Read Heart Matters Online

Authors: tani shane

Tags: #love relationships, #bodyguard romance, #marriage arrangement, #billionaire contemporary romance, #friendhship, #lovers and friends, #popular romance, #betrayal and trust, #heiress romance, #husband and wife romance

Heart Matters (3 page)

BOOK: Heart Matters
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Jessica went with him willingly. A hot,
torrid number was playing and Jake placed his hands on her waist as
he swung his hips to the music. Most were dirty dancing and soon
Jake had turned her in his arms. He wrapped his arms over her belly
and thrust his hips against her buttocks in tune with the

A slow sensation of desire began coursing
through Jessica, making her moan. Her head rolled back to rest on
Jake’s shoulder even as her hands rose to sink their fingers in his
hair. He licked the side of her neck then nipped her ear lobe
almost making her come right there in front of everyone.

“Let’s get out of here,” he whispered,
pulling her through the crowd after him. He led up a staircase
splattered with couples making out before entering a bedroom on the
first level.

As soon as he had kicked the door shut, he
grabbed her and brought his lips down on hers in a punishing kiss.
Jessica moaned, allowing him to probe her mouth more intimately. He
tasted of beer and sin and her blood raced with an all time high.
He crushed her closer and brought his hands up to squeeze her
breasts roughly. Jessica felt a wave of dizziness even as her palms
stilled on his shoulders suddenly undecided whether she meant to
pull him closer or push him away. One thing was certainly sure;
after kissing Ty, she knew there was more to passion than the heady
kiss Jake was giving her.

Jake was rough, uncontrolled. There was no
gentleness, no mutual exploring; just a horrible plundering
sensation that was beginning to make her cringe.

“Jake..,” she managed as she twisted her
head but he began nuzzling her neck while his hands began roaming
over her back. “I don’t..”

“Relax baby,” Jake breathed, seeking the
valley between her breasts, “I know you’re new at this. Just

Uncertain but definitely unhappy, Jessica
tried to relax against him. Jake’s hands continued to grope her
breasts roughly and she winced as pain shot through them. She tried
to brace her hands to push him away but it wasn’t easy. Jake was
much stronger than her and he had her leaning back pushing her
closer to a double bed in the center of the room.

For the second time that night, she fell on
a bed. Jake immediately pinned her down with his weight and pushed
her tank top up. When his fingers curled around the top of her bra,
alarm bells started going off in her head.

“No, Jake, I don’t want this,” she
whimpered, pushing at his shoulders.

“Of course you do, baby,” he declared
arrogantly, pulling down her bra so that her breasts were exposed.
He stared at them wildly with lust filled eyes. “Fuck! You’re so
beautiful! I can’t wait to make you scream in my arms. Just enjoy
baby, I’ll do all the work.”

She watched in horror as his mouth descended
on her breast and she gasped at the sudden sensation of his lips
around her nipple. He licked it and then began sucking it making
her moan much to her embarrassment. Some part of her was beginning
to enjoy this even as her mind said no. She whimpered at the wicked
sensations that lit up her body and Jake all but laved her up with
insatiable hunger.

“Jake,” she moaned, her fingers sinking in
his hair.

“Yea, baby, that’s it, enjoy yourself,” he
breathed hoarsely against her breasts, his hands reaching up her
skirt. She stiffened immediately and he once again turned his
attention to her breasts. “You like this don’t you, babes, you like
me licking you, sucking you.”

Jessica surrendered herself to him as he
once again began sucking at her nipples while his hard arousal
rubbed her between her legs. A tiny voice of reason climbed above
the haze of lust and glared at her in disdain. This wasn’t how she
was brought up! Dad, mom, Jeff; they would all be disappointed in
her. Hell, she would be disappointed in herself! She barely knew
Jake. She couldn’t lose herself to someone she barely knew!

His hands once again went up her skirt and
she caught it against her thigh. “No, wait Jake. This is going too
fast. I can’t do this.”

Jake stilled abruptly and rolled onto his
back panting heavily. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to
rake it into place. “You’re right,” he stated staring ahead in the
darkness, “It’s going too fast.”

He rose, heading for a small bar at the side
of the room. He poured a drink for himself gulping it down in one
shot. Then he made one more and came back to stand before her. He
offered it to her as she straightened her clothes and sat up. “Have
some, you’ll feel better.”

She eyed the glass uncertainly then gave in.
Her mouth was dry and she was heaving unnaturally. A drink would
soothe her rattled nerves. She took the drink and sipped
tentatively at first before throwing her head back to drink it in
one shot. She handed it back to Jake with a shaky smile. “Thanks
for understanding.”

He grinned with a quick nod. “Yea,

Jessica thanked her lucky stars and began to
rise to her feet. A wave of giddiness rushed at her. She closed her
eyes instinctively. Jake reached out to steady her as she

“Hey, you cool?” He peered at her with

“Yes,” she smiled up at him. Jake was
breathtakingly handsome. She was sure if she got to know him better
she was surely going to go all the way with him.

He reached out to trace her lips gently with
his finger. “Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?” He leaned
in to kiss her lightly and her eyes closed with a heaviness they
hadn’t felt before. When they opened, Jake’s face began swimming
before them. She gasped feeling a second rush of dizziness spread
through her. He held her steady, his blue eyes watching her. “Hey,
are you ok?”

She nodded, her chocolate tresses flitting
around her flushed face. She leaned against him almost buckling
under an abrupt fit of shudders. He caught her and leaned her back
on to the bed behind her. “Steady there, beautiful.”

By now, Jessica could feel most of her
senses abandoning her. It was as though she was placed under the
sea and she could hear and see everything from under it but she
couldn’t so much as lift a finger. She tried to speak but it came
out more as a desperate moan. The next thing that hit her was waves
of wanton lust raging through her veins making her hot and horny.
She squirmed helplessly, clutching the sheets even as helpless
moans escaped her lips.

Jake loomed over her menacingly. He bent and
bit her neck sharply before licking the nip. “I always finish what
I start babes. And when I finish with you I swear you will be
crying for more.” He waved his palm before her dazed gaze and
laughed. “You’re going to be so sore tomorrow babes, so fucking

Jessica felt herself floating out of her
body. She could hear Jake from afar. She could see him, she could
feel him but she couldn’t do a thing. He once again pushed her top
up and snapped her bra aside. He bent over and took a nipple in his
mouth sucking at it slyly. “I’m going to make you all wet for me,
babes. We’re doing this together.” He squeezed her other breast and
Jessica felt a moan slip from her unconscious depths. He straddled
her pulling his t-shirt above his head, his muscles rippling. He
pushed her skirt up and yanked her panties down. He groaned when he
saw her, lust shining in his eyes. When he touched her intimately,
a tear fell unbidden from her eye.

He laughed at her. “Don’t cry, babes. It’s
going to be really mind blowing.” He pushed his jeans down
releasing his hard erection and positioned it between the intimate
folds of her parted legs. “You’re going to be mine Jessica, all


Mark lost himself with one last thrust into
the woman under him and almost immediately rolled away trying to
get his breathing under control. He had years of practice and it
wasn’t very difficult. He was on his feet in less than a minute,
pulling his clothes on as he glanced at the watch on his wrist.

Damn! It was almost four a.m. He was away
longer than he had intended. He had to get back to the apartment
now and give a sound spanking to Jessica the moment she was up. He
couldn’t allow her to get under his skin again because he knew this
time he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

Half an hour later he walked into the lift
from the car park. Seconds later, Mark exited the lift on his
floor, turned a corridor and came to an abrupt halt. His eyes
immediately went to Jessica’s unconscious body outside her door. He
covered the next few steps in a couple of strides, his heart
thudding alarmingly in his chest. As an ex-marine, his training
came handy and he was calm enough to check her pulse. It was
unnaturally rapid and he immediately realized she had been drugged.
From the bruises on her face, the bites on her arms and legs, his
worst fears were all but confirmed. She had been assaulted, most
likely raped.

He fought against the rage he felt and
opened her door to pick her up and take her inside. He laid her on
her bed carefully and made her as comfortable as possible. He did
not remove her clothing for he knew if there was a case to be
filed, everything would be evidence. For now, all he could do was
hope she gained consciousness soon. He had enough emergency
training to gauge that she wasn’t in any danger physically but he
was going to wait it out by her side.

He cursed himself as he watched her battered
body. He was to blame for this! If only he had stayed the night
with her, this wouldn’t have happened. Where had she gone? Who had
done this to her?

Fury shook him as he clenched his teeth
painfully. When he got his hands on the bastard he was going to
break every bone in his body! He had messed with the wrong girl
this time and God he was going to pay!


Several hours later, Jessica slowly came to
her senses and immediately knew she had been raped. She felt sore
internally and her entire body felt bruised. She tried to gauge her
bearings. She realized she was in her room wearing her clothes from
the night before. A shudder of dread passed through her even as
tears of denial ran down her face.

Mark’s head snapped up, his bloodied eyes
catching hers. A silent message passed between them and then he had
taken her in his arms cradling her head against his wide chest.
“Who did this, Jess? Who did this to you?”

She sobbed with loud wails and for the first
time in his life, Mark Sebastian felt his warm tears run down his
face. His heart was on breaking point. Jessica,
had suffered a brutality no woman should ever have to.

Her phone that lay on her bedside table
suddenly beeped and she stared at it with wary eyes. An instinctive
feeling of dread shook her. Mark reached for it but she grabbed it
from him, flipping it open. The icons showed multimedia messages
from Jake and she felt herself going cold. With shaking hands she
opened the first one. What she saw, took her breath away. It was a
picture of her kissing Jake passionately. The next picture showed
him sucking at her breast with her head flung back in ecstasy. Then
another of her under him in an intimate embrace. Then one more of
her head thrown back and him plundering her while biting her

She felt stunned as she stared at the
pictures. How had he managed all this? Had she really done all this
with him? Waves of shame rushed over her and she collapsed in loud
sobs. This could not have happened! He had slipped her a drug and
made her do things she could have never done. Surely she could take
legal action against him? A message beeped and she stared at

Thanks for the wild ride babes. If you want
we can do it again. And remember there’s no point trying to prove
your innocence. The pics show otherwise. What dyu say I share them
with my pals?

And oh, by the way, I left you there for
your dog to find u. C if he’ll have u now that u know whats a good

Jessica shook her head in horror. This was
not happening to her! Not only had Jake raped her but he had also
managed to make the whole thing look consensual! How could she
possibly expose him for the evil he really was?

Mark grabbed the phone from her, his eyes
blazing with fury at the messages. “That bloody piece of shit! I’m
going to kill him!” Jessica was shaking out of control and he took
her back in his arms. “We have to go to the police,” he managed
against her hair but she shook her head.

“No! We can’t prove anything against him!”
Tears streamed down her face as she hid it in her hands feeling
thoroughly ashamed. “I went there on my own! Everyone saw

“But he drugged you! If we run tests they’ll
find it in your system,” Mark reasoned feeling frustrated.

Her eyes opened to plead him. “No, Ty, no! I
can’t let anyone see those horrible pics. Jeff! What will he say?
The media; they will say all sorts of things about me! They’ll
think I’m just a rich girl who deserved this!” She threw her arms
around his neck and cried into his chest. He held her in his safe
arms wishing he could turn back time.

When Jessica raised her eyes to him, he knew
he would die but he would ensure she never felt pain again. “I want
him washed away from my body. Do you understand, Ty? I want him
washed away!” She clutched his shirt, her eyes wild and distraught.
“Help me, Ty. Will you help me? I want his smell gone! I can’t
breathe! Help me!”

He nodded not trusting himself to speak. He
stood up and helped her to her feet. Turning her to face him, he
gently pulled her tank top over her head. He followed it with her
bra, his gut clenching painfully when he saw the bites around her
nipples. He then helped her out of her skirt and finally her

Mark led her to the bathroom where he turned
on a hot shower and gently stood her under it. She gasped as the
hot jet struck her skin then turned to face him with imploring
eyes. He understood her silent plea and removed his clothes to
enter the shower with her.

BOOK: Heart Matters
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