Read Hawaiian Heartbreak Online

Authors: Libby Cole

Hawaiian Heartbreak (7 page)

BOOK: Hawaiian Heartbreak
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she had time to protest, Jay flipped Kayla over so he was on top and in control

down,” he whispered. “I'm not done with you yet.”

agonisingly slowly, he moved inside her. The intensity was building higher and
higher, but still he denied her release. His kisses were demanding,
unrelenting, his hand tangled in her hair.

he could hold out no longer, and he let her quicken the pace. They began moving
together in urgent need. Lightning sparked through Kayla’s body, setting off
trails of fire, until ripples of intense pleasure flooded her whole body. The
sight of her in the throes of orgasm brought Jay to his own climax, his body
shuddering with the force of it, until they collapsed together back onto the

was exhausted and satiated, with a dull ache between her thighs. That would be
tender tomorrow. Jay pulled her next him, her back pressed against his front.
They slept together all night, their bodies moulded into each other, like two
pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that had finally found their match.

Chapter Six


It took
a moment for Kayla to orient herself when she woke. She was in a large bed,
much softer than the one in her hostel, and it was moving strangely. Where was

In a
flash, the events of last night came back to her, and a warm glow filled her
body again. That's right. She was on a millionaire's boat, with a man who made
her head spin, and seemed to understand her body better than she did herself.

spot on the bed next to her was empty, but still warm. Jay must have only just got
up. Kayla glanced around the room, but couldn't see her dress anywhere. That
was a problem. All she could spot was a man's shirt, draped over the back of a
chair. She shrugged, and pulled it on. If it caused trouble, she knew a
sure-fire way to distract him from being mad.

phone lay abandoned on the bedside table. She reached for it, and automatically
checked the messenger app. Tess was online! Kayla settled back onto the bed,
sitting cross-legged to tap out a message.

K: You

A few
moments ticked by, then:

What's up, holiday romancer?

Funny you should mention that...

T: What
did you do?? Did you ruin things with Mr Muscles? I will be SO sad if you did.
Unless he was a jerk, in which case I hate him. Just let me know which emotions
I'm feeling over here.

Definitely not a jerk. I'm at his place right now.

Wait, what time is it over there?

Early morning.

Kayla, did you have a night of Adult Cuddles??

K: Yes.
Amazing Adult Cuddles. Best ever Adult Cuddles.

T: This
is crazy! I never thought you'd be such a brazen hussy. I'm so proud of you. I
hope you were safe. Nothing worse than a holiday baby. I want you to bring me
back a gift, but not that.

Thanks, mom. We were safe. Baby-free zone, knock on wood.

Aren't you about to leave Honolulu? Wow, what a goodbye present. Thanks Mr
Muscles, you have served your purpose, now you can leave.

Actually, he's suggested he comes with me for the rest of the trip. He's never
been to Big Island, we're having heaps of fun together. It just makes sense.

saw Tess start typing, then stop. The pause in their quick-fire messaging
stretched for an uncomfortably long time. She frowned. That was a weird

K: You

Kayla, that's not how a holiday romance works. That sounds like a bit of a

K: It's
not. It's just fun. He wants to travel to see Big Island too. We have heaps of
fun together.

T: Ok,
but... what about when you come home?

It'll be fine. We both know the score. We can make some fun memories together,
then gradually forget about each other, the normal thing.

T: Ok,
if you're sure you know what you're doing.

K: To
be honest, it would be a crime to let someone so good in the sack slip through
my fingers.

T: HA.
Ok, now I’m understanding you. Carry on. P.S. You caused a bit of a stir with
that photo of you two. Danny asked me what would be the best way to try and win
you back.

Gross. No thanks. I don't give cheaters a second chance.

Yeah, I told him he didn't have good odds. I'm certainly not going to help.
Look, I've got to scram, that jerk new guy is causing trouble again. But have
fun with your holiday fling. Don't wear him out.

K: No

slipped her phone back onto the nightstand, then headed for the stairs,
cautiously peering around the door when she reached the top. She could see Jay,
busy in the kitchen with something.

It was
the perfect moment to drink him in, in all his physical perfection. He was
shirtless again, with just a pair of shorts hugging his hips. His tanned
muscles rippled across his back and arms as he moved. She couldn't believe such
a man was so interested in her. Confidence around the opposite sex had never
come easily to her, but around him, she felt brazen and bold.

stepped out of the doorway, and Jay glanced up to meet her gaze, dazzling her
with a wide smile.

made you breakfast,” he said. “I went for something a little healthier than
nachos this time, because I figured if we're going to keep, ah, spending time together,
you're going to need to keep your strength up.”

He slid
a bowl towards her across the breakfast bar, as she fought the urge to blush.
The bowl was filled with something bright purple, with granola and sliced
banana on top.

acai bowl,” he explained. “It came from somewhere in South America originally,
but Hawaii's pretty much claimed it for itself. Full of superfoods, so you
don't get too tired.” He winked at her, and she felt the colour deepen in her

she changed the subject. “How come you've been here for so long, but never been
to the Big Island? I would've thought it would be the first stop for most

I didn't come here to see the sights. That was just a bonus. I've explored some
of the other islands, but Hawaii has so many, it's hard to get around them
all.” He smiled at her. “I think I'll like playing at being a tourist with you
though. We can go up the volcano together, check things out. Maybe swim with
manta rays if you're not too scared of sharks.”

scared of sharks is smart! I'm not the idiot who's ignoring everything survival
of the fittest has taught me, to go hang out with some creatures that could eat

burst out laughing. “You'll know about it if it's one that wants to eat you!
Most species of shark are totally uninterested. Anyway, manta rays are
definitely harmless. Enormous, but harmless. Want to do a night swim with them?
It's something I've never got around to doing, but everyone I know who’s done
it says it’s in the top ten things they’ve ever done.”

as long as you promise to be shark bait if anything goes wrong. I'll be heading
back to the boat as fast as I can swim.”

threw back his head, now roaring with laughter. “Fine, I'll agree to that,
mostly because I know I'll never actually need to fulfil my side of the
bargain. We'll be fine.”

regarded her carefully. “I wish we had time to go off the beaten track together
a bit more. There's an island where you're only allowed to visit if the locals
invite you. It's amazing. I've been a couple of times, and I know you'd love it.
You have to take the time to get to know them though, to get the invitation.”

comment made Kayla's throat tighten. Just another reminder that she would leave
soon. That their time together was short, and every moment needed to be
savoured, because there was going to be so few of them. She pushed the feelings
back down, and mustered up a smile.

next time.”

“I hope
so,” Jay regarded her intently, then gave her a half-hearted smile in return.
“At least you have a reason to holiday here again next time. Free

forced herself to laugh along with him, but it sounded high-pitched and

she brushed aside the awkward moment. “We should get going. I need to grab my
stuff from the hostel so we can catch our flight.”

still haven't packed,” Jay grinned at her, his usual easy smile returning to
his face. “You get your things together, I'll grab mine, and I'll pick you up
in about an hour, OK? I also happen to know where your dress went. As much as
I'm enjoying this look, I don't know that's it's safe to let you out of my
sight while you're in it.” Jay gave her a light kiss on the lips, but as he started
to pull away he froze, his eyes darkening.

much time do you need at the hostel anyway?” He murmured, his mouth only inches
from hers. Kayla's breath caught in her throat, and the familiar sparks started
to tingle across her body.

any. I’m pretty much all packed already.”

I'm a really fast packer,” he promised, and scooping her into his arms, carried
her back to the bedroom.

Chapter Seven


Kayla stared
excitedly through the plane window, watching Big Island come into view. Rough,
volcanic ridges rose out of the sea, climbing higher to the central peak of the
island, where she knew the active volcano was. The sloping sides of the volcano
were forested, but even from this distance, she could see scars of black down
the side where lava had burned away everything in its path, all the way down to
the ocean. A shiver of delight ran down her spine. She'd never seen a live
volcano before. She couldn't wait.

like a kid at Christmas,” Jay laughed next to her.

this your favourite part, though? New adventures coming into view, getting your
first real sense of what a place is like?”

never need to fight me for the window seat, gorgeous. I'd rather see it with
both feet planted on the ground. It's not like you can see enough through those
tiny port holes anyway.”

“If you
keep going like that I'll eye roll hard enough to injure myself. You're so wrong
I can't even start a debate with you about it.”

simple things for simple minds,” Jay chuckled, earning himself a playful punch
on the arm.

plane touched down lightly on the tarmac, and it wasn't long before they
stepped out of the airport, and into a rush of tropical heat. Kayla gripped
onto his arm, almost bursting with the excitement of being somewhere new. He
smiled down at her, clearly enjoying seeing her so happy.

on, you, lets get you to the hotel before you implode,” he teased, heaving her
bag into the back of the rental car. She wriggled into the passenger seat,
happily watching the town of Hilo flick past the windows.

It only
took a quick glance across at Jay for Kayla to know he was also relaxed and
happy, despite his pretence at being above her childish excitement. He hummed
quietly along with the radio as he drove the car, a small smile playing around
the corners of his mouth. She hugged herself, glad she’d followed her instinct to
stay with him a bit longer. Everything seemed a little brighter because she was
here with him. She couldn't help it; it felt as though all of her worries
floated away when they were next to each other. She sighed happily and settled
back in her seat.

do you think about staying in tonight?” Jay broke into her thoughts.


I figure it's been a pretty exciting few days. We're out of Honolulu, have got
ourselves a fancy hotel room. Maybe we could enjoy a bit of down time, just
us?” Jay studied her face, waiting for a reaction.

“I don't
know that our hotel room will be all that fancy,” she said doubtfully.

he smiled. “The benefits of knowing a local. How about we check out the hotel,
and then you can decide what you want to do.”

kept flicking past the windows, then began to fade into the distance. The road
became steeper, as the car started to climb the foothills of the volcano.

we're well past the place I booked,” Kayla said, rounding on Jay. “What have
you done? I liked the place I picked out!”

grinned at her, refusing to answer. The vegetation grew more lush, and the air
less oppressively hot as they climbed. Finally, they pulled into a driveway,
where a multi-storey white building with pillars along the front was nestled
into the trees.

“If you
don't like it, I'll drive you back to the other place myself,” Jay said,
kissing her lightly on the lips.

head swam, and she smiled back at him giddily, before remembering she was
supposed to be mad at him and switching to a scowl. He smiled unrepentantly and
disappeared inside the building. It wasn’t long before he was back, holding a

on then.” Jay hoisted the bags out of the car, and set off on a path around the
side of the building. The hotel’s grounds were quiet, the surrounding trees muffling
all sounds and shielding them from any other people. A pristine white cottage
appeared around the bend, and Kayla felt butterflies flutter in her stomach.
Jay smiled down at her, grabbed her by the hand, and led her inside.

the cottage was decorated in soothing greys and white, with fresh white flowers
on every available surface. A giant bed dominated the centre of the room. King size?
Super king? Kayla wasn't sure, but she knew it was bigger than any other bed
she'd slept in before. Low, plush sofas were dotted along the edge of the room.
A small kitchen had a welcome basket waiting for them, filled with gourmet food
and treats.

turned to find Jay watching her, looking hopeful and expectant.

Well, it's OK I guess. I mean, we're all the way up here now. We might as well
stick around.”

He looked crestfallen, and Kayla couldn’t stop the laughter bubbling up in her

kidding!” Kayla threw herself into his arms and laughed up at him. “This is
beautiful! I would never have found it, and I don't know how you can afford it.
I doubt I'll be any help.”

was mean!” Relief flitted across Jay's face, and he bent to touch his forehead
to hers, before his crooked grin slipped back into place. “I know a guy who
works here. They had a couple of spare cottages, reckoned they wouldn't mind us
indulging for a couple of days. Told him I had a special lady to spoil.”

couldn't stop the smile spreading further across her face. She tilted her face
up to his, kissing him gently. Desire started to pool in her belly, and she pulled
back. Not yet. She wanted to savour this.

basket of goodies in the kitchen caught her eye again, and she whirled across
the room to the kitchen to inspect the contents.

Share a glass with me?

he smiled back at her. She grabbed a couple of champagne glasses and a fancy
package of chocolate covered macadamia nuts, then nodded her head towards the
back of the room.

think I spotted lawn furniture outside. How about we check out the view from
there?” She padded out the back door of the cottage, Jay following her lead.
Wicker armchairs were arranged around a table, overlooking a vast expanse of
garden, lawn melting into flowerbeds, which blended into trees.

will do nicely,” Kayla said, sinking into one of the chairs. Jay sat down next
to her, and she propped her feet up on his legs with easy familiarity. They
gazed across the garden, sipping the champagne in comfortable silence.

in the real world,” Jay started rubbing her feet as he talked. “Did you ever
eat food at your computer?”

all the time,” Kayla answered. “Being in marketing means you need to work at a
pretty fast pace. Lunchtime often goes out the window, and you just grab what
you can at your desk.”

“I was
the same before coming out here. Before I decided I wanted to do marine
biology, I temped at a couple of offices. Being at the bottom of the food chain
means you're always last priority to get a break. Your keyboard gets pretty
filthy pretty fast. Well, if you eat as messily as I do, anyway.”

pulled a face. “Yeah, my favourite is burritos. What is it about the last two
inches that makes it fall apart all over the place? That's where all the sauce
has collected! Gravity really messes with you sometimes.”

reckon I came up with a solution to that. The Keyboard Kollector. With a K.
Alliteration is very important for a product name, just ask a Kardashian.”
Kayla burst out laughing, and he grinned at her, before continuing his explanation.

“It's kinda
similar to those old TV dinner trays, but for a keyboard. The top would act
like a plate, but also a shield to stop spills hitting the keyboard. Plenty of
room to keep typing away underneath, and then a little stand at the bottom that
slides under the keyboard, keeps it in place and stops the whole thing flipping

mused Kayla. “That's not an entirely terrible idea. Why didn't you do something
about it?”

when it came down to it, I just couldn't bring myself to invent something so
depressing. Hey everybody, you're chained to your desks and not even allowed to
leave for food. Let me help you with that!”

right, that's incredibly depressing,” Kayla laughed. “I like to think it's not
forever though. Surely you just get through those early years, and then you can
take your foot off the gas a bit?”

don't know,” Jay shrugged noncommittally. “But those couple of years temping
were enough for me. The people above me didn't seem very happy. Neither did the
people above them. Maybe I'm a horrible judge of how others are feeling, but what
I saw left me not wanting any part of it.”

spread his arms expansively, slipping back into clown mode.  “Hence, Hawaii!”

Kayla snorted
with laughter, reaching for her champagne flute. But in her fit of giggles she
knocked it over instead, spilling the fizzy contents over her lap.

She leapt up. “Ugh, speaking of being unable to eat unsupervised. It's your
fault, you distracted me.”

I don’t have a solution for a woman finding me so charming she’s left unable to
complete basic tasks like picking up a glass. Sorry.”

so you should be. At least it's the end of the day. I should probably shower

raised his eyebrows at her. “Oh OK, you'll just be all wet and soapy then. I
definitely won't be thinking about that at all.”

wiggled her eyebrows at him suggestively, and headed inside. The bathroom was
airy and bright, and she quickly peeled off her clothes, stepping under the
water. The jets pummelled her shoulders, and she closed her eyes in bliss. A
pair of arms encircled her from behind, making her start with surprise.

you don't mind me interrupting your alone time,” Jay murmured in her ear. “I
just thought maybe you couldn't be trusted not to injure yourself if I left you
alone for too long.”

very thoughtful of you. But, if I remember rightly, it was you that caused the
problem in the first place.”

How about I pretend to help you wash your back, while really giving you a back
massage, before moving into some light fondling?”

giggled and passed him the body wash. His touch felt good on her skin, and he
knew just the right amount of pressure for a good massage. The caress of his
hand against her back sent the now-familiar fire spiralling across her body
wherever their skin connected. She turned slowly to face him, only to be taken
off guard when he suddenly pinned her against the wall, kissing her hard.

not very good at restraining myself around you,” he murmured into her mouth.
“I'm supposed to be playing the part of the romantic gentleman right now.”

body shivered under his touch, and Kayla's senses began to take over. Jay ran
his fingertips lightly down her body, stopping to cup her behind, pulling her
hips towards his. His erection pressed against her leg, and she reached down to
lightly run her fingers over it.

groaned and deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms tight around her waist,
crushing her body to his. He pushed her hard against the wall, using one arm to
continue holding her there as he ran his mouth down her body, grazing his teeth
over her wet skin.

buried his face between her thighs, making her gasp out loud. It felt so good.
His tongue flicked over her, tantalising and light. Every fibre of her being
urged her to push her hips against him, to demand more, but she resisted. She
didn't want the gentle teasing to stop quite yet.

one hand he gently raked down the inside of her thigh, making her gasp again. Just
as the sensations were building to an unbearable level, he stood so they were face
to face again. He kissed her gently, sucking on her bottom lip, before pulling
back completely. The change left her confused and slightly bereft.

you need to shampoo your hair?” He asked innocently. “We can't have you
wandering around making people think you're a dirty girl.”

Kayla stared back at him, then scowled.

I'll remind you that I was doing just fine before you came in here with your
own agenda.”

idea what you're talking about. Turn around. It's your lucky day; you get a
head massage as well as a back massage.”

spun slowly, still confused about where this was going. The water warmed her
front as Jay started to gently massage shampoo into her scalp. It wasn’t long
before he started to kiss the back of her neck, but she pulled away, pretending
she was outraged by his constantly changing mood.

you,” she said, both eyebrows raised. “But I need to wash this out before you
start with your distractions again.”

pretended to pout, a wicked gleam in his eye. Kayla dipped her head under the
water to start rinsing, and gasped as she felt a feather-light touch on her
nipples. She whirled to face him, but his mouth was on hers before she could
protest, hot, wet, and hungry for her. Her body arched into his instinctively,
and all of the playful fight went out of her.

BOOK: Hawaiian Heartbreak
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