Heart of a Tattooist: Dark Romance MC Club Alpha Bad Boy Obsession (Tattooist Series Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Heart of a Tattooist: Dark Romance MC Club Alpha Bad Boy Obsession (Tattooist Series Book 3)
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Shane moved to one side of the table and pointed. “I’ll start here; Cara, you start there.”

She nodded and went to get her gun.

Shane called out, “You need fresh needles?”

“I have a large supply.” She did. Her kit was as tight and right as it got and she knew Shane knew it. Everything was disinfected and she brought her own Hibiclens and gloves as well as topical skin creams and various other small items most tat artists just expected a shop to supply. Cara knew full well not all shops were the cleanest, and she was not about to put a tat on with less than sterile equipment.

They began. The sound of the guns whirring and the smell of fresh ink and spilling blood hit her senses, and that calm she had always felt when she put a gun in her hand hit home. This was where she belonged, and she was back.

The days of waiting tables in small diners and living in fear had left her confused and shaken, but they’d also given her time to think. She’d been arrogant and cocky, but she’d also been a great artist.

She’d had a reputation for being cold and aloof, and it wasn’t until she spent a lot of time on buses wandering slowly down highways and through long nights that she realized just how much space she had put between herself and the rest of the world.

It had begun when she was a child. Her parents were bikers, and their wild lifestyle often scared her. Since she knew just how vengeful bikers could be, she’d known throwing that peroxide on Junior’s back was akin to a death sentence, but it hadn’t been until she had gone on the run from that decision that she understood the whole of it.

Her father was doing fifty years in prison. Her mother was also in the pen and doing hard time. Lots of it. She’d been a ride or die woman and she had always been by her man’s side, right up until that day the cops had crashed through the door and taken them both away.

Cara had been fifteen and on her own. The judges had refused her folks bail and she’d ended up being passed around to relatives and friends of her parents like a toy. Nobody ever asked her what she wanted to do, where she wanted to live, or even if she was okay.

She was expected to be okay. She was expected to be her parents’ daughter and take the good with the bad, with her head high and her loyalty intact.

The gamut of emotions that had run through her on a daily basis had all been marks of disloyalty as far as the club and her relatives had been concerned. She had no right to be angry at her folks. They were doing what had come naturally to them. She should be proud.

She had no right to feel abandoned. The club looked after her, and so what if it was just temporary and she never felt safe or secure? That was her issue, and all that meant was that she didn’t trust the men who’d called her father their brother to man up and do the right thing. Which also meant she had no real loyalty. If she missed her folks, she was told to put her big girl panties on and keep it moving because they weren’t coming back any time soon.

Cliff was the only person who had ever seen past her exterior. She knew her coldness had started long before her parents had actually gone to jail; in a way she had been girding herself for that very thing from the time she was very small.

She’d also been trying, unsuccessfully, ever since she was a child to get her parents to pay attention to her.

They were in love, crazy in love. So in love that not even their daughter could compete with the love they felt for each other. They weren’t unkind to her, just indifferent, and she would sit and stare at them for hours as a child, wondering how they could love each other so much that they had absolutely no love left over for her.

The months of hard running had forced her to assume identities and behave in ways she never would have before; to talk to people, which wasn’t really her strong suit, and have them talk back to her. She’d learned to listen and to let her emotions show and now, as she bent her head to the lovely ink covering brutal scars, she felt a kind of inner contentment she had never known before.


* *


When the tat was done and Lillian gone, Shane said, “That was a hell of a day.”

“It was.” She stretched then began to clean her equipment. Shane did as well and they worked together in comfortable silence for a few minutes before she asked, “What happened to her?”



Shane said, “She was in a car accident a few years back.”

She winced. “Must have been pretty bad.”

He nodded. “It was. She lost her husband and her kids in that wreck.”

Her eyes widened and she stared at him. He nodded grimly. “Yes, it’s a damn shame. She’s recovering, though, and one day she’s going to be able to move on. She’s got what it takes.”

Cara wrinkled her forehead. “To move on?”

Shane went back to cleaning his gun. “Yes, not everyone does. It takes guts and a whole lot of luck to get your head out of a place like that.”

She wanted to ask where his head was at, but chose not to.

Shane sighed and cleared his throat. “You can stow your stuff here if you like. Let me finish this up and I’ll get your pay and a tax form all ready.”

“Thank you again for hiring me.” The words came out in a rush. “I mean, honestly, I want you to know if those guys come I’ll leave. I won’t bring you trouble.”

His lips curled upward. “I already got trouble. Hell, everyone in the world has trouble. Let’s bomb that bridge when we have to cross it, ahead of the enemy.”

“Were you in the army or something?”

“Yes, a very specialized unit. No, I don’t wish to discuss it. Cool?”

“Utterly cool.” She regarded him for a moment then finished cleaning her equipment, filled out the tax form, took her money, and headed back out onto the sweltering streets of Key West with a smile on her face and peace wrapping itself around her.





Mitch picked up the phone and checked the caller ID. “Hey Dani, what’s up?”

“Well your girl’s trail went cold in Atlanta. It seems she quit using ID right around then, must have occurred to her that folks could track it.”

“That’s it?”

“Hold up. I’m not done.” She laughed at his impatience. “Anyway, she’s probably lucky that she did because it seems a day after she hit—and left—Atlanta a certain bike club showed up there. They raised a little hell, just enough to get a couple bike clubs who didn’t generally work together to come together in order to stomp a mud hole in their asses and send them back to Memphis, knowing they might be badass in Memphis but Memphis isn’t the ATL.”

“So she might not even be in Atlanta?” He was never going to find her. “This is the same stuff you already told me.”

“I know. I told you months ago, because that was all there was to tell. However, just three days ago there was a big write-up in the Memphis papers. A certain nephew of a certain leader of a certain bike club wound up dead. Some dealers gunned him down. Nobody’s talking but we can deduce the obvious.”

Mitch felt his stomach tightened. “So you found Cara?”

“Maybe. It seems that a tax form was filed that matches Cara’s personal information. In Key West, at a little tattoo shop. It’s the craziest thing, though. The shop is owned by a shell corporation and has been for almost two years. It doesn’t advertise but it does a brisk business. It has rave reviews but nobody seems to talk about the people who work there… Which is weird, since most people are pretty personally attached to the people who do their tats, from what I can see.”

She was taking a good-natured dig at him. Mitch smiled but it was short-lived. “Okay, so how will you know if it’s her?”

“You authorize me funds to go to Key West,” Dani spoke cheerfully. “Also, I happen to know a few people who love Cuban cigars, and wouldn’t mind it if I brought a few back.”

“Done. I’ll call Spencer and get the expense account opened. Call me as soon as you lay eyes on her.”

“Will do.” Dani paused, “You know, Mitch, you might be doing all of this for nothing. I mean, I get she’s in trouble, but do you get that she just might not be into you?”

He clenched his jaw. “Yeah, I get that. I know this borders on stalking too, and would be if things were different. Right now I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

Dani said, “That I can do. What I can’t do is make the woman want to talk to you. That is not part of the job, Mitch; you’re going to have to do that one on your own.”

Mitch said ruefully, “You might actually have a better chance of getting her to talk to me than I do, to be honest.”

Dani laughed. “Well, maybe you should get a haircut and put some deodorant on next time.” Then she hung up, leaving him shaking his head. Dani was a little rough around the edges, thanks to her years in a very elite military squad made up of five men… and one woman.

She was lethal. Literally. She could fashion bombs out of almost anything, and she could shoot a moving target from two hundred yards. She was trained to kill, and he often wondered what it was she had seen over there in those vast and shining deserts.

He knew exactly what Roger had seen; Roger had come back pretty changed, but he’d recovered and moved on. He wasn’t sure if the same could be said of Dani.

Dani worked out of her house and she was available to go anywhere at any time. He knew she was working several cases at the moment, and with good reason. If anyone could find something or someone that was lost, it was Dani. It wasn’t just that she could somehow manage to find tax forms, confidential information supposedly only available to certain branches of government’s employees; it was that she was tenacious as hell.


Damn he wanted to see her, even if it was just long enough for her to tell him to fuck off and roll out and never come back.

Whatever had been between them that night, it had lingered on and on. That attraction had hit him harder than any he had ever known. She’d run so hard and so fast he had been sure it was because she felt it too, but what if he was wrong about that?

What if she had just decided to go because she didn’t want to work around Cliff, and her heart still belonged to him? They had been together for years, after all, and she had not left him because she hated him or was mad at him, but because she was scared of love.

It was possible, and he had to admit it even though he really didn’t want to.



Cara looked up to see a woman standing in the doorway of the shop. She was stunning. There was no other word to describe her. Her thick auburn hair was piled up high on her head and her face, which featured strong and beautiful bones under peaches-and-cream skin, had the additional benefit of a set of almost crystalline green eyes.

Cara had just finished a tat. It was Shane’s day off and the shop wasn’t busy. Shane had an odd way of doing business. People would see his art on other survivors and call or email. He’d tell them to come in or video chat with him so he could see their scars. They were from everywhere, and many of them had heard of his work via word-of-mouth and those were the tats he was interested in doing.

The people who wanted to put ink on their skin for other reasons didn’t interest Shane at all, and sometimes he would just walk right out of the shop, leaving whoever was there wanting a tat on unscarred skin standing there scratching their heads, with no choice but to get their tat from Cara or another shop.

She still hadn’t put it out that she was actually working again either, preferring to let it all build quietly while she watched the havoc in Memphis unfolding.

She smiled at the woman. “Hi there, you looking for something in particular?”

Those green eyes locked on hers. The woman tilted her head. She wore a loose fitting skirt that had a beautiful swirl of green and blue as its pattern, and a bright cerulean tank. Her slender fingers came up and raked over the top of her head, slightly mussing the already-messy knot of shimmering hair.

‘Isn’t everyone?” There was amusement in her voice. “I just saw the shop and decided to walk in.”

Cara nodded, “First-timer?’

A quick shake of the head, “No, I have one tattoo and it has a lot of meaning to me.”

She didn’t offer to show it, though. Cara didn’t press. “They should have meaning.”

The woman’s eyes raked over Cara’s arms, both heavily inked. “I see. Do yours?”

“Every inch of them.” She smiled pleasantly. It wasn’t an uncommon question.

“I’m Dani.” Her hand came out and Cara took it, surprised by the strength in those fingers.

“Cara. So would you like me to show you something?”

Dani said, “Well, how about something feminine and pretty, and small? Something I could easily hide.”

In other words, something almost every woman who wanted a tattoo wanted. Cara cast a look at Dani’s arms. She had great skin and muscle tone and flat bones. The perfect canvas for a sleeve. She opened a few flash books and added, “If you have something in mind that isn’t in here, I could always draw something out for you too.”


Cara looked up. Shane stood in the front of the shop. He looked like someone had just punched him right in the gut. His face was gray and strained and his eyes, for once, did not wear that careful emptiness. They held deep shock and pain. “Why are you here?”

Dani let out a low gasp. She stared at Shane like a drowning person eyes a life preserver. Her mouth opened and closed a few times and then she got out, “Shane? What’re you doing here?”

“I asked you first.”

It wasn’t hostility that tainted the air. It was something else and it didn’t take long to figure it out. There was something deeply intimate between them.

Or rather there had been.

Shane shrugged. “I just came in to see about a tat. But never mind. I’ll check another shop.”

What the literal fuck? Was he pretending this wasn’t his
? It seemed he was, because he made for the door.

Dani barked out, “Wait!”

Shane turned around. He snapped back, “Did you really track me down, Dani? I can’t believe—”

“Oh, don’t flatter yourself,” Dani snarled. “I’m not here for you.” She jerked her head at Cami. “I’m here for her.”

Cara mouth dropped. “Excuse me?”

Dani sighed, “Mitch Rider’s looking for you.”

She blinked, trying to figure that one out. “What?”

Dani turned her attention to Cara, still watching Shane by the door. “Yeah, he went to the shop you worked in back in Memphis and heard about what happened. He got real worried when you went underground. So he’s been looking for you. He’d like to hear from you.”

Cara choked. “Are you serious?”

Dani shrugged. “I’m standing here, aren’t I?”

Cara couldn’t wrap her mind around that. She gaped at Dani then back at Shane. He looked furious but there was pain below that. Everything was too complicated all of a sudden, and her tendency to run kicked in.

She took a deep breath. “I have to go.”

“Go where?” Dani asked, “Where the hell are you going? I mean, he just wants to make sure you’re okay.”

Shane snorted. Dani glared at him. Cara had the uncomfortable feeling she was caught up in something she absolutely didn’t want to get caught up in.

“I’m okay. Tell him that if you want, but will you do me a favor? Let him know I don’t need anyone checking on me either.” She kept her voice firm, but her thoughts were flying about so fast she could not grab a single one and make it make sense.

Why was Mitch so worried about her? Why had he sent someone, especially someone who looked like Dani, to check in on her?

That night they’d spent together had never faded from her mind. Not even once. The incredible man that was Mitch Rider was hard as hell to forget, but she had done her best to do just that.

Yet here she was, dealing with his presence whether she wanted to or not.

She turned away.

Dani scoffed, “By the way, Shane, if you’re going to register a corporation, and hope nobody knows it’s you running it, you shouldn’t use your old team name.” She walked out.

Shane stood silent and rigid.

Cara stared at him. “I…”

“You have to go.” His voice was hard.

She glared at him. “I beg your pardon?”

Shane crossed his arms over his chest and glared right back at her. “Listen to me, Cara. I can put up with the fact that you have a crazy past. I can put up with about anything, but Dani coming in here is something I won’t tolerate.”

“It isn’t my fault!” The protest came out a lot louder than she meant. It made her sound like a kid not getting her way. She didn’t care. It was unbelievable! She was being fired because that arrogant and impossible Mitch Rider had decided to send someone after her?


Shane looked sorry, but not enough to change his mind. “I know you don’t understand it, Cara, but…but Dani won’t quit. She’s been hired to do a job and she’ll go at it until it’s done. She doesn’t give a shit who she hurts in the process. I know her. I know exactly what she’s willing to do to get it done. If Mitch Rider is determined to talk to you, she’ll make sure you do if she has to come here every single day to get you to do it. You said you had to leave. She’ll follow you.”

“I don’t have to leave.” Cara rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll call Mitch and tell him to stop sending her.”

Shane stared hard at her. “Okay, and let me ask you this. Do you think a man who chased you clear across the country and hired a woman as good as Dani is, is going to just say ‘okay cool, and thanks for the call’?” He shook his head. “I fucking don’t.”

He had a point. She threw her hands in the air. “This isn’t fair.”

Shane said, “Life isn’t fair. Get used to it.”

Anger filled her entire being. The stress of the past months broke through. “You think I don’t know that, Shane, you big jerk? I’m a woman in a man’s world, and let me tell you it bloody sucks! I’m twice as talented as most of the men out there tossing ink into people and I get half the rate! Then I get an asshole client who thinks forcing his way on me is okay, and a tat owner who doesn’t come to my defense! I’m left running, scrambling and hiding.” She slapped the register counter. “Fuck! I know I overreacted with the biker, but can you blame me? I went too far but I only did it because it wasn’t the first time some jerk grabbed my tits or ass or tried to toss me down on my own table!” She jabbed a finger in his direction. “Don’t fucking tell me life isn’t fair because I know it isn’t! So fuck you!”

She expected him to toss her out on his ass. Instead he surprised her. “Cara, the dude looking for you is obviously crazy about you. Having someone who cares about you is not something you can afford to say fuck all to.”

“I can too.” Tears shimmered in her eyes.

Shane sighed. “Cara, people who are broken in all kinds of ways come in here. You think I can’t see you’re all torn up? Maybe you can’t, but I can.”

She huffed. Her life was never going to be a happy, normal one. Fate had freakin’ other plans for her. “Maybe I can, and I’m smart enough to know that a guy I barely know can’t fix it. And you firing me over something not my fault is bullshit!”

“I’m not firing you. I’m asking you to deal with this before you come back to work.” Shane shook his head and gave her half a smile. “Okay, I was firing you, but I’ve reconsidered. Those are my terms. You deal with this and keep Dani the hell out of my way and my life, and you can work. Is that fair enough for you?”

She stared at him, dying to ask what Dani had done to him, but not daring to bring it up. “I guess it’ll have to do since I don’t really have any other prospects.” She let her voice soften. “You’re not giving me much of a choice either.”

Shane wasn’t going to give in. “No, I’m not.”

Cara grabbed her ink case and headed out, still fuming. She had not gone half a block when Dani suddenly materialized from seemingly nowhere. Cara glared at her. “What the hell do you want?”

Dani began walking with her. “Look, I know you probably think Mitch is nuts, and for all I know he is. I’m not here to talk to you about him… I mean, I was, but I hung around because…because I want to know…”

“You want to know about Shane.” The words were laced with her rage.

Dani sighed. The sun beat down and lit up her hair and pale face. There was a small scar on one side of her face, a scar that Cara hadn’t noticed earlier.

“I know everything I need to know about Shane. I’m just wondering why he’s running a tattoo shop.”

“Why don’t you ask him?”

Dani stared at her like she was an idiot. “Do you think he’d tell me?”

Cara shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“The answer’s a definite no.”

Cara was irritated and angry. “He’s a good guy, you know; hard-ass, but still a good guy. He does tats on scars. He refuses to do cosmetic ones. He only wants to work on people who’ve been injured and puts tats on top of the cuts, scars, and marks. He’s good. Doesn’t brag. It’s a good thing he’s doing.”

Dani’s face gave away nothing. “I see.”

“Why did Mitch hire you? He barely knows me.”

Dani shrugged. “You know, I can’t say. I do know he’s spent a heck of a lot of time and money trying to find you. He was worried about you, and whether you like it or not you owe him at least a phone call.”

Cara snapped. “I don’t owe him anything.”

Dani raised her strong arms up in surrender. “Okay, well then, just give the poor guy a break.”


“Because he cared enough about you to call me in. He wanted to make sure you were safe, and I can’t imagine a man doing that unless he really cared about the person he did it for.”

Cara didn’t know how to respond. Did Mitch care about her? And if he did, why? They barely knew each other.

In her experience, people only did things because they wanted something in return. Even Cliff was like that in a way. He wanted to be with her because she was nothing like any of the girls he had ever dated before, and she had known that. That was the reason she had gone out of her way to do crazy and wild things, so he would find her interesting and stay with her.

He had stayed with her, but she hadn’t stayed with him. Her reasons for that had been as thin as paper then, and they weren’t any thicker now.

She finally spoke, “I don’t know him either.”

Dani shrugged. “Sometimes you’re better off not knowing a person.” She turned to go.

“Where are you going?” Cara couldn’t believe the woman was just walking away.

“I have a report to file.”

Cara suddenly didn’t want the woman to leave. She had no idea why. She blurted, “Shane fired me. Well, not really. He just said I can’t come back to work until I deal with this because…”

“Because he doesn’t want me popping back up in his life. Yeah, of course. No worries. I’m so out of here. Tell him I said I’ve gone ghost. That’ll reassure him. Shit. I blanked.” She opened her bag and pulled out a card. “That’s Mitch’s number. Give him a call or something so I don’t have to explain why I came up short, will you?” She walked off, her slim body mingling with the rest of the crowd.

There was no stopping a woman like Dani. She wished she had that woman’s courage, or craziness, depending on how one looked at it. Cara looked down at the card in her hand and sighed. It was probably better to get this over with as quickly as possible.

She found a small empty corner near the side of a building, pulled out her cell, and punched in the numbers to Mitch’s cell phone. He answered on the third ring, his smooth voice filling her ear and a sudden burst of longing caromed through her.

BOOK: Heart of a Tattooist: Dark Romance MC Club Alpha Bad Boy Obsession (Tattooist Series Book 3)
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