on my head. “I mainly hold on to them for you. I know how you love your books.”

       “Is it that obvious that I’m a book worm?”

       Ian laughed, “Sometimes I do feel a bit neglected…”

       “Somehow I doubt that has ever been a problem for you.” I said in mock disbelief.

       “Wow, that hurts…just preparing for all the late night study sessions when you head off to college.” He said.

Yeah about that…I guess I really need to pick a school, don’t I?

Ian remained silent. Ok more cryptic, awkward silence which indicated that we needed a subject change. So turning into his embrace, I teasingly said, “So, what is this place? Is this where you live when you’re not stalking Gram’s house?”

       “Yes,” Ian affirmed, rolling his eyes. “This is where I’ve lived the last ten years or so.”

       “Only that long?” I asked surprised.

       “I’ve been around awhile. I have other places when I am out and about…traveling,” Ian simply said.

       “Hold that thought. I need to ahh, is there you use…”

       Ian laughed at my awkwardness. Pushing me in the right direction, he said, “The bathroom is down the hall, and yes, I have been known to use it occasionally!”

       How stupid of me! Of course there had to be some human habits that he still clung to if for no other reason than sheer habit. Like eating. Did he eat food? I wasn’t really sure. We needed to have a serious talk about his vampirism do’s and don’ts.  “Ian?” I shouted out wandering down the hall.

       “I’m in the kitchen,” he yelled back.

What are you doing?
I peeked into his mind.

I’m making you lunch. I want to show you something.

We flipped back and forth between talking and reading thoughts so often that I was sure if someone were watching, it would be quite confusing.

       I headed into the kitchen. “Are we going on a picnic?” I asked, surveying all the food.

       “Is that okay?”

       “Anywhere with you is fine. You should know that by now,” I said, kissing his cheek.

       “Sophie, I wish you wouldn’t say that.”

       “Ian, you promised,” I began. “Don’t shut me out. Let’s just see where this leads us,” I said.

       Ian resigned, “I know I agreed—it’s hard not to give into you—but you should never let your guard down with me,” Ian warned.

       I felt my cheeks burn. “Ian, look at me. I know you’d never intentionally hurt me. You haven’t so far.” We left it at that. “Come on before it gets too dark.” I grabbed his hand, and we headed out into the forest. I didn’t mind the silence. I never felt pressured to keep a conversation going. We had a clear understanding of one another that took most years to acquire. I was always amazed at how easy it was to be myself with him.

       “What are you thinking about?” I asked after a few moments of silence. Ian was currently very pensive, and sometimes I found it hard to read his emotions. It was as if he was trying to keep me safe from some dark secret he harbored.

BOOK: Harmony
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