Read Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Action & Adventure, #Thrillers

Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 (23 page)

BOOK: Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1
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Who knew rolling around on the floor after learning self-defence could be so intoxicating. Steel moves us over again, so I’m on top as our tongues frolic together in a beautiful rhythm that I love so much. Kissing him is effortless. I even love that his beard tickles my skin as I make out with him. He grinds his hips up into me as I straddle him. It’s awesome that he knows martial arts. He’s a man of many talents and I’m extremely happy that one of them is kissing so well.

“Ahem.” The clearing throat echoes through the room disturbing us. Pulling back from kissing Steel, I look up to see a giant of a man looking down on us. He must be nearly seven foot tall, he has muscles on muscles and is more than a little intimidating. I gulp and scurry off Steel as he chuckles and sits up next to me.

“Behemoth, crappy timin’ brother,” Steel says. I smile at his name for the giant. It actually suits him.

“I’m really sorry Steel and Willow. I apologise for interrupting. I don’t mean to bother you at all.”

I’m shocked that someone so huge and scary looking talks so softly and so… um… nicely. Nothing like the other bikers here.

Steel stands up and puts his hand out to help me up. I grab it and he lifts me up with ease. “No worries, brother.”

Behemoth looks down at me as I glance up at him and he smiles kindly. “You’re beautiful, quite the stunning beauty. I can see why Steel is taken with you.”

I bite my bottom lip and giggle slightly. He’s so well spoken and quiet. I’m really surprised. His mighty stature makes him look big and scary, but in actuality, he’s a big squishy teddy bear. I like him instantly.

“Thank you,” I murmur almost a little shy around his charms.

Steel chuckles and shakes his head. “Okay, stop seducin’ my woman, Behemoth.”

He smiles and tilts his head, his cheeks flaming bright red like he’s embarrassed. It’s the cutest thing ever. “I swear, I wasn’t trying to Steel—”

“No, I know brother. I’m just teasin’.” Steel slaps his shoulder at a height that’s above Steel’s head.

He nods and smiles. “The Prez is looking for you. He needs you to make a decision on another shipment supply run. Should only take five minutes or so.”

Steel winces looking back at me and then back to Behemoth. He rubs the back of his neck looking around the room seeming like he’s torn.

“Go! Seriously go, and sort it out. I’ll stay here and practice my new moves.”

He smiles and leans in kissing my lips softly. “Okay, but don’t leave this room. I won’t be long, I promise.”

I nod and he grabs the back of my head forcefully bringing my forehead to his lips. He kisses me and then turns grabbing his shirt and cut and marches out with Behemoth. I chuckle and take a deep breath. Looking around the gym, I realise how alone I am in a biker clubhouse. Swallowing hard, I wrap my arms around myself tight and look around the area. It’s a large room with a wooden floor like a gymnasium. There’s an area with boxing bags over to one side. Another area to the left with treadmills and other exercise equipment. There’s even a makeshift boxing ring in the corner, not to mention the vending machine.

I smirk and walk over to the machine to see it full of protein shakes and bars. I chuckle to myself thinking about most of the bikers in the clubhouse. They’re all pretty fit. Except for the older men, they’re not quite as ab-tastic.

The squeal of the metal doors opening alerts me to someone coming into the gym. I smile and turn thinking Steel must be back already.

“You were quick,” I say with a gasp when I notice the old guy with the mutton chops that I saw getting head that last time I was here, and a younger man with black hair and a handlebar moustache I haven’t seen before, staring at me with their eyes practically glowing with delight.

My entire body tenses as an evil grin passes over their faces.

I don’t like this.

I don’t like this at all!



They saunter in and close the door behind them practically trapping me in here. My breathing becomes short and shallow as my heart begins to race a million miles a second. I look around the room wondering what to do. As I take a step back they step toward me, still with heinous grins on their faces.

Deciding straight away I should try to put them off whatever it is they’re thinking in their twisted, fucked-up brains I state, “I’m here waiting for Steel. He’ll be back any minute.”

The guy with the mutton chops smirks and looks at the younger dude as they continue to pace toward me throwing his towel over his shoulder.

“So you’re the new girl? What gives you the right to be in our house alone like this, hey?” He frowns as he spits out the words.

“I… um… I’m just waiting for Steel. Sorry, I didn’t catch your names?” I figure I should get their names, in case I need to tell Steel, who is scaring me if they leave.

They chuckle as they both step up closer, so close I can smell their foul body odour and alcohol breath from here.

“Chops, and this here’s The Penetrator.”

Taking in a sharp intake of air, my heart races frantically. “You call yourself… The Penetrator?” I ask barely a whisper.

He grins salaciously. “That or Dickinit.”

Unconsciously, I take another step back wrinkling my forehead as they both smirk and match me, step for step. My back meets the vending machine and I tense up as the men stand right in front of me blocking any escape. My chest is tight with fear. I don’t know whether to scream or start putting my training from moments ago into practice, but I don’t want to piss off Steel by hurting his brothers. Chops brings his hand up and his finger grazes my cheek and I close my eyes flinching away, my bottom lip trembles as the rest of my body shakes along with it.

“Fuck, your lips are so red against your white skin, they look like blood. I’m a sucker for blood. It turns me on. How about you, Penetrator?” Chops asks and my eyes start to moisten even though they’re closed. Silently, in my mind, I’m screaming out for Steel.

“Get your fuckin’ hands off her and back the fuck off right now, or I won’t be responsible for the damage Wesley inflicts on you both,” Steel’s deep harsh and clipped tone echoes loudly through the gym causing my body to immediately sag against the vending machine. My nerve endings prickling at the sound of his voice forcing all my hairs stand on end and goosebumps to run all over my skin.

Thank God!

“Aww, we were just having a little fun teasing your bitch Steel. No need to get your knickers in a twist,” The Penetrator states as he and Chops move away which gives me enough room to step aside and run past them to Steel. He opens his arms and I collapse into them. He holds me tightly running his hands along my arms and looks down in my eyes furrowing his brows. I nod letting him know I’m okay, then he glares at Chops and The Penetrator shaking his head. It’s only now I notice he has his knife pointed at them.

“If you arseholes ever, and I mean
scare her again… on purpose or by accident… I will slice off your cocks and make you eat them. Don’t think I won’t.”

Chops throws his hands in the air and huffs. “Calm down princess. Like I said we were only having some fun—”

“Well, have fun with club girls, not

I look up at him and half-smile at the fact he’s calling me
girl. I like that. And I like he’s protecting me from these bastards.

“Your girl? You an Old Lady now?” Chops asks looking right at me.

I swallow hard and look up at Steel creasing my eyebrows.

He huffs and glares at Chops. “Shut the fuck up. You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

“Don’t I? You can’t put a claim on her unless you stamp her as an Old Lady. Is that what you’re doing here Steel? ‘Cause if not, this little red-head here is fair game.” Chops steps up placing some hair behind my ear and Steel pushes him away from me.

“Back. The. Fuck. Off. Chops, I won’t tell you again. I’m claimin’ her, she’s mine. So keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself.”

Biting my bottom lip, Steel grabs my hand and pulls me with him as he turns and we head for the door.

“Steel has an Old Lady. Can’t wait to see what Lunar has to say about that little tidbit of information, and Mad Dog too for that matter,” Chops calls out as we hurry out of the gym.

My heart is thumping frantically and I can hardly catch my breath as my feet race trying to keep up.

Steel claimed me?

I don’t even know what that means.

Does that mean we have to get married?

I mean, I’ve known him a week for crying out loud, and now I’m his?

I don’t know how I feel about that.

We exit the gym and walk out into the clubroom. The echo of the blaring music as ‘
Tear You Apart’
by She Wants Revenge
stings my ears. The haunting lyrics of the chorus ring so close to me right now at how this could all turn out. I want Steel to hold me close, but in the end, it will possibly tear me apart. My mind is running a million miles a second as he drags me through the burly bikers who are all turning to look at the stern-faced mad as hell Steel. And me, who I’m sure looks terrified, as he drags me behind him. My flats can hardly keep up he’s walking so fast.

He yanks me down the hall and to his room, pulling me through the doorway and then slams it closed behind me. I jump at the loud resonating sound of the wood smashing against the frame. I’m sure if it was slightly harder the door would have splintered and broken off its hinges. He starts to pace the room, and I stand on the spot watching him as he paces from one side of his room to the other looking down at the floor running his hands through his hair.

“Fuck,” he murmurs.

I exhale and slump my body. “Steel… look… I like you and all. But claiming me is not something I think I’m okay with after just a week of dating. I mean I don’t even know what that means, and if it’s some sort of marriage proposal then I’m definitely a little freaked out by that,” I admit honestly.

He looks up at me and his harsh stance softens as he takes in a deep breath and swallows hard, his Adam's apple rising and falling in his thick neck.

“Shit Flame! I didn’t even think about the fact that all that talk would be freakin’ you out too. Sorry, I’m such a dick. I claimed you, which means only I can touch you sexually in the club. I had to do that. Otherwise, Chops would have a field day with you.”

“But I don’t want to marry you,” I blurt out.

He smirks and starts to laugh as he walks over to me and pulls me to him. “Fuck you’re funny. No babe, it doesn’t mean you have to marry me. Shit, I’ve known you for a week. It just means that you’re on your way to bein’ an Old Lady, which eventually leads to… um,
Fuck, I don’t know! I panicked and just said that to get them off you. But I like you Flame and no woman has ever invaded my brain or my life in the way you have in the last week. I just think that we need to keep this thing goin’ and I know all this claimin’ talk is new for you, but it’s just somethin’ to get my brothers away from you. It doesn’t mean I’m gonna be marryin’ you and forcin’ you to have my kids anytime soon.”

I exhale as my shoulders tense. “But Steel, what happens if we don’t work out in a month’s time and you’ve claimed me? Does that mean I’m bound to you for life, and I won’t be able to leave you if I don’t want to?”

He pulls back and looks down at me furrowing his eyebrows. “No, you’re free to go whenever you want Willow. I don’t believe in keepin’ a woman unhappy and shit. Are you thinkin’ you’ll leave? Are you lookin’ for an out all-fucken-ready?” His eyes are glassy and the worry lines are etched deep into his forehead show me he’s really concerned about me leaving.

I grab his arms and shake my head. “No, I’m staying. It’s just this is all so amazingly new and completely fucking crazy. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this entire set of rules that you live by. It’s like you have your own laws and stuff. I just need to get used to them if I’m going to be sticking around.”

He raises his eyebrows. “If?”

“Sorry wrong choice of wording, I need to get used to them because
I am
sticking around. But please don’t think that I’m going to be marrying you. Those words are not on the cards, okay? At least, let me fall in love with you first.”

He chuckles and pulls me to him kissing my forehead. “Deal, babe. No weddin’ till we’re madly in love, okay?”

I look up at him and smile taking in a deep breath. “Deal.”

He sways me from side to side in his arms holding onto me and kissing the top of my head. I pull back and finally look around his room. It’s a lot neater than I would have imagined. And bigger. His large queen bed sits up near the wall with just enough space to fit a bedside table between it and the bed. Then over on the other wall is an L-shaped black desk that has a notebook computer and some shelving with a few books which look old and worn like maybe hand-me-downs. There’s a big stereo system off to the side and another door on the back wall, which I assume is a bathroom. Then there’s a built in wardrobe between the main door and the door to the bathroom. The walls are a simple cream colour with a black cornice and window frame. It’s very straightforward, very stark and bland, but it feels very Steel-esk.

“Your room’s a lot neater than I was expecting.” I smirk at him and he raises an eyebrow at me and purses his lips.

“Were you expectin’ me to be a pig?”

I shrug and tilt my head. “I think pigs are cute, you should know that,” I tease and he chuckles and moves his hand to his desk and swipes the pen off, which tumbles to the floor hitting the ground and jumping from side to side before finally resting on the floor.

I giggle and look back up at Steel, who’s grinning massively. “Oh, you rebel, you.”

“You have no idea, Miss Willow.” His mouth crashes to mine and I smirk against his lips.

Opening my mouth to let his tongue in, I run my hands up his arms and into his short hair, pulling him to me. After the adrenaline of the last few minutes I want to feel alive, I want to feel a connection, and I feel that when Steel is inside me. I decide to take this further with him and I know he won’t say no.

Bringing my leg up, I wrap it around his waist and grind my pussy into his crotch. He groans into my mouth as I feel his length becoming harder against me. He moves backward and rests his arse against the desk as I deepen the kiss. I want to have sex with him again, I want to feel him pulsing inside of me, I want to have him kissing me while he explodes inside of me and I call his name as I climax. I’ve never felt the way I do when Steel touches me. He brings me to new heights, and I can’t wait to go there again with him.

He moves his hands up to my tight top and starts to lift it up. I pull back from him so he can pull it up over my head. My hands move to his vest and shirt and I remove them quickly. Then plant my lips back to his as soon as possible. He chuckles against my lips and turns us around, grabbing my arse and lifts me up to sit on the desk. Running my hands all over his chiselled chest, I move them down to his belt buckle and undo it frantically. My clit is starting to throb already as my breathing hitches up a notch. His jeans are quickly sliding down around his ankles and his length springs free to greet me. I bite my bottom lip as he moves in putting his hands in my waistband of my pants and pulls them down. I giggle as he slides them down along with my underwear. Unclipping my bra, I place it on the desk next to me as my flats fall to the floor. He moves in between my legs as he leans over to his side table and pulls out a long line of condoms.

“How many do you think we can use tonight?” he asks and I shrug and tilt my head.

“Let’s try for a record,” I suggest and he groans ripping the seal and placing a condom on his length while leaning in to kiss me. His free hand moves in between my legs and straight down to my clit. He circles on it, and heat rushes through me instantly. I gasp as his tongue collides with mine and he pushes on my sensitive bud. My hands grip onto his toned shoulders as he moves his fingers inside of me. Breathing harshly out of my nose as he pushes up deep inside me, I moan into his mouth at the tingles shooting through me. He’s warming me up, and I love the way he knows exactly where to touch me. He pushes in and out, circling around and around and scissoring his fingers in such a way that has me gasping for air only moments after he’s started. He’s a magician with his fingers and my body is already reacting to the intoxicating pleasure. My tongue dances with his as my hips begin to move in time with his thrusting fingers. I love the way he works me up, and every inch of me is starting to flame with an insatiable heat. He groans and pulls back.

BOOK: Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1
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