Read Haunting Astrid Online

Authors: Dara Ames

Tags: #ghost, #suspense, #spanking, #Contemporary Romance

Haunting Astrid (3 page)

BOOK: Haunting Astrid
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I was folding laundry when there was a knock on my door Saturday morning. I hurried to answer the door, expecting to see my elderly neighbor standing there, but to my surprise it was Joseph!

“I hope I’m not bothering you, Jodi?” he asked. I saw his eyes taking note of my tight jeans and tee shirt, typical Saturday wear for me.

“No, not at all. Come inside. Would you like some coffee? I just made a fresh pot.”

“That sounds really good.” He looked around and then asked, “Where is your brother?”

“Out jogging in the park,” I answered. Once Brian showered he was heading to school to get the items I requested, so I was lucky that Joseph stopped by now instead of later. I handed him a mug of steaming coffee then invited him to sit down. I’d already folded up the sofa and picked up the mess from Brian’s spending the night.

“I wanted to come by and check on you, Jodi. How are you this morning?” he asked, looking at me as if he was trying to gauge how I felt by gazing into my eyes.

“My bottom is tender as can be if that is what you want to know,” I answered.

“I was pretty frustrated,” he admitted. “It’s too dangerous for you to come home to an unlocked apartment. I hope you will lock your door from now on so I won’t have to spank you again.”

“I think I got the message, Joseph.” I was so embarrassed.

“Good. It sure wasn’t the best way to start off a new relationship,” he said. “I think I should explain that in my family it is one way that love is shown. We believe in a traditional marriage, with the man as the head of the household and responsible for making final decisions after discussion and taking into consideration what is best for the family as a whole. We believe in treating each other with respect and love, discussing the rules and setting them together, and only then, using discipline if necessary. I crossed several lines last night by grabbing you and putting you over my knee without explaining… and without your consent. I beg your forgiveness for frightening you, Jodi,” Joseph said so humbly that my heart melted and any trace of lingering resentment or anger was instantly gone.

“There is truly nothing to forgive, Joseph. Inside here,” I tapped on my heart, “I knew you were upset because you truly care. You are not a monster, and according to Brian, I’ve needed a hand to my bottom for years.” I just knew I was blushing. “After our parents were killed, no one has ever cared what I did. Well, Brian cares, but he is my little brother.”

“And little brothers who are raised by their big sister do not suddenly start giving her rules and expecting her to obey them. I understand, Jodi. I do care about you, and now that you know my heart is in the right place, I promise I will spank your little butt each and every time I see you breaking these two rules. It is a matter of your personal safety, honey.” I melted inside at his use of an endearment for me.
Could this be real… and actually happening to

“You are going to make me fall hard for you, Joseph. Please be sure you mean ‘honey’ when you say it. I don’t want to be hurt. Right now this all feels like some fantasy or dream, and that I am going to wake up to find my heart shattered into a million pieces.”

“Did I imagine those times I saw you looking my way at the office?” he asked.

“No,” I whispered, and there went my cheeks again, letting him know I was embarrassed as could be. “You saw me drooling, huh?” I asked.

“I was drooling back,” he said, chuckling. “When you volunteered to work late with me several times I was sure that it was because you had feelings for me… but then, you always called me ‘sir’, and behaved so professionally that I thought I might be imagining things…?”

“I enjoyed working late with you,” I admitted, but did not confess that I did not volunteer, but was drafted by Astrid the Witch!

“Will you allow me to court you, Jodi? Knowing that I am old-fashioned and believe in spanking, do you think you could love me in time?” His dark eyes seemed to search my very soul for a truthful answer, and all I knew was that I was drawn to this man like no other. Even though he spanked… or maybe
he spanked.

“I would love to be courted by you, Joseph; I think I am already half in love with you!” I swallowed hard and then blurted, “I love your eyes, Joseph!”

He smiled real big and then said with a grin, “I love your cute little butt.”


I thought he was teasing me, but he reached for my hand and kissed it and said, “I have spent considerable time admiring your tush while I was supposed to be working. You have a cute little wiggle in your walk, Jodi Lynn.”

“You know my middle name?” My voice squeaked. I hated my middle name with a passion. It was a frufru name in my opinion… and I never used it! The fact Joseph had, made me frown in pure annoyance. “I hate that name,” I told him, frowning.

“You do?” He gave me a puzzled look. “I guess Astrid was wrong when she suggested at an office meeting that you preferred to be addressed as Jodi Lynn because you felt your first name was too masculine?”

I clamped my lips shut before I said something hateful about Astrid that could spell trouble for my job. “I think that Jodi is a beautiful name, honey. And I love the name Lynn, too. The name Jodi Lynn suits you. It’s cute and precious, just like you.”

“Thank you, Joseph. You may call me that, but only when we are alone, please. Astrid was very wrong,” I said with a smile, pretending it didn’t bother me when it did.

Brian picked that moment to come in from his run, dripping with sweat, but happy as could be. “Hey, Joseph. It’s good to see you again. Jodi is in one piece; she didn’t cry herself to sleep… or anything like that. Thanks for trying to impress on her the need to lock up and to wear her seat belt. I’ll let your spanking her pass this one time, especially if it works, but don’t think I’ll let you or any dude beat on Sis. She might be little, but I’m not. I won’t let anyone abuse her.”




Chapter Three


“That’s good to know, Brian. I feel the same way; I won’t let anyone beat on Jodi or abuse her, either. Between the two of us, I hope we can keep her safe.”

“I like you, man,” Brian said, and I wanted to die right then and there. I sensed the approval process was over; Joseph had passed inspection, and that was the end of it. And what did that make me? I wasn't sure, but I was going to shake Brian for sure after Joseph left. “I need a shower,” he suddenly announced.

“Get your shower and I’ll take you and your sister out for lunch. You pick the place.”

I couldn’t believe that Joseph was trying to befriend my brother and include him, but he was. “You have no idea how much food Brian can eat!”

“I heard that, Sis!” Brian yelled from the bathroom.

“Stop eavesdropping!” I yelled right back, and then grinned. “Thank you for including him, Joseph. He is my only living family.”

“Will you spend some time getting to know my family?” he asked, quite serious.

“Yes, but not at work. I think we need to keep the fact that we are dating to ourselves.”

“I’m glad you brought that up, Jodi, and I’ll tell Dad and Granddad to keep quiet about it, too. I don’t want to make things difficult for you with the other secretaries. They’ll think you are getting special considerations and make assumptions about you that are not true. I would hate to have to start firing all of them for mistreating my girl.”

He was thinking of me, but I had to ask one question. “Have you done this before… dated someone from the office?” His startled look was all I needed to have my answer.

“No, Jodi, I haven’t. We are both adults; we know that most office romance ends badly. What I feel for you isn’t just an attraction; it goes deeper. That is why I spoke to Dad and Granddad before I ever asked you to have dinner with me. I wanted their blessing because I’m not about to risk office protocol on an infatuation. Do you trust me, honey?”

“I do. Thank you for reassuring me.” Brian returned to the living room, smelling much better than before, and we went to an Italian restaurant close-by that served unlimited bowls of pasta. I giggled when Joseph watched Bri put away a ton of food. I couldn’t tell if he was shocked… or envious! Joseph returned to the apartment with us, and Bri slipped away to go to the theater department at school to pick up my props. Joseph visited for another couple of hours, and then reluctantly got to his feet and said that he had a business dinner to attend that evening, and it wasn’t something he could invite me to. I assured him that it was fine because Bri and I had some plans of our own.


My first view of Astrid’s new home was one of great delight. Just as Joseph told me, it was a very old house… more of a mansion, and I wondered what Astrid planned to do with such a place. I really didn’t care, but I was happy that it was ideal for
plans. We parked where we could watch, and saw a man pick Astrid up for a date. We gave her a few minutes to realize she forgot something and return, and it was a good thing we did. Just as we were ready to make our move, the car pulled back up, and she ran inside and back out carrying a container of food. It appeared she was going to a party and that gave us plenty of time.

A spare key was under the doormat, where any fool could find it, and Brian and I were inside just that quick. I couldn’t help but look around curiously, and from the looks of the place, very few rooms were actually in use. It was obvious that Astrid had taken on a large renovation project, and it all made sense. She bought the old mansion to fix it up and then resell it and make a bunch of money. Astrid was all about the bottom line. It didn’t take Bri and I long to set up a few things, and my plan to get even with Astrid was officially underway. I felt a pang of guilt, knowing that a lot of people - Joseph included - would consider what I was doing unacceptable; you didn't have to work at a law firm to know that this was breaking-and-entering. If anyone knew just how awful Astrid had been to me all this time, though, I was sure they would understand. I told my conscience to be quiet and went right on.

I didn’t see Joseph on Sunday, but he did call, and he made sure that I had his private cell phone number. I promised to call him if I needed help of any kind, and even if I just wanted to visit.

I couldn’t help but wonder how strange it would feel to go to work on Monday, but other than a wink when he passed my desk, it was business as usual from Joseph. I was relieved about that. Also, Astrid looked like hell. Her normally perfect hair was awry, and there were dark circles under her eyes. I asked her if she was ill, and she shook her head no, but she didn’t offer any other explanation.

Joseph picked me up at my apartment and we went out to dinner, but made an early evening of it because he had to be in court early the next morning. Joseph is considered one of the best criminal lawyers in our city, and he kept some pretty long hours. He ate right, exercised, and made sure to get enough sleep. I was truly proud of him.

The next couple of weeks passed in much the same way. Joseph and I kept a low profile romance alive, even though it was getting more and more difficult to do because we were in love and wanted to
shout it from the rooftops
! I always thought that song lyric was ridiculous, but I knew better now. I’d been to dinner at Joseph’s family home and met his mother and grandmother and his younger sister who lived at home but attended college. I was treated like a royal princess and his family made me feel at home. Even when I was alone with his Mother and Grandmother while the attorneys went elsewhere to discuss a legal matter that popped up from a phone call during dinner, the two women were friendly and gracious. They didn’t seem to mind that I was poor, and his Grandmother made a point of telling me she found it admirable that I took on raising a child when I was still a child myself. I didn’t expect praise for doing the right thing, and I told her so. Brian was only ten years old and frightened, and taking care of him was my priority. “Jodi sounds like you, Mother Chantry,” Joseph’s mother said softly.

Joseph's grandmother nodded. “I was supporting myself and my two sisters by waiting tables. That is how Father met me; he used to eat lunch and dinner in the restaurant where I worked, and he made sure to sit at my table.” She laughed. “The dear man used to tip me outrageous amounts, and if not for him, I don’t know how the girls and I would have survived some weeks.”

“I waited tables after our folks were killed,” I admitted. “It’s hard work.”

“Compared to you two, I lived like a princess,” Joseph’s mother said with a smile. “I was only expected to help out on the farm. My Daddy didn’t think girls needed college, but Mommy talked him into letting me go to barber college. My Jonathan came in one day for a haircut, and we fell in love. The Chantry men are faithful, Jodi,” she told me, and then she blushed. “They can also be quite firm if they feel it necessary.”

“What Gloria is trying to say is that our men have old-fashioned values, and if you cross a line, they will spank.” She looked at me and I just knew my face was a telltale red. “I can see by your expression you already learned this the hard way, Jodi.” She shook her head in sympathy, and I found myself confessing.

“Joseph was concerned because I told him I never use seatbelts… and when he took me home he learned I didn’t normally lock my apartment door. It was a big shock when he put me over his knee, but Joseph certainly got my attention, and I learned that lesson very well.” The other two women laughed in understanding. A few minutes later Joseph poked his head in the room and asked if I was ready for him to drive me home. It was a weeknight, and we had to be at work early.

In addition to my relationship with Joseph, my ongoing prank on Astrid was moving along swimmingly. Astrid was obviously not sleeping well and she jumped at the slightest little noise. I overheard one of the women asking her what was wrong and Astrid finally whispered, “The house I bought is frightening me. I hear sounds at night, and now I am starting to hear voices, too. I keep wondering if I am going out of my mind, but I would hear the voices all the time… not just in my home.”

BOOK: Haunting Astrid
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